Can you LISTEN to yourself more?
For quite some time, I've had this little voice inside tell me to take a closer look at the emails I send out when people first join my email list. They get the You Are The Magic journal, and some emails guiding them through it and some follow up emails about my work... and I keep feeling uncomfortable about the follow up emails.
And I said to myself "NO. It's fine to promote your work! I won't second guess myself. I put a lot of care into those emails. It's fine."
But that voice kept coming back.
And eventually I thought... yes I am doing to delete those follow up emails, just to make more space for other emails...
But when I got in there and looked more closely.
I had been sending the follow up emails TWICE.
Seven emails, spaced 5-7 days apart from each other... it would go through them all and then send them all again.
It would have been good to really LISTEN to that voice, not necessarily to OBEY it, but get in there and take a look like it suggested.
Because, when I think back to how it happened, the voice asked me to TAKE A CLOSER LOOK and I was ASSUMING it was saying OMG STOP PROMOTING YOURSELF YOU ARE EMBARRASSING so I wouldn't engage.
Really listening to our inner voices helps us sort through... what is a fear or inner critic trying to derail us and what is our intuition. We need space to listen and process if we want to make the best decisions.
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Can you LISTEN to yourself more? Read More »