Journal Prompts

Journal Prompt: Where are you holding back?

Journal Prompt: Where are you holding back?


This Journal Prompt is from the Journaling Cards for Dreamers deck.

This is a deck of 72 richly illustrated journaling cards with insightful questions that spark new possibilities.

No more facing the blank page.

No more using your journal as a place to BITCH about your problems instead of SOLVING them.

No more AVOIDING your journal because you're not sure what to do!

Journal Cards for Dreamers will teach you new things about how to make your dream real - every time you use them.

$36.99 USD | Get your deck here.

Journal Prompt Cards for Dreamers

Journal Cards for Dreamers guide you towards deep, purposeful, transformative journaling.

You'll learn new things about yourself, your dream, why you hold back, and how you can make more space in your life for the things you REALLY want.

Tap into the most magical and expansive part of you.

The deck of 72 cards contains 7 cards with creative visualization prompts and 65 cards with journaling prompts.

The cards are 3.5" x 5" and illustrated with rich, saturated colours. They come in a cardboard box, with a small booklet with Dream Journaling tips.

$36.99 USD | Get your deck here.

* These cards are printed, sold and shipped from the United States through The Game Crafter. I did the artwork and designed the cards, but don't have anything to do with printing, selling or shipping so you have to contact The Game Crafter if you have questions about that. I know the international shipping rates are high, at this time there is nothing I can do about that.

Journal Prompt: Where are you holding back? Read More »

Journal Prompt: What supports you and how can you invite more of this in?

Journal Prompt: What sports you and how can you invite more of this in?


This Journal Prompt is from the Journaling Cards for Dreamers deck.

This is a deck of 72 richly illustrated journaling cards with insightful questions that spark new possibilities.

No more facing the blank page.

No more using your journal as a place to BITCH about your problems instead of SOLVING them.

No more AVOIDING your journal because you're not sure what to do!

Journal Cards for Dreamers will teach you new things about how to make your dream real - every time you use them.

$36.99 USD | Get your deck here.

Journal Prompt Cards for Dreamers

Journal Cards for Dreamers guide you towards deep, purposeful, transformative journaling.

You'll learn new things about yourself, your dream, why you hold back, and how you can make more space in your life for the things you REALLY want.

Tap into the most magical and expansive part of you.

The deck of 72 cards contains 7 cards with creative visualization prompts and 65 cards with journaling prompts.

The cards are 3.5" x 5" and illustrated with rich, saturated colours. They come in a cardboard box, with a small booklet with Dream Journaling tips.

$36.99 USD | Get your deck here.

* These cards are printed, sold and shipped from the United States through The Game Crafter. I did the artwork and designed the cards, but don't have anything to do with printing, selling or shipping so you have to contact The Game Crafter if you have questions about that. I know the international shipping rates are high, at this time there is nothing I can do about that.

Journal Prompt: What supports you and how can you invite more of this in? Read More »

Hello 2020! Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year

Hello 2020!! Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year

First we reflect on the year that is ending.

It's actually REALLY HARD to keep making new goals for the New Year if you're not taking the time to reflect on and learn from what happened with your plans for the year that is ending.

By taking some time to reflect, you're gathering up the gifts and lessons of the year that is ending, so you can carry them with you into the new year.

You're also making some space for processing and healing the hard parts of the year that is ending, and getting some clarity on what you want to let go of, to make space for what you want to receive in the new year.

(If you're struggling with that part - I have a FREE 90 minute video class + healing circle where i lead you through this - get it here)

Looking back:

What did you try with your dreams in 2019?  What worked?  What didn’t work?

What was amazing in 2019?

What are you most grateful for about 2019?

What did you do in 2019 that you’re proud of?

What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2020?

What was hard in 2019?

What do you want to leave behind in 2019?

How did your dreams grow in 2029?

How did YOU grow in 2019? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2018?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2019?

Looking forward:

Try to list 5-10 things (impossibly big or microscopically small or anything in between) you’d like to have happen in 2020, in each of these different parts of your life:

health * relationships * creativity * purpose/career * money * self-love/self-care * spirituality * happiness * adventure/play

I know that seems like a lot, but the act of listing TONS of things can really open up your sense of possibility. So spend some time with this - I find it's best to leave this list out somewhere for a week or so, so I keep adding new things as I think of them.

When you're done go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2020. If there is anything on your list that won’t truly make you feel happier – cross it out.

What is your Big Dream for 2020?

Why do you want this?

How will you feel when you have it?

Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?

What’s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2020?  Brainstorm 10 things you can try.

What do you want to STOP doing in 2020?  And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?

Then imagine yourself at the end of 2020

(You might want to draw/collage/doodle an image of you from one year from now).

How are you different?  How did you grow?  What new strengths and skills do you have?  Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?

Here’s to a sparkletastic New Year, for all of us.


Hello 2020! Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year Read More »

It’s easy for me to have what I want

This is one of those classic new age affirmations:

It's easy for me to ___ (fill in the blank with something specific) ___

And the idea is that you're supposed to repeat it to yourself until you believe it. You're supposed to CHANGE your belief that it's hard to have your dream.

It's NOT that hard to change a belief. Beliefs are just thoughts we think so often they become weightier in your unconscious. There are lots of tools for changing beliefs, for creating a belief system that makes it easier for you to achieve what you want in life.

But this work can be downright violent.

If the shallowest part of you, your logical mind, decides that you want easy money and a big house and sets out to change your beliefs to make this possible for you to achieve... what are you doing, really?

First of all you're allowing your shallowest self to be in the driver's seat in your life. Not usually a great idea.

But more importantly, you're allowing your shallowest part of yourself to bully other parts of you into thinking the way it wants you to think.

And in the process you're totally erasing the reasons why you have the beliefs you have.

You have the belief system you have for a reason.

Some of those reasons are pretty benign.

And some of them are protective trauma responses.

Some of them are tied to other core beliefs, which are there for really good reasons...

I mean you just don't know.

To say: Everything would be better if I had a belief that money comes to me super easy all the time is dangerously short-sighted.

Last weekend we took the kids to my friends' farm. On the drive home we were talking about Henry Ford and the regret he felt at the end of his life over how his mission to make cars accessible to everyone had changed the world in really negative ways.

Since then I've been thinking about how short-sighted we are can be, when we're in the thrall of inspiration with our creative dreams.

And how this short-sightedness can lead us to take a different path than the one our wisest self would choose.

Which is not to say you should give up on all of this change your life stuff.

The problem is when you put your logical mind, your shallowest self, in the driver's seat.

So - put your deepest wisest genius self in the driver's seat.

Which means instead of DECIDING what to chase after - make space for LISTENING for what is most true for you.

The bonus is that this deeper wiser genius part of you is also the most POWERFUL part of you, so once you get aligned with what this part fo you wants - it's much easier to do the outer work of making it happen.

It's easy for me to ___ (fill in the blank with something specific) ___

I've been using this mantra and am encouraging my Creative Dream Circle members to use it with me for the next month.

Not because my logical mind decided this certain thing should be easy.

But because after months of listening and following direction from my inner wisdom, I am doing a thing that is really HARD for me.

And because my inner wisdom is clear that this is the thing for me to do now, I started using this mantra to help make it more doable for me to do the thing.

See the difference? It's all about which part of you is in the driver's seat.

It’s easy for me to have what I want Read More »

Hello 2019! Creative Journal Prompts for the new year

These journal prompts are for playing and creating with.


Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore – the most important part of journaling is following your creative impulse, not answering all of the prompts perfectly!


If you feel inspired to - play around with different coloured pens, markers and pencil crayons. Or use collage or make your own art to illustrate your answers.


When you engage your creativity in your journaling that makes it easier to access your creative genius, the part of you that knows how to bring your dreams to life – plus it’s more fun that way! But there are lots of ways to engage your creativity and of course you can also just use pen and paper if that's what floats your boat.


The journaling prompts are divided into 2 sections: looking back and looking forward.


Goodbye 2018. Looking back:


What was amazing in 2018?


What did you do in 2018 that you’re proud of?


What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2019?


What do you want to leave behind in 2018?


What are you most grateful for about 2018?


How did your dreams grow in 2018?


What did you do to help your dreams grow in 2018?  What worked?  What didn’t work?


How did YOU grow in 2018? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2017?


Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2019?


Hello 2019! Looking forward:


Try to list 5-10 things (impossibly big or microscopically small or anything in between) you’d like to have happen in 2019, in each of these different parts of your life:




I know that seems like a lot, but the act of listing TONS of things can really open up your sense of possibility. So spend some time with this - I find it's best to leave this list out somewhere for a week or so, so I keep adding new things as I think of them.


When you're done go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2019. If there is anything on your list that won’t truly make you feel happier – consider crossing it out.


What is your Big Dream for 2019?


Why do you want this?


How will you feel when you have it?


Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?


What’s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2019?  Brainstorm at least 10 things you can try.


What do you want to STOP doing in 2019?  And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?


Then imagine yourself at the end of 2019 (You might want to draw/collage/doodle an image of you from one year from now).   How are you different?  How did you grow?  What new strengths and skills do you have?  Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?


Here’s to a sparkletastic New Year, for all of us.

Hello 2019! Creative Journal Prompts for the new year Read More »

Journal Prompts for Finding Your Soulmate (Or Even Just a Date for Saturday Night)

Journal prompts for finding your soulmate

Finding love - if you want a long-term monogamous commitment or just a great date this weekend - can be tricky.

Often people think their dream of finding someone is not, like, a real dream. Like a real dream is something concrete that you can work towards: a solo show in an art gallery, a novel written, a trip around the world. A real dream is a thing where you can take steps, work hard, and get there eventually.

Finding the right person seems to be a lot more about luck and just waiting for the right time and maybe going on a lot of shitty first dates.

But finding your soulmate IS a dream you can work on.

Your journal is your best tool for making any dream real, including finding your soulmate.

Your journal is where you work shit out and create space to be able to listen to your own inner voice - who is the only knows who knows how to navigate your unique path to love.

(I have an AMAZING journaling + meditation class for creative people who are ready for a breakthrough - right here)

Journal your way to your soulmate!

You don't have to answer each prompt perfectly. Use the prompts as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore – the most important part of journaling is following your creative impulse – that’s where the magic is.

Even when you’re not sure about your answers – stay in the process. The best answers aren't right on the surface, it takes time to get to them.

Creative Journal Prompts for Finding Your Soulmate (Or Even Just a Date for Saturday Night):

Ideally, my love life would look like:

If I had that I would feel:

If I had my ideal love life then other parts of my life would change and be more:

My love life doesn't look like I want it to right now because:

But if I am really honest with myself, the answer to the last question is:

Brainstorm a list of everything you could do about it:

Go through your list and pick out one, small, do-able thing that you could try in the next week.

The thing I am most afraid of when it comes to relationships is:

Some ways I could help make that be less scary are:

The thing I am most excited about when it comes to a relationship is:

Some ways I could invite that kind of energy/feeling into my life right now:

Take your time with this.  Really explore each question and notice where your thoughts lead you to.

Then explore your answers to see what they are telling you about what action to take.

Your path to love is going to be unique to you and the best way to navigate it is by listening to your own inner wisdom about how to move forward.

This is delicate work.

Love is vulnerable and terrifying.

Navigating the path to finding love is going to mean navigating a lot of uncomfortable and confusing feelings.

If you’re feeling apprehensive about exploring this – you’re not alone.  We’re all scared sometimes!

But fears don’t bother coming up unless you’re onto something, so if you’re feeling afraid of exploring this, that is a good sign.

If some fears do come up for you – you can check out my Creative Journaling Prompts for Overcoming Fear.

Journal Prompts for Finding Your Soulmate (Or Even Just a Date for Saturday Night) Read More »

[CREATIVE JOURNAL PROMPTS] Working with a crap day and transforming it into wishes come true.

Creative Journal Prompts

I had made this really fantastic video that I wanted to share with you today.

And I started uploading it yesterday at lunch time.? It’s pretty long… I left it to upload overnight and this morning I woke up to see the upload had failed.

So then I set it to upload in a different way, then went out for coffee and journaling.? And came home to find the upload failed again.

Now it’s uploading, slowly, but my wish to share it with you today is just not going to come true.

I found myself getting all stressed out because I’m not going to be able to stick to my plan.? And all the tiny little fears and doubts and inner critics used that stress as a doorway to step into my experience.

Until I remembered: this is part of it. Working with what is and transforming it into wishes come true.

This is what?Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is about and this is what the video is about that I want to share with you – an in-depth tour of my journal and all the magic I’ve been finding in it.

I brought everything I was feeling into my journal, where I had been exploring the first set of prompts that I am giving people inside Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance and then it dawned on me: a better way to do this.

I can share the video on Monday – that gives me all weekend to get it uploaded.

And today I can share the first set of prompts that I am giving people in this program and also share what I’m doing with them.

This kind of lit something up inside me: this is a way better plan!? It means you get some prompts to play with over the weekend!

Even if you’re not joining Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance, you can explore these ideas for yourself in your journal.

Creative Journal Prompts for Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance:

Healing and transformation are difficult things to track because when done right, you feel so at home in your new way of being that you forget how things used to be.

Tracking your progress is important because when you can look back and clearly see how you?ve grown, that gives you confidence to keep going. Plus the process of tracking is very clarifying, and healing and transformation are often confusing so practices that generate clarity are always helpful.

So that’s why we’re starting with these particular creative journal prompts.

Spend some time with each prompt and follow your thoughts wherever they lead you, even if it means you don?t quite answer the question. The point of this is to get a snapshot of where you?re at right now as you begin.

Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is a support system for deepening your journaling practice.

(If you’re not sure what that means follow this link for more info)

What does this mean to you?

What do you want your practice to be like?

What do you wish will happen for you in this process?

What are you worried might happen?

Look over your answers – what feels really important to you?

In what ways would you like to grow your depths?

In what ways would you like to nurture your brilliance?

As you grow your depth you naturally nurture your brilliance, you start to shine more brightly and your possibilities start to shine more brightly as well. Specifically, what new possibilities do you want to create for your life in this program?

My answers:

This is my page for exploring the creative journal prompts, in process:

my creative journal promopts

(In the video that I’ll share on Monday I talk a lot about how I approach the creative part of journaling)

Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance is a support system for deepening your journaling practice.

What does this mean to you?

  • to be more committed to my practice, both in being more present with it when I do it, and to spend more time with it
  • getting more magic out of my practice

(Ugh.? At this point I realised my answers were really kind of “Stuck in my head” type answers.? Like I was already resisting the magic.)

What do you want your practice to be like?

(This is where I let my heart take over answering and it started to feel much better)

  • soft space to land no matter what’s happening in my life
  • a miracle-generator
  • safe private space to express anything
  • sturdy container for healing and transformation

What do you wish will happen for you in this process?

  • a more stable experience of healing + transformation, being more grounded in it
  • for the things I want that currently feel impossible to become possible

What are you worried might happen?

  • that my resistance goes nuts and stops me from going into the depths and I stay on the surface
  • that I discover things about me that are hard to face

Look over your answers – what feels really important to you?

  • when I used the words: sturdy and grounded they felt really important.? I’ve been doing healing + transformation work for 20 years, it doesn’t feel like I want to change what I’ve been doing as much as do it in a more grounded way, and feel more study during the process of it.

In what ways would you like to grow your depths?

  • to have less resistance to feeling how I feel
  • to be bolder in wanting what I really want
  • to feel more connected to more parts of me more of the time

In what ways would you like to nurture your brilliance?

  • to let my inner truth out faster? (hmm, is this true?? must explore further – maybe waiting until I feel safe is a good idea!)
  • to let my inner truth out brighter, I can feel places where I hold back and I want to explore these places, learn more about why and how I hold back (so much of it is unconscious!) and look at ways of shining brighter that feel right for where I am right now.

As you grow your depth you naturally nurture your brilliance, you start to shine more brightly and your possibilities start to shine more brightly as well. Specifically, what new possibilities do you want to create for your life in this program?

  • I want to be having more fun.? I feel like, with being more conscientious and present doing depth work in my journal every day that leaves me needing less alone introvert-recharging time which means I can have more playing-out-in-the-world time.
  • I want my secret wish (which I don’t want to share) for the thing that I currently worry is impossible for me to have.

Then I added that image on the left, which spoke to me of having space for all parts of me to get what they need, which feels like what I really, really want from this.

This is exactly the class that I need this year and I am sooooo ready to start.

If you’re already signed up, you can start playing with these prompts now, and on Monday we’ll start sharing our answers (only if you want to, of course, it’s totally OK to keep all of your work to yourself) in our private classroom.

If you’re not signed up – I hope you will join us! When I connect with the heart and soul of Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance, I can feel how each person who participates contributes in such a meaningful way – that we really are stronger together and each of us can dive in deeper to our own process because we’re doing this work in community.

And I’ll share that video of my journal with you on Monday.

[CREATIVE JOURNAL PROMPTS] Working with a crap day and transforming it into wishes come true. Read More »

Hello 2018! Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year

journal prompts for the new year

These journal prompts are for playing and creating with.

Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore ? the most important part of journaling is following your creative impulse, not answering all of the prompts perfectly!

If you feel inspired to – play around with different coloured pens, markers and pencil crayons.?Or use collage or make your own art to illustrate your answers.

When you engage your creativity in your journaling that makes it easier to access your creative genius, the part of you that knows how to bring your dreams to life ? plus it?s more fun that way!

But there are lots of ways to engage your creativity and of course you can also just use pen and paper if that’s what floats your boat.

If getting creative in your journal is new to you and you’d like to try it ? check out?my free art journaling e-course for loads of videos & ideas to help you get started.

The journaling prompts are divided into 2 sections: looking back and looking forward.

Goodbye 2017. Looking back:

What was amazing in 2017?

What did you do in 2017 that you?re proud of?

What did you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2018?

What do you want to leave behind in 2017?

What are you most grateful for about 2017?

How did your dreams grow in 2017?

What did you do to help your dreams grow in 2017?? What worked?? What didn?t work?

How did YOU grow in 2017? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn?t have in 2016?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you?d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2018?

Hello 2018! Looking forward:

Try to list 5-10?things (impossibly big or microscopically small or anything in between) you?d like to have happen in 2018, in each of these different parts of your life:


I know that seems like a lot, but the act of listing TONS of things can really open up your sense of possibility. So spend some time with this – I find it’s best to leave this list out somewhere for a week or so, so I keep adding new things as I think of them.

When you’re done go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2018. If there is anything on your list that won?t truly make you feel happier ? consider crossing it out.

What is your Big Dream for 2018?

Why do you want this?

How will you feel when you have it?

Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?

What?s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2018?? Brainstorm 10 things you can try.

What do you want to STOP doing in 2018?? And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?

Then imagine yourself at the end of 2018 (You might want to draw/collage/doodle an image of you from one year from now). ? How are you different?? How did you grow?? What new strengths and skills do you have?? Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?

Here?s to a sparkletastic New Year, for all of us.

I’m starting 2018 off right, with the Year of Dreams Dream Planner, Guided Journal and Coloring Book?including a live, online Vision Party (where you’ll map out your vision for 2018) happening on January 9!

Find out more here.

Hello 2018! Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year Read More »

Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams

Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams

I know taking the time to do these creative dream updates EVERY WEEK is deeply, deeply helpful.

And now that we’re doing these updates inside the Circle so everyone has a chance to participate, I’ve been thinking about the format of the updates and how to set it up so it’s easy enough to stay in the habit of doing it and also so that we’re doing it in the most helpful way.

The purposes of the updates:

  • so you don’t drop the many (many!) ideas and insights you find along the path
  • so you’re clear on WHICH ideas to act on RIGHT NOW
  • marking the path so you notice sooner if you’re just going in circles (more common than you’d think, on the Creative Dream Path)
  • acknowledging the many (many!) steps you’ve taken, which makes it much easier to contemplate how many steps are still in front of you
  • holding yourself accountable to your dream
  • reflecting on what’s happened as a way of learning from it and as a way of noticing things you didn’t notice while it was happening
  • documenting the process of bringing one dream to life show you all sorts of clues about how to work with other dreams
  • sweet sweet sweet delicious clarity about where you are and where you want to be and how you want to get there (this changes a lot more often than you’d think, holding onto clarity is difficult but important)

I’ve come up with these Creative Journal Prompts For Staying On Track With Your Dreams

It’s in two parts.

Part 1 is for when you’re setting out, so it’s your first update.?

But it’s also good to revisit it every week to see if it’s changing, because if it doesn’t fill you with delight to say what you want and why you want it – something has changed and you need to adjust.

Checking in with these three statements every week and making any necessary adjustments so that you remain filled with delight about this will keep your dream process calibrated in the right direction.

My dream is:

I want it because:

When I have it I will feel:

Part 2 is 4 questions to ask yourself every week, plus a mission statement.

What happened in the last week?

How do I feel about this?

What do I need now?

What does my dream need now?

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:

Remember that moving forward is not always the answer.

In fact, there is no “forward” on the Creative Dream Path.? The path does not exist until you build it.? You build in the direction that feels right in the moment.

Most Creative Dream Paths go in spirals and if you’re not grounded and present in your process, you’ll think you’re going backwards.

So for my update this week I’m starting at the beginning.

My dream is: I can no longer say that my dream is to have 800 members in the Circle this year, because that doesn’t fill me with delight right now.? But it was the perfect starting point for this adventure in learning how to grow my capacity as a teacher.

What fills me with delight now: growing the Circle in a grounded and sustainable and DELIGHTFUL way.

To be more specific about what feels grounded and sustainable and delight to me right now: at least 30 new members each month, but not more than 50.? One or two per day is perfect.

I want it because: I’m so in love with everything I have learned about making dreams real and it really really makes me happy to share it.? I love the way people’s lives start to change once they join the Circle.? I love how it spreads HAPPINESS.? I am so happy I could burst at the thought that I am bringing this amazing thing to the world.

It feels like perfect alignment with purpose and heart and creativity and spirit.? It’s what I’m here to do.

Of course, the same could be said about my coaching practice.? But coaching takes a LOT of energy and running the Circle does not take as much.? So another thing I love about the Circle is that I can run the Circle without working full time.? This feels important not because I want to work part time (I love my work too much for that) but because I want the option to be able to do that if something happens and I need some time off.? I live alone and don’t have anyone to help with the bills (and am not interested in changing that), so building this kind of stability into my business feels important for the long term.

When I have it I will feel: This one is interesting, because right now I do have it.? 1-2 people join the Circle most days.? And right now I am super happy.? What I want is to sustain this over time and become more grounded in it.? Then I will feel more grounded and stable as the Guardian of Dreams.

And on to this week’s update:

What happened in the last week?

As I said in part 1, there are 1-2 new people joining the Circle most days and I really like this!? Before it was more larger clusters right before a new class started and I do much prefer have this small, steady stream.? It gives me a chance to get to know them a bit (if they choose to be chatty on the Circle website, lots of people prefer to stay quiet and that’s fine too!).

We started the Inspiration Cards class and it’s going even better than I’d hoped.? Members are having these delightfully healing experiences encountering the World of Inspiration and I am having so much fun hearing what they’re all up to.

I don’t think I can explain enough how much I love this group of people and their dreams.

The big thing that happened in the past week is my new customer service software.? I wrote here about boundaries and changes.? The past few months I’ve been increasingly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff coming at me.? Now I feel like I have room to breathe (and play! and create!) again.? It’s all sunshine and rainbows and setting things up in ways that support me in doing the work I am here to do.

How do I feel about this?

Everything feels on track and happy.? A part of me wants to hold onto the original dream I had for 800 members this year.? That part of me is small and young and thinks that it’s not ok to change her mind.

Wise me knew all along that I can set my intention and do my part but I do not control the timing.? Wise me knows that the work I did earlier this year of stretching into my goal was important inner work and will serve me well and that I am not giving up on anything, I’m moving in the direction my heart is sending me in.

Slow, steady growth is my style. I feel really comfortable and supported and happy.

What do I need now?

I’m feeling comfortable and supported and happy.? A lot of this is the new class I’m working on, the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class.? To create the container for the class, I start working with the energies of it ahead of time. Working directly with loving your life and being happy now is pretty amazing.

So all I need for next week is to keep doing what I’ve been doing.

What does my dream need now?

My dream is a sparkling stream running through a forest.? It’s happy and bubbling.? But it’s got this one boulder it would like to be removed.

Hmmm. What is the boulder?? (that part I’m just going to share in my update inside the Circle)

Removing the boulder won’t make the stream stream faster or anything it will just help it stream steadier.

Taking all of this into account, my next mission is:

Keep exploring the boulder and find out more about what it means and what I need to do to remove it.? Keep working/playing with the Love Your Life Creative Journal Class.

Wow, that feels light and do-able.


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Creative Journal Prompts for Abundance and Possibility

Journal Prompts for growing money, abundance and possibility

Your journal is a powerful tool for working on your relationship with money.

By spending some time exploring in your journal, you open up new possibilities for how you can use money.

The truth is, you are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than money.

And you're smarter than money.

And you're more creative than money.

Money is just a tool and you've got what it takes to use money as a tool for growing your dreams, instead of experiencing it as a pain in your ass.

These journal prompts for growing money, abundance and possibility will help you get started.

These prompts are for playing with. Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore - the aim is to explore the rabbit holes that come up, not to answer every prompt perfectly.

Even when you're not sure about your answers or if it gets frustrating - stay in the process. Write out whatever comes to mind, follow your creative impulse.

You may have to dig through some crap before you get to the gold.

Creative Journal Prompts for Growing Money, Abundance + Possibility:

So far, my experience of money has been _____________.

I wish that money was _______________.

My soul believes that money is ______________.

If I could write a new story about money it would be all about ______________.

Writing a new story about money feels ___________.

Being EMPOWERED about money would mean __________________.

Being HAPPY about money would mean _____________________.

Being CREATIVE with money would mean __________________.

What am I willing to do, to work on my relationship with money?

There is a LOT to explore here!

My Creative With Money course is available as a bonus when you join the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership.

I know money is one of the biggest obstacles to bringing dreams to life - but when you start to work with money in the way I teach in this class that can change.

The soul of money is the soul of support, nourishment and possibility. It's purpose is to serve you in the unfoldment of your purpose - to help you grow into who you really are.

We live in a world that has a deeply broken relationship with money.

Greed and corruption and injustice are the manifestations of this broken relationship.

Unfortunately, when we are born into a world where money functions in these ways it's easy for us to wind up with all sorts of "issues" with money.

That's why my money class is actually a group healing.

I spent five years developing this class because money is such a sensitive topic. I wanted this class to be creative and expansive and supportive and above all - healing.

So we can go into those places where our own relationship with money is broken, and heal it.

So that we can get back to our rightful connection with the soul of money.

It's not about "getting rich quick" or "busting through your money blocks".

It's about deep healing which brings: delight and expansion and possibility.

A celebration of the abundance that already lives within you, an opportunity to use your inner gifts in new ways and an invitation for more to come find you.

Which actually DOES bust through your money blocks so you are free to create whatever you want.

I created Creative With Money in 2015 and now it's available as a free bonus when you join the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership.

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Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear

Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear

Earlier this week I shared some Journal Prompts for Finding your Dream. As I talked about at the end of that post - being honest with yourself about your dreams can be TERRIFYING.

You may have a fear that if you find out what your dream is, everything will change and change is scary.

Or if you go after your dream and you fail - that will hurt too much.

Or that if you know what your dream is, you still won't know how to make it real, and that will be too frustrating.

Or if you knew what your dream is, you might go after it with everything you've got - and that would be too selfish.

Or deep down inside, you might already kind of know what your dream is, but you're sure you're not good enough to make it happen. It's easier to just not know what it is.

This is scary stuff! How you deal with that fear will determine whether or not your dream comes true.

That's why you need to journal about your fear.

It's NOT about how gifted you are or how much training you have or whether or not people like you and support your dreams.

It's ALL about how you handle the inner work.

So today I'm offering some Journal Prompts to help (gently! lovingly!) meet your fear.

The important thing to know about dealing with fear is this: the scared parts of you are scared.

Obviously! But you forget this all the time and respond to fear as though it was not afraid.

You respond to it like it was a monster. And you try to overcome it by streamrolling over it - because you're also afraid.

You're afraid of being afraid.

And steamrolling doesn't work! It just flattens the fear so that you can stuff it deep down inside and pretend it doesn't exist.

Meanwhile, that fear, stuffed deep down inside you, becomes a Creative Dream BLOCK.

The secret is to meet your fear.

With love and gentleness.

Think of it less as a monster and more as a frightened child.? Oh sweetie, you're scared - what can I do to help you feel better?

These prompts will help you do this - I also have a free 90 minute video class where I lead you through the process of doing this. It's free and available on demand, 24-7. Get it here. 

These journal prompts for fear are for playing and creating with.

Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore - the most important part is to follow what comes up for you, not to answer every prompt perfectly.

Even when you're not sure about your answers stay in the process. If having pretend conversations with fear is new to you, it may take a little practice for this to make sense.

Journal Prompts for Overcoming Fear:

  • Explore your fear. Where is it showing up in your body and what does it feel like?
  • Imagine that your fear is a frightened child. What does it look like? Note every detail.
  • Ask this frightened child what it needs. List every answer.
  • Go through the answers and for each one, explore if it would actually bring a sense of comfort and safety or does it just numb out the fear or is it really about trying to control the world around you so that you can feel safe?? (hint: that never works)

Take your time with this. Really explore each question and notice where your thoughts lead you to.

You want to try and find an idea for something that you can do right now that will actually bring you a sense of comfort and safety.

When you are able to sit with the fear and journal with it, with an open heart and a willingness to understand what this part of you needs - healing happens.

And when you make this a regular practice - miracles happen.

I'd love to SHOW YOU how this works.

I did a free healing circle and inner work workshop where I lead you through the process of working with your fear.

Try it today:

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Journal Prompts for Finding your Dream


Journal Prompts for Finding your Dream

You'd love to go after your dreams... if only you knew what they were.

Your journal can totally help with this!

By spending some time exploring what your dreams might be, while engaging the amazing superpowers of your creativity and imagination, you open up the doors between you and your dream.

These journal prompts for finding your dream are for playing and creating with.

Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore - the most important part is following your creative impulse - going down all the rabbit holes - that's where the magic is. You don't have to answer each prompt exactly.

Even when you're not sure about your answers - stay in the process! The more time you spend with a journal prompt, the better the answer is going to get.

If you've been ignoring your dreams for a long time, they made need some time before they're ready to come out and play with you.

Journal Prompts for Figuring out what your dream is:

  • I feel happiest when:
  • I wish I could (list at least 50 things - keep coming back to this over the next few weeks to add things and MAKE SURE to add things that seem too stupid or impractical to both with):
  • The qualities/values that matter most to me are:
  • If I could live my life exactly how I wanted to, I would:
  • The things I like best about my life are:
  • The things I like least about my life are:
  • I think am being really true to myself when I:
  • If I was living more in tune with my own heart and soul, it would feel like:
  • If I knew what my dream was I would feel:

Take your time with this. Really explore each question and notice where your thoughts lead you to.

Then explore your answers to see what they are telling you about what your dream is.

This is brave work.

Being honest with yourself about your dreams can be TERRIFYING.

You may have a fear that if you find out what your dream is - everything will change and change is scary.

Or if you go after your dream and you fail - that will hurt too much.

Or that if you know what your dream is, you still won't know how to make it real, and that will be too frustrating.

Or if you knew what your dream is, you might go after it with everything you've got - and that would be too selfish.

Or deep down inside, you might already kind of know what your dream is, but you're sure you're not good enough to make it happen.? It's easier to just not know what it is.

This is hard stuff!

Navigating the path to making a dream real is all about navigating these feelings.

Courage is the primary tool of the Creative Dreamer.

If you're feeling apprehensive about exploring your dreams - you're not alone.? We're all scared sometimes.

Fears don't bother coming up unless you're onto something, so if you're feeling afraid of exploring this, that is a good sign.

If some fears do come up for you - check out my Creative Journaling Prompts for Overcoming Fear.

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Creative Journaling Prompts For The New Year

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals post. Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing… new Dreamtastic posts show up regularly right here on my blog, click here to check out what’s happened in the course so far.
creative journal prompts for the new year

These prompts are for playing and creating with.

Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore – the most important part of creative journaling is following your creative impulse.

Use lots of different coloured pens, markers and pencil crayons (when you engage your creativity in your journaling you access your creative genius, the part of you that knows how to bring your dreams to life – plus it’s more fun that way!)

Use collage or make your own art to illustrate your answers.

As you get creative with this pay attention to your inner voice… once you’re in your creative flow it’s much easier for your intuition to speak to you.

If getting creative in your journal is new to you – check out Dreamtastic Creative Journals, (my free creative journaling e-course) for loads of videos & ideas to help you get started.

When you’re not sure about your answers – draw mandalas to help you connect to your inner wisdom.

The prompts are divided into 2 sections: looking back and looking forward.? Start with whichever one you feel drawn to.

Goodbye 2013. Looking back:

What was amazing in 2013?

What did you do in 2013 that you’re proud of?

What do you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2014?

What do you want to leave behind in 2013?

What are you most grateful for about 2013?

How did your dreams grow in 2013?

What did you do to help your dreams grow in 2013?? What worked?? What didn’t work?

How did YOU grow in 2013? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2012?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2014?

Hello 2014! Looking forward:

List 5-10 things you’d like to have happen in 2014, in each of these different parts of your life:


Remember that as you get creative with this pay attention to your inner voice… once you’re in your creative flow it’s much easier for your intuition to speak to you – so as you write this list brilliant ideas may come to you for how to bring these dreams to life.

Go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2014.? If there is anything on your list that won’t make you happier – consider crossing it out.

What is your Big Dream for 2014?

Why do you want this?

Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?

What’s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2014?? Brainstorm 10 things you can try.

What do you want to STOP doing in 2014?? And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible?? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?

Write your year in review for 2014.

Then imagine yourself at the end of the 2014 that you described in your year in review – how are you different?? How did you grow?? What new strengths and skills do you have?? Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?

Here’s to a sparkletastic New Year, for all of us.

I would love to help you bring your brightest dreams to life in 2014 – join me in the Creative Dream Circle for a whole YEAR of Creative Dream Support.


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Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: