In August I did the Slow The Fuck Down! BE As Creative, Powerful and Magnetic as you ARE meditation and journaling invitation.
And it sparked A LOT of things.
One of the big things that happened for me is that I got in touch with this.... feeling in my DNA is the only way I have to describe it. Generations and generations and generations of people who worked as hard as they could because that was their only way to live.
It didn't feel like my own feeling, as much as an inheritance. A way of being so deeply engrained in my DNA that I couldn't even see it until my "month of slow the fuck down" brought me into a different perspective with it.
It felt really, really painful. Physically and emotionally. And it didn't feel like my pain, but I stayed with it.
And as I processed it in my own body, my relationship with "work" started to shift.
The unconscious drive to work hard doesn't seem to be there anymore.
I do feel love, excitement and enthusiasm for the new creative projects I want to do. I feel love and joy about tending to Dream Book. I feel AT HOME when I do my art and writing practice.
This place where I had unconscious access to this whole stream of "work hard" seems to be... dried up.
It's like now I need to learn a new way of doing things.
Last week I wrote 3 Steps to Stop Procrastinating, Overcome Resistance and Distractions and Actually DO Your Creative Dream.
And I am noticing how those steps need something different from me right now.
The things that used to work don't work as well now.
I don't want to be fueled in the ways I used to be fueled.
Some days I seem to know how I DO want to be fueled... and some days I don't.
This is how it is.
You don't just magically step into a new way of being the moment you decide you want to.
You need to PRACTICE your dreams.
As often as possible.
PS: Come practice with me in Dream Book. Your future self will thank you.