Manifest Your Dream Life

DESIRE Is Your SOUL Speaking To You

Desire is how your soul guides you along the path to your purpose.

I made it for my Advanced Creative Badasses in May 2012, when we were exploring Desire as our theme-of-the-month.

Then I decided to share it here because the themes and ideas are really important.? The better your relationship with Desire is, the easier it is to bring your dreams to life.

(Sorry about the funny camera angles… I didn’t notice that the camera slipped.)


If you're ready to make your dream real, I am here to help.  Click here for my Creative Dream Incubator.

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I am Never Satisfied meets I just Want to be Comfortable: A Fairy Tale about a tug-of-war.

She is a visionary.? She dreams big and aims high.? She doesn’t settle.? Only the best will do.

She brings me possibility, all wrapped up in a gorgeous box with a big sparkling pink ribbon.? She shows me the best short cuts to my dreams and helps me get there faster.? She is the best Creative Dream Fairy a girl could ask for. She is why I am so good at bringing my own dreams to life, and why I am so good at helping other people bring their dreams to life.

But, of course, there’s a catch.

She doesn’t settle.? Only the best will do.? She dreams big and aims high.? And she keeps aiming higher and higher. She’s a bit of a tyrant.

And I can’t keep up.

From the time when we cook up a delicious idea together, to the time when I am finished actually making the thing real – she has carried on dreaming bigger and brighter.

And so – she’s never quite satisfied with what I do.

It’s like I’m always behind.? She always sees where it can be better.? More.? Shinier.

And then there’s her – over in the corner there. She wants to be comfortable and play small.? She wants people to like her and for things to be easy.? She weaves safety nets and if I’m not careful I can get caught up in them.

She’s annoying, but she also is so careful and thoughtful.? She really considers everything from every angle.? She really wants me to be safe.? She wants me to be ok.? She only has my best interests at heart.

And just like the Creative Dream Fairy, she is a part of me. The slow, scared part.

And she gets really agitated when she hears the Creative Dream Fairy demanding that I make things bigger, better and shiner.? And the two of them quite often end up in a big giant tug-of-war with me as the rope.

We’ve been having a big blow-up lately

It’s about the Creative Dream Incubator e-course.? My Creative Dream Fairy will not shut up about her ideas to keep growing this.? Slow Scared Me is totally freaking out.? I want the e-course to be all it can be but it is so hard to be moving faster than the slowest parts of me feel comfortable moving.

So I called a time out on the tug-of-war, and we sat down to see if we could find a way to work together.? I asked each of them what it is they need in this situation.

Creative Dream Fairy really needs to know that the show will go on.

She is afraid that Slow Scared Me is going to cancel it.? And she wants total creative control over the course content.

Slow Scared Me does want the course to go ahead but… you know… in a slower way.

In a smaller way.? She insisted that I lower the price and then not even advertise it. ? (Then later she agreed that once I’ve done it a few times we can talk about raising the price to what the Creative Dream Fairy and I think is fair, and we can advertise and spread the word)

And I saw how they could each have exactly what they wanted.

No one had to compromise.? After all this arguing and tug-of-warring it was almost funny to see that it’s actually pretty easy and straightforward for everyone’s needs to be met.

They both agree that this course is a light.? It can help people. And they want to help people.? They are willing to work together to make it happen.

And I stopped feeling like I? was caught in a tug-of-war.? And the show did go on.? We are now in the last week of the first session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-course and I am totally in love with the whole experience.

Slow Scared Me was even ok with creating a whole new website for the Creative Dream Incubator.? Creative Dream Fairy is a little frustrated about moving too slow but she’s so happy that this course is happening now.

I am Never Satisfied meets I just Want to be Comfortable: A Fairy Tale about a tug-of-war. Read More »

Journal Prompts for Jealousy

Journal Prompts for Jealousy

Journal Prompts for Jealousy.

Jealousy fucking sucks.

And it becomes so easy to start thinking...

it's so easy for her

everything is just handed to them

it's not fair

It becomes easy to start comparing. To start freaking out.

To start wondering if you really are good enough to make this happen.

And if you are good enough, why is it happening for other people but not for you?


Jealousy can let loose a massive tidal wave of energy and "stuff".

And when you're in it, it's anything but pleasant.

But it's also pretty unavoidable.

Hello! There are billions of us on this planet. Others are bound to have what you want.

Just like you are bound to have things that other people want.

Jealousy is actually a super useful tool for Creative Dreaming, if you're willing to be with it.

Jealousy, like any other feeling, has a lot to teach you, if we are willing to work with it.

If you are open to learn from it.

Jealousy can show you more about what you want.

Sometimes jealousy can be a great big surprise - sometimes you didn't even know you wanted something until you saw someone else get it.

Sometimes you kinda knew, but were keeping it a buried just beneath the surface. Until so-and-so got it.

And now it's not so beneath the surface anymore

It's right up in your face that you want this thing that someone else just got.

This is good because the odds of you getting what you want raise dramatically when you are willing to admit you want it.

But looking deeper than that... jealousy can steer you towards where your own stuff is getting in the way of your success.

This is the part where it gets Really Uncomfortable: Journaling Prompts for Overcoming Jealousy

When you start really exploring it, your jealousy shines a light on your limiting beliefs. The places where you hold yourself back.

To start really exploring it, ask yourself:

Who are you jealous of? Why?

How does it feel?

What does it say about you?

And by ask yourself I mean really ask yourself. Spend some time with them and the answers and the feelings they spark.


Who are you jealous of? Why? Of course this shows you more about what you really want.

How does it feel? What does that say about you? Now this is where it starts to get interesting.

I'm jealous of so-and-so because she just got such-and-such and it makes me feel like I am never going to get it for myself.

I'm jealous of so-and-so because she just got such-and-such and now there is less for me.

I'm jealous of so-and-so because she just got such-and-such and now if I get it people will think I am copying her.

I'm jealous of so-and-so because she just got such-and-such and it makes me feel like I must be stupid and hopeless because I haven't figured out how to get it yet.

I'm jealous of so-and-so because she just got such-and-such so she must be better at it than I am.

The way the jealousy makes you feel shows you something about where you are stuck.

If you think someone else getting what you want makes it less likely that you will ever get it - this is showing you that you hold a belief in lack. There isn't enough to go around. Working on shifting this belief will help you be less stuck with your dreams.

If you think someone else getting what you want is a sign that you are stupid or hopeless or anything - this is showing you the places in you where you don't really believe that you are good enough. Working on shifting this belief will help you be less stuck with your dreams.

You may or may not be aware of these beliefs, they may be sub-conscious or not - doesn't really matter. Jealousy is bringing them to light. You see them now. One you see them, they are ready to be healed and shifted into beliefs that are going to nurture and support you.

Whatever it is, it is holding you back.

Invisibly and beneath the surface, jealousy trips you up and keeps you from shining your brightest light.

And it only pops up above the surface when it gets stirred up by something like jealousy.

So having it be up here on the surface where you can see it is actually a huge gift.

Because you can learn about it and change it and heal it and when you do, you open up more space inside you for your creative genius.

I'd love to SHOW YOU how this works.

I did a free healing circle and inner work workshop where I lead you through the process of working with your fear.

Try it today:

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