I am GRATEFUL and RELIEVED to have a stuck that feels straightforward and not in any way related to existential dread.
So let's go into the Un-Sticking station!
I’ve been trying to do a thing, a marketing task, and I’ve been putting it on my weekly list for a long time.
The last few weeks I’ve made real attempts to sit down and do it, and each time I do I feel SUPER UGHHHGH.
So, I wrote it onto my list for this week and said to myself “This is fine! Things take the time they take! You are not failing to get this done, you are being super brave and in the process of getting it done”
OK but I feel like I’ve failed.
That’s a valid feeling! What else are you feeling about it?
I feel like any reasonable person would have gotten this done by now.
So you feel unreasonable?
No, I don’t feel unreasonable exactly, I feel like I can’t be taken seriously as a business person if I can’t do this task.
That’s intense!!
Is it?
You do so many tasks! You’ve had a business that has supported you for 14+ years. You do your work in alignment with your values and needs. What else would you need to do to be taken seriously?
This task.
You really mean that? If you just do this one thing you could be taken seriously as a business person. And as a side question: Do you WANT to be taken seriously as a business person? That’s not something I’ve ever considered as a dream?
Oh shit. This is getting so tangled. Maybe this is an existential dread kind of stuck after all.
What feels tangled?
The fact that I can’t seem to do this particular task, which feel like such a BASIC thing a business needs to have.
So you feel like a failure for not having done it yet?
And then that feeling like you’re a failure makes it really hard to do the task, right?
Yes! I can’t enjoy doing it because of this voice that says I should have done it months ago!
Oh sweetie, that sucks! Let’s invite that voice in maybe?
Yeah, ok.
Hello, voice that says I should have done this months ago and as a result I am a failure and that any attempt to do it now must be weighed down by the shame of failure.
(this voice is a tiny monster)
It’s interesting that you are such a typical “monster” but… so tiny! So, do you really feel like we need to be THIS weighed down by shame?
The tiny monster looks frightened, like he didn’t expect to be questioned.
I offer him a cookie and a hot chocolate. I am so tempted to call him a cookie monster but that doesn’t feel like the right move.
Listen, I genuinely want to understand why you are doing this, and how we might be able to work together because it seems like we all want to get this task done.
It’s embarrassing that we can’t done it and that we are going in circles like this, having imaginary conversations and eating imaginary cookies, instead of just getting it done!
Yeah, I get that. AND. Have you noticed how you impact me when you try to make me feel shame for not having done it yet? It makes me unable to do it at all. Like - you play a role in this inability to get this task done. And I think you are doing this because this task is NOT as simple as you want it to be. It’s vulnerable. And I wonder if you are afraid of the vulnerability of it.
The little monster puts his hands over his head to hide.
Yeah, listen little buddy, I don’t want to upset you. This IS vulnerable and vulnerability is scary and putting out work out into the world is NOT usually a simple task!
He peeks out…. You mean it’s ok that I feel tangled?
It’s not just ok it’s great! It means you’re human! And sensitive! These are good things!
You’re right, I just wanted to not feel how scary this feels.
Thank you for sharing that little guy!
And now he’s a baby in a high chair having a snack and giggling.
This little monster was not the only thing making this hard!!! This has roots in a lot of places, like feeling enough and fear about financial security as the world falls apart and not wanting to be misunderstood and just all the ways that marketing our heart work gets tricky.
But, where am I now?
Can I do the task?
I have no idea! So let’s go try and report back….
[OK I just spent A WHOLE HOUR working on this… and I feel excited to keep going.]

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