You don’t have to be an asshole to yourself about accountability
On one of our coaching calls a member had said she had this new accountability partner, and they would meet and share their goals, and then meet again to say which things had been checked off the list.
And this person had a lot happening in their life, and some priorities kind of shifted as life tends to do and this new opportunity happened which she gave time and attention to, and so when she went back to the accountability partner, she had not checked off every item on her list and her partner was like “Tsk Tsk You didn’t get it done”
And we talked about how much more helpful and encouraging it is to do it the way to in the creative dream incubator coaching membership - where we acknowledge what you DID do. Surviving a difficult month is AMAZING even if nothing gets checked off the list, you know?
And following your own flow and taking ANY step is something worth cheering for, even if you didn’t take the steps you had planned.
These forms of accountability that are “you must do exactly what you said you’d do, when you said you’d do it, or you are a failure” are short-sighted and can kill your creative spirit - the thing you actually need to make a dream come true.
And yes, of course, check in with yourself about why you don’t do the things you plan to do. Without shaming yourself, peek around and notice - is resistance holding you back? Are you avoiding something uncomfortable? Do you still want to do these things and if so - what kinds of practices will make it easier/gentler for you to do them?
You can keep working on it. It’s ok if it takes the time it takes. You are not a robot!
AND OMG this is so important: Your dream is NOT all about the outer work!
That’s what these forms of accountability don’t take into account.
There is healing and growth that happen that are not always visible. But if you stay in the process over time - suddenly you see. Oh! I was BUILDING THE FOUNDATION! NOW I can check these things off the list because I have the foundation I need.
So, DO NOT JUDGE YOURSELF for the things you want to do, and don’t get to.
Be gentle. Be supportive. Notice what you DID do. Encourage yourself to not give up.
Find ways to look deeper at where you may be holding yourself back from doing what you want to do (you can use the Creative Dream Alchemy Library of Inner Work Practices to help with this).
And do not ever call yourself a failure for “not following through”.
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You don’t have to be an asshole to yourself about accountability Read More »