My dream is embarrassing me
I have a friend coming over tomorrow and today I am tidying up. And I went beyond the "normal" cleaning and started re-organizing parts of my kitchen.
And then I felt this STRONG DESIRE.... A DREAM EVEN.... to declutter and organize EVERYTHING. Go through every single drawer and nook and cranny. I want to think about WHERE everything should BE to best support me in living the life I want to live.
If I am honest with myself, this is a dream that has been coming to me over the last month or so...
But my response is
OMG boring and embarrassing and annoying.
This is not a dream! It's a chore!
And I just realized - that is an inner critic voice. It's not my truth.
The truth is, this DOES feel like a dream to me.
It doesn't feel impossible or difficult (well, kind of difficult).
Having a clutter free organized home and work space feels sooooo dreamy.
AND it's a part of the divorce process - some stuff is still stored in the way that made sense for my life then, some stuff just got messed up in the process of going through things to pack his stuff. It is time to get all of my stuff arranged in the way that makes sense for my life as it is now.
I realized too - I think of myself as a person who DID do a massive de-clutter and get organized...
But that was when I sold my home and moved to the condo...
Which was in 2011.
I mean!
I didn't de-clutter THAT well, that I am STILL de-cluttered 14 years later.
So, this has been percolating for a while I think. The way I see myself as a person who already did de-clutter and the way de-cluttering now IS a dream and the part of me who just sees this as a boring chore and doesn't want to do it.
It's always interesting to me how we can judge, deny and invalidate our dreams.
This is too big! Too small! Too boring! Too risky!
We have this idea of what a dream should be and our actual dreams don't always measure up.
AND there's this whole layer around how our dreams are showing us who we really are and we have a lot of conditioning to break through to even begin to see that.
And I think other new dreams are percolating too...
I have a lot of questions about the next phase of my life and what I REALLY want next.
And it dawned on me that de-valuing and not pursing the one thing I DO know about what I want next is NOT making it easier to figure out the other things!!!
I mean the advice I would always give is that we have to MAKE SPACE for whatever we want. Doesn't matter if it feels impossible. Doesn't matter if "the work" of it feels boring. If it want it, make space for it.
And when you do - new things open up.
So - I am going to start going through everything, de-cluttering and re-organizing.
And I will NOT think of it as a boring annoying chore, I will think of it as serving my new dreams...
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