Hey! Did you see Project Miracle is now open for registration?!?
If you're in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership - you already have access to this.
But if you're NOT a member - now you can get Project Miracle for just $33 USD! Get the details and grab your spot here.
The majority of people who pay for coaching are using coaching for their business goals.
It makes sense - it’s an investment on your own income so you’re likely to get that money back, and more.
It also feeds into the capitalist machine, to only invest in the parts of you that make money.
And it skews the ways we grow as people, to focus so much on the parts of us that are profitable under our current system. (Just think! If we had different political and economic systems different parts of us might be more profitable!)
But no matter how you look at it - the parts of you that are profitable actually aren’t more relevant than your unprofitable parts.
ALL parts of you are worthy of support.
ALL of your dreams are worthy of support.
And I know how hard this is, in this economy! My husband left me very suddenly, during record inflation, right when my mortgage and condo feels also increased dramatically - and my cost of living tripled overnight. I get it.
If we only invest in the dreams and ideas that seem profitable… who do we become?
And as our political and economic systems are falling apart… which parts of us can be a part of building better systems for the future?
Just a few things I’ve been pondering, as I’ve been working on creative and activist projects that have nothing to do with my work. I am SO LUCKY to do work that does make me feel alive and feels meaningful and magical… but still, work can’t be my WHOLE THING.
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
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Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
Hey! Did you see Project Miracle is now open for registration?!?
If you're in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership - you already have access to this.
But if you're NOT a member - now you can get Project Miracle for just $33 USD! Get the details and grab your spot here.
Some days I do my Creative Dream Practice, I meet my dream and journal and meditate and feel in alignment…
and then I just go my stuff.
I don’t write a post to share about it because there's not much to say.
It’s the days when I feel lost that I write more, because writing helps me find my way through AND I feel we need to normalize that we feel stuck OFTEN on the way to a dream. And that FEELING stuck is fine - just keep showing up and working with it.
So, don’t worry about me!
I’m sharing a lot of the harder stuff because I think this is more valuable to share. I'm actually having lots of good, creative days 🙂
With that said, here’s today’s post:
I just feel heavy and foggy today. I had a bike ride and coffee and journaling and I can’t shake this feeling.
So, taking heavy foggy into the Un-Sticking Station:
It shows up right away and says: I’m not heavy or foggy I am sad.
Oh, sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Here, let’s get you a cushy blanket and some tea and cookies. A big pillow to lean on. There’s so much to be sad about, this is so valid.
My sad self bursts into tears. I offer her Kleenex.
What can I do?
I kind of want to pull you under here, you know? Let’s just BE SAD ALL DAY.
OK, that feels like resistance speaking, not sadness.
I know, right? Interesting.
Can I talk to JUST sadness, with no resistance hiding behind it?
Hmmmm, sadness WITHOUT resistance. That’s interesting.
Are you able to separate yourself from resistance?
Resistance seems to LOVE to glom on to sadness and use it, like a curtain to hide behind.
That is interesting. AND annoying because right now I can’t separate them.
Sadness, do you want me to do these things I wanted to do today?
Oh yeah, I do. I think that doing these things help us not be sad.
And then there is this little whisper of “But it’s too hard, let’s not do it today”
Which invites the question: Are things harder for me to sort through because of the divorce OR are my life-long companions, resistance and self-doubt, using the divorce as a diversion, so they can take over?
Probably both.
Also, does it matter?
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
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Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
Hey! Did you see Project Miracle is now open for registration?!?
If you're in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership - you already have access to this.
But if you're NOT a member - now you can get Project Miracle for just $33 USD! Get the details and grab your spot here.
I’m having a lot of WAVES lately.
Times when I feel so sure. Like, SO SURE. Completely confident that everything is going to work out like I am hoping it will. Super brave and clear-headed and focused and getting things done.
And then times when I feel so unsure. Like, SO FUCKING PAINFULLY SURE that it’s all going to fall apart and my life is over.
Sometimes I get caught in that undercurrent that it’s all bound to fail.
And sometimes I say “Oh honey, I’m so sorry you are feeling this way, even though yes of course you feel this way. Creative dreaming is such a brave way to live your life and it gets scary sometimes! So what can we do to help you feel better?”
When we feel like SOMETHING IS WRONG when we feel this way - we shut down the process.
Everyone has these feelings.
Allowing them to come to the surface allows us to understand these parts of us better. It brings shadows out into the open.
In the open, we can heal and change and grow.
In the shadows, very little change is possible.
So, these intense waves I’ve been feeling are because I’m in such an intense time of growth.
They are a part of it.
So I am really trying to EMBRACE them.
Yes, sometimes I end up take over by them and that’s really uncomfortable.
AND if I can stay in the process - I can learn, shift perspectives, heal and grow.
This is the work.
I’m doing it.
(Reminder to self 😉
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
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Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: I am already perfect, whole and complete.
Oh yes. Breathing this one in.
Creative visionaries can always see WHAT'S NEXT. We're always growing and looking at MORE growth.
This is so beautiful. AND. We need to stop looking towards the future and looking towards more, turn around, and notice just how beautiful and perfect we already are, right here where we are.
Creating dreaming IS NOT SELF IMPROVEMENT.
It is self actualization.
There is nothing to fix. There is always more to explore and create.
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.
On Fridays I do my Dream Status Report which is a series of prompts I use every week to help me have more clarity, momentum and groundedness on my path. You can do them with me (Dream Book members: come post yours in the forum!)!
🦄⚡️Creative Dream Incubator Weekly Coaching Call is today!!
Hope to see you there - or catch the replay over the weekend! (Call details are here, the reply will be on that page a few hours after we're done.) And after the call I"ll start a thread in the forum to share your plans for the week and as a space for accountability and support.
My Dream Status Report for this week:
My dream is: I want to get an RV or camper van and travel… WITH MY CAT BEAR!!!! Create a comfy cozy home on wheels, and write + make art on the road while we have adventures. AND... I have a new creative dream which I am still not ready to talk about. AND... there is a sense of stability I had when I was married that I don't feel now which I want to create for myself, in a new way - still lots to explore with that one.
I want it because: It feels so sweet and makes me happy. And the new dream, which is more about art I want to make, feels like it will expand and energize my whole life. I feel like I am growing SO MUCH right now and my life needs to grow to reflect that.
When I have it I will feel: I think I will feel so happy, free and thrilled with my life. And also more stable and grounded.
Invite the soul of your dream in (using the Dream Lab practice) to help you with the rest of the prompts.
(Working with one specific asset of this dream which feels like the most important to focus on right now)
I see art and colour and things moving around... it feels like my dream IS SO MUCH MORE than I think. There is this ALIVENESS that feels important. It feels so inspiring and expansive.
Last week’s focus was: Be relaxed and open about my dreams.
What happened in the last week?
Some weeks I completely forget about my focus, some weeks I just can't do it but THIS WEEK I FREAKING NAILED IT!
I started doing yin yoga in the evenings, which is AMAZING. I always feel better, in every part of my life, when I do this regularly. And it's been a long time since I've done it. (We had such a good talk about this on the Self Care call this week, how we can know how much a thing helps us and still not do it, and how twisty that can feel)
Monday night, while doing yin yoga, after a warm bath, with crystal bowl music playing, feeling SO RELAXED AND OPEN, this idea floated in. It is, I think, exactly the idea I needed, in the most practical sense, to know what to do next. So I have been working on it all week.
What am I learning/How do I feel about this?
I feel so optimistic and positive and confident. I feel excited not just to have the thing I want, but to do the work to get there. It feels like a fun creative project.
What do I need now?
Last night was the first night this week I had some resistance to the yin yoga. I didn't want to do those long holds, my mind wasn't focusing, my body felt uncomfortable. What I need is to remember that my resistance is natural and to bring it into the practice. Lay there and feel my feelings if I can't do the poses. Keep asking " What do I need?" and bring those things in to make this a more welcoming space for whoever I'm at.
For example, last night I felt uncomfortable where parts of my skin were rubbing against the carpet in a bad way. I knew I'd be more comfortable if I put my pilates mat down. But I really like doing yoga just on the carpet beside my bed because it feels so simple. The pilates mat is downstairs, I didn't want to go down and get it, AND my cat scratches at it so hard, it would be destroyed if I left it in an easy-to-access place. I really wanted this practice to be SIMPLE to go to - like just using the carpet, with a few pillows from my bed.
I am going to have to figure out a way to incorporate the pilates mat that feels simple enough to not become a barrier AND protects the mat from my cat.
Things like that that seem so small they shouldn't matter really can block us from doing the things we want to do.
What does my dream need now?
For me to do ALL THE THINGS that have me feeling REALLY ME - creative, inspired, energized. All those colours and art that were flying around when I met it in the Dream Lab - now they are arranging themselves as a path. Saying THIS IS THE PATH. I get it.
Taking all of this into account, my focus for the next week is:
Believe in my creative magic.
Dream Book members:
Come to the forum to share your Dream Status Report or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
At therapy last week I asked my therapist for help with something - something that is just feeling stuck and I am not sure what to do with it.
And she tossed it right back at me, lol.
She said “I think you have a lot of practices with your work, that work for this kind of thing. And usually when you feel stuck you make a commitment to show up and be with it every day until you work through it.”
She’s right. The times when I’ve been the most stuck, or wanted to make a big change that felt out of reach - I do a daily coaching session with myself. And I commit to keep doing the daily coaching until I reach a certain goal.
I am starting a new journal, and starting fresh with Dream Book, which is what I’ll do as the “self coaching”.
I feel so excited about keeping this up over the summer, when the early mornings are warm enough to bring a smoothie and an iced coffee to the park for journaling.
It’s so interesting to me that I was struggling SO HARD about getting into my Dream Book earlier this week, and now I am dreaming of making more space for it in my morning routines.
Like - I can't really explain how this LIGHTS ME UP to think of a summer of "Dream Book picnics" to start my day. I'm thinking of the different parks I'll go to. Wondering if I need to get new art supplies, lol.
I'm really looking forward to this, and having things to look forward to is SO IMPORTANT.
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
Yesterday I was writing about how “interesting” it is that it’s been SO HARD for me to work with my Dream Book.
And then… I did it.
I opened my Dream Book, set to make a new Dream Page.
And I re-read the 1 Dream Pages I had in there.
And… oh wow yes I see why it was so hard for me to open this journal.
When my husband left me in September, and then my step-son suddenly developed a life-threatening illness and was in the hospital for almost 4 months… I created a new Dream Page.
It was my fall/winter “liminal space dreams”.
I was dreaming of finding my way through all of this. I did the Dream Lab and saw myself crying a lot all winter… and then in the spring my tears would melt, and there would be a river there which I could float away on, to my new life.
And re-visiting this page is like WHOA. I found my way through SO MUCH.
And I am SO PROUD of how I did it. I updated this page with how I feel now, where I am now, and all the things I am so proud of myself for. I journaled about things I have learned, the ways that a divorce kind of throws all of your stuff at you and leaves you with no choice but to work through it on your own.
And I journaled about all the ways that I feel like a different person now, even though I am not “through” this and I am sure things will keep changing. (The best advice I got about divorce is to remember that your perspective will change, radically and often. So don’t assume that anything you think is REALLY what you think.)
Anyway, WHOA.
Dreams do touch on all of our most vulnerable places.
And so sometimes we need that space to resist and avoid, because deep down that’s how we are preparing.
Because when I finally did open this up and start to work with it, it felt like the right time. I don’t think I was ready any sooner.
*** And as long as we keep SHOWING UP and doing what we CAN do (like how I was doing “creative dream practice things” but was also avoiding opening my Dream Book) we will find our way through.
People tell me sometimes that they come to live calls, or watch replays, but don’t look at the Dream Book lessons, and they feel kind of sheepish about it. But there isn’t a “right way” to do any of this.
There are a lot of “ways in” because there is no “one way in”.
Just keep showing up!
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
I want a more ALIVE creative dream practice.
I want to feel more deeply connected to my dreams, and to the version of myself I want to become next.
I want to be deeper in my creative flow.
I have space for this. I can’t think of anything I need…
Except a WAY IN.
Because I am sitting here.
I pulled a tarot card.
I lit incense and a candle.
I’ve got a new sketchbook plus my journals and art supplies aplenty and…
I don’t know the way in.
I mean - this is what the Dream Book program is, lol. Ways in, prompts, starting points.
So what is the problem?
It’s hard to start.
It’s vulnerable and awkward.
This “new dream”… it’s kind of nebulous. I have named some parts of it but a lot of it feels unclear.
And I keep opening up my Dream Book to work on it and…
Well, is it resistance? Procrastination? Fear? Waiting for the “right time”?
I have coached SO MANY PEOPLE through this.
And yet I keep falling into it myself.
But of course I do!
This is how we get “ready” (in quotes because we’re always ready and rarely feel ready)
I made Dream Book the way I did, with all the short videos and step-by-step so that you can just DO ONE THING and those things will build on each other and at some point you’ll be in your flow with it…
I trust that.
Somehow I am not doing it.
This is just such an interesting dynamic.
And here I am - I have a few hours set aside to do this and instead of doing it I am journaling about how interesting it it that I am NOT doing it.
This IS how we work through it.
By STAYING WITH it. Staying with the thoughts and feelings that come up when we’re NOT doing the thing we want to be doing.
Remember the compass of Creative Dream Alchemy. So often we want Outer Work to be the direction we are focused on, but that’s just not where we are.
BEING where we ARE and doing the work that is there, is the way to get to where we want to be.
Which means my options right now are:
- Do the video for resistance
- Or the Un-Sticking Station
- Or the video for when you are avoiding the Un-Sticking Station
- Or…. do the Dream Book. Go to the main checklist and click the link on the next thing you haven’t checked off. Or pick a think that looks interesting. Or start again from the beginning (I re-start OFTEN and highly recommend that approach!)
I am going to actually DO Dream Book. I’m on the website. I’m going to re-watch the video for The Dream Page and start a NEW Dream Page. the last few months I feel like I have refined my dreams and opened up to new ones, and I’m learning about what I want my life to look and feel like - and I want to capture all of this on a new Dream Page.
And whichever one you do remember: All you need is THE WAY IN.
You don't need to see the whole path.
All of these WAYS IN help you get into your Creative Dream Practice.
One you're IN IT - you'll see new options and possibilities.
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: I am ready for bigger things.
First: Holy crap I am at WEEK TWENTY?! It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing this for 20 weeks. I love it.
I still feel like I “just started” re-doing all of these.
It keeps amazing me how the right mantra finds me at the right time.
I am breathing this one in and it fills my body like helium… I feel light.
Like I can float up into bigger things, and not “work my ass off to get there” which is the vibe I can tend towards, if I am not intentional about HOW I am holding my intentions.
How does it feel to you?
This one can easily feel uncomfortable, and sitting with that discomfort can show you things that your dream wants you to know.
When it comes to “dreaming bigger” and “thinking bigger” our toxic culture impacts us in what the ways we define what is BIGGER and MORE VALUABLE.
Our creative dreams always want to bring us back to what is true for us.
So listen to YOU. Listen to YOUR dreams. No one else has to understand what “bigger things” is for you.
Leaving a high paying job and fancy life to life a more creative and fulfilling life can be “bigger”, you know?
Dream Book members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.
I don’t believe in fake it till you make it OR hustling your way to your dream.
I believe in healing, growing, playing and creating your way there.
So self care plays a huge role in your ability to create more of what you want in your life.
Self care increases our capacity for creativity, intuitive wisdom, courage, momentum... everything!
But the kind of self care that you, your current-day-self needs may be different from the kind of self care that your future-already-has-your-biggest-dream-self needs.
Incorporating more of those next-level self care practices into your current life can help you find new ways to overcome the obstacles... and helps you be more nourished and resourced in the present.
Creating Self Care Protocols to Support Yourself In Becoming The Version Of You Who Can Do Your Dream is happening Wednesday, May 15 at 1:00 Central (North America).
The replay will be available a few hours after the live call is finished.
Members: get the call details here. Not a member? Join us here.
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:
Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.
Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.
Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.
Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.