Your vision for what you want your life to look like is sacred

I am taking my power back and I didn’t even know I had given it away.

By Andrea Schroeder | July 7, 2020

Every month I do a new moon alchemy circle + creative coaching call. During the June call I had this huge realisation...

I have a pattern of choosing "the easiest and/or simplest thing" instead of "the thing that will help me reach my goals".


Like, I had NO CLUE I was doing this. I see myself as a person who pursues her dreams and goals wholeheartedly.

I felt really uncomfortable to see it, to notice where my own self concept is not allowing me to see what I am actually doing.

(We're ALL doing this, all the time btw 😉

This is why it's so important that we not force ourselves to heal or grow or to push ourselves into any kind of mould of who we think we are supposed to be.

The Live Your Best Life Industry is full of this! It's all about deciding what "living your best life" means and then shoving yourself into that shape. It’s violent and it’s dangerous. And it ignores just how hard it is to REALLY know what you want. And the fact that we you grow and change, so do your desires.

As an aside - so many people come into Dream Book feeling vulnerable and ashamed because they don't know what their dream is. I know I feel it too sometimes! But the idea that we're supposed to always know what we want is BULLSHIT. We're NOT supposed to always know what we want. The process of exploring is vital. Staying in a place of KNOWING and being CERTAIN means staying in a place of STAGNATION. Being wiling to not know, being willing to explore and grow... that's where the magic happens.

Magic, healing, growth - they all REQUIRE vulnerability and uncertainly and willingness to explore and be open. Spiritual belief systems that treat the universe like a giant vending machine that grants your wishes if you wish right bypass all of the magic, healing and growth that are actually possible for you.

But let me get back to my story.

So I explored this new pattern of mine where I choose "the simple thing" over "the thing that would help me reach my goal."

I know it's possible to just "change your mind" about a thing and instantly shift your perspective and your actions and your outcomes.

I also know that that approach can be nothing more than shoving yourself into your ego-created ideas of who you should be and what you should want. That's not what I want for myself.

So I explored GENTLY. Staying open, curious and loving. I used the tools I teach in Dream Book. I made space to just BE WITH the pattern, exploring my feelings about it, getting to know it. Not trying to CHANGE it.

Anything that is not your truth will unravel and dissolve or change into something true - when you give it your love and attention.

This is why I think the Inner Work and Dream Work NEED to be a daily, or regular, practice for anyone who is wholeheartedly pursuing their dreams. And the further you are along the path the more you need to practice 😉

And when you are doing this work you don’t even always realize or understand how everything is interconnected. You pull at at one tiny thread and it can unravel and change your whole life.

Because at the same time all of the stuff happen in terms of me moving my business which I thought was just a simple choice to use one piece of software instead of another one...

But now that I am in the process of moving, now that I am building a whole new home for my work, I’m starting to understand where the tools I have been using have been holding me back... because of that choice to keep my systems SIMPLE.

Like I am stunned by how much I have been held back by the tools I've been using. I am stunned by how much I have given my power away without even knowing it.

And in all of this surprise and shock I'm also feeling so much joy, so much ALIVENESS and so much freedom.

A LOT of energy has just been freed up for me, in the transformation of this pattern. I feel wildly energized which is really helpful because I have so much work to do getting this new site set up.

This is NOT to say that everyone who uses simple tools like the ones I've been using is being held back!!!

Absolutely not.

There are EXTREMELY GOOD REASONS to choose simple tools. And you can absolutely succeed in any way you choose to using any tool you choose! I wholeheartedly believe that.

But - I had an UNCONSCIOUS pattern of choosing easy/simple over effective. So my decision making process was impacted by this in ways I couldn't see.

So - for where I am now - with an eight year old membership site and a new course where I hold DEEP space for DEEP work - in an ongoing way (Dream Book baby!!!!) these are not the right tools for me.

Or another way I can look at it is - I am ready to step into my NEXT LEVEL of how I offer my work.

When I think of it in this way I don't feel shame or embarrassment about not having seen this pattern sooner, I just feel excited to let it go now.

You just NEVER KNOW what kind of changes will be sparked by doing the Inner Work.

So this is why I am I advocate and create and hold space for people to do this work in a wholehearted and CONSISTENT way.

We don’t know what we don’t know.

WE don't see out own blind spots anywhere near as well as we think we do.

And the further along we go on the path the more we start to think we DO know what we don't know - and that stops us from learning!

So that’s why we need to keep practicing, keep exploring, because there’s so much more for us.

I am moving my business. We can grow our dreams AND help change the world at the same time.

By Andrea Schroeder | July 3, 2020

nothing can stop me

(I love how Dream Book always sends me JUST the right journaling cut-outs each week - my mantra for this week really helped me plug into that "I GOT THIS" vibe when I feeling a little discouraged with all of this)


Almost a month ago, I attended Rachel Rodgers’ Small Business Town Hall on creating equitable businesses.

Follow that link! The replay is right there. It was so healing and inspiring for me to see thousands of small business owners come together to explore how we can make the world better for everyone.

It was so helpful to hear from experts and I learn about where I can be doing better with the Creative Dream Incubator to BE the change I want to see in the world.

I was so excited, I posted a link to the replay in the customer Facebook group for the business I use for my website, emails, shopping cart and membership site. I was feeling so optimistic about this... but that post devolved quickly, with a bunch of racist comments and attacks on me for bringing it up. I was stunned that building anti-racist companies would be controversial in that group, since the software I use was geared towards spiritual entrepreneurs and don't we want to make the world a better place?

The culture at this particular business meant that no staff moderated the racist comments (!) so I deleted the post a few days later, because I didn’t think it should be my job to moderate their customers and I didn't want to leave racist comments unchallenged in my post. (I did get a message later saying that they were about to respond when I deed the post, but by that time I had found the owner of the company's personal social media profiles and saw that he was quite active in posting about how systemic racism is not real, so I didn't need any further response to understand that this "let's create equitable businesses together" idea was not going to fly here)

So this left me pretty shaken up.

I want to do business with others who share my values around wanting the world to be better for everyone.

I don't mean this in a "creating an echo chamber" kind of way. I mean I spend real dollars with this business and, after that Town Hall I saw more clearly than ever - those dollars can help create more equity in the world or they can help create less equity in the world.

I'm spending the money anyway, why not spend it with a company whose values match mine?

What had me feeling shock up was 2 things:

Thing 1: Moving my whole company is a huge and annoying and expensive thing. My feeling of being HOPEFUL and ENERGIZED and OPTIMISTIC about partnering with other companies to be a force for good in the world absolutely collided with how difficult and expensive it would be for me to move. It took me some time to work though all of the feelings that were triggered in that collision.

Thing 2: I also felt angry, frustrated and embarrassed that ME using this company is, in a sense, giving it my seal of approval, and some of my students had gotten their own accounts with them. I sat with that one for a long time, and have accepted that I can always only ever do my best, and when I know better I do better.

As I sat with all of my feelings I remembered… I’ve WANTED to move several times over the last few years but I’ve felt stuck because it's such a complicated thing.

Because the Creative Dream Circle is 8 years old and includes a TON of classes... and Dream Book is a very long dripped content course where everyone is at a different apace in it... and because this site is ongoing, there will never be at time when everything stops and it becomes simple to move. But it dawned on me that during a global pandemic when I’m not doing as much, I DO have time to do this move.

I also remembered three separate times over the years when this company made a promise, didn't follow through, and left me in a REALLY shitty position.

I don't want to get into those details right now - but when I reflected on this ongoing pattern of doing this, I realized that I also only want to work with companies that care about my success and wouldn't do things to trash my business. And if they inadvertently did do those things - they would at the very least apologize and do something to make it right.

I always thought… well no one is perfect.

No online business platform is perfect, that’s for sure! It's hard to find a good fit that's going to do just what you want it to do.

But this ongoing pattern of making big promises and not following through and not even apologizing was not sitting right with me. PLUS my wish to work with people in alignment with my values.

But since this situation had me reflecting on my whole experience with them, the good and the bad, I realized that over the last few years especially their values and priorities had really shifted and moving would create a better experience for me, and for my people.

So then I started looking more seriously at other options.

At first I fell in love with Podia, another third-party platform where they do EVERYTHING. Email, website, courses, membership. In fact they will migrate your current classes FOR FREE… and they are SUPER cheap. Like so cheap I thought it was too good to be true but the more I looked into it the better it was. Podia is definitely a great option for anyone starting out and they have a clear commitment to being an anti-racist company.

My set-up is a bit too complex for Podia. I was looking at Kajabi which is another similar platform but, even though they also have a commitment to being anti-racist - it felt like moving from one tech bro to another.

That’s when I looked at Access Ally.

Access Ally is not an all-in-one, it’s a WordPress plug-in. So it means I need a WordPress site and I also need another app for email and automations - I chose Convert Kit. Convert Kit is working to be an anti-racist company and I LOVE the feel of the software and how helpful everyone has been there.

Access Ally is run by a woman - a woman I actually met online like a million years ago on SARK’s forum. And I met her in person in Portland years ago. She also attended that same Town Hall and is excited by the possibilities like I am. She runs Access Ally with her husband, who is Asian - making Access Ally one of the few women/minority owned tech apps out there for online courses.

Why this matters to me: When it comes to creating software privilege DOES matter.

Software created by a white man, with ONLY white men on the development team, is going to have a certain perspective. The more privilege a person has, the less they understand what other people go through. The less they can even see other perspectives.

White women, since we experience sexism, have an easier time being able to understand and learn more about racism than white men.

The more intersections of oppression you've got going on - and it's not just about race and gender - the more inclusive you tend to be in your perspectives. You think about other people and their experiences and needs because you understand what it's like to live in a world that does not cater to you.

People with fewer intersections can also LEARN to see from other people's perspectives, of course! And doing so absolutely DOES make you a better designer and service provider.

So that's why this is important to me.

Looking back on my experience with my membership site over the last several years, when something wasn't working right for my people - I had to work hard to explain to this company WHY this mattered, and even then they usually didn't CARE. Like - "So what if comments aren't working right in your classroom?" They had different priorities.They were focused more on the selling aspects, and creating tools to help people sell more.

To me, DELIVERING what I've already sold is WAY more important than selling MORE. So that's a BIG value clash as well. (Not that I don't want to sell! But not at the expense of taking care of the people already in my classes - I should not have to choose between the two)

Your values DO determine your priorities, so software made by people whose values reflect mine WILL work better for me.

Access Ally was my DREAM app in 2014 when I moved to where I am now.

I didn't go with Access Ally because of the cost and the ease of having everything in 1 with someone other than me responsible for the membership site. I’d had a LOT of issues with WordPress plug-ins for courses in the past.

I have been with this company (it's so awkward to keep writing and not name them, but I'm not ready to do that publicly) for almost 6 years. They made all of these promises about how “we’ll never charge more for this” encouraging me to set up my business in a certain way…. and then completely changed their pricing model and DID charge more for those things - forcing me to be in the top tier when I did not NEED to set my business up the way I did, I did it because of their encouragement.

Which means that by now I'm paying so much more - I might as well get the software I really wanted.

So then suddenly all of this feels like a dream come true.

The Access Ally site will give me the freedom to make it look how I want it to!!!!

And… because my plans for this year were to make a bunch of new guided journals… it would give me space to sell those in the way I want to as well.

Just…. it’s the right tool for what I want my business to be.

And I don’t feel uncomfortable about using a Word Press plugin anymore because I have premium hosting and pampering for my WordPress site now.

So it feels like it all magically came together.

Which is what tends to happen when you make space for everything, process your feelings, and follow the magic.

It was startling to suddenly notice just how far apart my values are from this company I have used for so long. But once I gave it some time I saw that we’ve been drifting for some time.

And I realized I felt trapped because of how hard it is to move and I don’t want to feel trapped and I DON'T HAVE TO FEEL TRAPPED.

Another good thing about this move is that having separate apps for email/automations and the membership site means I have a TON of flexibility. If I move again it won’t be so difficult.

So I am setting myself up to NOT feel trapped again like this in the future.

The more steps I take with this the better it all feels.

We're in a heat wave. My husband had been away at a Sundance ceremony and won't be back until late Sunday or Monday.

So - a quiet weekend alone when I don't want to go out because it's just too hot. This is a perfect time to dive in and start building the new site. So I started this morning. It's a huge learning curve but I am really enjoying this, and seeing it as the PERFECT step for me to be taking right now to help the Creative Dream Incubator be all it can be.

I am here to help artist, coaches, healers, teachers and guides live the magic of REALLY showing up for their dreams. This work is needed and it feels really good to build a whole new foundation for the work.

It's also really cool to build a whole new membership site... with everything I've learned in 8 years of running a membership site. So I can build this one better, right from the beginning.

Politics + Creative Dreams: Why I’m not celebrating Canada Day

By Andrea Schroeder | June 30, 2020

A little background: In 2017, when Canada turned 150, I read an article that said Indigenous leaders were asking all Canadians to read Unsettling Canada by Arthur Manuel. So I bought it, but it took me a while to read through it. It's a heavy book, detailing Canadian history from an Indigenous perspective.

(The Reconciliation Manifesto: Recovering the land, rebuilding the economy, also by Arthur Manual came out later and is a much easier read and a great place to start)

While I had always understood that genocide had happened in Canada, this book completely changed my perspective.

I saw that the genocide isn't in the past, it's in the present and will be in the future - unless we do something to change it.

So since then I haven’t felt great about celebrating Canada Day.

So many people in the Live Your Best Life Industry avoid politics because it’s “too negative” but I disagree.

I think ignoring the injustices that happen around you just because they're not happening TO you is negative.

I think showing up for the world you want to live in is EXTREMELY positive. So I’ve been to a LOT of protests and rallies this year.

I always leave these rallies feeling more hopeful, like a healing had happened. Yes - lots more healing is needed, but each time people gather in this way, a healing DOES happen.

When people come together to stand for the world they want to create and make signs and block traffic and scream their truth in unison - THIS is a manifestation practice.

There is so much magic and power in this.

This is what’s missing from the Life Your Best Life Industry - the MAGIC and POWER of looking the hard stuff in the eye while fighting for what you want to create.

You can’t just hold the vision and meditate and wait for it to come.

You don’t dream in a vacuum.

You dream in the world.

This means: You need to be present where you are in order to get to where you want to be.

This is how I have ALWAYS taught creative people how to “manifest” their wildest dreams - by facing the hard parts head on and using them as fuel for healing and growth.

Right now, for me, being present where I am means I am birthing my dreams living in a country that is carrying on an ongoing genocide against the people whose land this is.

And yes I could use the white privilege I have to ignore what’s happening and “not get political” (which IS VERY political, btw) and just focus on my life and my dreams. But this path is becoming narrower and narrower for the people who choose to take it because there is just *SO MUCH* that you need to AVOID and IGNORE in order to stay on this path.

And everything you need to avoid and ignore holds power over you. Your world just gets smaller and smaller... which means your dreams will also shrink.

But everything you face head on GROWS YOU.

Related: we are all connected.

Even though white people in Canada benefit from colonialism in very concrete ways, it’s NOT good for ANY human being to live in an oppressive system.

Your dreams are always calling you towards your TRUE self, your TRUE potential, your TRUE and MOST AUTHENTIC way of living.

This includes NOT living in oppressive systems.

We are all connected. Our dreams are all connected. Our dreams need each other. We need each other.

Part of the work of tending to your dreams is tending to the soil in which they grow.

I dream of a Canada which is fully decolonized. I believe this is the best way to create a country that works for everyone. I believe that in a country that protects the earth and the most vulnerable people there is space for EVERYONE to pursue their dreams.

I know a lot of white settler Canadians are with me in spirit but are like “ummm buttt uhhhhh … like what would I even DO??” when it comes to taking action.

The good news is that you don’t need to know!! In fact, it’s better to let Indigenous leaders lead on this one 😉

I read that one book, and then started following Indigenous leaders closely on social media and then started participating when they put out calls to action and donating money and volunteering for a political campaign to elect an Indigenous woman to my federal riding and with each new step I took I learned more.

It’s like with your dreams - you DO NOT have to know how to get there in order to take a single baby step.

And each little teeny tiny step you take helps equip you to take the next step.

The next thing you know - you're out there actively helping to create a BETTER world for you and your dreams and also for everyone else.

It's all SO connected.

I'm sharing my thoughts here today as tomorrow is Canada Day.

I know most of you are not Canadian.

But ALL of us have the opportunity to stand up for the world we want to create.

How To Do Shadow Work. For when you’re ready to change your life.

By Andrea Schroeder | June 21, 2020

how to do shadow work

You will never learn how to do Shadow Work by reading about it.

It's something you need to need to EXPERIENCE.

I created a healing circle where I lead you through the process, and you can access it for free, by registering right here:


Learning how to do Shadow Work is less about perfecting a specific technique and more about staying open and being willing to feel, explore and experience whatever it is you encounter in the process.

Because Shadow Work is about facing your own shadows - the places inside you that you would rather avoid - it's just inherently uncomfortable.

I mean - you avoid these places for a reason.

And in order to do Shadow Work, you've going to have to come face-to-face with that reason.

There is no one perfect way for learning how to do Shadow Work, but there are two things to keep in mind while you're exploring:

  • An open mind - you don't know what you're going to discover. If you go in already thinking you know what's going to happen then you close yourself off from possibilities.
  • A willingness to feel your feelings and be uncomfortable. You don't have to LIKE your feelings you just have to be wiling to HAVE them.

It's pretty amazing how easy it is to trick ourselves into thinking we are doing these things when we are actually totally NOT doing them!

How to do Shadow Work: Sitting with your feelings.

Sitting with your feelings means making space for yourself to feel how you actually feel, to explore that feeling and find out more about it.

This tends to be the opposite approach from what most of us are taught about how to handle feelings.

So it's uncomfortable and it feels awkward. Which means - if you feel like you're doing it wrong, you are probably doing it right.

Unfortunately, if you feel confident and sure that you're doing it right, you are probably doing it wrong. This is the nature of Shadow Work. It just feels uncomfortable.

It takes practice and patience to get to a place of actually being open to feeling your feelings.

Your reaction to your feelings tends you get in the way of feeling your actual feelings.

For example: You dream of being a best-selling author. You are afraid that you're not good enough to do this.

Your inner critic reacts to that fear with a "Why bother? No one cares?" story and you get caught up in your feelings about that story. But the "Why bother? No one cares?" story is NOT your actual feeling.

So being with that story just makes more space for your Inner Critic to put on a show for you.

And it feels uncomfortable and scary so you think you're feeling your feelings but you're not. You're staying in this untrue story about your feelings. Your feelings are fear of not being good enough.

Sitting with this fear would feel terrifying in comparison to sitting with the "Why bother? No one cares?" story.

That's the Shadow Work.

As you sit with the feeling without trying to do anything with it, you actually move through it.

And on the other side of that terror there is something else. And once you've experienced that, you'll have a deeper understanding of yourself.

Once you sit with that fear and move through it, you start to see that this fear comes out of the fact that you're not writing regularly! So of course your writing isn't up to par with what it needs to be to be a bestseller.

No need for a song and dance about "Why bother? No one cares".

All you need to do is get to work.

Create a writing schedule and stick to it.

This is the magic of Shadow Work: When you work through the shadow and are able to reach the guidance of your True Self. 

In my example you had to first be with all of the uncomfortable stories that your Inner Critic throws you way and then you have to face that unimaginable terror of feeling your actual feeling.

This is a simplified example, you may have layers and layers of feelings and reactions and stories. Your Shadow Work process will likely become VERY convoluted and weird.

Shadow Work means bravely and honestly facing what you find. Exploring by feeling your way.

You don't have to solve anything.

You don't have to discover the gift or perform a healing.

If fact it's best if you're not trying to make those things happen, and focus solely on exploring and feeling your way.

The solutions, gifts and healing are already there - on the other side of the thing you least want to face.

So you know you've successfully done your Shadow Work when you find them.

Again. You will never learn how to do Shadow Work by reading about it.

It's something you need to need to EXPERIENCE.

I created a healing circle where I lead you through the process, and you can access it for free, by registering right here:


The world is changing. We are at the beginning of the largest civil rights movement in history.

By Andrea Schroeder | June 8, 2020

I shared this post on Instagram last week about how YOUR DREAMS and THE WORLD are all connected. We're dreaming INTO the world.

That's why, for the last 3-4 years I've been talking more here and on social media about what it means to be pursuing your dreams within the systems of white supremacy, and how our dreams can be a part of CHANGING THE WORLD.

I'm not an anti-racism expert or educator. I'm a white person who is trying to listen, learn and do better. Also - because the whole "live your best life" industry is extremely biased and privileged and the first step to doing better is to be aware of where we're falling short.

Now is NOT time to put your dreams on hold.

Your dreams connect you to your True Selves and inner gifts. Pursuing your dreams is about pursuing your purpose, potential, creativity, authenticity - it gets you into alignment with your most wise, powerful, creative and brave self.

THAT'S the you who knows how to show up and be a part of creating a better world.

But we can't pretend that white people pursing their dreams is going to change the world. Remember I did just say that as white person I am listening, learning and supporting.

ALL dreams are a source of healing and light, and that the work of growing into your gifts and aligning with your inner wisdom, purpose and power will help you serve the world.

This work will help you process the discomfort of exploring your own inner biases so you CAN stay present with what's happening in the world while also staying present with your own dreams and creative projects.

This is what creative dreaming is anyway - being that bridge between your dreams and the world.

It doesn't mean giving up ANYTHING you are doing. It means bringing anti-racism work and perspectives to EVERYTHING you are doing.

Last week everyone was online amplifying melanated voices.

This week it's time to look at what your next steps are in dismantling white supremacy and creating a world where we are ALL free to live our best lives.

How will you bring this work into your daily life? This isn't an easy question with an easy answer, it's a question to really sit with.

And I have one suggestion for you: find your local Black and Indigenous leaders and follow them online. Listen closely to what they are saying.

Let's keep dreaming of a better world together... and taking steps to make it happen.

There’s no such thing as a procrastinator

By Andrea Schroeder | May 11, 2020

While procrastination itself is a HUGE problem for creatives - there's actually NO SUCH THING as a procrastinaTOR.

Once you understand this - you can actually free yourself from your procrastination habit.

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For the people who have inner critics

By Andrea Schroeder | May 11, 2020

Today I'm talking about INNER CRITICS: where they come from and what their REAL purpose is.

This one is helpful especially if you want to get better at managing your inner critics so they don't stop you from pursuing your creative dreams.

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Your self doubt is not the problem

By Andrea Schroeder | May 9, 2020

Today I'm talking about SELF DOUBT and why it's NOT a real problem.

This one is helpful especially if you feel like self doubt is holding you back - you can DEFINITELY have self doubt AND ALO have your dream.

Watch it here:

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The Art for Good bundle sale I mentioned in the video is over... but you can still get my free journaling + meditation  e-classes for tapping into your intuition and inner power to break through your obstacles and move towards the life you want to be living. Sign up here if you don't see the registration bar at the top of your screen.

Hey! Remember we were made for this!

By Andrea Schroeder | March 19, 2020

We were made for this

We are now in a time of incredible new possibilities.

But first - let me back up because it's NOT all good right now, I know that. I don't usually have a lot of anxiety, but I sure have it now.

I am TERRIFIED about how this will impact the most vulnerable people in our society - those with weakened immune systems, the homeless, the addicted, people living with domestic violence, people who are only a paycheque away from being homeless, in Canada a lot of First Nations still don't have running water and most do not have the infrastructure that settler society has to try to manage the pandemic... All the people our society should really be taking better care of are so much more vulnerable here.

As a highly sensitive person, I feel all of that pain right now.  My energy field is so full of stuff that is not mine, clearing it out feels like a full time job.

BUT underneath all of this fear and worry and anxiety I am feeling something totally new waking up.

First of all - I no longer care about the goals I had last week. Which is hilarious to me because I cared SO MUCH about them last week.

But today I'm feeling new possibilities open up, a whole new way of being.

I mean I know I use those words all the time - but now they mean something new.

This time has the opportunity to be the most WILDLY TRANSFORMATIVE time we've ever had on this planet.

I have a weekly practice where I take some time to reflect on how the last week has gone, look at what's happening with my goals and wishes and healing processes, and use what I learn in that process of reflection to decide how I want to show up for the next week.

This practice is what helps me navigate a path that I build as I walk - which is how all dream paths are built. When there is no path beneath your feet to follow, this kind of reflective process is necessary to know where to step next.

Well - this social isolation is an opportunity to reflect.

And it's a HUGE opportunity to make space for more of what we REALLY want in our lives. It's actually an opportunity to CHANGE ANYTHING or even EVERYTHING.

As I said, I feel a lot of anxiety right now but in those times when I DO manage to get my energy field clear - I feel GIGANTIC NEW OPPORTUNITIES opening up for us, and I want to jump in there and PLAY.

Your work is needed. Now more than ever.

Healing, coaching, teaching, mentoring, art-making, writing, magicking... this stuff is DESPERATELY NEEDED to help with the transition.

HOW you do your work is 100% up to you - like always!

If you want to go inward and use your practices just to serve yourself at this time - awesome! Do that!

If you want to offer free stuff to help people who are freaking out - awesome! Do that!

If you want to sell your work to help people who are freaking out - awesome! Do that!

YOU are the only expert when it comes to your work. YOU know how it is needed in the world at this time.

Don't let your fears about money or your worry about the pandemic cloud your judgement.

One thing I will say: I know I am SO worried about the people who are living closer to the edge financial at this time that sometimes I forget to consider how many well paid people are going to have a ton of time on their hands and could really use some healing/coaching/classes/mentoring/art/books.

It is NOT wrong to keep working and selling at this time. Your work is a MEDICINE that the world needs.

I'm NOT saying to be opportunistic about it or use people's fear to coerce them into buying.

But showing up and offering your gifts is a valid way to move through this time.

For me, it's ALL I want to to do.

I'm inspired to really SHOW UP and offer my gifts. Like those words means something different today than they did last week.

I have LONG believed and written about how I feel like we're in a transformative time and that Dream Work is DESPERATELY needed to guide us through. But all of that is on steroids now - it's like THIS. HERE. NOW. GET TO WORK.

I am SO excited about offering new free stuff AND about how I'm helping people in deeper ways Dream Book.

***Anyone who has time on their hands and wants to use it to support their growth, healing and dreams SHOULD BE IN DREAM BOOK***

So what about you?

Your gifts are needed. Either for yourself or for others.

How can you make space for what wants to come through you at this time? (Which, again, does NOT need to be ambitious - maybe you need deeper rest or quiet incubation time)

What support do you need to make that happen?

Good news! It’s IMPOSSIBLE to know HOW to make your dream real!

By Andrea Schroeder | March 10, 2020

This is good news because if you don't know HOW to make your dream real - that's fine! NO ONE DOES.

AND not knowing how doesn't mean you can't start today 😉

I explain in today's today and talk about what I've been struggling with lately, and how staying engaged in the struggle has led me to a MUCH better place.

I have free classes to help you get started with this here.

Or join me in Dream Book and I'll show you how to work through all of this stuff and make SIGNIFICANT progress towards your dream, taking just one little step at a time.

Get my free Guided Journal for Creative Dreaming!

Breakthroughs guaranteed.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: