Where did you learn the pace of your life?

Where did you learn your current pace?

This can be a little trippy because we tend to think that the pace we live at is the pace of life, but it’s not.

You have a lot of choice about the pace.

Imagine it slowed down. Imagine it speeded up.

I guarantee you, you didn’t learn how to pace your life from people who had a healthy relationship with the pace of their own lives. That’s just not how the world works right now.

But you are a creative genius and you can create a pace of life that meets your needs and give you what you need to bloom.

Slow the fuck down! BE as powerful, creative + magnetic as you ARE is a community spell/Zoom class happening February 28.

Together we can free ourselves of all the ways this world dims our light.

Join us here.

Where did you learn the pace of your life?


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