Wheeee! Year of Dreams! Let’s Do This!

Year of Dreams Epic Playbook
The Year of Dreams Epic Playbook: Guided Journal + Coloring Book for Magic, Healing + Dreams Come True starts today and lasts all year.

I created this book for 2 reasons:

  • Coloring + journaling are my favourite and I want to share the magic
  • I wanted to make something special for people who have a hard time staying on the path

It’s simple. ?You can make your dream real if you stay on the path long enough.

But it’s really freaking hard to stay on the path.

Nevermind that you’ve got a lot of things demanding your time and attention and it’s just hard to make time for your dream on a purely practical level.

Growing a dream means growing your SELF. ?It means facing those voices that say: “Who are you to think you can do this anyway?” “If you try and fail it will be the end of the world” “You’re not good enough”.

Some days it feels impossibly hard to face that fear and shame and uncertainty and to bring healing to those dark places – which is the real work of making any dream real.

The Year of Dreams playbook makes this easier in 2 ways:

  • The pages will just keep coming all year. ?If you get off track that’s fine – it’s crazy easy to get back on. Just open the email next Monday, print out the pages and play your way back into alignment with your dream.
  • Each page is a secret shortcut to your magic – your creativity, intuition and inner power. ? They are very carefully designed to help you with the inner work that needs to happen to make your dream real in the outer world.??(When you’ve got the inner work successfully handled the outer work is a breeze)

Click here to read more and to join the adventure.

I’m cheering for you.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
