The Dream Book Oracle brought me fear

After you've done the 2 years of the main Dream Book program, there is this Dream Book Oracle that appears in the Dream Book menu (this is in the sidebar on any page with a Dream Book lesson.)

This is because you don't need to keep re-doing everything, but it's good to check in with things, and the oracle can send you to something when you're not sure what to do.

I tried it today, I got FEAR. (If you're newer to Dream Book you might not have access to this yet, you get new lessons every month)

These prompts are not comfortable, but let's do them.

In the video I talk about how facing this stuff is hard, but freeing. And that these prompts just generally shine a light on what's happening with fear, there is nothing in particular for you to learn here, just to explore what's going on right now.

My fear wants me to: take a nap, slow down, read ALL the books, not take risks, focus on the external things, panic about money

Things I do when my fear is activated: freeze, distract (lots of scrolling!), cry, panic,

Things that help me feel less afraid: use the un-sticking station, make art with my fear to express my feelings, go for a walk, phone a friend, cook a meal (feels like a healthier form of distraction), take a hot bath

The fear that holds me back the most: that things won't turn out like I want them to

Things my fear has stopped me from doing: I've worked hard on it, I don't know that it's totally stopping me like it used to, but it for sure slows me down

If I had no fear I would: Oh yikes. I feel afraid of the question!

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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

The Dream Book Oracle brought me fear


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