Chris Zydel from Creative Juices Arts is one of my creative heroes. ?I consider myself very lucky to count her as a friend.
We meet up regularly for Skype dates where we talk about anything and everything – usually though we wind up talking about our missions to make the world a better place through helping people dive DEEPER into their inner creative magic.
These conversations led us to create something together: The Resistance Rx
Stop stopping yourself and start starting your amazing creative projects.
On Tuesday, March 22 Chris and I will be coming to you LIVE from her amazing intuitive?painting studio in Oakland, California to share the Resistance Rx.
I can’t wait!
>>> CLICK HERE to read all about it.
It’s always the same.
First, I avoid.
I’m “too busy”.
I’m “not ready yet”.
Or “I’m just procrastinating”.
When avoiding?starts to wear thin and I’m left with no other options, and I sit down to get to work, that’s when everything tightens up. ?Starting with my shoulders, back and chest.
I feel my heart tighten up.
I feel how creativity and inspiration can’t flow in the tightness.
But somehow sadness can flow in it pretty good.?Fear makes space for itself.
Oh, right, this is why I was avoiding.
Who do you think you are. You are not good enough. This will never work. No one cares. You’ll do it all wrong anyway. You’re not good enough.
Years of practice have taught me to offer love to the voices. To not try to fight them or disappear them or obey them.
Love them.
That’s when the tightness starts to open up.
Once creativity and inspiration can flow they get bigger than the fear.
And off I go.
PS: If you struggle with staring you’ll be glad to hear that on Monday I’ll be sharing the details of a new mini-class I’m doing called Resistance Rx!
I am taking the Brave Blogging class with Andrea Sher and I promised myself I would dive in and participate.
I wanted to stretch myself with my blogging and when I saw Andrea’s class I knew that would be perfect.?Of course I could just challenge myself to blog more for a month, but being in a class?creates a totally different kind of container for exploring.
So I promised myself to do the work even when I don’t want to.
I mean I’m traveling to Northern California?this month and I am doing a thing I’m going to tell you about next week so some days?I won’t be able to participate – but on the days I do have time I promised myself I would do the prompts even when I didn’t want to.
And we’re starting with a prompt I don’t want to do.
I think it’s a great prompt and kind of a perfect one for starting out but it’s something I’ve always avoided doing. ?Which is why I should totally do it so here goes….
Thing 1: My first big dream failure
I went to Ryerson University in Toronto. ?When I graduated, I didn’t want to stay in Toronto and I didn’t want to go home to Winnipeg. ?I got a letter from a friend who had moved to Nelson, BC and her description of her life there made me want to move there. ?So I did it – I sold a bunch of stuff to raise money and off I went.
This was my first big experience of following a dream. ?It was a spectacular failure as Nelson is a super small town and was not in need a freshly graduated fashion designer. ?I did get a volunteer position in the costume department of the local theatre which they said would lead to paid work, but did not lead there fast enough for me to be able to support myself.
So I ended up back in Winnipeg, in my parent’s house until I could get back on my feet.
Now I feel like Winnipeg is the right place for me, though when I was younger I was so resistant to the idea of it that I wouldn’t have come back here if I’d had other options. ?This was the first time I saw that following my dream can lead me to where I need to be even?it’s not what I expected, or what I thought I wanted.
Thing 2: I wanted to do creativity workshops for 13 years before doing them
While in Nelson, when I was starting to see?that I wasn’t going to find a job and wanting?to get creative about how I could make money, I realised that what I really really really wanted to do was teach?creativity workshops.
I wanted to share the magic and healing of creativity that I had discovered.
But I didn’t know how to lead people through that kind of transformative process and didn’t trust myself to figure it out so I didn’t even try.
It was thirteen years later when I finally put on my first creativity workshop – by that point I was an accredited spiritual teacher and could use my training as a teacher to lead people through internal transformation. ?But it was a few years of giving workshops before I really trusted my skills.
Thing 3: I never wanted children but am planning to become a step-mother
I like kids but have never had any desire to have my own and have been pretty happy about this. ?My boyfriend loves being a father.
I wasn’t sure how this would work, but as I have gotten to know his kids something has kind of gelled there. ?This is the kind of stuff I don’t want to share on my blog as it’s not just about me so I won’t say more about it.
Thing 4: I am allergic to a lot of raw fruit
It’s so annoying?to tell people about this because most people don’t believe me at first. ?How could I be allergic only to raw things?
Well I am allergic to a certain kind of pollen and so raw fruits with that pollen bother me. ?Once cooked they’re fine.
I try to just avoid those things without mentioning why because I’m so tired of that conversation.
Thing 5: I started to go grey in my teens
Back then I was already dying my hair for fun anyway so it didn’t matter. ?But in my thirties it dawned on my that I was dying my hair only to cover grey – that I was deciding that there is something wrong with me looking the way I look (!).
Right before I turned 40 I stopped dying it. ?Now I’m almost 42 and all of the dyed hair has grown out. ?I get a lot of comments from people about how I should dye it so that I’d look younger.
I like looking like me. ?I really like not wasting my time and money on trying to change my appearance.
Thing 6: But sometimes I put purple in there
When I was growing out my grey hair, I bleached my dyed hair white and then just used purple dye on my whole head – it blended my roots in with the rest of my hair and the purple is not permanent on non-bleached hair.
Purple dye (I use this one?and blend with a bit of this pink) doesn’t really show up on brown hair but does on grey!
So now sometimes I put purple in with my conditioner and it leaves my greys just a little purple for a few days.
Thing 7: I once let someone get away with not paying me for a job because I was too shy to fight him
I got a job designing and creating costumes for a play. ?The owner of the theatre just stopped talking to me after the play. ?I left one message asking for my cheque and that alone was un-nerving enough I didn’t try again.
Thing 8: When I was a teenager my mom sent me to an assertiveness training course
It’s something my family still teases me about.
Thankfully I am plenty assertive now but when I was younger I was painfully shy.
Thing 9: I started sewing my own clothes when I was 17
My mom had sewn a lot of our clothes when my sister and I were little so sewing was always something that seemed normal to me. ?At 17 I started wanting to sew my own dresses.
I was having so much fun with sewing that’s why I decided to take fashion design in university. ?This is what led to me moving to Toronto (because?Ryerson had the only degree program in fashion design in Canada).
Thing 10: I really struggled in university
After having so much fun sewing it was kind of heart-breaking how hard university was for me. ?It was super competitive and most of my classmates were older and more experienced and I felt out of my depth.
Harsh critique after harsh critique started to kill my creative spirit and I started having panic attacks.
This is where I learned how perfectionism and focusing on the product instead of the process?kills the magic of creativity. ?It would be?a while before I learned what to do about this though.
Thing 11:?I wear almost the same thing every day
Two years ago I decided to stop buying clothes and to sew everything I need. ?I make a lot of my own patterns and when I buy patterns I alter them a lot.
But then my sister loaned me this pattern? (which is sadly discontinued) and I fell in love. (I have altered the pattern to fit better?and I’ve turned it into a v-neck.)
Now I have 6 dresses in that pattern – all different prints with some color-blocked and some not. ?So they don’t all look identical or anything but it really simplifies getting dressed!
Similarly, in the summer I have 4 sun dresses in the same pattern all in different?prints of light cotton voile. ?Once I find something that I really like I just stick with it.
Thing 12: Becoming creatively self-employed was my biggest dream come true – but after a while?it I felt really lonely
I didn’t have any self-employed friends and my new lifestyle was kind of alienating so some of my friendships struggled right after I left my job. ?Plus I was working alone and living alone – that’s a lot of alone even for someone who neeeeeds a lot of quiet?time to herself in order to feel sane.
At first this wasn’t a problem because I was working so hard and so happy with where I was. ?But over time that wore off and it started to feel lonely.
I used all the tools I teach to explore and transform my loneliness?which helped me be open to things changing.
Then I re-connected with an old friend who was about to become self-employed. ?He left his job soon after and we started meeting every morning for coffee and talking about what we were doing with our work. ?It was so great to have that daily connection and creative support.
(I’m typing this right now in a coffee shop and he’s sitting beside me)
Thing 13: I like traveling
I love the adventure of it exploring new places. ?I’ve been to every province in Canada plus the Northwest Territories.
And in the US to North and South Dakota, Oregon, California, New York, Texas, North and South Carolina and Minnesota.
And to Mexico, Guatemala, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey and Egypt.
Thing 14: But I haven’t had energy for traveling the last few years
I’ve been really focused on my work and it hasn’t felt like traveling is the right use of my energy.
But I think my travel bug is coming back. This month I’m going to Oakland, California to do this workshop with one of my favourite people in the world. ?I’m staying for a week so I have some time to just explore and relax.
And later on this year I’m going to Mexico for my boyfriend’s brother’s wedding.
Thing 15: I once?camped in my parents back yard for a month
When I bought my Dream Loft it was a brand new building – I sold my home and got ready to move into the?loft but construction was delayed. ?This happened in September so I thought that was a cool opportunity to live in a tent for a while.
So I pitched my tent in my parent’s idyllic back yard (my mom is a master gardener) and had a great time.
Thing 16: I had my first wilderness camping experience this year
My boyfriend is a Native Canadian and practices the traditional ways. ?He can go into the bush and live there alone for months.
(I like camping close to little towns so I could go get pizza to bring back to my tent.)
One time we went canoeing – our aim was to canoe as far as we could, camp beside the river and then canoe back the next day. ?He had never canoed right from his home before, and I had never canoed ever, so we didn’t know how far we could get.
It turned out the twists and turns in the river made it hard for us to get very far away from his home – though the bush was really thick around the river and it didn’t feel like we were near any other people.
At one point we stopped to take a break for lunch and once we were on land he thought maybe we were near his sister’s house so he went off to explore a bit and I took a nap. ?Turns out we were near his sister, and he came back from his walk with pizza that she had just made.
So sometimes you can have it both ways.
And anyway I really like camping in the wilderness – no electricity or other people around.
Thing 17: And I got to sleep under the northern lights this past summer
One night my boyfriend and I were camping and it was really warm so I had taken the fly off my tent so we could see the stars (the top of my tent is mesh) and he woke me up in the middle of the night to show me that the northern lights were dancing in the sky above us. ?So cool.
Thing 18: I’ve been a vegetarian for 24 years.
I don’t?feel like I am missing out on anything and I have never craved meat. ?This is just the right way for me to eat.
I know if I ate meat I’d get more protein and probably fewer carbs and would weight less but that’s not that important to me.
Thing 19: I used to think?I could never be a cyclist but now I love cycling
I thought riding in traffic was super stressful and that riding a bike must really suck. ?Also I didn’t have the right clothes.
Then when I sold my old car and my intuition told me not get a new one, I started wondering about cycling. ?I thought I could use a bike just to ride to my local park on hot days when walking would be hot and annoying. ?I decided to get a cheapie bike to try it out.
Luckily my sister intervened and told me I had to get a good, quality, comfortable bike because?otherwise I would hate cycling and wouldn’t do it. ?So I got a great bike and fell head over heels in love with cycling.
From March – November I use my bike for my transportation?plus I just go for rides for fun. I average 20-30 km a day. ?Riding my bike makes me so happy (and I just do it in the clothes I have).
Thing 20: I hated the song Bootylicious when I first heard it and then later I loved it
That’s when I started to realize that sometimes?the things I resist the most are actually things I’m going to enjoy the most.
(Like cycling and cashew cheese and chip dip – when I was little I thought chip dip was gross but then I tried it and love it to this day)
Thing 21: When I was really struggling?as an artist I took an office job for a 6 month term. I stayed 7 years.
That job ended up being the best thing for me. ?Financial stability helped me build a better foundation for my creative work.
Thing 22: There are no closets in my home
The dream loft is 1,000 square feet with no interior walls (except around the washroom) or closets. ?I did buy one small IKEA closet for at the front door. ?But for the most part – I got rid of my shit so I could have a sense of SPACIOUSNESS in my home.
I am so glad I did this.
My old house had nine closets and I lived there 7 years and by the end those closets were mostly full of stuff I never used.
You know the thing about how you should only keep stuff if it’s either beautiful or useful?
When I was getting ready to move I only kept stuff that was BOTH beautiful and useful. ?Which means some really practical things didn’t make the cut. ?And I spent a lot of time looking for replacements and thinking about what “stuff ” would support me in living my ideal life.
No closet space also means I have to stay really conscious of how much stuff I’m accumulating.
This is harder now that I have a boyfriend who stays here every weekend and his kids hang out here on Saturdays. ?I have more candy and toys in my home than I ever thought I would.
Thing 23: I go to a knitting club where no one knits
It’s become our running joke – we plan a knit night at my friend’s house then when the time comes we’re all just too tired. ?So we sit around eating pizza and talking.
I try to be all “guys this is a knit night WE HAVE TO KNIT let’s do this!” but even I am starting to give up. ?It’s nice to get together even though I’m getting nowhere with the cardigan I’m knitting.
Thing 24: I bought a car mostly so I could go home early from parties
When I was younger and lived with my best friend and used to go out a lot more I always wanted to go home waaaay before anyone else.
When I was thinking of buying a car the thing that made me decide to do it was that I would always be able to go home as early as I wanted. ?It was so worth it.
Thing 25:?The thing I like least about blogging is receiving unsolicited advice
I believe very strongly that an important part of teaching is sharing the stories of how I live what I teach. ?This means being vulnerable and sharing the truth about my?struggles.
The thing is – even when things are hard I know I can handle it.
The reason why I share is to put examples out there of how you can work through the hard stuff and change it. ?You can use the shitty things as compost for growing your dreams.
But you can only do that if you stay in your power.
Unsolicited advice?says: I don’t trust you to figure this out. ?I don’t think your answers are inside of you, I think I have them.
And: I don’t like watching you struggle (because unconsciously it triggers my fear that I can’t handle my struggles) so I want to help you change this ASAP (so that I can feel more comfortable).
I know that is totally well-intentioned but its also dis-empowering.
Transformation happens inside the struggle so pulling someone out really just puts a band-aid on the problem and leaves true transformation out of reach.
Plus: I trust myself to handle whatever comes my way.
So when people offer me unsolicited advice I know they’re not really seeing me because they think I need their advice.
Putting myself out there and being vulnerable and then being misunderstood is uncomfortable.
I want to write more about this and why unsolicited advice is so rampant in our culture and how that is tied to unhappiness but I am still struggling to find the right words to say it.
Yesterday’s post on?what to do when you give it your best shot but nothing is working got a lot of really great responses.
I was thinking about that when I woke up this morning, and feeling a little uncomfortable about a few things, so I recorded this video on my morning walk:
There are basically three options:
1. Give up. Pretend you don’t care. Ignore your feelings and just do your best to enjoy life as it is.
This usually results in engaging in addictive patterns like: people-pleasing, over-eating, over-spending, over-working, relationship drama, drinking, gambling, excessive facebooking, etc.
Eventually you have no time or energy to wonder about your dreams anymore anyway.
2. Stand your ground. Be firm. Make a commitment to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Focus on the external and work your ass off to change your life. ?Follow all of the expert advice and work harder.
Eventually you’ll either get what you wanted and then wonder why it’s not as?fulfilling as you’d hoped it would be or you’ll burn out from exhaustion.
3. Trust the process. Focus on your inner world. ?Embrace the journey.
Bringing a dream to life is a healing journey, you have to follow the journey and do your best to not judge it. ?Assume that everything is happening to serve you in the journey, stay curious about why things are going the way they are going.
Eventually you’ll either get your dream or you won’t or you’ll find a new dream. ?Either way you’ll end up more connected to your self, more creative, more intuitive, more grounded and much, much happier.
So the way I see it #3 is actually the only option.
But that doesn’t mean I always take option #3.
If you follow me on Instagram you already know that I love skating.
Winnipeg in winter is magical. ?The river turns into this little enchanted village along the skating path. ?Every year there’s an art + architecture contest where people from around the world design “warming huts” – small?structures that go up along the river so people can go in and be protected from the wind. ?So as you’re skating along the river there are all of these?works of art that you can go inside to take a rest.
Last year I re-structured my days so I could so skating almost every weekday at sunset.
I’m not a good skater, in fact before last year I hadn’t skated in about 30 years. ?I fell a lot and when I was moving I wasn’t moving very fast.
But that didn’t matter, I had an amazing time.
This year I was starting to get better at skating. ?I was moving faster and hardly ever falling. ?This year I have an awesome ?boyfriend who goes skating with me. ?This year I was having so much fun on the river!
But then my back started hurting. ?Like, really hurting.
Determined to not miss out on any of my winter joy, I went to a network chiropractor, thinking a few sessions would fix me up and I’d be back on the ice in no time.
I was wrong.
I mean, the treatment helped right from the beginning.
But it didn’t just fix me up and get me back in my skates.
The next thing I knew I was in a “healing process” which was the last place I wanted to be.
It was awful. ?As the network chiropractic treatments were working to unwind my lower back and hips sometimes my shoulders and upper back would stiffen up in response.
Sometimes I’d start to get a little better and I’d be optimistic about getting back in my skates and then wake up the next morning barely able to un-fold my back and get out of bed.
And I was so incredibly tired. ?Never mind skating, just going out for coffee felt?like too much most days.
I was frustrated and miserable and fighting the process every step of the way.
I was taking option #2 except there was nothing I could, like, DO to change my situation. ?So I was just mentally being all “I’m fine! This is no big deal. I’ll be better tomorrow” which means I wasn’t being present with what was actually happening. ?I wasn’t in the process.
I was seeing the process as the enemy – I wanted it done. ?I wanted to feel normal again.
I felt sorry for myself and tried to fight against how tired I was and still do the things I wanted to do.
Of course, fighting the process doesn’t tend to make it go faster.
And it wasn’t until I could embrace the fact that I was in a healing process that I started to see improvements in my back.
The funny thing is that embracing the healing process looked like:
- taking lots of epsom salt baths
- daily nap
- more time reading in bed
- going to bed crazy early (which I love)
- more quiet
I mean – in some ways the healing process looks like a vacation, right?
Once I embraced it I wondered why I was ever fighting it. ?I enjoyed the permission to slow down.
And then I pretty quickly started feeling better.
All of the magic is in?option #3 but it won’t reveal itself until it’s time to reveal itself.
This is a question that comes up from time to time in the Creative Dream Circle and it has come up again now.
One of my members has been giving it her all, making the most of the tools in the Circle really diving in and doing the inner work for the past five months and…. nothing is changing.
She isn’t any closer to her dream.
So we had a live coaching call yesterday and she asked me what to do about it and we’re continuing that conversation in our forum this week. ?(For Circle members, join our conversation about it right here)
Conventional wisdom says, like in my story above, that when nothing else works it’s time to surrender.
Except surrender is the worst.
In the story I shared above the journey was asking me to surrender in pretty small ways?but?I still fought it pretty hard.
Because giving up control is the worst.
Except we’re not actually in control anyway so giving up the illusion of control is actually super empowering.
So how does this help you when you’re in that hard place and surrender is too scary?
I remember being in a REALLY rough spot. ?Sitting on my kitchen floor, crying.
I was doing my best to take option #3 but not only was my life not changing in the ways I wanted it to it was actually getting worse.
Everything was falling apart.
And I asked myself this question: “WHAT IF everything ACTUALLY WAS happening for my highest good? What then?”
That question opened something up inside me.
What if things were falling apart so something new could be born?
What if the universe actually was literally dreaming a bigger dream for me than the one I was dreaming for myself? ?Like what if that’s not some bullshit platitude but a real thing that?means I can’t even see the bigger dream?
What if I stopped trying to control the process?
I’d love to say that from that moment on everything just magically came together for me, but it didn’t.
I had to take?each and every step on the path – even the crappy steps.
I had to work through all the stuff I had to work through.
And yes I got to where I wanted to be. ?And yes it took way longer than I wanted it to.
But all those crappy steps taught me and stretched?me and grew me in the ways I needed in order to get to where I am today.
Just because you’re not SEEING progress does not mean you’re not MAKING progress.
Ask yourself:?WHAT IF everything ACTUALLY IS?happening for your?highest good? What then?
Starting today we’re?gathering together in the Creative Dream Circle?to?help each other launch our dreams?out into the world.
Will you be in the group?
These calls are for coaches, teachers, healers, therapists, artists – anyone who wants to make a difference and put their projects?out into the world. ?You?ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we?ll dig in and make it happen.
So far we have people working on: writing books, creating new careers, making more SPACE for their dreams in their everyday life (and figuring out how to take small, do-able steps each day), creating e-courses, and starting blogs.
I can offer guidance, encouragement and?ridiculous amounts of inspiration and motivation to take some big steps towards your dream this February.
We?ll focus on two areas: helping you get better at helping people (grow your self/skills) and helping you help more people (grow your work/business).
This is open to all Creative Dream Circle members – so if you want to join us?just?join the Circle.
The calls will happen?February 8, 15, 22, 19 (Mondays at 11am Central). ?<— starting today!
All calls will be recorded. ?If you can?t be on the calls live you can email me your questions and listen to my answers on the recording and participate?in the online forum.
If you?ve got any questions about how this can help YOU, just send me an email using the contact form on this page.
Looking forward to this!
Helper-People Group Coaching is four weeks of live, weekly group coaching calls where we focus on the work of bringing your work to the world: making big plans, launching impossible projects, doing that thing you really want to be doing.
This can mean something different to everyone – I believe that all dreams, when brought to life, serve as a light for others to bring their dreams to life and in that way – all dreamers are helper-people.
You?ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we?ll dig in and make it happen.
It’s going to be similar to Creative Emergence, the free 30 day course on making magic happen that I did on my blog in September 2015… but with the added element of ACTION. ?In Creative Emergence the practice was to connect with the heart and soul of your dream and journal about it every day.
For this I’m going to ask you to connect with the heart and soul of your intention for what you want to create every day (or as often as you can) and also TAKE ACTION towards it every week.
What action you take will depend on you – each Monday on the call (if you attend live or listen to the recording) you’ll come up with your own homework assignment.
We’ll use our private?forum for sharing our homework assignments and tracking progress – and for anything else you want to talk about as you do this 🙂
The group energy will help you succeed
Even though each of you will be working on something different, being a part of a group of people who are all taking action helps bolster everyone’s efforts.
Knowing that other people are out there, pushing themselves (reasonable pushing – we won’t bulldoze over our comfort zones or anything) helps you push yourself to keep going when you may feel ready to give up.
Hearing other people talk about their process will inspire you – we learn so much from each other.
We can literally lift each other up into our dreams. ?It’s going to be magic.
Each call?will start with a short meditation for connecting with the heart and soul of your intention for what you want to create during this program.
Then we’ll explore together – you can:
- come on the line to talk to me about where you’re at and get cheering/advice/coaching
- type your question into the question box while listening to the webcast
- leave your questions here in the forum ahead of time if you can’t be there live (have them here before Monday in order for me to answer them on the call)
So essentially we’re going to get together and talk about the work of bringing your work to life – every Monday for four weeks. ?It’s going to be awesome! ?We’ll learn from and be inspired by each other.
At the end of each call I’m going to ask you to think about your homework for that week. ?What ACTION do you want to take to bring this dream to life?
You’ll make the decision about your homework from a place of deep connection to both the heart and soul of your dream and you own intuition – so you’ll be moving in the right direction, at the right pace for you.
If you get stuck I’ll be there to help.
If you can be on any of the calls live – come on the line and I can coach you through your?stuck.
If you can’t make it to the calls live, you can work with the un-sticking station and then post your?questions in our forum and?I’ll address them on the next call.
We start Monday, February 8.
This is free for all Creative Dream Circle?members – click here to?read more and join the Circle.
Last year I hosted?a free tele-summit. ?Every day for a week I had 2 coaching/teaching calls, and each call had a different guest-teacher – life?coaches, spiritual healers, teachers, artists.
During one of the calls, a woman came on the line to comment how amazing she thought it was that each and every guest was supportive and encouraging of me and my work, and I was supportive and encouraging of them and their work.
She could really feel the?love.
She was amazed that we were not competing with each other – that instead of fighting over potential clients we were working together and lifting each other up.
This is a pretty common fear for dreamers?and would-be dreamers: that there isn’t room for them.
That someone else is already doing the thing that you want to do.
And that because that other person got there first – it’s not there for you now. ?You’re just screwed so you may as well not even try.
But that’s not how it works. ?There is room for everyone.
And the only person who can steal your dream is you – by not giving it what it needs to grow.
See, I don’t see other coaches/teachers as competition – I see them as my colleagues + support system. ?Because we’re all in this together. ?We’re all trying to create a better world.
And no one understands what it takes to do what you want to do better than other people who are doing it too!
So when you band together with people who are doing what you want to do?you strengthen and grow everyone’s dreams – the more we support each other the more we all grow.
It’s not like McDonalds and Burger King both competing for the burger market.
I mean once you’ve had a burger you’re good until you’re hungry again. ?The burger satiates your hunger.
Really good coaching/inspiring/teaching?only grows your hunger for more.
I mean I am always taking classes and working with mentors to help me grow to the next level. ?The more I am helped by this work the more I want it.
Plus as I grow myself and my life the people around me notice this – and they want it too. ?So they sign up for classes and coaching too because they want what I have.?And so on, and so on.
It’s really not like McDonalds out there in the world of?competition. ?I mean McDonalds is actually harming it’s own customers – hardly a model for a stable healthy long-term business.
Of course they succeed because our society is sick.
And the life coaches and healers and teachers are working to change that. ?To create a new world. ?A healthy world.
It’s a totally different model.
And in this model, the more we support each other the more we all grow.
This is why I do helper-people group coaching. ?Because we are actually and literally stronger together.
For the last two years I?ve run this as a small coaching groups. ?In these groups I have helped people to:
- Figure out how to start their helping business
- Create marketing plans that feel good and inspiring?to implement
- Narrow down their ideas and figure out where, exactly, to focus
- Start blogging + vlogging (video blogging)
- Find ways to factor self-care into their work day
- Work on boundaries with clients?and customers
- Find the courage to raise their prices
- Decide if self employment is really for them or if there is a different way for them to help
This year I want to make it more accessible so I?m doing it as a bigger thing, free and open to everyone who is a member of the Creative?Dream Circle.
Starting this Monday, February 8 we’re going to gather together and help each other launch our projects out into the world.
These calls are for coaches, teachers, healers, therapists, artists – anyone who wants to put their projects/ideas/work out into the world.
You?ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we?ll dig in and make it happen.
I?m not going to promise that I can make the path easy or anything like that (I think it?s hard for a reason ? we?ll get into that on these calls).
But I can help shine a light on the hard parts and help you navigate them with more ease and grace.
I can offer guidance, encouragement and?ridiculous amounts of inspiration and motivation to take some big steps towards your dream this February.
We?ll focus on two areas: helping you get better at helping people (grow your self/skills) and helping you help more people (grow your work/business).
Again ? helping the helper-people group coaching is going to be free for all Creative Dream Circle members. ?So if you want to get in on these calls just join the Circle.
The calls will happen?February 8, 15, 22, 29 (Mondays at 11am Central).
All calls will be recorded. ?If you can?t be on the calls live you can email me your questions and listen to my answers on the recording and participate?in the online forum.
If you?ve got any questions about how this can help YOU, just send me an email using the contact form on this page.
Looking forward to this!
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