Feeling Worthy of your Dreams has been rescheduled to Saturday, April 1.
It's still happening at 1:00 PM Central (North America Daylight Time) I've been sick this week and needed a few more days to recover...
A few days ago I wrote "FEELING WORTHY of your dreams isn't something you naturally have, or don't have. It's a thing to cultivate."
In all my years of doing this work, I have never worked with anyone who ALWAYS felt worthy of their dreams.
Of course it's possible that those people exist but just don't hire people like me.
But it's more likely that we ALL struggle with this.
Though I don't think it's human nature, I think it's a by-product of the colonialist capitalist culture we live in. My husband is an Indigenous person with ties to his own traditional ways, and has a degree in Native American History, and with all of his knowledge, this is what he says:
Pre-contact, people in North America did not doubt their creative voices.
This thing where artists have a lot of self doubt is CULTURAL, not intrinsic human nature.
But to do this we have to keep doing the work of freeing ourselves of the ways our culture negatively impacts us.
We have to DO THE WORK to cultivate a sense of worthiness.
Your dreams chose you.
You are already worthy.
But it's up to you if you're going to cultivate worthiness as a FEELING and STATE OF BEING.
FEELING WORTHY of your dreams Zoom class and healing circle is happening April 1 at 1:00 pm Central (North America). Replay provided (I am doing this one mostly for the replay - to have this healing circle available to all members right in those moments when you feel not good enough)
It's open to all members of Dream Book.