Vintage Creative Dream TV

Creative Dream TV: Believing In Yourself

When you don't believe in yourself, every little thing in your way seems like a huge, insurmountable obstacle.

When you do believe in yourself, huge insurmountable obstacles turn into tiny pebbles that you just kick out of your way as you walk merrily along the path to your dream.

Believing in yourself is magic.

But, as you probably already know, getting there is complicated.

That's what this week's Creative Dream TV is all about:

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Creative Dream TV: How To Know Which Dream To Pursue NOW

Is there a such thing as too many dreams?

YES.? Yes there is, because you can usually only focus on and bring to life one dream at at time.

When your focus is split, you end up with a Creative Dream Bottleneck.? The result: ALL DREAMS ARE STUCK? AND NO DREAMS BECOME REAL.

My clients HATE THIS!

They want all their dreams, right now.? I have had so many clients REFUSE to pick just one dream.

And I get it - I feel the same way!

But the result of not picking just one?? ALL DREAMS ARE STUCK NO AND DREAMS BECOME REAL.

Holding onto ALL dreams means you actually get NO dreams.? Grrrrrrr.

If you want to succeed, you've got to focus in on one dream.

You don't throw your other dreams away - you just put them in order.

Each dream you nurture to fruition opens tiny doorways and makes the next dream easier to bring to fruition... like magic.

Watch this week's episode of Creative Dream TV for some tips on how to figure out which dream to pursue first:


Please remember that Successful Creative Dreaming is a LEARN-A-BLE skill.

If you have blocks and stucks and obstacles and think that it's just too hard - it's only because no one taught you how to do this.

You can learn how in the Creative Dream Circle.

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Creative Dream TV: The Surprising Secret of ENOUGHNESS

Sweetie, you are enough, exactly as you are right here right now.

And your dreams are enough, exactly as they are right here right now.

And, the surprising secret: Settling into a place of already being enough actually helps you to bring bigger dreams to life (like magic!).

That's what this week's Creative Dream TV is all about.

Watch it now:

As I shared in the video, when we had our magical series of ENOUGHNESS tele-classes last weekend in the Creative Dream Circle, we had a lot of resistance to this idea (at first).

It can seem like settling into enoughness means you'll be settling in your life...and yet when you really explore enoughness and let it in actually the opposite happens.


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Creative Dream TV: When You Have Obstacles In Your Way

"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure." - Joseph Campbell

Obstacles and stumbles are super annoying!

They are also the means through which our dreams actually come true, so it's important to pay attention to them.? And that's what this week's Creative Dream TV is all about.

Watch it now:

Once you start really working with this and getting creative about how you handle the obstacles - miracles will start to happen.

Inside the Creative Dream Circle, I show you everything you need to know about transforming obstacles into fuel for you dreams.


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Creative Dreams + Money. It’s a problem, right?


I mean, dreams don't pay the bills, right?

Well, actually, that's wrong.

Creative Dreams can and do pay the bills.

The problem is that CreativeSpiritual people shut off their genius when it comes to money.

Admit it, you do this.

So, before your creative dreams can pay the bills, you have to re-route a path in your brain - from your genius, to your money.

I promise: This is not anywhere near as complicated or weird as it sounds.

In this episode of Creative Dream TV I talk about a whole bunch of questions I got from Creative Dream TV fans, about creative dreams and money.

And I and share a crazy-magic transformational tool that helps no matter what your specific struggle with money looks like - a tool that helps you to start to re-route a path in your brain - from your genius, to your money.

Watch it now:

So let's get your creative genius flowing when it comes to money.

Your dream wants to pay your bills!

My Creative With Money class is now available for free when you join Dream Book.

Creative Dreams + Money. It’s a problem, right? Read More »

Creative Dream TV: Guilt over asking for money for your creative gifts

Most creative people have a hard time asking for what their work is worth.

This week's Creative Dream TV question:

"I'm a freelance editor who often works directly with writers. My?clientele?(writers) are notoriously poor! I feel the service I provide is valuable, but I feel guilty charging what I think I should be earning because I know that so many of my clients will struggle to find the money. What should I do? Should I try to find a different clientele??

How can I find the balance between what my clients can pay and what I need to earn?"

In this situation, we have a creative person working with creative people so it's compounded.? But what's happening beneath the surface is what's happening with a lot of creative people:? getting all twisted up when it comes to asking for money for our work - enough money so we can live comfortably.

Watch the episode now:

(Yes, I am wearing my new sovereignty crown!)

Creative WITH Money!

Creative people struggle with money so much because we don't use our creative gifts and strengths when we deal with money.

Admit it - you shut off your brilliant creative genius when it comes to money.

It's time to stop doing that.


(Creative with Money, along with allllll of my other courses, is only available inside the Creative Dream Circle.)

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Creative Dream TV: What if I don’t know what my dream is?

This week I'm answering a question I get all the time:? What if I don't know what my dream is?

Not knowing is so frustrating!

Or sometimes you think you know what your dream is, but you're not sure. That's frustrating too!

In this video I've got 2 solutions for you. Watch it now:

Here is the link to Barbara Sher's amazing book: Wishcraft (you can read the whole thing for free online!)

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Creative Dream TV: How to cure panic + freakouts on route to your dream

How to cure panic + freakouts on route to your dream

In this week's episode I share a really simple, silly + totally effective way to keep panic + fear from getting in your way.

Watch it now:

Fear is the #1 thing that is stopping you from having what you want.

Your creative potential is MUCH LARGER than any obstacle you face.

But when you listen to your fears, you shrink, which makes the obstacles seem so huge.

You need to stop listening to your fears and start transforming them.

To get my best tools plus ongoing support for transforming fear into something useful - join the Creative Dream Circle today.

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Creative Dream TV: Fear vs Purpose

This Creative Dream Question: How do I discern?if I am choosing a dream because it truly is aligned to my soul's purpose, or if I am choosing a dream because I am operating out of fear?

If you are:

  • confused about what your purpose is
  • confused about your dream is
  • struggling to bring your dreams to life

this is for you!


Inside the Creative Dream Circle there is a whole hour-long class on How To Tell Fear from Intuition.

That class is changing lives!

When you know, for sure, what your higher self wants you to do, and learn how to act on that knowing.... you become absolutely unstoppable.

Click here to join the Circle today - you won't regret it!

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Creative Dream TV: What if no one cares about what you have to offer?

Ohmygosh when you're worried that your thing isn't good enough, that you're not good enough, that if you put it out there no one will care - that makes it so hard to get started!

I have A LOT to say about this so let's get right to it:

PS:When you join the Creative Dream Circle - you also get my Creative BUSINESS Incubator.

It's got hours and hours of creative business videos, packed with tips, journaling prompts for uncovering your magic, unique approaches to success, resources and everything I've learned about how to grow a business with integrity and creativity and heart.

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What if you can’t afford the kind of support you need to grow your dream?


This week's question is from a Creative Dreamer on a fixed income who cannot afford the kinds of programs that would give her the kind of support and tools she needs to bring her dreams to life.

Even if you can afford the support you need, most of us do find ourselves in a situation when we think something has to change before we can have what we want.

The important thing to know about this is that there is always a way to move forward now.

And that is what this week's episode of Creative Dream TV is all about:

And here is that video I mention in this video: Your Infinite Creative Potential and how it means that Everything Is Possible.

What if you can’t afford the kind of support you need to grow your dream? Read More »

Creative Dream TV: How to handle limiting beliefs, fears & doubts

how to handle limiting beliefs

In this video I dive into a question I received from Louise, a lovely portrait artist who has:

  • lost all confidence in her artwork
  • has a belief that she can't shake off that she can't support herself with her dream

And so she feels frozen and unsure about how to move forward with her dreams.

We've all felt this way.

We've all felt like we can't have what we really want, like we don't deserve it and it will just never happen.

Learning how to deal with this stuff is your Most Important Work, when it comes to bringing your dreams to life.

Watch it now:

This video is from 2012. The kit I mentioned is the Transform your Inner Critics, Fears and Doubts Kit.

Now (in 2014) this kit has been transformed into the Un-Sticking Station, which you get inside the Creative Dream Circle. It helps you transform ANY block you find on the path to your dream. I know that sounds crazy but it absolutely works. You have the power to shift this stuff, you just need the right tools.Click here to join the Circle today.


I also mentioned the "Top Posts For When Things Suck", here they are :


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Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: