
There is no right way.

Deep beneath a lot of other things is this part of me that is looking for the RIGHT WAY to do things.

And it’s looking OUTSIDE of me for this right way.

It’s tapped into capitalism’s promise: that if you conform to dominant culture and do things the way they say to do things then you guaranteed safety, security, abundance, joy and love.

This is bullshit.

AND it’s so deeply engrained.

When I connect with the soul of the Creative Dream Incubator it asks me to stop looking outside of myself for answers. (using either the Dream Lab or the connecting with the soul of your business practices)

But I don’t know the way to do things that will guarantee that things will work out for me.

This is the terror and vulnerability of creative dreaming.

There isn’t a way to know.

I know the internet is full of gurus who insist that there is a way. Follow these rules, do it this way, put your own unique spin on it for “authenticity’s” sake, but DO IT THIS WAY IF YOU DON’T WANT TO FAIL.

But the truth is - there isn’t a way to know.

You take steps. You try stuff. You heal, grow, and learn in the process. And then each new step is on more solid ground…

But there are no guarantees.

And this is terrifying.

So yeah, this part of me, deep down inside, keeps looking for the guarantees.

And this part of me keeps assuming that if things are not going well for me, that’s because I AM DOING SOMETHING WRONG. And if I could only do the RIGHT things, then I would have everything work out exactly how I want it.

Which only invites shame in which invites in fear and panic. It’s not good.

Looking outside of me for answers is not good.

And I keep doing it.

So I practice NOTICING SOONER that this is what I am doing.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

There is no right way. Read More »

I am making the exact same mistake I am ALWAYS telling people not to make

When I want something new and I don’t see HOW to do it…

I panic.

It feels impossible so I think it IS impossible.

I forget that I am looking ONLY at the Outer Work, and not at all considering how much Dream Work and Inner Work I COULD be doing.

I forget how doing Dream Work and Inner Work completely changes the possibilities for what can happen in Outer Work.

We need to keep reminding ourselves.

PS: If you have NO TIME for your dreams: Check out Quick + Simple Ways to Connect With Your Dream

If you are TOO OVERWHELMED for your dreams : Check out Space-Making: For When You're Too Overwhelmed To Begin

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

I am making the exact same mistake I am ALWAYS telling people not to make Read More »

I am free to be anyone I want to be

This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: I am free to be anyone I want to be

Use the meditation for the weekly mantras to dig in deeper to the mantra, or put your hands on your heart and take five deep slow breaths and repeat to yourself:

I am free to be anyone I want to be

Notice where this lands in your body, what thoughts and feelings get sparked.

There is no right or wrong way to react. But your actual thoughts and feelings can tell you something about what you need right now.

How it lands for me: like a SWISH

A SWISH of freedom, starting around my heart and whooshing away.

Like a bird. Free to fly.

I am shifting my sense of WHO I AM. This is the work my dreams are asking of me right now and it's... messy, I guess. Complicated. So non-linear I have no clue where I am.

I really am free to be anyone I want to be.

And when I sit with this, after the SWISH, my body feels open.

I know exactly who I want to be. I've been clarifying this on the Dream Self Page of my new Dream Book.

Oh! And then I am instantly reminded of why it's hard to BE that version of me all of the time.

And I have so much empathy for myself.

And I want to COME UP WITH A PLAN that makes this all easier.

But the truth is, it's in a process. And as long as I keep showing up, I'll get there.

I will hold I am free to be anyone I want to be close to me on the path this week.

If you want to work on this with me:

If I am free to be anyone I want to be feels good and encouraging, hold it with you today. Look at problems, questions, stucks and obstacles through this lens and see what ideas it brings.

If it brings up some discomfort - that’s your stuff to work on today. To do that work, in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership we’ve got the un-sticking station and the library of inner work practices. If you’re not sure what practice to use, you can email me, or post in our forum, let me know what’s going on and I will make some suggestions for tools you can use.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

I am free to be anyone I want to be Read More »

Ready to go… or not?

(Bear and I working from bed)

I was SO EXCITED to do this thing last night, and now that it’s today, and it’s time to do the thing…

I am exhausted. I do NOT have the energy to do this.

And I did do all the things I need to do to get my morning off right… a smoothie, bike ride to the park, now I am drinking a GIANT lavender iced latte in the park and journaling...

And I am still not feeling it.

So. Resistance, is that you? Are you behind the overwhelm and exhaustion?

Ummm. No I don’t think so. Why don’t you blame (ongoing annoying situation in my life)?

Because ongoing annoying situation is, in a sense, handled for now. Like - I have my next steps with it which I will do later. It’s not like ON MY MIND… OMG I am letting you distract me from you!

I am hard to look right at.

No shit!

Resistance just looks at me.

I just look back. Resistance feels like a he today. Kind of like… lots of dark clothing including a cape and a hat, maybe medieval or something like that.

I’m not medieval, that’s ridiculous.

OK whatever, you’re old timey somehow.

I’m ancient.

OK yeah that makes sense. But listen, don’t you remember how EXCITED I was about this project last night?

It’s easy to be excited about a creative project when you just got out of a bath and you’re on your way to sleep and there’s no way to take a step with it.

Are you saying I don’t have it in me to be excited about doing this when I can actually do this?

I’m saying when everything is in place and it’s time to take that step - that’s when all the inner shit comes up. You know this.

I know.

And then you just blame me, like I am something outside of you.


Yeah Uggghhhhh.

I take a deep breath and a big sip of my iced coffee and ask myself what’s happening underneath the resistance.

Fear. Terror actually. What if I’m not good enough? What if I fail? What if I do my best and it turns out I can’t actually do this? Yes, it is VERY easy to feel confident when you’ve just gotten out of a bath and are on your way to bed and not anywhere near taking an actual step.

Where is the part of me who believes in me and my dreams 100%?

Buried under all of those other selves. It almost feels like they have tied her up, there’s no way for her to get free.

That’s interesting - she still believes in herself 100% EVEN WHILE TIED UP AND BURIED UNDER A PILE OF FEARS AND WORRIES AND WHAT IFs.

She’s like “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll get out of this.”

And I know she will.

I zoom in my focus on her. Can I just work with her and ignore the other stuff?

She smiles at me and turns around to show me how her hands are tied up… the rope is tied so loosely it would be easy to get free. And when I look closer - the rope is actually liquorice.

My fears are little kids and she’s indulging them.

Together, we pick up each kid and put them down on bean bag chairs. We give them popcorn and turn on a movie. We set up some games, an art station and a nap area. We install a new light in their room which radiates love. We go to each of them, one at a time, and tell them how much we love them, exactly as they are. How proud we are of them. How happy we want them to be.

And then we close the door on their room.

And then this journaling ends abruptly because I just… got to work on that project!

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Ready to go… or not? Read More »

Believing in yourself + trusting yourself IS THE WHOLE THING

THIS is the answer to everything.

And even though you DO believe in yourself, more than you ever have even… but there is always more.

Believing in yourself is a spectrum that never ends.

Trusting yourself is a spectrum that never ends.

And sometimes self doubt gets in the way of that and we have to keep PRACTICING to come back to self belief.

As long as you keep showing up and practicing, breakthroughs are GUARANTEED.


(Note from my Dream Book)

Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself

I've been talking about this for a while on our Zooms, and today I set it up - this call is happening on Sept 17 and it will come with a guided journal 🙂

For Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members: the call details are here.

For everyone else - I do want to make this call available on it's own outside the membership, I should have registration open next week.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Believing in yourself + trusting yourself IS THE WHOLE THING Read More »

My overwhelmed self and my most powerful, wise + creative self in a duel

My overwhelmed self has been getting A LOT of air time since March 2020.

And even leading up to that, as I was getting into peri-menopause, life just overwhelmed me in ways it never did before.

For 2024 I wanted to explore my relationship with resistance more deeply.

One thing I am learning is just how deeply this pattern goes of giving my resistant self the driver’s seat in my life.

I mean - not in the bigger picture. But in smaller ways. Ways I wasn’t seeing before.

This thing where “I am too overwhelmed to do this” so I don’t.

Now I am seeing it differently and wondering... what if I put my most wise, brave and creative self into the driver’s seat?

Maybe if I put my most BRAVE and CREATIVE self into the driver's seat I would steamroll over my overwhelm and ignore all of the reasons WHY I am in resistance.

So I wanted to include my most WISE self in there, who knows how to tend to all of her parts.

And this part of me is like… hey I know you wouldn’t want to steamroll over your overwhelm, but why are you letting overwhelm steamroll over the rest of you?

And I’m like… whoa. What?

I thought I was just taking good care of myself. Now I see that I was letting overwhelm take over and do what she wants.


I mean - we don't see these things until we can see things things. And then when we do, it changes everything.

So it turns out overwhelm doesn’t give a fuck about anyone else’s needs. Not an appropriate part of me to have in the driver’s seat.

My most wise, brave and creative self does want to take care of overwhelm, so we are doing ALL THE THINGS (LOADS of meditation + journaling in Dream Book, eating nutrient dense, drinking lots of water, sleeping well, loads of restorative yoga and salt baths, quiet time, validating my feelings and needs, taking CBD pills for anxiety and tracking high anxiety days to get a clearer picture in case I need to see my doctor about it) to take care of my overwhelmed self - so that she is climbing into the driver’s seat less often.

So now it's like she doesn’t feel the need to steer us off the road because the journey isn’t as overwhelming for her.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

My overwhelmed self and my most powerful, wise + creative self in a duel Read More »

I stay true to myself

This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: I stay true to myself

Use the meditation for the weekly mantras to dig in deeper to the mantra, or put your hands on your heart and take five deep slow breaths and repeat to yourself:

I stay true to myself

Notice where this lands in your body, what thoughts and feelings get sparked.

There is no right or wrong way to react. But your actual thoughts and feelings can tell you something about what you need right now.

My reaction: this feels POWERFUL

Like a palpable strong sense of POWER running in my body.

I feel almost overwhelmed with this knowing that when I am true to myself, I am powerful. I have the power to do the things I want to do.

And it makes me think of all the ways I AM being true to myself. The divorce/peri-menopause combo is really good for that, lol.

If you want to work on this with me:

If I stay true to myself feels good and encouraging, hold it with you today. Look at problems, questions, stucks and obstacles through this lens and see what ideas it brings.

If it brings up some discomfort - that’s your stuff to work on today. To do that work, in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership we’ve got the un-sticking station and the library of inner work practices. If you’re not sure what practice to use, you can email me, or post in our forum, let me know what’s going on and I will make some suggestions for tools you can use.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

I stay true to myself Read More »

This is why I avoid most new age stuff like the plague

I was looking for self love affirmation music on Spotify and selected a random song.

I'm settling in, all comfy in my bed, relaxing my body.... and suddenly I’m being told that only people who love themselves fully can be of benefit to the world.

Like, what the actual fuck?

While there is SO MUCH GOOD in the new age, holistic wellness/wellbeing, personal growth industries.... there are also these incredibly damaging beliefs.

We need to have real discernment about how we engage with it.

You don't have to love yourself before you are worthy.

You were born worthy.

And loving yourself, after growing up in the world as it is right now, IS TRICKY. If it's hard for you - that's because of what happened to you and how it impacted you. It's NOT a measure of your value!!!!

ANYTHING that is hard for you IS NOT YOUR FAULT.

This is a really good perspective to go into ALL of your healing work with.

We all have our challenges, and our challenges have a lot to teach us. But we are not "less than" because of them. So much of the new age/holistic wellness/coaching/personal growth industries use this harmful rhetoric, sometimes in subtle ways that we don't always notice.

Be aware of where you, or others, blame or shame you for your circumstances.

A lot of it just ignorance. A person who hasn't done any work to unpack their own privileges will judge anyone who didn't have the same privileges.

It's also about the individualist approach. The idea that the individual is the answer to everything, and the cause of everything - which also comes out of pure ignorance about the impact of the systems we live in.

You do better in your healing when you're not shaming yourself.

No one else really understands what you've overcome to be where you are now.

Be proud of yourself.

And keep going.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

This is why I avoid most new age stuff like the plague Read More »

TODAY! How To Make More Money Without Destroying Your Soul!


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Members: get the call details here. The replay + guided journal will be on that page a few hours after our live call.

Everyone else: sign up here. Today's call is free! (Replay too)

I can't wait to explore this with you.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

TODAY! How To Make More Money Without Destroying Your Soul! Read More »

My mantra is taunting me

Note: this post is from my daily Creative Dream Practice and includes links to the tools I use which are a part of the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership. You need an active membership to access those tools. You are always welcome to join right here!

So this is a note from last week....


And I was feeling it SO HARD at first....

And now it feels like it’s taunting me.

Like I’ve never felt less ready.

And I may never be ready.

This IS the emotional journey that REALLY working with our dreams take us on.

To do that work, in the creative dream incubator coaching membership we’ve got the un-sticking station and the library of inner work practices. If you’re not sure what practice to use, you can email me, or post in our forum, let me know what’s going on and I will make some suggestions for tools you can use.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

My mantra is taunting me Read More »

My future is bright

Note: this post is from my daily Creative Dream Practice and includes links to the tools I use which are a part of the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership. You need an active membership to access those tools. You are always welcome to join right here!

This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: My future is bright

Use the meditation for the weekly mantras to dig in deeper to the mantra, or put your hands on your heart and take five deep slow breaths and repeat to yourself:

My future is bright

Notice where this lands in your body, what thoughts and feelings get sparked.

There is no right or wrong way to react. But your actual thoughts and feelings can tell you something about what you need right now.

My reaction: this feels so familiar and comforting.

I said this to myself A LOT when my husband first left me and I was in shock. It’s like the future I saw just disappeared and I couldn’t see anything in it’s place and I would say to myself “My best life is ahead of me” and I really did feel it and mean it but also couldn’t see it.

And now, almost a year later… I believe it AND I’m not always so sure of my next steps.

I feel like I’ve let go of that relationship but there is deeper work still around… I don’t even have words for it all. But to make a big commitment and be building a life around it and then to have it just walk away on you…

A marriage IS a dream and when a dream leaves you, when you work hard for it and it doesn’t work out - this makes it harder to keep dreaming.

And I know everyone has had a dream not work out.

And I know I am in a wildly transformational time and I KNOW/BELIEVE that I will look back at this time, at this version of myself, and be so grateful for her for continuing to walk through the fire, and follow every rabbit hole that pops up.

A divorce is such an opportunity for healing, so much childhood stuff gets dredged up. So much stuff I thought was healed or gone - here it all is.

And to be confident and energetic enough to be self employed through this… it’s just a YIKES some days.

Because of the nature of my work, my work itself is not hard. I’m doing more calls than ever in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership and I’m loving it.

It’s the marketing and selling and being “out there” and coming up with effective and strategic plans that’s been hard.

But I don’t want to “push through” or force myself to do all the things…

I want to see this time as a sacred transformative fire. We have so much power to choose the narrative which does change our options.

I am MAKING my future bright.

If you want to work on this with me:

If I am growing feels good and encouraging, hold it with you today. Look at problems, questions, stucks and obstacles through this lens and see what ideas it brings.

If it brings up some discomfort - that’s your stuff to work on today. To do that work, in the creative dream incubator coaching membership we’ve got the un-sticking station and the library of inner work practices. If you’re not sure what practice to use, you can email me, or post in our forum, let me know what’s going on and I will make some suggestions for tools you can use.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

My future is bright Read More »

Look what I’ve been doing in this journal!

Two new things for August:

💸 How To Make More Money Without Destroying Your Soul

Two sessions on Zoom: August 7 + 21 (with replays!) and a printable guided journal.

THE FIRST SESSION IS FREE FOR EVERYONE! (Not a promo or anything, this is the actual first session in this program) Full program (both zoom with the guided journal) is $33 USD - or free for Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members.

Details + registration. | Membership members get everything here.


If you want something to change and don't know how to go about getting that change - this one is for you.

Three alchemy sessions on Zoom WITH NO RECORDING. The group will be small enough for everyone to get attention. We’re being present, going deep and GETTING our breakthroughs. 

Three sessions: August 12, 19 + 26. The cost is $233 USD

Details + registration.


This is one of the things I've been doing in my journal lately and I LOVE IT.

This is a journal that I used for just bitching and complaining, lol. This is not a Dream Book! I started using it ONLY when I am upset, because I wanted to look back and see patterns and stuff. It was an extra journal I had and an idea to experiment with it.

It always felt weird, just all this bad stuff and no real resolution. Dream Book is where I would work THROUGH things, like using the un-sticking station.

Then I got the idea to go back through it, and paint over every page, and write out the transformation of the thing I was  bitching about and it just feels magic. Now I can flip through it and it's a journal of healing.



Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

Look what I’ve been doing in this journal! Read More »

The Breakthrough

Two new things for August:

💸 How To Make More Money Without Destroying Your Soul

Two sessions on Zoom: August 7 + 21 (with replays!) and a printable guided journal.

THE FIRST SESSION IS FREE FOR EVERYONE! (Not a promo or anything, this is the actual first session in this program) Full program (both zoom with the guided journal) is $33 USD - or free for Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members.

Details + registration. | Membership members get everything here.


If you want something to change and don't know how to go about getting that change - this one is for you.

Three alchemy sessions on Zoom WITH NO RECORDING. The group will be small enough for everyone to get attention. We’re being present, going deep and GETTING our breakthroughs. 

Three sessions: August 12, 19 + 26. The cost is $233 USD

Details + registration.


As discussed, I've been stuck and I've been circling around some stuff for some time. But this is good!

And as I shared yesterday, I had a high anxiety day and was having a panic attack - crying, upset, and that's when everything changed.

It FELT LIKE all of the intense feelings knocked something loose.

But as I reflect, I don't think that's what it is.

I think I've been paying attention in a deeper way to my feelings. For sure I've been going deeper into them in the divorce process and all the ways it digs up ALL THE STUFF.

But in spending more time processing my feelings, I am more familiar with all the different sensations in my body... and so when I felt stuck with my creative dream, and really sat with that feeling, and all of my feelings were magnified as it was a high anxiety day... well I FELT it. In my body. It felt the same as some divorce stuff I've been processing.

I didn't understand it in my mind.

I still don't fully understand it.

But I FELT it. And then everything I know about this feeling, in regards to my healing process with my divorce, I suddenly saw how it applies to my creative dreams.

And something shifted. And then I saw new options I hadn't seen before.

All because I sat with the feelings even when they felt too big to sit with.

Over and over I am reminded that the feelings that come up as we work on our dreams are not accidents. They are the path.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

The Breakthrough Read More »

Are you stuck or are you circling it and does it matter?

Two new things for August:

💸 How To Make More Money Without Destroying Your Soul

Two sessions on Zoom: August 7 + 21 (with replays!) and a printable guided journal.

THE FIRST SESSION IS FREE FOR EVERYONE! (Not a promo or anything, this is the actual first session in this program) Full program (both zoom with the guided journal) is $33 USD - or free for Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members.

Details + registration. | Membership members get everything here.


If you want something to change and don't know how to go about getting that change - this one is for you.

Three alchemy sessions on Zoom WITH NO RECORDING. The group will be small enough for everyone to get attention. We’re being present, going deep and GETTING our breakthroughs. 

Three sessions: August 12, 19 + 26 at 1:00 pm Central Daylight -5 GMT

The cost is $233 USD

Details + registration.


The whole thing about showing up for your dream as a PRACTICE as that the practice itself becomes a container that holds your PROCESS of becoming the version of you who can do the thing.

This doesn’t mean it feels like magic every time.

It’s boring or hard just as often as it’s healing and magically creative.

In yesterday's post I mentioned that tension or twistiness of being in that space where you can't just step into your dream.

Sometimes, like has been happening for me for a while - you are circling something. And you need that time to circle!

You need that process of circling to work through things you don’t even know you are working through.

And it’s really hard to keep showing up in those times. Because it doesn't feel like you are circling, you just feel STUCK.

I’ve been feeling like I know I’m resisting something but I can’t quite see my resistance. There’s just this vague sense of avoiding something and feeling stuck.

So, I kept showing up. Practicing. Noticing what’s happening. Being with these feelings of sensing out resistance beneath the surface but not being able to get at it or even understand what I am resisting.

And then that all blew up.

I was having a high anxiety day that turned into a panic attack. I was crying and trying to soothe myself when suddenly my whole perspective changed.

It’s like the intense feelings created a disturbance in me that loosened what was stuck. That’s how it felt.

And looking back I can see how long I’ve been circling this and I am embarrassed about that BUT ALSO we have to circle for as long as we have to circle.

Circling is actually PRODUCTIVE.

The only thing that is ever not productive is to stop showing up at all.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

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I am ready to step into my dream.

Note: this post is from my daily Creative Dream Practice and includes links to the tools I use which are a part of the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership. You need an active membership to access those tools. You are always welcome to join right here!

This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: I am ready to step into my dream.

Use the meditation for the weekly mantras to dig in deeper to the mantra, or put your hands on your heart and take five deep slow breaths and repeat to yourself:

I am ready to step into my dream.

Notice where this lands in your body, what thoughts and feelings get sparked.

There is no right or wrong way to react. But your actual thoughts and feelings can tell you something about what you need right now.

My reaction: Ahhh! This one feels palpable in my whole body. Like a YES.

It’s time for this STEP.

I can’t articulate exactly what that means which is a little frustrating. To feel this whole body YES about taking a step and not knowing what that step looks like in any practical sense.

But during our Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual Practice call last week, the soul of my business did ask me: “Why are you not visualizing your goal every morning first thing when you wake up?”

And I didn’t have an answer to that question…

Not that I think visualizing your goals first thing when you wake up is VITAL. I do lots of creative dream practices. It only matters THAT you show up, not so much HOW you show up.

But the way the question came in, it felt like - this is the thing that is right for right now, so why aren’t you doing it?


There was this twistiness in the question, in... well like there was something I was not seeing. Because that's a weird way to say "I need you to visualize every morning"

But to go off on a different little tangent...

Recently the mantra was "I am ready for my next steps" and I am noticing how different this one feels.

AND noticing the medicine of having a new mantra float in every week, bringing it into my body and consciousness and letting it have some space to see what takes root. And so new mantras can merge with the energy and shifts left from old mantras...

Because I am ready to step into my dream feels HUGE.

And I wouldn't be able to feel ready for anything HUGE without practicing being ready for little baby next steps.

Back to the twistiness...

I left that meditation in Marketing as a Creative + Spiritual practice feeling like there is something I am not seeing, that the Creative Dream Incubator really needs me to see.

I didn't feel like I am doing something WRONG. Just that I can't see something.

This is so uncomfortable to sit with.

So I AM READY TO STEP INTO MY DREAM feels palpable and powerful


There is a frustration around not knowing what this looks like because I have been taking steps but none of them have, so far, landed me right in the dream.


Do I just keep taking these steps or does something else need to change?

And it felt like the energy of my marriage. Where I was so in love with my husband, and so willing to work on it AND he was drowning, traumatic events kept happening in his life and he dependence on alcohol was becoming a bigger and bigger problem and it's like... do I keep trying or do I walk away?

Not that I want to walk away from my dreams!!!!

But it felt like the same energy.

Does something else need to change?

And then the message from the Creative Dream Incubator and the twistiness...

The step that lands me in my dream is different from the steps I have been taking.

Which is good information


It's very difficult information because the steps I have been taking are the steps I see to take. Like I always say - take the step that's in front of you.


Taking the step that are in front of me has led me here, to this place of palpably feeling like I need to make a change, and not knowing what the change is.

There is a tension in this.

And then the next step is: stay in the tension.

This is what I mean when I say to follow the rabbit holes.

Explore all the stuff that comes up from an affirmation or idea...

It won't all make sense!!!!

And the path may be so convoluted that no one would ever believe it's a path...

But giving it all space DOES bring you what you need.

(Because I write these ahead of time, I already know that STAYING IN THE TENSION brought me amazing stuff, I'll share more on that this week)

If you want to work on this with me:

If I am growing feels good and encouraging, hold it with you today. Look at problems, questions, stucks and obstacles through this lens and see what ideas it brings.

If it brings up some discomfort - that’s your stuff to work on today. To do that work, in the creative dream incubator coaching membership we’ve got the un-sticking station and the library of inner work practices. If you’re not sure what practice to use, you can email me, or post in our forum, let me know what’s going on and I will make some suggestions for tools you can use.

Come dream with us


Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson or get a weekly journaling + alchemy kit.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab if you're not sure where to start.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls. Make a plan to join us live or catch a replay.

I am ready to step into my dream. Read More »


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