This past while has felt like an especially weird part of my path.
It’s like being on a long journey through a very dark forest, stopping at occasional waterfalls and meadows full of wildflowers, but mostly being in the forest, unable to see very far ahead, and having nothing but my own heart to let me know I’m moving in the right direction.
And then I stepped out onto a VISTA. Like I can see a whole new world of possibilities from here.
And my dream is like “YES! THIS is what I was trying to get you to see”
The Creative Dream Incubator is so much bigger and more powerful than I knew.
By that I mean the energy being that is the soul of the Creative Dream Incubator.
The Creative Dream Incubator created the Yes There Is Still Time For Your Dreams For 2022 To Come True class a few weeks ago and is still sending it’s encouragement and energetic support to all participants.
(And yes this includes you if you want to join us - you can get the replay right away when you join Dream Book)
The Creative Dream Incubator sees from a much wider and differently-focused perspective. It’s seeing how each of our dreams impact the world, and what the world would look like if we were all following our own hearts and dreams.
And it’s not doing this in an overly simplistic way. It’s talking about a revolution. Following your heart does often mean speaking up and actually fighting against forces of oppression just like it means healing your own trauma responses and taking responsibility for your behaviour.
Some days you’ve got to be a warrior in order to be an artist or healer.
This summer my dream had sent me this message: Slow the fuck down! BE as creative, powerful and magnetic as you ARE. I’ve been trying to listen, I’ve been exploring what this means.
I’ve had layers and layers and layers of things come up to explore around slowing down.
It’s really been an initiation into a whole new relationship with the Creative Dream Incubator which in turn creates a whole new relationship with my own dreams.
I think we’re all in a kind of initiation right now.
This is a time of transformation.
And I want you to know the Creative Dream Incubator is here.
Dream Book is a strong and sturdy container for supporting your process of transformation, healing and creative growth.
Together, our dreams can change the world.
There is lots happening at Creative Dream Headquarters right now:
Celebrating another book launch: I’ll be live on Instagram with Meliors The Holistic Tooth Fairy next Thursday! She’s written a book - The Secret Life Of Teeth. Her work is FASCINATING plus we’re going to talk about her behind-the-scenes process of writing the book and setting up a Kickstarter campaign to publish it. (Details are here - you can join live or catch the replay)
I wrote a blog post: 3 Steps to Stop Procrastinating, Overcome Resistance and Distractions and Actually DO Your Creative Dream. Read it here.
Year of Dreams 2023: The planner for Creative Dreamers is available here! This is a totally customization and magnificently supportive planner - watch the video on this page to see how it all works.
Impossible Project Self-Coaching Journals: This is a self-coaching program will will guide you through the process of actually DOING your “impossible project”.
Also, I am going to be opening up some one-on-one sessions. The work I’ve been doing with my clients lately has been so deep and rich and I want more! Normally these sessions are only available to Dream Book members, but for the rest of the year I want to offer them to anyone, at a lower price ($153 USD). I’ll be getting this ready for next week, let me know if you want to get on the waiting list.