What are you leaving behind? What are you embracing as your way forward?

I started painting a mural in my new creative work/play/dream space. Painting this mural feels like I am calling in the energy of my next-level self into my space. I love it.

In December we did the Releasing Ceremony for releasing the things we didn't want to bring into 2023. (The replay is available to all Dream Book members) On Monday we're doing the next part of it: a blessing ceremony for our dreams for 2023.

I still feel this releasing process happening in me. Habits, routines, ways of doing things that felt good are starting to feel constrictive and worn out.

Without judging myself for doing things the way I was doing them when that worked for me - I am starting to want to do things in new ways which are surprising and delighting me.

I am giving myself LOTS of space with this, but I am starting to fill journals with all of of my new ideas and plans as I dream up HOW I want to be next.

This feels like an important threshold. And I am giving myself all the space I need to navigate it.

Everything really can change. The things you are dreaming of are not only possible - they are your sacred calling.

You can absolutely do this AND you need to give yourself space to DO THIS.

PS: Remember the Year of Dreams 2023 planner has a whole year of dreaming/planning printables!

You get a new activity each week for playing your way into your dream - plus a few extras. 54 different journaling prompts, visualizations, qualities to bring into your week, alchemy processes, different ways of looking at your dreams, your obstacles - all the stuff we love to do.

You can get the planning/dreaming kit on it's own, or with the Year of Dreams 2023 planner right here.
What are you leaving behind? What are you embracing as your way forward?