HOLY GUACAMOLE there is so much to let go of right now.
This was my first thought as I went over the class content for the Goodbye 2022 Releasing Ceremony (which is happening on Dec 15 inside Dream Book).
Like - every year it feels like there's a lot - but this year? This year actually feels like the year we can start REALLY letting go of the things from the pandemic and all of the ways that's changed things.
I mean we're still IN IT and I am still recovering from Covid as I write this, and also we're moving through some parts of it.
But I don't think it's hyperbole to say - we need to change the world. NOW.
And it's not on ME or YOU to do this. That individualist way of looking at the world is one of the things that we need to change.
But we need to let go of so many layers of things we've picked up living in this toxic culture.
I've started seeing my parents completely differently.
Like - I love my parents. They are wonderful people who always did their best.
There are so many things I needed that I did not get as a child.
That's not their fault. They didn't get those things either. And there are so many things that my parents didn't get that they DID make sure that I got. Just like I see my husband make sacrifices so he can do the same with his kids.
But it's bigger than any one family.
OUR CULTURE is failing us.
OUR CULTURE does not recognize all life as sacred.
We grew up in this.
We take things on.
A belief that we are not enough. That our gifts don't matter. That our joy doesn't matter.
We somehow end up believe that we are something other than a goddamn miracle.
But you ARE.
You ARE a goddamn miracle.
And it's time to let go of everything that tells you otherwise. Because it's all bullshit.
And I think we need to free ourselves of our culture internally before we can change the culture externally. And it's very urgent that we do that, before we destroy the whole planet.
Goodbye 2022 releasing ceremony is happening Dec 15 at 1:00 Central (North America). The replay will be available a few hours after we're done. The call will be MAGIC. The replay will be MAGIC. This is available to all members of Dream Book - join us here.