If you're a living, growing, healing, human being - you will NOT always know what to do next.
You can only always know what to do if you are always doing things you've already done before.
For those of us who want to grow, heal, and create - we have to spend a lot of time in the not knowing.
That's what my weekly planning is about this week:
Dream Book members: I just added a new in depth Creative Genius Planning Sessions Video For When You Have No Clue What To Do. (that link only works for members - if you're not a member yet, you can join us here)
Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?
The 2 new coaching circles are ongoing.
One about DEEP REST where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!) and also journal + talk+ figure out how to get more of the rest we on an ongoing basis.
One about GETTING ORGANIZED AF where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together! We'll literally DO THE THINGS together, and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.
Both will be included in your Dream Book membership - details are on the Dream Book page.
I started the weekly Creative Genius Planning because this practice each of making space for what you want, making space to listen to your wisest, most creative and most brave self, is so invaluable.
This is one of the places where our inner healing and growth become manifest as changes in our lives.
Take 15 minutes a week to play with this and you will see it.
Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?
The 2 new coaching circles start TODAY!
One about DEEP REST where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!) and also journal + talk+ figure out how to get more of the rest we on an ongoing basis.
One about GETTING ORGANIZED AF where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together! We'll literally DO THE THINGS together, and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.
They start today! And both will be included in your Dream Book membership - details are on the Dream Book page.
My pandemic overwhelm set in again, like mental fog and a heaviness pushing down on me.... so I recorded myself working through it.
NOW is the best time to join Dream Book!
We're doing two new coaching circles this month:
Well Rested: We REST together, on Zoom! Then we journal, talk and explore how to get more of the rest you need.
Organized AF: We get our shit together, together! We do a short focusing meditation, declare our intentions for our time together - then you go DO THE THING. If you get stuck, I'll be there to coach you through it.
Pic: Last week's planning page in the Year of Dreams 2022 Weekly Planner, Visioning Journal + Creative Dream Playbook.
Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?
I did a live call in Dream Book on Dec 30, and half of the participants were saying they couldn't keep up with the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Journaling Extravaganza and felt like they need a month to just REST before they can even think about what they want to do with their new year.
Most of the others were feeling like they wanted to dive into the new year, but weren't quite sure where to start.
Being well rested + organized are BOTH helpful, nurturing things - for your self care today and for creating the life you want to be living in the future.
Your dreams LAND different when you are deeply rested. You can HEAR your intuition different when you are deeply rested. Deep rest is the oil that keeps your dream machine humming nicely.
Your dreams GROW different when you are organized AF. It's easier to stay calm when you've got a plan you trust. It's easier to GET THNGS DONE when you have everything you need - supplies organized at your desk and a to-do list that makes you swoon.
So I am doing 2 new circles for January:
Well Rested: where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!)
We'll start with a short restorative meditation and then you'll actually go lie down for 30 minutes then come back to finish the call - and then come back together to journal + explore + figure out how to get more of the rest you on an ongoing basis.
Organized AF: where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together!
We'll literally DO THE THINGS together - clean your desk, make a plan, order supplies, whatever it is you need to be READY TO GO with your dreams - and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.
They will start next week, both are included in your Dream Book membership.
Well Rested will happen at 3 pm (North America, Central) on Jan 12, 19 + 26.
Organized AF will happen at 3 pm (North America, Central) on Jan 10, 17, 24.
(You can use this time zone to translate from Winnipeg to your time zone)
Of course not everyone can be there live. There will be replays! And you can leave comments as you watch the replay, and I'll respond right there in the comments, or talk more in-depth about your situation in the next call.
>>> Join us here.
I made a new Creative Genius Planning video, this one is for gently easing into a new week:
Creative Genius Planning Sessions are about doing your weekly planning from your most wise, brave and creative self.
You get to your next level with your dreams by being your next-level self, doing next-level things.
(There is a 15 minute Basic Creative Genius Planning Session right here (meditation + journaling class) for planning your amazing week.)
Do you need to rest or do you need to get organized?
I am working on 2 new circles for January!
One about DEEP REST where we get together on Zoom and REST TOGETHER (!) and also journal + talk+ figure out how to get more of the rest we on an ongoing basis.
One about GETTING ORGANIZED AF where we get together on Zoom and get our shit together, together! We'll literally DO THE THINGS together, and if you get stuck getting organized, I'll coach you through it.
They will start next week, both will be included in your Dream Book membership.
More details to come soon.
This is a part of the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Journaling EXTRAVAGANZA of mini-classes, happening all month long.
This is a journaling + meditation class for gathering up your ideas and forming a plan to create 2022 as your best year yet.
So have your journal and pen handy and let's do this!
A quiet interrupted space is great - but not necessary. Work with what you've got - don't waste a bunch of time "waiting for the right time" just do it!
In Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 we are working with the journaling prompts from the Year of Dreams Weekly Planner, Visioning Journal and Creative Dream Playbook.
Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 is sponsored by Dream Book!
This is a part of the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Journaling EXTRAVAGANZA of mini-classes, happening all month long.
This is a journaling + meditation class for exploring how your goals and plans for 2022 fit in with your long term dreams.
So have your journal and pen handy and let's do this!
A quiet interrupted space is great - but not necessary. Work with what you've got - don't waste a bunch of time "waiting for the right time" just do it!
In Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 we are working with the journaling prompts from the Year of Dreams Weekly Planner, Visioning Journal and Creative Dream Playbook.
Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 is sponsored by Dream Book!
Dream Book members also get The Biggest Dream mini-class.
In case you're not sure WHAT your bigger dreams are, this is a meditation for exploring that.
This is a part of the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Journaling EXTRAVAGANZA of mini-classes, happening all month long.
A journaling + meditation class to get SPECIFIC about what you want for:
Home + Lifestyle ✨Relationships + Community ✨ Work + Money ✨ Adventure + Play ✨ Self Care + Inner Growth
So have your journal and pen handy and let's do this!
A quiet interrupted space is great - but not necessary. Work with what you've got - don't waste a bunch of time "waiting for the right time" just do it!
In Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 we are working with the journaling prompts from the Year of Dreams Weekly Planner, Visioning Journal and Creative Dream Playbook.
Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 is sponsored by Dream Book!
Photo by Sparks Reliance on Unsplash
We're all plugged into systems - ways of being, ways of thinking, ways of feeling, ways of doing - that are not in alignment with our values.
This is just a part of what it means to be alive at this time.
There's the dream that we can just rise above. Just don't focus on the hard stuff. Be happy and free.
This is what the Life Your Best Life Industry has been selling for so long. The idea that we can change our thinking about ourselves, go after our dreams, and that this contributes to making the world better.
And I have felt that way in the past.
Feeling good about making money and then using that money to support the things I want to see in the world.
Feeling like that's somehow enough to transform entrenched systems of patriarchy, white supremacy and colonialism in our capitalist society. And not learning enough about how these systems actually function to know, for sure, what it would take to transform them.
Of course I believe that every dream made real contributes to making the world better.
When talk about dreams, I am talking about something very specific. I am talking to listening to your inner truth. FOLLOWING your inner truth. Living your values, in a meaningful way.
I'm not talking about winning the lottery and buying a Greek island and living happily ever after. Or building a 6 figure online business in 3 months.
I am talking about something much deeper - which of course can result in big businesses and Greek islands but more often is not so flashy.
The work it takes to hear your heart's desires and act on them is the work that grows you.
No one like to grow up. No one likes to take responsibility. Everyone likes to avoid discomfort.
And - in general - this Live Your Best Life Industry is going shallow when we need to go deep. Spiritual by-pass instead of growing up.
Manifesting big bucks instead of sitting honestly with our feelings, our behaviour, the state of the world and what we might be able to contribute to improving it.
We need to do better.
Because you are a part of the earth. So your true heart's desires are not going to contribute to climate collapse.
Living your values would have you actively supporting a livable future for everyone.
You are a part of humanity. So your true heart's desires don't contribute to the oppression of other humans.
Living your values would have you caring about everyone having a good life, not just you and yours. Living your values would have you looking for ways to show up and BE the change.
But we're so tangled up in colonial ways of thinking, in unconscious white supremacy, in capitalism, that these systems are infecting our dreams and making us feel discouraged and like the idea that a society where EVERYONE has EVERYTHING they need is preposterous.
It's not.
We need to get free. Truly free.
Not by thinking positive and letting go of everything that holds us back.
By making space to really hear our deepest inner truth, to really hear what our hearts are calling us towards - beyond all the ways we've been brainwashed by colonization and capitalism - and then getting our lives into alignment with our deepest inner truth.
AKA by creative dreaming.
This is one of the paths that lead to a better world.
This is a part of the Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Journaling EXTRAVAGANZA of mini-classes, happening all month long.
This is a journaling + meditation class for calling in the things you want to receive in 2022.
So have your journal and pen handy and let's do this!
A quiet interrupted space is great - but not necessary. Work with what you've got - don't waste a bunch of time "waiting for the right time" just do it!
In Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 we are working with the journaling prompts from the Year of Dreams Weekly Planner, Visioning Journal and Creative Dream Playbook.
Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 is sponsored by Dream Book!