Manifest Your Dream Life

Procrastination and finding the easy way to do something hard


I put off these two things for months:

  1. Making my private sessions public (I had been doing private sessions all along, but had stopped offering it as a thing on my website a year and a half ago, so I was only working with people who had already been working with me before I took it off my website)
  2. Making guided journals and colouring books.

At first, I had all sorts of reasons why I couldn’t do either of these things right now.

Reasonable reasons.? Excuses love to dress up as reasonable reasons!

And then I noticed that these reasonable reasons were actually keeping me from doing what I want to do.

And that putting these things off didn’t actually feel good.

So I decided to do them.

I tried to take control of the situation.? I made time in my schedule to work on these things.? I moved them up the priority list.

And suddenly everything else in the whole world was so much more important than doing these things!

I was a procrastinating manic.

Everything about working on these things felt HARD.?

It felt scary and like I didn’t know how to do it and like everything is hopeless anyway so why bother?

Oh my.? No wonder I had been avoiding this for so long!

When I just can’t seem to do something the way I’m trying to do it, instead of giving up I set my sights on finding the easiest possible way in.?

Instead of going full speed ahead, what if I just stick my teeny tiny baby toe in the door towards doing this?

Ahhh.? Relief. And room to breathe.

  1. Instead of diving head first into offering private sessions – I am offering a limited number of private sessions on my website.? This feels good.? A solid step, not an overwhelming leap.
  2. Instead of diving into creating and selling my guided journals and colouring books, I am making a mini version and giving it away – my Valentine’s gift to you.

For the private sessions, I spent a lot of time exploring how to offer this in a way that feels good and nurturing and inspiring and sustainable for me.

This is also why I added custom art to these sessions (during the session I’ll make you a treasure map that outlines your transformational process and next steps).? That is an idea I have been playing with for years and I’m really happy to be taking this step with it.

It seems important to add that it doesn’t matter why I felt overwhelmed at the thought of putting these sessions out there on a permanent basis.

I love doing this work and I don’t know why taking this particular step freaked out my inner critics.? It’s more important to focus on am I sure I want to do this? and how can I do this in a way that feels good?

I’m highly sensitive and highly introverted and kind of weird and I get overwhelmed sometimes. It just happens.? Over the years I have found that it makes more sense to figure out a way to NOT feel overwhelmed, than it does to explore the overwhelm and try to figure out WHY it’s there (which opens up a Pandora’s Box of stuckness).

(If you’re a Creative Dream Circle member you can use the Un-Sticking Station to do this – un-sticking the stuck helps you find the way through)

For the journals, it’s kind of like I was DROWNING in ideas about what I can do with them.

I am imagining this being a huge series of books (they’ll be available for sale on my website, and Creative Dream Circle members will get them free).

With this many ideas, it’s really hard to know where it start.

But I kept sitting quietly with the essence of what I want to create, and one day it just dawned on me that Valentine’s Day is coming up and I could make the first one?a “mini” version about self-love and give it away as Valentine’s gifts instead of selling it.

This idea came with a GIGANTIC wave of relief.? Giving things away is a lot easier than selling them and it’s an ideal way to bring a new creative project to life.

(Your free Valentine’s guided journal and colouring book will be out later in the week.)

Once I got started making the freebie journal and colouring book, I got clearer on what I want to do next with the journals, and even have the first full journal underway – it’s called YOU GOT THIS, a journal about transforming doubt.

affirmation inspiration card

I love how taking that teeny tiny step gets you into movement and creative flow.

And now I am DOING these two things that I had been just DREAMING about for so long.

Think of the thing(s) you’d love to do that you are putting off.? Are there any teeny tiny super easy baby steps you can take today?

Procrastination and finding the easy way to do something hard Read More »

I want to be MIRACULOUSLY productive.

I want to be dazed and confused over how much I get done every day while still totally having fun and staying all zen and calm.

But I am not uber productive.

I’m not even always having fun or staying zen.

And it’s making me very cranky!?

Yesterday I posted a photo of taking a nap… I took that nap in the hopes that it would cure the cranky, which it did NOT.


In the Creative Dream Incubator e-course this week we’re exploring the essence of our dreams.

Getting all sorts of sweet delicious clarity about the essence of my dream (which is the heart and soul of the dream – a living energy being who can help you make your dream real) is just making me hyper aware of the gap between where I am and where I want to be.

As long as you are growing as a person you’re going to come across that gap.

Being aware of it is a good thing, it helps you bridge it.

But being aware of it is also a sucky crankifying thing because dude – I want to be there but I am here.

I’m also noticing, when I get out of that “I AM CRANKY, THIS ISN’T FAIR, DAMNIT!” energy pattern, that all of the things I am wishing for are ways of being.

I want to FEEEEEL blissfully productive.? Which I can do, if I work on my inner relationship with productivity and untangle whatever is tangled there.

I want to FEEEEEEL happy and zen about being productive.? Which I can do, if I work on my inner relationships with the inner critics and fears that are keeping me from feeling that way.

I’m super cranky about this when I am in that space of wanting things to change on the OUTSIDE.

The crankiness melts when I remember that it’s all about what is happening on the INSIDE.

I love how each time I do the Creative Dream Incubator course it brings me new gifts and helps me move into a deeper connection with my inner truth.

The path is not easy, but the gifts are worth it.

We have one rule in this session of the Incubator – You’re Not Behind, Ever.? We’re committed to honouring our unique process and doing this together, but working at our own pace.? This means it’s not too late for YOU to join us 😉

I want to be MIRACULOUSLY productive. Read More »

How disappointment is LIBERATING

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


When you have a dream, you almost always have things you know you could do about it, that you are not doing. Like – I want to write a book but I am not sitting down to write.

The things you know to do are not necessarily the things that are going to get you what you want. But doing them gets you moving.

When you stay in your stories of what you think it will be like, instead of diving into the process, you create an energy of resistance around you.

I had an energy of resistance around me about doing everything I could to promote my courses.? So last month I decided to do ALL THE THINGS I knew to do, to promote it.

Exhausting, yes. But it created movement and detangled the resistance energy around me. Totally worth it.

I discovered that doing ALL THE THINGS didn’t actually work!


While I was happy with the number of people who signed up for the Creative Dream Incubator last month, it was only a small increase over how many people signed up last January. And given that I dropped the price this year, it meant I didn’t make more money this January than I did last January.

That was disappointing. I still made more money than I need, doing the things I love most, so it’s not a total bust or anything.

And just a little time journaling about it showed that it was, in fact, liberating.

What if WORKING MY ASS OFF had doubled my income?

Wouldn’t I then be tempted to keep WORKING MY ASS OFF as my permanent plan, instead of temporary measures to get myself out of resistance and into movement?

Even though I was journaling in a coffee shop, I actually laughed out loud about this. Of course I didn’t want it to work!

But now I see all these new possibilities for how this can work, now that I am MOVING with this.

It’s like that process of doing everything I thought I “should” be doing was little a clarifying fire. It burned off all this bullshit and has left me so much more connected to my truth. The inner critic who says “You have to follow the rules” is probably not totally gone, but got a LOT smaller this week.

Such a beautiful thing and totally worth the discomfort of staying out of my comfort zone last month.

The most amazing thing this week is that there are miracles happening EVERYWHERE in the Circle.

People are opening up to their dreams and miracles are happening. I never get tired of seeing this happen.

The energy of the Circle is amazing and it is drawing new people in.

I’m also hearing a recurring theme from new members, that they have wanted to join for a long time, but they were scared because they knew that joining would mean dropping all of their excuses for why they can’t have what they want. And dropping your excuses is terrifying!

(Well, actually, I think getting to the end of your life and looking back to see you followed other people’s rules and didn’t get any of YOUR dreams is much more terrifying)

The Circle is a SAFE space for doing this work and for facing the hard stuff in the lightest possible way.? People are so relieved to find there is so much love and support for doing this work with LIGHTNESS.

Now I’m wondering – how do I create more of that safety out here? A public blog is not a clear, solid container like a private program is. But there have to be ways to invite more of those qualities in, there has to be a way to create a safer path.

This weekend I’ll be journaling about that, and exploring some exciting ideas that are springing up in the places where the “you have to follow the rules” inner critic used to hang out.

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Art Journal Lessons from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

art journal lessons from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I’m re-watching Buffy right now.? I LOVE Buffy.

Last night I watched the episode where Jenny Calendar obtains an Orb of Thesulah in an attempt to re-ensoul Angel.

What struck me was the scene where Jenny is in the magic shop.? When she asks for the Orb of Thesulah, the shopkeeper drops his act.? “Oh, you’re in the industry” he says, and goes on to talk about how it’s sad that selling ouji boards and love spells to “tourists” is what pays the bills these days.

When he gives her the Orb of Thesula, which has the power to CALL BACK A SOUL, he mentions that they are most commonly sold as “new age paperweights”.

What I am noticing:

  1. shallow surface stuff sells, deep ACTUAL MAGIC stuff – not so much
  2. some deep ACTUAL MAGIC stuff is sold as shallow surface stuff

A lot of it comes down to levels of willingness.

To crazy-over-simplify it: we are like onions.? The ego is the surface layer.? The soul and all the dream goodies are in the center.

It’s simple: peel back the layers. Get to the goodies.

Except that ego surface layer has this trick it does.? It makes up stories about who you are.? Stories that live in that surface layer and are not actually connected to your core truth.

Stories that are carefully crafted to keep you playing whatever roles the ego thinks are going to earn you? _________ ( external approval, safety, love, etc,).

These are stories that the ego-onion has been whispering in your ear so long you form this attachment to them and start to mistake them for who you actually are.

So what happens when you try to peel back a layer?? The storyteller goes NUTS.

Of course it does!? It knows that if you start this journey, at some point you’re going to throw out the bullshit stories in your quest to discover your actual truth.

So this is where we get stuck.

Are you willing to look at what is ACTUALLY there in the many many many layers of who you are?? Even when it’s not pretty?? Even when the ego throws a tantrum?

Or would you rather stay in this “safe” story?

This level of willingness determines if you’re going to use magical tools as new age paperweights or if you’re going to use them to change your world.

Frankly, there is a lot of “surface stuff” in the art journaling world.? People take classes to learn how to make pretty pages with deep sounding quotes on them.

And their lives go on largely as they were before. Except now they have this hobby and their new hobby makes them happy.? Which is really great!

Except all that potential for transformation is just sitting there like a new age paperweight.

Or is it waiting for perfect timing?

Later on in Buffy, when they once try again to re-ensoul Angel, it is discovered that Rupert Giles had an Orb of Thesulah which he had been using as a new age paperweight all along.

Maybe there are no accidents and everything is unfolding perfectly.

Art Journaling is the ultimate Orb of Thesulah.

It’s sitting there as a new age paperweight, quietly beaming beams that call back your soul.

And you can keep learning how to make pretty pages and stay on the surface of the onion for as long as you want.? As soon as you decide that you want to dive in – it’s there for you.

This is why I call what I teach CREATIVE journaling.? It’s not about making art.? It’s about CREATING your LIFE.

It can call back your power, your courage and your genius.

It can transform the limiting beliefs and sad stories that hold you back.

It can show you clear roadmaps that lead to your dreams.

It’s all up to you and how you’re going to use it.? If you want some help finding the REAL magic in your journal, I do have a (FREE!) Creative Dream Journal e-course right here.


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Venturing into new Territory

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.


I remember the first time I read what Deepak Chopra said about the process of metamorphosis, how a caterpillar turns into mush and a butterfly is born out of that mush and how our transformation works in the same way.

You don’t just suddenly sprout wings.? You turn into mush and then emerge from the mush brighter, stronger and truer.

This week, I am that mush!
mandala creative journal

It feels like new space is opening up inside me.? Like my heart has more room now.

Good stuff happened this week which I’m not ready to talk about just yet, since I am in the mush.

mandala creative journal

So I’m just not in the headspace to share a detailed practical kind of update.

I can say that the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course started inside the Creative Dream Circle this week and it’s AMAZING.

We’ve got over 70 members in the Circle now which is buzzing and sparkling.

I worked hard this month, I kept the pedal to the metal.? I tripled my web traffic!? I welcomed really wonderfully fantastic new members into the Circle!

I am really happy with how this is going.

I don’t want to let the mushiness of transformation and shifting into something new that I am feeling right now to dampen the momentum I worked hard to build.

So, this weekend I’m spending some time with my journal, my analytics and these questions:

What worked?

What didn’t work?

How am I defining “worked”?? Am I clear on how much energy I want to be putting in to make things “work”?

What do I want to do more of next month?

What do I want to do less of next month?

If everything about running my business could be exactly how I wanted it to be – how would that be?? What do I really want to be doing?

… looking forward to exploring this.

PS: I’ve been getting a lot of emails from people wondering if they can still join the Circle now, even though the Creative Dream Incubator started on Tuesday.? The answer is YES.

There is one rule in the Incubator course: You are never behind!? This is deep transformation which you can only do in YOUR own time.

So if you’re feeling like you’d like to join us, join us!

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There is no magic in the BUT


Today we start the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course inside the Creative Dream Circle.

Marketing experts would say that today is the day I’m supposed to write one last mind-blowing post to convince you that not signing up will be the biggest mistake of your life.

I’m not going to do that.

If you aren’t interested, I want to encourage you to trust your instincts and not join.? This isn’t for everyone!

Isn’t that kind of obvious?? I only want to play with people who want to play with me!

So if you’re not feeling that pull to join… that is totally OK – me and the Incubator are still sending you and your dream all the love.

What’s NOT OK is that so many people tell me they want to sign up BUT….

But I’m not sure I should spend money on dreams…

But I don’t know if I have enough time…

But I’m not sure I will fit in…

But what if I find out my dream is impossible…

But I think I’m doing ok on my own…

But I already know all about all this manifestation/healing stuff…

And don’t I HAVE TO do this on my own anyway?

Oh sweetie!? Yes, but is so ICKY!

The heart speaks in desire.? And the heart is wise.

A clear yes is a beautiful thing.

I clear no is a beautiful thing.

But your but is just that… a but.? There is no magic in butting!

BUTS are excuses that come from the part of you who is afraid of stepping into something new.

This is a valid fear!? New = scary, it’s true.

But having a BUT doesn’t mean your YES is actually a NO.? It just means you’re nervous about stepping into something new.? Which means you’re human.

I’m sure you already know that it’s actually impossible to GET your dream with ever stepping into something new.

So at some point, the YES has to become bigger than the BUT.? It’s up to YOU to decide when that point is.

There is MAGIC and HEALING and MIRACLES and POSSIBILITY in the Circle for you – if you want them.

There is SPACE in the Circle for you and your dream – if you want it.

At only $100/year – you do NOT have to participate in everything in order to get your money’s worth.

And if money is an issue – you can use the Incubator to create more financial abundance in your world (plus we’re going to do the Creative With Money course this year, and you’ll get that too). You can invest in creating a better future for yourself.

It’s your call, I just want to make it super clear: No matter what your but is, you and your dream will be ADORED, CHERISHED, CELEBRATED and SUPPORTED IN GROWING in the Circle.

Click here to join.

There is no magic in the BUT Read More »

How can you tell if YOUR dream is ready to grow?

How can you tell if your dream is ready to grow?

I have been getting so many questions lately from dreamers wondering… is my dream too small? Or too big?

Too vague?

Too selfish?

Too unlikely to come true so there is no point in even trying?

The answer is always no.? Your dream is not “too” anything.? Ever.

And the right time to get started is always NOW.

I know getting there will be a journey, but just imagine where you’ll be a year from now if you start today!

Here are some of the dreams that participants in the next session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course (starting tomorrow!) will be working on:

  • Figuring out how to step out of Corporate America and into something more creative and soul-FULL.
  • Exploring what it would mean to live as an Artist.
  • Creating a warm, welcoming home.
  • Discovering and creating conditions for thriving.
  • Bringing more love and kindness into everyday life.
  • Finding a partner.
  • Building a coaching business.
  • Creating a meditation practice.
  • To be more honest and real with myself.
  • To find my dream.

All dreams are delightful!? When you think about someone wanting to create these things in their lives, you just want to cheer for them, am I right?

A dream is anything that lights you up – from the tiniest slice of joy to the grandest life-changing adventure.

Your dream is perfect just as it is.? Just like you are.

It’s not too impossible.? It doesn’t take more time or money or talent or support than you have.

It just needs your commitment.

And your courage.

The Creative Dream Incubator e-Course starts tomorrow in the Creative Dream Circle!

I hope you (and your delightful dream!) will take the leap and join us.

If you’re on the fence and have some questions – shoot me an email using the contact form on this page.

The most common question I’m getting is:

When will you run this again?? I really want to join, but now is just not the right time.

If you want to join I encourage you to JOIN.

Waiting for “The Right Time” is self-sabotage.

Life is never going to slow down enough for you to magically have time for your dreams.? This is something you have to choose for yourself.

You’ll be happy to know that there is only one rule in the Creative Dream Incubator which is: YOU ARE NOT BEHIND. EVER.

You’ll get access to the course for a whole year.? You can take the teeniest tiniest baby steps with this and still get there in the end.

This isn’t about learning a bunch of stuff, this is about internal transformation.? You have to do that in your own time, at your own pace.

As I’ve said, it’s less a course and more a dream-growing bubble of love.? You can always fit a dream-growing bubble of love into your life somewhere!

And even if it takes you all year to work through this one course… well, a year from now:

  • You’ll have BIG, STRONG Creative Dreamer Muscles.
  • You’ll see more possibility and fewer obstacles in front of you.
  • You’ll understand what your dream needs in order to grow and you’ll know how to GIVE your dream what it needs to grow, without depleting yourself.
  • You’ll feel like a CREATIVE SUPERHERO.

But the answer to the question of when will I run this again is: I don’t know.

This is the fourth year I’ve been doing this course.? As a creative person, I’m sure you understand that don’t like doing the same thing again and again!

So far, I’ve made an exception for this course because it’s such a beautiful thing and because it’s been such a powerful way to help more creatives have a positive impact on their world.? I love how the Creative Dream Incubator makes the world a better place by empowering creative dreamers.

But it does take a LOT of time and energy for me to put on each session, and I have a lot of other things I want to do too, so I can’t say for sure that I will do this again.

So if you want to join I encourage you to JOIN.? The magic starts tomorrow.? It’s happening inside the Creative Dream Circle.

How can you tell if YOUR dream is ready to grow? Read More »

On turning 40 and being surprised.


So I am turning 40 this year.

I’ve never cared much about age, or worried about “getting old”.? I mean I’d rather age than die and those are the only options, right?

I don’t think “looking young” is better than “looking old” and I do think our society is incredibly sick when it comes to this and that sickness is at the root of why most people are not living radiantly happy and fulfilling lives.

But beneath all of that bullshit about anti-aging, I am turning 40 this year and I am really noticing a shift in myself.

I am entering a new decade.

I remember being so excited to enter my 30s!

I felt like I was FINALLY getting my shit together, I felt like possibility was everywhere and I had all the time in the world to do everything.

Entering my 40s feels really different.

It feels less like a celebration and more like an initiation.

A call to a new level of trusting myself.

But the biggest thing is my commitment to my dreams.

It used to feel like I had all the time in the world.? Now, when I think back on how much time I spend working in a job that did not light me up, I am kind of sad.

I know I cannot go back to that, no matter what.? It’s not about having a job vs running a business.? It’s about living in deep alignment with my purpose, my creativity, my heart and my soul.

I am here to live MY truth.

Not to follow anyone else’s rules.? Not to walk along the beaten path.? Not to conform or fit in or play it safe or play it small.

Facing 40 is pushing me to dig DEEPER into my dreams.

I have this urgent feeling about how precious my time here actually is and how little of it I can afford to waste doing things that don’t light me up.

It’s a really strong feeling in my body – a huge energy shift.

I’m surprised because I am already doing my best to be true to myself!

But now I see there is a whole new level, which I couldn’t even see before.

Which makes me giggle because I know that there is ALWAYS another whole new level.? Growth is infinite.? And yet I’m always surprised to find new levels.

I’m so grateful we’re starting the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course this week.? As I said before, it’s less of a course and more of a dream-growing bubble of love and it’s exactly what I need right now to help me sort through this new commitment I want to make to living this new level of being TRUE to myself.

On turning 40 and being surprised. Read More »

Being Ridiculously Happy

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.



Today I am so grateful that I stayed with the discomfort of shifting my comfort zone these past few weeks.? It’s not that being uncomfortable is inherently valuable, it’s more like in order to hold a new intention you have to be willing to hold that new intention no matter how it feels or else you won’t be able to move into it.

And new usually does feel uncomfortable because it’s outside of our familiar zone.

The numbers I am working with, like having 800 members in the Creative Dream Circle, aren’t really about the numbers.? It’s more about the energy, feelings and qualities of it.

A business is a tangible thing and I wanted a tangible set of numbers to work with.? The number that best matched the energy, feelings and qualities is 800.

The other number I’ve been playing with is around 3,500 – 4,000.? This is the number of unique monthly visitors per month I have had for the last few years.?

For those who don’t speak analytics this means the number of different people who visit my site, this is not the total number of page hits.? Even if you visit once a week, you are only counted as one person – and everyone who gets my blog posts sent via email aren’t counted in this number at all.

Given how honest and vulnerable I am in what I share here – I was simply NOT comfortable with this number being any higher than 4,000.? Also – coaches don’t need huge audiences to have enough clients.

But my dream has been telling me that in order to grow the Circle I do need to grow my audience.

Substantially.? To about 20,000 unique monthly visitors.

Which terrified me!

I was barely comfortable with 4,000!

What has helped me the most is to keep remembering that it’s not about me.

I’ve studied how dreams grow WAY MORE than anyone I know.? I have so much passion and love for dreams.? I have created programs that literally GROW DREAMS.

I am not the point – DREAMS are the point!? I didn’t do this work to get attention for myself, I did this work because DREAMS MATTER TO ME.

I feel strongly that dreams are going to heal the world.? I am deeply committed to supporting this in happening.

When I sit with the desire to serve the whole world through serving more dreamers, I feel like I can do anything.? I feel like the whole universe (which loves dreams very much) is actively supporting me.

This feels amazing.

And I even feel safe bringing my work to a larger audience.

And it’s happening quickly!? Right now I’m now at just over 9,000 unique monthly visitors.?

My number more than doubled in a month.

And it’s happening in a sustainable way – at this point it would be hard for me to slow down that growth.? (For Circle members, I am sharing the details of what I’m doing to make this happen in the Creative Business Incubator)

Of course, traffic does not equal Circle members!? But having 800 members by the end of the year seems completely do-able with what the numbers are doing right now.

I feel like I was in a rut.? And I set my sights on going somewhere new.

And the process of getting out of that rut and creating a new path was awkward and uncomfortable and exhausting – but now I’m here.? Solid and steady on the new path.

I still have to walk the path – but actually getting on the path is harder than walking along it.? Such a satisfying feeling.

I am super in love with my dream, with the Circle, with the Circle members… all of it.

I know that love is a powerful magnet and light – helping draw more support and resources to me while lighting up my next steps on the path.

But that’s not what is making me happy.

What is making me happy is knowing that I am doing my best to make this work.

I’m not shying away from any of the things I usually shy away from.

I’m not avoiding looking at any parts of this.

I’m not wishing, hoping or praying things will change, I am being ACTIVE about CHANGING THEM.

I’m not letting my inner critics or limiting beliefs decide how things have to be.

Whatever the outcome ends up being – THIS feels amazing.


This is my favourite part of Creative Dreaming: getting into FLOW

Bringing a dream to life is about this inner work of connecting more deeply to the core of who you are.

Bringing more of your soul’s presence (and power and magic) into your everyday life.

There are bumps in the road because there are hard things to face in this process. (If it was easy- everyone would be living with their dreams)

There are also times when everything feels so amazingly right it’s hard to not burst into song about how gorgeous it all is.

PS: The Creative Dream Incubator e-Course is starting on TUESDAY!? You guys!? This class is amazing.? It’s not even a class as much as it’s a transformational dream-growing bubble of love.

You can read what Incubator Graduates have to say about it right here.

You can read all about the course right here.

You can join the Circle – to get this course plus every other course I do all year long – right here.

Being Ridiculously Happy Read More »

At their core, all dreams are the same: to live a life that is in alignment with who you really are.


To do the things that light you up.

To fully inhabit your SELF and your life.

To live in tune with your own soul.

Every dream leads you deeper into this place.

Big dreams, small dreams, silly dreams, serious dreams – it doesn’t matter what the (external) dream is – there is so much magic in the process of Creative Dream Incubation, because it’s about digging into the magic within.

Transforming blocks.? Liberating genius.? And activating the power within – the power to bring any dream to life.

This inner process is so healing and magical – the outer process of getting your dream is really only the icing on the cake.

Still, if there is something you want to create in your world, the Creative Dream Incubator can help you create it.

You can use it to:

  • figure out what your dream is
  • bring a new creative venture to life
  • feel at home in your own skin
  • have more fun
  • make it easier to stay on track with your goals
  • make more money
  • play a trip around the world
  • write a book
  • develop a unique daily creativespiritual practice that truly sustains you
  • be more connected to your inner self
  • sleep better


The Creative Dream Incubator e-Course is happening inside the Creative Dream Circle, starting on January 28.

It’s creative and soulful and fun and magical and I hope you’ll join us!

At their core, all dreams are the same: to live a life that is in alignment with who you really are. Read More »

Keeping the Pedal to the Metal

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

I am familiar with PUTTING the pedal to the metal.

I’ve had to do that repeatedly to get to where I am.? And I like that feeling that I am DRIVING myself somewhere in my life, that I am in the driver’s seat, pointed in the right direction, and GOING.

What I am NOT familiar with is KEEPING the pedal to the metal.

I like to go somewhere, then get out of the car.? Have a picnic, maybe a nap.? Appreciate where I am.? Acclimate to where I am.? Then choose a new destination, draw a new map, get back in the car.

What I like are day trips.? Put the pedal to the metal, get to where I want to be, then stop.

What my dreams are calling me into now is a long distance road trip.

My challenge to myself is to KEEP the pedal to the metal for all of January.

Kind of funny that this is coming to me in a driving analogy since I sold my car this fall and have been REVELING in my new car-free lifestyle.? But this is how it feels.

I can feel my right foot pushing down on the gas and I notice how I want to slam on the brakes and just stop until I feel acclimated where I am.

But my intuition is clear.? Pedal to the metal, sweetie.? You’ll LOVE where we get to once we get there.? But we’re not there yet so don’t stop.

So that’s where I’m at this week.


Pedal firmly to the metal.

Being consistent about all the things I need to be consistent about to spread the word about the upcoming Creative Dream Incubator e-Course happening inside the Creative Dream Circle.

A few months ago I wrote in the Circle about a pattern I’d spotted while journaling, about how I don’t stay consistent with my marketing.

This is that not-keeping-the-pedal-to-the-metal-thing.

So I started using the tools in the Circle to work on it, to get to know it more, find out what it has to teach me, learn more about my own resistance and – finally – create a new possibility for what I’d like to do instead.

And here I am.? Now it’s like I am cruising down the highway, singing, enjoying that beautiful sparkling spacious feeling of being out on the open road. Marketing-wise I am doing EVERYTHING I feel inspired to do.

I’ve never done this before.? I’ve always spent more time working on my actual programs or working with clients, and less time marketing.

It feels good to work so hard in service to inviting more dreamers into my world.

It’s not ALL good though.

Things are going good, but this is also exhausting.

I do want to keep this up until the end of the month as I really want as many participants as possible to join this round of the Creative Dream Incubator happening inside the Creative Dream Circle.

Of course I’m exhausted, this is taking a LOT of bandwidth.

It’s not that it’s a ton of work, it’s just the energy expenditure of staying out of my comfort zone is exhausting. I’m meditating on this every day and getting wise advice from my inner council. But if shifting your comfort zone around to include sparkling new things inside it was easy – everyone would be doing it.

Plus I got my period which is making me more tired, and for some reason I decided that this is not a good reason to slow down.? So I’m in loving (but difficult!) negotiations with the part of me that is afraid that if I do slow down and take care of myself, I will just stop.

This is kind of weird because normally I excel at self-care!? But this KEEPING the pedal to the medal thing feels so new I worry that it is too delicate.

And I have increased my self-care practices, but it’s not enough.? This weekend I’ll be exploring what I am going to do about this – how to fuel myself for the final leg of this month-long trip.

Keeping the Pedal to the Metal Read More »

Dreaming SMALLER, Simpler and more Happily. It’s not about having MORE.

The path to bringing a dream to life is less about the dream and more about the inner healing and transformation that happens when you step up to claim your right to create the life you really want to be living.

This means the Creative Dream Path can take you to some unexpected places.

Last winter my car had a lot of problems.


As much as I have loved my red Beetle, this car has always been very expensive to maintain.? It’s a diesel, which was, at the time when I bought it, the most fuel-efficient way to go in this climate, as far as I could tell.? So I chose to have a car that cost me more money, because it would cost the planet less.

But we got to the point where keeping her running just didn’t make sense anymore, and it looked like I would need a new car for this winter.

So I started looking at what car to get next. I was happy that there are more fuel-efficient options now.? I was looking for something simpler, something less expensive and time consuming to maintain.

But you know what?? No other car felt right.? So I stopped looking.

Instead I asked myself: what do you REALLY want here?

And underneath all the layers of stories about how grown-ups are supposed to live was my simple truth: I don’t want a car.

You know what makes me happy? WALKING.

You know what I hardly ever seem to find time to do? WALK.

Suddenly not having a car felt like an adventure.

I sold my car last fall, bought a fantastic parka and winter boots and have not looked back.

At first it just seemed like maybe having a car doesn’t make sense for me right now.? I work from home.? I don’t have children.? I was only using my car for shopping and adventuring, so maybe it’s just not smart for me to have my own car?

I can rent a car when I want/need one.? I can join the car co-op.? Maybe this is just the more practical choice.

But the biggest thing I’ve noticed is not about practicality at all.

It’s this: I have not ONCE driven somewhere and arrived feeling amazing because driving is just so awesome.

But more times than not, when I walk somewhere I arrive feeling amazing because walking is just so awesome.

This morning I walked through a blizzard to get to a coffee shop to do some writing.? Between my parka and boots I am covered, from head-to-toe, in soft warmth.? I giggled as the wind whirled around me, like it was trying to give me a hug.? I looked at the cars driving past me and did not wish I was in one.

I love how walking has slowed down the pace of my life.

The act of walking instead of driving adds this kind of magical element to my days.

And I’m more present with my own needs because I can’t always just zip off and get something if I run out.? I think more carefully about how plan my days.? I cook more.

I feel freer somehow.

And yet, if you’d told me six months ago that I was going to be happily car-free this winter I would have thought you were crazy.

That one little question leads to amazing things.

What do I really want?

That is the heart of Creative Dreaming.? Being brave enough to not just listen to your heart, but act on it.


Dreaming SMALLER, Simpler and more Happily. It’s not about having MORE. Read More »

Are YOU A Creative Dreamer? This Is What You Need To Know:


A Creative Dreamer is NOT satisfied following the rules, doing what is expected or living a dull, ordinary life.

Creative Dreamers believe that they are here on this planet to share their creative gifts or have a GRAND adventure (or both).

Creative Dreamers believe they are NOT here to do shit they don’t want to do.

Somewhere inside them, they KNOW that they’re not here to maintain the status quo and find doing so to be deeply unsatisfying.

But our society kind of runs on conformity.? This makes things very difficult for Creative Dreamers.

A lot of Creative Dreamers are sensitive souls and most Creative Dreamers struggle with developing the unique skills needed to bring a Creative Dream to life.

Not because they are not capable, but because there is a distinct lack of the right kind of support and education available to them.

As a result, most Creative Dreamers don’t EVER activate their full creative potential.

This is a problem.? Not just for us, but for the whole world.

Creative Dreams are gifts of spirit, woven out of healing, love, creativity and purpose.? Dreams Come True hold the possibility to heal and transform our world.

The world needs YOUR (yes, YOU reading this) dream made REAL.

Too many Creative Dreamers believe that:

  • Pursuing their dreams is SELFISH.
  • They would need more time and money to “make it work”.
  • NOW is not the right time.
  • Something has to change before they can start bringing their dreams to life.

None of this is true.

The only thing you have to do is DECIDE to start NOW. Everything else you need to learn about how to really make this happen – you can learn along the way.

We’re starting the next session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course on January 28.? It’s happening inside the Creative Dream Circle and I hope to see YOU there!

You’ll learn how your dream is NOT impossible, and how to start moving towards it, step by step, starting NOW – no matter WHAT is in the way.

Click here to join the Circle today.? Let’s make MAGIC together.

Are YOU A Creative Dreamer? This Is What You Need To Know: Read More »

On wanting to hide, being FAR out of my comfort zone & what to do about it.

I’m out of my comfort zone.

I’m feeling extra-sensitive and resistant today.? Like I’d like to just hide under the covers.

And hiding under the covers is OK, but indulging in decadent self-care is much better.? So yesterday I took a hot aromatherapy bath followed by a nap – in the middle of the day.

Taking a nap in a sunny sunny space feels so decadent to me – another reason why I love the floor to ceiling south windows upstairs in my sleep loft.? (And see those crystals hanging in the corner of the window?? They shoot rainbows downstairs into my studio.)

Indulgent self-care is different from hiding under the covers.

Self-care re-fuels.? Hiding avoids.? Self-care maintains connection to your inner power.? Hiding disconnects.

Today I’d like to just hide.

Because I’m feeling so far out of my comfort zone.

But then I wondered… what if being so far outside of my comfort zone was good?? I mean, haven’t I been working so hard on making the big changes that have put me here?

I do this (awesome!) thing in the Creative Dream Incubator e-course (starting January 28!) about transforming your comfort zone – because when you really look at it, a lot of things in there are NOT so comfortable, they’re just familiar.

The comfort zone is really more of a familiar zone.

Feeling more comfortable with familiar than you feel with what-you-actually-want is an energy pattern you can work on.

But insisting that this is the only place where you can be comfortable shuts down the process of being able to do that.? MASSIVELY dis-empowering.

Hmmm.? So I sat down here feeling out of my comfort zone and wondering how I could be OK with this.

Remembering that I put myself here helps.

Remembering that I am a powerful creator helps.

Remembering that I know how to take care of myself helps.

But I still feel uncomfortable…

So I’m diving into my feeling.? What is it?? Where is it?

Mostly in my chest, but it kind of radiates out.? I want to crawl into my skin, or out of my skin, maybe.? Yes – I want to crawl OUT of my skin because I feel TOO VULNERABLE.

Ah.? So I have a vulnerability hangover.

Makes sense, given what I have been working on.

And because vulnerability is a key part of how I teach, this is a good thing.

So.? I am outside of my comfort zone & this is a good thing.

How do I bring comfort to myself right here?

Well, I did start already.? I’m in a cozy seat in a cozy coffee shop.? I’ve got a warm, fresh coffee and all of my journaling tools.

I can talk to the part of me that feels freaked out and find out what she needs.

I can make a list of the most deeply nourishing self-care practices… what comes to mind off the bat is to work this weekend, and take a spa day on Monday (spas are too busy for me on weekends).

I can breathe a little deeper and a little slower.

I can remember about how excited I am about the dreams I am moving towards AKA the reason why I am out of my comfort zone.

I can imagine my comfort zone stretching to include these things that I really do want (with a tiny escape hatch so uncomfortable things can just slip out).

I feel a gazillion times better now.

I can even giggle about the irony of posting this on my blog – this is the exact thing I feel uncomfortable about.? Being vulnerable.? Sharing my actual as-it-happens truth.? To a rapidly growing audience.

The part of me that is terrified about being this vulnerable is calmed by the part of me who sees how much this honest sharing-of-the-process really helps other people feel less alone in their struggles along the path to creating their authentic lives.

AND it helps to counteract all that bullshit about how it should all be glitter and rainbows all the time.? And the ideas that if things aren’t easy you are doing something wrong.

What I am doing here is important.

On wanting to hide, being FAR out of my comfort zone & what to do about it. Read More »

I’m terrified of failing

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle. And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014. This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

I spent some(?) time last weekend hanging out with fear.

I’m terrified of failing.? We are all.

And these fears are all stirred up because I’m doing something different.

I’ve never set this kind of goal in my business before.? I’ve been super grateful that I’ve learned how to put things out there in such a way that enough people respond that my needs are met.? That’s nothing to sneeze at!

I am well aware that I am in the minority on this.? I am very grateful for what I have.

And until now my business planning has stemmed from that gratitude -? I’m so happy I have students and clients and potential new clients, now what do I want to offer them next?

But now I want to do it differently.

And setting out to do something differently stirs up fear, stirs up inner critics, stirs up uncertainties.

I had a really beautiful chat with my friend Chris Zydel (the one I went to visit in California a few months back).? Chris reminded me that it doesn’t matter how I think it will be – it won’t be how I think it will be.

I’m feeling a desire to reach out in this way – this is my heart and soul calling me onto the next steps on my path… but this is the energy that is getting me moving, this is not necessarily what I am headed to.

The creative dream path is a mystery.? All we can ever do is step into what our hearts are calling us into.

Some dreams are easy.? Back in the olden days when I first started working with the tools I teach in the Creative Dream Incubator I wanted more money.? And I got more money – lots of it.

But a more meaningful life?? To share your gifts more widely with the world?? To step deeper into your purpose?? Not so cut and dry.

Being in this process is growing my soul in the ways that my soul needs to be grown at this time.

THAT is the gift, not whether or not I reach my goal.

Which, some days, drives me nuts.

Some days it makes me giggle.? I mentioned in the last update that I’d been working on my Strategic Action Plan.? This weekend I also made a brand new spreadsheet, to track the few things that I want to track from that plan.

I had to learn how to do spreadsheets on my iPad because I really wanted to do this in my iPad and not on my laptop.? This was kind of frustrating at first (WHY is Numbers for iPad so different to use than Numbers for MacBook? Geez!) …. I finally got the spreadsheet set up and put numbers in from the first week of January and then had to laugh – all that frustration and time and energy and I know that the numbers are not the point.

But the numbers are a part of the journey and I want to give love, respect and attention to every part of the journey.

And then facing the numbers activated how terrified I am of failing…. which brought me to some much needed inner work.

My fear of failing, like most of our deepest fears, remains deep beneath the surface most days – you wouldn’t even know it’s there.

These fears lurk deep down where we forget about them, and fuel inner critics and unconscious self-sabotaging mechanisms and hold us back without us even being aware that we are being held back.

I am reminded this week of how very important it is to develop the skill of being able to face and transform your feelings.

When fears come up to the surface that’s a good thing!? It means you get to work with them and, over time, transform them.

Fear means your path to liberation is opening up right in front of you.

But too often dreams DIE because people don’t want to face their feelings.

So I spent a lot of time in the Un-Sticking Station in the Circle which is literally an un-sticking station that un-sticks stucks like being terrified of failing.? (The Un-Sticking Station alone is worth the cost of the whole Creative Dream Circle – imagine having access to a QUICK process that actually transforms fears!)

Related: I did my first live streaming video!

It was all about how to approach journaling so that your journal becomes a tool for growing your dreams.

We talked A LOT about facing fears and how that all works so if you are feeling some fear or other discomforts when you think about your dream, or if you don’t believe you can have your dream – watch the replay.


My intuition, and many of my collages, have been nudging me towards this for a long time.

I do tons of live tele-classes.? And tons of recorded video.? But putting them together into one live video?? While that is the next logical step, it felt daunting, to say the least.

But, thanks to my willingness to step it up to meet my new goal, I listened to the nudges and did the live video.

And the live Creative Dream Journal Playdate was pretty awesome!? (The recording is still there so you can play along)

It’s really different being live on video.? Live on the phone means people have to be committed enough to actually call and they are generally really present.? Live online can mean you were committed enough to show up fully or it can mean you’ve for 16 windows open and are just cruising around, really just trying to distract yourself from whatever is happening inside you.

So I couldn’t really approach it the way I approach my calls.? Which is good!? Trying new things is good!

And it will take me a few times (at least?) to be truly comfortable with this.? Also good.? Stretching yourself when you feel inspiring to stretch yourself is good.

It’s got over 1,600 views already.? So this can really get my ideas out there in ways that tele-classes can’t.

On the other hand, 7,000 different people have visited my website in the last month.? I’d sure love for more of them to get more engaged with the process of growing their dreams!

I’ve put the Playdate on the Fabulous Free Stuff page so people can continue to find it.

And I’ve already scheduled more for next week and the week after.

So I started this week feeling terrified of failing.

I am ending this week feeling on top of the world.

I always love how I feel after I have done the work of facing/healing/transforming the icks that come up on the path.? I want to broadcast to the whole world that FEELING STUCK IS GOOD.? Facing the stuck is the path.? You’re SO READY to make your dream REAL.

The Circle feels like a MAGNET OF LOVE.

I love the Circle!? I love the members!? I love their dreams!

I am so excited about the new people joining.? I’m feeling really good about my goal for this year for the Circle and inspired about the other things I want to create in my business.

I am more connected than ever to heart and soul of this dream.

This is something I teach in depth in the Creative Dream Incubator e-course, how focusing on connecting with the heart and soul of your dream, rather than focusing on the externals of it – makes the external path easier.

It creates a beautiful energy that draws to your dream whatever it needs to thrive.

I’ve been focusing on this for about a month now and am really feeling it now.

It’s an amazing energy and it feels like it is really nurturing ME because I am working MUCH harder than I normally do, but feeling super happy, energized, inspired and not cranky/tired/other icky things I associate with working “hard”.

And this week I announced the next session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-course, happening inside the Circle, starting Jan 28.? I want to invite you to think about joining us.? This is my fourth year of running this course and I know it’s going to be our best session yet.

It includes the Creative Business Incubator plug-in, I’ll be super active in the forum answering your questions and cheering you on and at the end of the 6 weeks we’ll close off with a live coaching call (if you can’t attend live you can email me your questions and so you can hear the answers in the recording).

The Incubator is magic.? You will ADORE it.

PLUS you’ll also get whole year of creative dream support.? For just $100!

I’m terrified of failing Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: