Treat Myself And My Life As Precious [Weekly Dream Status Report]

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

On Fridays I do my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. You can do them with me (Dream Book members: come post yours in the forum!)!

I know doing the same prompts every week can be annoying sometimes but this is magically clarifying. The repetition helps you go deeper into the process and makes it easier to LEARN from your process as you go, and the apply those learnings right away.

Here are the prompts:

PART ONE: (sometimes these can stay the same for months at time, sometimes they change often)

My dream is:  

I want it because: 

When I have it I will feel:



Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.



My goal/wish/intention for this New Moon is:

Last week’s focus was:

What happened in the last week?

What am I learning/How do I feel about this?

What do I need now?

What does my dream need now?

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:

My Dream Status Report for this week:



My dream is: I am re-doing all of this and still in the process of figuring it out. It feels SO VULNERABLE and WEIRD to not have any answers right now, but if we always know where we're going, we can't get anywhere new. Still not ready to put anything here.

I want it because:

When I have it I will feel: 

My new moon intention:


PART TWO: Invite your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.

I CAN still invite the soul of my dream in, even though I don't know the specifics of what the dream is right now - like I know it exists, I just can’t see it yet.

Leaves everywhere. I feel my shoulders relax. It's like - relaxed and alive. The sun shines through the leaves here and there and it's this beautiful healing light. My dream is to BE ME and BE FULLY ALIVE.


Last week’s focus was:REST and TRUST. Oh wow, putting them together as a goal like that feels SO GOOD.

What happened in the last week? 

I didn't do well with the resting part, I had a lot of anxiety the first part of the week. When I am anxious I don't really rest, I go from too focused to overwhelmed, my brain feels mushy and it's like I can't get quality rest.

WOW I don't know that I have ever put that together like that, that it's when I'm anxious that I get that overwhelmed/mushy brain feeling. Not that I can just stop anxiety but if I work with it differently maybe things will go different? Something to keep in mind.

What am I learning/How do I feel about this?

I'd been doing so much to BE the artist and writer I want to be, this week it's like I just settled into it all a bit.

I have been using my planner A LOT still since we did Structure. Habits. Routines. and it's SOOOO helpful.

We did a Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual Practice call this week (get the replay here) the theme was bringing silliness, joy and laugher to our practice. What stood out for me was how my business feels SO ALIVE. And being in it, working with it, I get to FEEL MORE ALIVE.

Oh! So that's a part of the bigger shift that's been happening for me over time - shifting from focusing on what I want to create (mostly wanting to rebuild all the things that fell apart these last few years) to focusing on enjoying what it here. I am alive! This is amazing!

What do I need now?

I sat with the question and heard: "To treat myself and my life as precious"

What does my dream need now?

It doesn't need anything.

Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:

To treat myself and my life as precious. Write that IN BIG LETTERS in my planner for next week.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

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