Healing circle, community spell + guided journal!

Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself is three things:

✨alchemy healing circle for energetically releasing self doubt

✨community spell for SELF BELIEF

✨guided journal for integrating the healing + magic

I am doing this because it's been feeling more urgent lately to recognize that our self doubt... isn't OURS.

Self Doubt is cultural. You got it from the world around you... it's not an internet part of you.

This is an important distinction because self doubt ACTS LIKE an inherent part of you, living in the shadows. Which means: it's impacting you, without you really seeing it.

You just see all the reasons why you can't do a thing... but a deeper dive into self doubt can really loosen things up, create changes and open up new possibilities.

And I have to laugh at myself because it's ridiculous that I want people to SEE their self doubt.

Who wants to look at this stuff?



The people who want to BE MORE FREE want to look at this stuff.

Because it's only in hindsight - once you've made that change, and step into that new possibility - that you will see how much self doubt had been holding you back before.

And that's the thing about self doubt feeling like SELF doubt, like it's a part of you. And that's why a lot of people who are HUGELY held back by self doubt believe that they either don't have self doubt, or they've "dealt with it". Because it feels like a part of SELF.

It's unconscious and invisible.

So let's shine a light on it.

hands holding jar of crystals

The truth is: most self doubt problems are mis-diagnosed as obstacles and "reasonable reasons" why you can't have what you want right now.

Self doubt can be so terrifying to the ego, that it will project all sorts of thoughts, beliefs, stories and ideas to have you looking away from it.

This happens to everyone, it doesn't matter how self aware you are or how long you've been doing deep work.

hand holding butterfly

Because... again... self doubt is CULTURAL.

It's like a fish who can't see the water for the ocean.

You were taught to not believe in yourself or trust yourself.

You were taught to conform and not listen to your inner knowing.

This isn't a conspiracy theory or anything, it's just the way we grow up in this world.

And you are not powerless to change it!

But you have to really LOOK AT IT before you can do that, so...

Let's get to it.

grow hands

Another truth is: you are powerful beyond belief and it's time for self doubt to get the fuck out of your way.

September 17: Healing Circle + Community Spell

(You don't need to be there live the replay will have ALL the magic)

🦄 Removing self doubt from your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual + creative bodies and dissolving it

🧚‍♂️ Filling that space with SELF BELIEF and setting the intention to LIVE from self belief

Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself Guided Journal

A journal to hold your process of healing + dissolving self doubt AND filling that space with self belief.

Insights. New perspectives. Shifting patterns.

Space to let it all incubate and integrate.

The journal will be available to all participants on September 17.

Sign up for Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself now:

*The full program is included in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership, so don’t buy this if you’re a member! Members can access this here.

Plus, members get ongoing support for working with the insights that come out of this process. If you’re not a member, read more about it here. The membership is $33/month.

Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours
USD $33.00
USD $33.00
Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself Completely. Sign up here!


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
