
Creative Dream Journal Prompt For When You Don’t Know HOW To Make Your Dream Real

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals post. Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

Today’s post is inspired by the work/play/explorations I am doing with my new dream.? Any time you’re working with a dream that is bigger/smaller/sparklier/somehow different from anything you’ve done before, you’re not going to already know how to make it real.

Often, we assume this means it’s impossible.? But that’s not what this means.? (No one who ever made a big dream real started out already knowing everything about how to do it.)

This means you have to learn how.? Research.? Explore.? Experiment.

You already know that doing more of what you’ve been doing is only going to get you more of what you’ve already got.

To get a different result, you have to do one of two things:

  1. Keep doing what you’ve been doing, but somehow do it better/faster/more.
  2. Do something different.

So, that’s the prompt:

To reach this new dream of mine, do I need to step up what I’ve been doing, or do I need to take a different approach?

The magic comes when you dive deep into this question to explore.

creative journaling

What would stepping it up look like?? What would you do?? Learn new skills, hire help, find a mentor, quit something else to devote more time to this?? Make a list of what you could do to step it up so you can see if it looks like this is going to get you to where you want to be.

If you were going to take a different approach, what approach would you try?? List different options, do some research.

This is just a brainstorm.? List everything that comes to mind.

There will be a lot of “Ugh that’s too much work” and “Yikes, that will cost a fortune!” and “If only I had more time!”.? Remind those thoughts that this is just a brainstorm.

If you listen to them, those thoughts can easily derail the whole process.? So don’t give them any attention.? For now.

Later on of course you have to refine your plan, it has to be do-able without making you crazy or broke or exhausted.? But if you start by editing things out before you have a chance to play with them, you end up with such limited options that your dream will still seem impossible.

Once you start to play with this and see how many ways you could make your new dream real – you’ll get super inspired.? And before you know it “I don’t know how” will be replaced by a bunch of ideas of things you can try.

Creative Dream Journal Prompt For When You Don’t Know HOW To Make Your Dream Real Read More »

How To Blend Lots Of Dreams Together

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing… click here to start playing!

Today’s question:

How do I or can I narrow my focus? ?How can I blend all my dreams and ideas together in order to create the reality I desire?

This comes up time and time with my students and clients!? We are BURSTING with dreams and want to give them allll love and attention and nurturing to bring them to life.

And nobody ever likes to hear this, but the truth is you’ve got to narrow in.? You’ve got to pick ONE to focus on.? For now.

There is really only one Creative Dream: to live a life that feels true to who you really are.

All of your dreams are ideas live underneath the umbrella of that dream.

Every time you bring a dream to life, it nourishes the umbrella dream. So bringing one to life does nourish all the others because they’re all connected.

Meanwhile – staying locked in a holding pattern and NOT choosing one dream to focus on nourishes nothing except your excuses.

So, you blend a lot of dreams together as real things in your real life, by bringing them to life, one at a time.

You can pick the one that inspires you the most.

You can pick the one you want the most.

You can pick the one you think is the most achievable.

It does not matter how you pick, it only matters that you pick.? Creative Dream Incubation requires your commitment.

The good news about this is that once you’ve made that first dream real, it gets easier to make the next one real – and so on, and so on, and so on.

How To Blend Lots Of Dreams Together Read More »

Looking Back Through Your Journal

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.


Today’s question:

Should I look back to identify patterns in my journaling?

If this feels helpful to you, then by all means yes!

If it doesn’t feel helpful, then don’t do it!

Whether you are looking back through your journals or not – you are likely to become more aware of your patterns through your journaling practice.

I spent years complaining in my journals before actually doing something about changing the things I was complaining about.

And even though I was looking back and re-reading things all the time – that wasn’t enough to actually get me to CHANGE the pattern.

Because awareness is only the first step.

Now, though I rarely look back through old journals, I’m much faster at spotting and changing patterns (thanks to the magic of Creative Soul Alchemy).

Creative Journal

So you absolutely have permission to save and read your old journals or burn them (I’ve done both).

Whatever feels right for you is the right thing for you to do.

Looking Back Through Your Journal Read More »


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