(As a part of my commitment to do the things I want to do and NOT do the things I don't want to do - I am not making/finding photos for my daily posts - unless I want to some days. So I am digging into the photos already on my website and who doesn't want to see this pic of me and Bear again?)
When I started this new adventure of showing up every day on my public blog I wrote: Showing up every day is a miracle generator.
It felt so true to me.
And then a few days in, it was SOOOOOO true. Like, overwhelmingly true. I felt like I am creating this HUGE OPEN SPACE for miracles to find me and I didn't know that I was ready for it.
There are so many layers to things, this is so interesting to me.
Showing up every day in my own practice has been a miracle generator - AND - I have been doing this so long I feel acclimated and computable. But to show up every day in a public way, in a way that promotes/shines a light on my work, feels like a whole new level.
I love that there are SO MANY WAYS to practice our dreams.
And we have so much space to experiment and explore and find the way that fits for where we are right now.
Please remember that having a daily practice of showing up can be TINY. It can be making a cup of tea and giving yourself a few minutes to breathe. Doing it AS A PRACTICE as a way of SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF makes it special and creates this bubble of possibility where the things you need next can find you.
The things you need have a harder time finding you when you are not showing up for them.
But can we turn the pressure down?
We had our New Moon Alchemy Circle this week, which we do every month for reflection, intention setting, coaching and chatting.
At the start of the call we reflect back on the intention we set at the last new moon. This month - I couldn't remember mine.
"That's weird" I thought. Then I remembered that I had actually made some changes to some of my weekly routines that involved NOT checking in with my monthly intention each week.
And I thought "Hmmmmmm... what kind of intention that I set that scared me so much I didn't want to check in with it?"
So I flipped back through my planner and....
Right, I set a VERY SPECIFIC BUSINESS GOAL as my intention.
During the call it felt SO RIGHT.
During the call we do alchemy work to align with our inner truth and feel POWERFUL and CLEAR and SURE...
And so OF COURSE the next day I did not feel THAT powerful, clear or sure. And I just quietly put that goal down and didn't pick it back up again.
I mean, I do feel pretty powerful, clear and sure - but it's a spectrum. And when we set intentions from that more-powerful place, sometimes we're able to draw on that "bigger" sense of power to follow through and take action and sometimes not.
The goal of practice is to show up.
This is a monthly practice of setting an intention, holding that intention, and then checking back in on it the following month.
I 100% DID THIS RIGHT. Even though I didn't get the outcome I had wanted.
We don't PERFECT our way to our dreams.
We PRACTICE our way there.
Holding a less-pressure more-joy approach can go a long way.