Last week I did a free creative journal class about tapping into your inner magic and I’ve been getting requests to re-share the inspiring + helpful flashcards I made for the class, which illustrate the secret to finding the magic, so here they are.
I learned so much about what makes me trip and what makes me fly.“
When you REALLY understand what makes you trip and what makes you fly – it becomes a lot easier to trip less, fly higher, and get to where you want to be.? The flashcards show the basics of how this works:
Being in your magic = showing up as your ACTUAL SELF.
You are infinitely creative, gifted + capable of creating anything you want to create in your life.? ?Remembering that this is your ACTUAL self is deeply liberating.
When you align with false stories about yourself and the world, untrue ideas about what is possible for you, limiting beliefs, fears + doubts – you disconnect from your power to act and create what you want in your world.
(hint: ANY story, thought or idea that says you can’t have what you REALLY want is not true)

When you align with your inner magic (aka inner self or inner truth) you have immense power to create in your world.
But you can’t do the work of aligning with your inner magic if you’re not sure what your inner magic is. So that was step 1 which I covered in last week’s class (you can watch the whole thing for free, right here), getting to know more about your unique flavour of magic and what it needs.
Step 2 is wayyyy more fun, it’s about ALIGNING with your inner magic.
That alignment is what we’ll be creating The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class, which starts TODAY.
The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class is a rich and transformative tele-class (basically a group healing, with glitter pens) plus you get a 37 page Guided Journal and Colouring Book with insightful prompts, powerful energy alchemy processes and healing mandalas for you to activate (ie: colour!).
It’s all specially designed to help you use your creativity to align with and activate your inner magic to move into a space where ANYTHING is possible.
You’re going to LOVE it!
The Magic Journal Creative Journal Class is happening inside the Creative Dream Circle:
Click here to read more and join us today.
PS:? The cost of the Creative Dream Circle is going up this weekend.? Click here to read more.