
Dreaming SMALLER, Simpler and more Happily. It’s not about having MORE.

The path to bringing a dream to life is less about the dream and more about the inner healing and transformation that happens when you step up to claim your right to create the life you really want to be living.

This means the Creative Dream Path can take you to some unexpected places.

Last winter my car had a lot of problems.


As much as I have loved my red Beetle, this car has always been very expensive to maintain.? It’s a diesel, which was, at the time when I bought it, the most fuel-efficient way to go in this climate, as far as I could tell.? So I chose to have a car that cost me more money, because it would cost the planet less.

But we got to the point where keeping her running just didn’t make sense anymore, and it looked like I would need a new car for this winter.

So I started looking at what car to get next. I was happy that there are more fuel-efficient options now.? I was looking for something simpler, something less expensive and time consuming to maintain.

But you know what?? No other car felt right.? So I stopped looking.

Instead I asked myself: what do you REALLY want here?

And underneath all the layers of stories about how grown-ups are supposed to live was my simple truth: I don’t want a car.

You know what makes me happy? WALKING.

You know what I hardly ever seem to find time to do? WALK.

Suddenly not having a car felt like an adventure.

I sold my car last fall, bought a fantastic parka and winter boots and have not looked back.

At first it just seemed like maybe having a car doesn’t make sense for me right now.? I work from home.? I don’t have children.? I was only using my car for shopping and adventuring, so maybe it’s just not smart for me to have my own car?

I can rent a car when I want/need one.? I can join the car co-op.? Maybe this is just the more practical choice.

But the biggest thing I’ve noticed is not about practicality at all.

It’s this: I have not ONCE driven somewhere and arrived feeling amazing because driving is just so awesome.

But more times than not, when I walk somewhere I arrive feeling amazing because walking is just so awesome.

This morning I walked through a blizzard to get to a coffee shop to do some writing.? Between my parka and boots I am covered, from head-to-toe, in soft warmth.? I giggled as the wind whirled around me, like it was trying to give me a hug.? I looked at the cars driving past me and did not wish I was in one.

I love how walking has slowed down the pace of my life.

The act of walking instead of driving adds this kind of magical element to my days.

And I’m more present with my own needs because I can’t always just zip off and get something if I run out.? I think more carefully about how plan my days.? I cook more.

I feel freer somehow.

And yet, if you’d told me six months ago that I was going to be happily car-free this winter I would have thought you were crazy.

That one little question leads to amazing things.

What do I really want?

That is the heart of Creative Dreaming.? Being brave enough to not just listen to your heart, but act on it.


Dreaming SMALLER, Simpler and more Happily. It’s not about having MORE. Read More »

Creative Dream Journal Playdate #2: The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World)

Today! Tuesday, Jan 14 at 2PM (Central, North America).


The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World) is something that I have a LOT to say about.? And it came up during our first playdate so I wanted to dive into it a little deeper with you guys.

If you reading this in your email or on the front page of my blog click here so you can see the video below.

Creative Dream Journal Playdate #2: The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World) Read More »

On wanting to hide, being FAR out of my comfort zone & what to do about it.

I’m out of my comfort zone.

I’m feeling extra-sensitive and resistant today.? Like I’d like to just hide under the covers.

And hiding under the covers is OK, but indulging in decadent self-care is much better.? So yesterday I took a hot aromatherapy bath followed by a nap – in the middle of the day.

Taking a nap in a sunny sunny space feels so decadent to me – another reason why I love the floor to ceiling south windows upstairs in my sleep loft.? (And see those crystals hanging in the corner of the window?? They shoot rainbows downstairs into my studio.)

Indulgent self-care is different from hiding under the covers.

Self-care re-fuels.? Hiding avoids.? Self-care maintains connection to your inner power.? Hiding disconnects.

Today I’d like to just hide.

Because I’m feeling so far out of my comfort zone.

But then I wondered… what if being so far outside of my comfort zone was good?? I mean, haven’t I been working so hard on making the big changes that have put me here?

I do this (awesome!) thing in the Creative Dream Incubator e-course (starting January 28!) about transforming your comfort zone – because when you really look at it, a lot of things in there are NOT so comfortable, they’re just familiar.

The comfort zone is really more of a familiar zone.

Feeling more comfortable with familiar than you feel with what-you-actually-want is an energy pattern you can work on.

But insisting that this is the only place where you can be comfortable shuts down the process of being able to do that.? MASSIVELY dis-empowering.

Hmmm.? So I sat down here feeling out of my comfort zone and wondering how I could be OK with this.

Remembering that I put myself here helps.

Remembering that I am a powerful creator helps.

Remembering that I know how to take care of myself helps.

But I still feel uncomfortable…

So I’m diving into my feeling.? What is it?? Where is it?

Mostly in my chest, but it kind of radiates out.? I want to crawl into my skin, or out of my skin, maybe.? Yes – I want to crawl OUT of my skin because I feel TOO VULNERABLE.

Ah.? So I have a vulnerability hangover.

Makes sense, given what I have been working on.

And because vulnerability is a key part of how I teach, this is a good thing.

So.? I am outside of my comfort zone & this is a good thing.

How do I bring comfort to myself right here?

Well, I did start already.? I’m in a cozy seat in a cozy coffee shop.? I’ve got a warm, fresh coffee and all of my journaling tools.

I can talk to the part of me that feels freaked out and find out what she needs.

I can make a list of the most deeply nourishing self-care practices… what comes to mind off the bat is to work this weekend, and take a spa day on Monday (spas are too busy for me on weekends).

I can breathe a little deeper and a little slower.

I can remember about how excited I am about the dreams I am moving towards AKA the reason why I am out of my comfort zone.

I can imagine my comfort zone stretching to include these things that I really do want (with a tiny escape hatch so uncomfortable things can just slip out).

I feel a gazillion times better now.

I can even giggle about the irony of posting this on my blog – this is the exact thing I feel uncomfortable about.? Being vulnerable.? Sharing my actual as-it-happens truth.? To a rapidly growing audience.

The part of me that is terrified about being this vulnerable is calmed by the part of me who sees how much this honest sharing-of-the-process really helps other people feel less alone in their struggles along the path to creating their authentic lives.

AND it helps to counteract all that bullshit about how it should all be glitter and rainbows all the time.? And the ideas that if things aren’t easy you are doing something wrong.

What I am doing here is important.

On wanting to hide, being FAR out of my comfort zone & what to do about it. Read More »

Playdate #2: The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World)

I totally stretched my comfort zone this week with my first ever live streaming video.

And I loved it so much I want to do it again!? (And this morning it’s closing in on 1,600 views so it seems like you guys love it too!)

In fact, I want to do a WEEKLY Playdate, until the next session of the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course starts inside the Creative Dream Circle (on January 28).? So here they are:

Creative Dream Journal Playdate #2: Tuesday, Jan 14 at 2PM (Central, North America).

Topic: The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World)

If you’re on Spreecast, click here to RSVP. ?If you’re not on Spreecast, it will show up on my blog on Tuesday morning – with a handy dandy countdown timer so you can see what time it’s starting in YOUR time zone.

Creative Dream Journal Playdate #3: Tuesday, Jan 21 at 2PM (Central, North America).

Topic: TBA

The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World) is something that I have a LOT to say about.? And it came up during our first playdate so I wanted to dive into it a little deeper with you guys.

Bring your journal and your dream – art supplies optional.

Hope to see YOU there!? If you missed Playdate #1 catch the replay here.

Playdate #2: The Center of Your Creative Power (Boundaries, Sovereignty & Harnessing the Power to Create Your World) Read More »

Making a Big Dream Real #5

I set a big goal for my business for 2014: to welcome 800 dreamers into my Creative Dream Circle.? And to do this not by getting super pushy about selling – but to do this with heart and soul and creativity and joy and LOVE.

(you can read my original post about this here)

In support of this goal, I am writing weekly updates on Fridays, for all of 2014.? This is where I’ll share the story of all the ups and downs of bringing a big dream to life.

This week I’ve been focused on working on the Creative Dream HOLYday creative playdate & virtual creative dream retreat (which is happening today in the Creative Dream Circle)

I “work on it” mostly by attuning to it and aligning with the energies of it:

  • inner transformation
  • creative freedom
  • deep spiritual healing
  • infinite possibility

… creating an energetic space for deep down communion with the heart and soul of your dream which creates space for miracles.

Completely. Fucking. Amazing.

I can’t describe how grateful I am that this is my job.? Bringing energy healing, spiritual healing and creative play all together in a profoundly and practically helpful way.

As I work on this, I am so filled with gratitude I do feel like I am levitating and so excited I could almost burst.

At the same time, I spent a lot of time in resistance earlier this week.

Scrolling through Facebook.? Playing Bejeweled Blitz.? Watching Netflix.? Getting up to make another chai latte, just a minute after I sat down to get some work done.

Transformation is scary, and resistance is natural.

So that part was hard.? While the actual work I was doing was so awesome I felt like was levitating.? Creative dreaming is an emotional roller coaster!

I’m doing my best to notice when I’ve slipped into resistance, meet myself where I am, take care of how I’m feeling, and bring myself back to where I want to be.

And the longer I spent right here every morning, the better this goes:

creative journaling

Sitting on my miracle pad with a spruce soy candle, meditation, Creative Soul Alchemy and creative journaling.

I’m playing along with Lisa Sonora Beam’s?Root: 30 day creative journal project.? I ADORE Lisa.? Her Creative Entrepreneur book was the first book that helped me feel inspired about business.? And the more I get to know her online, the more I like her.

And as a person who teaches creative journaling it’s important to participate in creative journaling groups and classes as a participant, to sink deeper into my own practice and have space to explore & play without supporting others in their process.

I am feeling really inspired & excited about my goal.

Like I wrote in my year in review of 2014 (not 2013), this goal is a GIANT BUNDLE OF LOVE. ?I’m letting that love nourish, inspire and lead me.

I’m feeling sure of my ability to handle to increase of all the things that increase when a business grows.

What else happened this week:

  • Explored some of the reasons why I have not wanted my business to grow before, and looked at creative and soulful ways of dealing with them.? Like having copy/paste responses to common questions, clarifying my boundaries, creating smoother systems, increasing self-care and exploring my relationship with vulnerability.
  • Freaked out about feeling not organised enough.? Then I noticed that this is a common theme for me and this is an inner critic voice, not the voice of logic.? It doesn’t matter how organised I am, I have this voice that tells me I am not organised enough.? Eureka!? I am very excited to discover this and work with this part of me who is trying to create safety through organisation… once you spot & name an inner critic for what it is, it looses its power.
  • I worked on my Strategic Action Plan for 2014, using the format from Lisa Sonora Beam‘s amazing The Creative Entrepreneur book.? That was the first business book that inspired me years ago and it remains crazy helpful.? I’ve had a TON of business coaching & courses over the past few years and sometimes it feels like I have too many ideas to work with.? Spending time streamlining and putting everything into one plan was super nourishing and helpful.? I’ve shied away from planning recently, because when I first started doing this work full time I made completely unrealistic work-my-ass-off-all-the-time-and-still-be-behind plans.? Now I’m happy to come back to planning, in a balanced, nourishing and sustainable way.
  • Got this fantastic idea, to take my List of 100 Reasons Why I Can Do This and make a whole series of artworks from it to cover my studio walls (I’ve still got some 2 story walls in my loft that are mostly blank)
  • Explored & experimented more around what needs to shift in my daily creativespiritual practice to help me be more steady in this goal.
  • Had daily meetings with the heart and soul of my business and the heart and soul of the circle.? So much is changing here!? Obstacles are dissolving and possibilities are opening up. So beautiful.
  • Ran a few Facebook ads and my ads at KindOverMatter and RebelleSociety are up.? Web traffic and email signups are WAY up.? I am particularly happy about how many of my new visitors are signing up for the email list.
  • Announced my first live, streaming video free creative dream journal playdate.

I am looking forward to next week being here and the holidays being over.? Part of this is the inner-prep-work for the HOLYday, part of it is it being the holidays… I look forward to the routine/structure of a regular work week next week!

Now that 2014 is here, I am ready to get to work.

If you like to sound of the HOLYday but can’t join us for the live event today – you do get recordings & playbooks from today’s event plus space to play with it in the Creative Dream Circle.? While attending live is special, past HOLYday participants do say that they find miracles & magic in playing with the recordings.??

Click here to read more about the Circle.

Making a Big Dream Real #5 Read More »

Creative Journaling Prompts For The New Year

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals post. Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing… new Dreamtastic posts show up regularly right here on my blog, click here to check out what’s happened in the course so far.
creative journal prompts for the new year

These prompts are for playing and creating with.

Use them as little diving boards to dive off into other things to explore – the most important part of creative journaling is following your creative impulse.

Use lots of different coloured pens, markers and pencil crayons (when you engage your creativity in your journaling you access your creative genius, the part of you that knows how to bring your dreams to life – plus it’s more fun that way!)

Use collage or make your own art to illustrate your answers.

As you get creative with this pay attention to your inner voice… once you’re in your creative flow it’s much easier for your intuition to speak to you.

If getting creative in your journal is new to you – check out Dreamtastic Creative Journals, (my free creative journaling e-course) for loads of videos & ideas to help you get started.

When you’re not sure about your answers – draw mandalas to help you connect to your inner wisdom.

The prompts are divided into 2 sections: looking back and looking forward.? Start with whichever one you feel drawn to.

Goodbye 2013. Looking back:

What was amazing in 2013?

What did you do in 2013 that you’re proud of?

What do you learn/discover that you want to bring into 2014?

What do you want to leave behind in 2013?

What are you most grateful for about 2013?

How did your dreams grow in 2013?

What did you do to help your dreams grow in 2013?? What worked?? What didn’t work?

How did YOU grow in 2013? What gifts and strengths do you have now that you didn’t have in 2012?

Is there anything you need to do to complete your year? Any unfinished business that you’d like to finish, and leave behind as you move into 2014?

Hello 2014! Looking forward:

List 5-10 things you’d like to have happen in 2014, in each of these different parts of your life:


Remember that as you get creative with this pay attention to your inner voice… once you’re in your creative flow it’s much easier for your intuition to speak to you – so as you write this list brilliant ideas may come to you for how to bring these dreams to life.

Go back through your list and imagine how each of these things will make you happier in 2014.? If there is anything on your list that won’t make you happier – consider crossing it out.

What is your Big Dream for 2014?

Why do you want this?

Do you already know how to make this dream real, or is this something you need to learn more about first?

What’s your plan for giving this dream what it needs to thrive in 2014?? Brainstorm 10 things you can try.

What do you want to STOP doing in 2014?? And what are some things you can you do to make that as easy as possible?? How will not having these things in your life make you happier?

Write your year in review for 2014.

Then imagine yourself at the end of the 2014 that you described in your year in review – how are you different?? How did you grow?? What new strengths and skills do you have?? Does you-from-one-year-from-today have any messages or advice for you?

Here’s to a sparkletastic New Year, for all of us.

I would love to help you bring your brightest dreams to life in 2014 – join me in the Creative Dream Circle for a whole YEAR of Creative Dream Support.


Creative Journaling Prompts For The New Year Read More »

More on why Dreams/Ideas are DANGEROUS

Yesterday during Connie’s Holiday Paint Party (a super cool live streamed art journal party – you can watch the whole thing here) Connie asked me if I get a lot of ideas and I said yes… and I added that following an idea blindly is DANGEROUS.

I was at the paint party to draw a mandala and chat with my friends, I wasn’t in teacher mode.

This morning, teacher me really wants to clarify and explain this because it is really important and what I said may be misconstrued.

Creative people have a lot of ideas.? We’re open minded, we’re connected to inspiration, we love ideas so ideas come to us.? This is good!

But acting on all of those ideas is NOT good.

Ideas will meet you in the state of consciousness you’re at, in the moment.? Most of the time, we’re not fully aware of our state of consciousness.

For example, let’s say you’re carrying a story about how our mother doesn’t approve of you.? You’ve carried the story so long you’re not longer aware that you’re carrying it, but it is energized in your consciousness.

An idea comes in that is a perfect match for this story about your mother.? An idea that this part of you believes will finally win her approval, once and for all.? Again – you’re not aware of what’s happening on this level.? You just know the idea feels exciting and inspiring.

So you jump into it.? You ride the wave of inspiration.? You pour your heart and soul into bringing this idea to life.

Either the creative process goes well or it goes badly.

If it goes well:? you successfully bring your idea to life, but your success feels hollow somehow and you don’t know why.? You don’t feel the way you thought this would make you feel.

This is because deep down inside you wanted the idea to succeed so that you could gain your mother’s approval and change how it feels to walk around carrying this painful story.? But even if your mother loves the idea and cheers you on – the story is deep inside of you.? You have to consciously change the story that you carry in order to change how you’re feeling.

This is so dangerous because it feeds a new story about how dreams aren’t worth it and it’s better to just ignore them and you’re not going to be happy anyway so why bother.

Or, if the creative process goes badly: you end up all tangled up in fears and painful feelings you don’t understand.? Or you resist the creative process because on an unconscious level you know this is attached to that painful story you don’t want to go anywhere near.

This is so frustrating because you know you’re more than capable of doing this thing, but it’s like something is holding you back.

This is so dangerous because now you’re going to add a new story to carry around about how when you go after your dreams you fail.? About how you’re not good enough and you don’t follow through.

It’s all tangled up, on the INSIDE.

This is why working with dreams soul-to-soul, inside-to-inside is key.

Your dream is about how you think you’ll feel when you have the thing.

Your dream is about evolving into the person you know you can be.

Your dream is about bringing your creativity and purpose to life.

Your dream is SO MUCH more than the surface thing you want: a solo art exhibit, a published novel, your dream house, etc.

When you stay on the surface – get an idea – run with idea – make idea real – you miss out on the fulfilling and magical part of it all.

This is why you connect with the idea, soul to soul, before proceeding.

Then, in the example I’m using here, you’ll immediately see that what you really want is some healing for this painful story you’ve been carrying about how your mother doesn’t approve of you.

And when you focus on that healing work, other parts of your life “magically” start to fall into place.? Because this story has been impacting you in a lot of ways, for a long time.

And when you focus on that healing work, new ideas spring up.? Ideas that are more connected to who you really are and what you’re here to do, and less connected to this painful story you are no longer carrying.

And, if you stay connected soul to soul as you play with those ideas – they turn into dreams come true.

They help you bring your life into deeper alignment with your inner truth, with your gifts and creativity and purpose and heart and soul.

This. Feels. Amazing.

If you want to know more: the Creative Dream Circle Initiation page has audios that lead you through this process.? (the initiation is free).

If you want to explore this with me: we’re starting up a session of the Creative Dream Incubator on January 28.? Six weeks of diving into the process soul-to-soul communion with your dreams, healing, miracles + transformation – and then once everything is aligned and ready to do – practical action steps + support to make it happen.



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Theft. Breach of Trust. Recovering from Mistakes.

This is not about stealing ideas, when you copy from others, or when others accuse you of copying them (I did talk about that here).

I wrote this about a situation I am in where I did business with someone, then they took my share of the profits and keep refusing to give them to me.? But really, it’s about any kind of breach of trust.? And it’s about making mistakes and recovering with grace and integrity.

creative journaling
From a page in my journal, kind of reflects how I’m feeling about this.

When something like this happens, it’s tempting to throw all the blame in their direction, but you’ve got to take a look at how YOU got there!

Why did you trust and un-trustworthy person?? What made you say yes to the deal?? Was your intuition trying to push you away from it?

Think back to how you made the decision.? What process did you use to decide?? Have you used this decision-making style in the past and does it normally work for you?? Or is there is a flaw in how you’re making decisions?

Exploring and owning your part in it will help you avoid a situation like this in the future.

It could be that you ignored your intuition because you thought you’d get ______ (easy money, amazing exposure, a huge opportunity, love + acceptance from people you respect, etc).

It could be that your intuition led you right into this because there is something important for you here.

Those are two VERY different scenarios.? And even though the results look the same on the surface, they’re not.

In scenario 1: this is a lesson.? The sooner and better you learn it the sooner you won’t have to keep taking this test.

In scenario 2: this is a gift.? Even if you have to look really hard to find it.

You’ve got to own your part in it, but that does NOT mean that you don’t place the blame where blame is due.

Anyone who steals is a thief.? If someone breaks a promise to you, that is NOT your fault.? That part is not your part to own.

A lot of spiritual people want to focus on forgiveness and karma and not, like, take action.? This is usually done under the guise of being a spiritually evolved person, but it’s really more about being afraid to stand up for yourself and own your power.

I’ve just been sitting with it.? Exploring and owning my part.? I’ve been talking with one other person that I know is in the same boat.? We’re both talking about how we feel as well as exploring practical options for how we want to handle it.

I’ve actually been hoping that, if given some time, this person would give me the money.

Because taking action is uncomfortable.

So I didn’t take action.? I decided to be patient.? I wanted to trust her.

What did I get for my patience?

I still don’t have my money.

But I do have a firmer commitment to myself, to be more careful about who I do business with, and to take action sooner should I find myself in this kind of situation again.

I wrote that part last week and decided not to post it.

It didn’t feel done.? And today I can see why.

What I really want to write about is making mistakes and recovering from them with grace and integrity.

Because that’s the part that is really bothering me about this situation – how she’s handling it and what the long-term impact of this is going to be for her.

Everybody makes mistakes.? Often making a mistake is the only way to learn!? The path of Creative Dreaming is FULL of mistakes, because you’re creating your own path… you can’t create a totally-new totally-unique path already knowing how to do it.? You have to try things to find out how they work.

The only way to not make mistakes is to not do anything that hasn’t been done before.? And Creative Dreamers are too creative for that!

Making a mistake is NOT a problem.

What IS a problem is when you don’t FACE your mistake.? You try to bury it.

You tell yourself (and those you hurt in making the mistake) stories about you as the victim, about how there is nothing you can do.

In time you might even start to believe these bullshit stories.

But a part of you always knows that they’re not true.? You’re not a victim, you’re a creative genius.

There is always a way for you to transform any situation.? But the way to do that is never by avoiding the discomfort of facing up to your actions.

See, I see what is happening for this person who keeps refusing to give me my money.? She’s going deep into denial about her ability to make more money and just pay me (and the others she owes).? She’s sabotaging her own business.? Worst of all, she’s concerned about her mental health.

She’s got layers of guilt and shame and hurt about this in her energy body.? She’s pretending like they’re not there.? She’s not taking responsibility and cleaning up the situation, which means those layers of ick stay with her.

Of course she’s going to be depressed.

Guilt and shame are toxic.

And that is why it’s important to clean up your messes.

As a Creative Dreamer, you CANNOT go on to create your dreams in your world until you clean up those energies.

Admit, at least to yourself, what you actually did.?

Let go of the victim story, let go of the excuses.? Admit what you did without going into those stories.? Own your decision.? It was the best decision you knew to make in the moment.

Be willing to own the consequences.

Don’t try to put them off on other people, that doesn’t even actually work.? In the case of this person who took money from me (and others), to carry on not paying us back through the holiday season is soooo NOT cool.? Borrow money even if you have to use credit cards, have a drastic crazy sale if you have your own business, take on odd jobs, work 18 hours/day – do what you need to do, even if you think you can’t.? This is the consequence of your action.? Own it.

Because then everything lightens up!

Guilt and shame will not stick around after you’ve let go of your stories, owned your decision and cleaned up your mess.

Now you can find the lessons and gifts in the situation.

Now you’re free to go on to create something new.

The longer you go on insisting that you can’t do anything about this or re-telling your victim story about how you had no choice, the longer you stay in that icky energy, cut off from your own creative genius.

You’re better than that.


Theft. Breach of Trust. Recovering from Mistakes. Read More »

You’re Invited: CALM For The Holidays Creative Playdate

Calm for the Holidays Creative Playdate

The Calm For The Holidays Creative Playdate is a transformative experience for people who are ready to NOT get caught up in the craziness of the holiday season.

It’s about connecting, deeply, to peace, calm and your amazing inner sparkle.

And it’s about subverting expectations, transforming experiences and creating the holiday season to be what YOU want it to be: joyful, playful and deeply nourishing.

It’s designed for people who want to stay connected to their deep inner calm in the midst of holiday chaos like crazy-long line-ups at the grocery store, unrealistic expectations and the general crazy-making that has become the holiday season.

If you are DONE with the craziness and ready to play: this is for YOU.

You’ll create a totally unique custom-made-just-for-YOU plan for staying out of the holiday chaos.

The Creative Playdate with Calm happens on Dec 3.

We’ll start at 11am (Central, North America), with a tele-circle, then you’ll have time on your own for your playdate (guided by inspiring playbooks, and still held in the magic from our call), then we’ll meet again on the phone at 2pm for more tele-circle magics.

Or you can play on your own later on with the recordings.? Either way, you’ll emerge from the playdate more connected to your amazing inner sparkle.


Get ready to stay out of the crazy, all month long…

Calm for the Holidays Creative Playdate is free for all members of the Creative Dream Circle.


You’re Invited: CALM For The Holidays Creative Playdate Read More »

Being All Tangled Up About Selling My Art

During our last Treasure-Mapping Adventure my intuition and my dreams gave me some clear information and guidance about what to do next.? They asked me to MAKE MORE ART and I agreed that this is a good idea!

My plan was to include an inspiring image of an inspiration card every week in my weekly email, (I already do that part) and to offer these cards for sale, individually or in groups (that’s the new part).

But I keep putting off actually doing this.

As you know, inner critics are VERY good at coming up with bullshit excuses that sound like reasonable reasons.

I have a lot of reasonable reasons why I just don’t have the time or energy to do this right now.

But when I remembered how I FELT when my intuition said to make this art (like my heart had tiny sparkling wings and was flying around, fueled by glee) I was sad because I realised that I had obviously fallen victim to believing bullshit excuses and putting my dream aside.

And I remembered that this happens every time I want to start doing something new, and that the fastest way to move through it is to turn around and face the uncomfortable feelings.

So I journaled about it:


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[from my journal]

What is up? I know I want to do this.

Is that true?

I do want it, my heart wants it, my creativity wants it, my soul wants it (it is smiling about it).

Who doesn’t want it?

Perfectionist and scared little girl who doesn’t want to get hurt or be made fun of, which hurts.

She is sure this would be opening myself up to ridicule. How dare I call this “art”? It’s stupid and a 5 year old could make it. It’s an embarrassment to my education. It really does make me look ridiculous, to take my silly stuff as serious art that I can sell. It’s like letting everyone know that I have no taste or maturity or understanding of what art really is.

I think I’m better than the quality of the art I’m making right now. I want it to be better. Better, how? Better as in? more elegant, cleaner. Less play, more technical execution.

I have technical skills that I am not using!? But the thought of doing that makes my creativity shrivel up, and now it’s no fun to even think about it so I certainly don’t want to DO it.

I like making art to make art, to play, to express myself. Yes, but I want the self I express to be “better”.? More polished.

Even though the lack of polish is an important part of what I want to say with my art – that you don’t have to do anything to be “good enough” that you’ve already earned that just by being here.? I want to encourage more true heart-felt expression and less polishing, unless polishing makes your heart happy, then it’s fantastic and perfect.

People respond to the art I make for myself.? They respond to the energy and inspiration behind it, and the spirit of it – it has nothing to do with technical execution.

What would it take for me to be comfortable with this?? And not tighten up about it, just enjoy making art and put it out there?

I could remember that I’m not forcing anyone to buy it.? That there’s nothing wrong with making the offer.

I could remember that I feel so tangled up because I am being vulnerable – I am sharing my creative expression and creative spirit. It’s ok to feel vulnerable about that.

I could let it be tangly.

Could I?? I think the problem is that because of the tangles I tense up so the art doesn’t work the same, it’s not a true creative soulful expression, it’s distorted by lack of believing in myself.

Yes, that doesn’t work. But if I can accept that vulnerability is scary, can I do this anyway?

NO it’s tangled. I can’t think my way out of the tangle. I can talk to the tangle.

OK, hello tangle.

(nothing happens)

No, this isn’t going to work on its own. I am going to bring the tangle into the Field of Creative Soul Alchemy that we work with in the Creative Dream Circle.

OK, that’s better. The tangle is relaxing in the field. Now it’s sitting on a chaise lounge, reclined and happy. The tangle likes it in the field of Creative Soul Alchemy. That is kind of interesting, since the field is something I CREATED and the tangle is about appreciating my creations.

I do like my/your creations. I want to like them more. I want to feel supported in sharing them with the world. There is no support!

What kind of support?

I like this chaise lounge. I especially like that it is lounge-y. I like lounge-y support. Relaxed. Casual.

You want me to support you in relaxing?

Well, yes.

Well, yes, of course that makes sense. Being tense got you tangly.

Tangly isn’t all bad! That’s a part of the problem – you’re upset that I’m tangled instead of letting me be tangled.

(Tangle stretches out her arms behind her head and snuggles down deeper into the chaise)

OK, you are pretty adorable. If I am ok with letting the tangle be tangled, then what do I do?

Make. Art. Anyway.

Make. Art. Anyway.

Get into the joy of it, remember how you feel once you’re REALLY into it. Art your way into that place instead of waiting to be there when you start!

MAKE BAD ART. Find your trust that you’ll come up with something, don’t try to make it be something from the start. You’re controlling the edges and shape of it too much, and not giving it enough room to breathe. Just hold the intention of creating something to share, don’t try to control it so much!

Well, but I am pretty sure I can sell cards. I don’t know if I can sell other things, so why make other things, if I am specifically making things for other people, doesn’t it make sense to make what I know they want?

Just because you don’t know what you can sell, does not mean you should be limited to what you do know you can sell, do you hear for completely ridiculous that sentence is?

You know you can’t limit yourself only to what you already know, that’s insanity and small thinking.. that is dream killing!

I know you don’t want to do that.

No, you’re right. I want to experiment and try things and in the process learn things.

It’s your approach that needs to loosen up.

(As the tangle says this, she stretches and untangles, then curls back up in the tangle and I see that it’s not knotted as tightly as I thought)

Your job is to pay attention to how you’re feeling, and stay connected.


So that was yesterday. Today I decided to share my journaling, so I’m typing it into my wordpress box.

I’ve got an inner critic screaming that this is ridiculously personal and I should not be sharing it here.

I know that I have clients who struggle with this very thing.? And if I can’t model how I work through this stuff, I can’t be effective as a mentor.

If I only show the shiny side of being on the other side of processing all of this and feeling comfortable and HAPPY about selling my art (and I know I will be there soon), well that actually hinders more than it helps others.

And if I only show my struggles after I’m successfully through them, all I’m demonstrating is a lack of faith in my own process.

I know I’ll get through this.? I’ve done it hundreds of time already.? I’ll do it hundreds of times more.

I’m reminding that voice that I know that so deeply that I can share the messiness while I’m in it.

I really wanted to end this post with an image of the art that I made and now have ready to sell.

The truth is, writing this out and getting it ready for public sharing may be the biggest step I can take with this today (I’m writing this on Sunday morning, and planning to post it on my blog Monday morning).

I’m curled up on my yellow couch, looking over at my art table which is an absolute explosion of colour and pattern and gorgeous creative chaos.

I understand where I’ve been going off the rails with what I’ve been creating.? I have my mission, to pay attention to how I’m feeling, and stay connected.

So, instead, I’ll share a photo of my creative chaos.

Creative Journaling

And a promise to write an update to this as I work through it.

Being All Tangled Up About Selling My Art Read More »

[FREE Tele-Class] Who’s Talking To Me? How to tell Fear from Intuition

[FREE Tele-Class] Who's Talking To Me? How to tell Fear from Intuition

Bringing a dream to life is about dancing this inner dance, of uncovering and activating intuitive wisdom + superpowers while spotting and transforming fears before they can create roadblocks.

This gets confusing because your fears are really good at presenting logical, reasonable and safe arguments for staying inside your comfort zone, even when it’s not comfortable at all in there.

And while everyone is intuitive, if you’ve never learned how to really listen to your intuition, then it’s hard to be able to hear it.

Plus sometimes, when you do hear it, your intuitive wisdom is kind of weird and it’s hard to know what to do with it.

Most of us hear our inner fear loud and clear, while our inner wisdom seems to be whispering very very quietly, sometimes in a foreign language.

When you flip this around – impossible dreams become possible realities!

It’s tempting to think that it’s a simple matter of: if my intuition wants me to succeed, and my fear wants me to fail, this means that all YES voices are intuitive wisdom and all NO voices are inner critics and fears.

It’s NOT that simple.

Again, because fear is so good at presenting logical, reasonable and safe arguments, and because most of us did not grow up in a culture that taught us to trust our inner instincts, and because the risks involved in bringing a dream to life can be scary sometimes, it just gets really hard to know, for sure, which voice you’re listening to.

Since listening to your intuition leads to Creative Dream Success and listening to your fear leads to running on endless hamster wheels – it’s really important to know which voice you’re listening to!

In this class we will:

  • learn how to tell the difference between fear and intuition
  • explore how to turn down the volume on fear and turn up the volume on intuition

This live tele-class is completely free for everyone who is signed up for my email list.

It will be juicy, inspiring and mega-helpful.? It WILL be recorded. The recording will be only available to my Creative Dream Circle members. (The Circle is amazing, you can join it right here)


[FREE Tele-Class] Who’s Talking To Me?

How to tell Fear from Intuition
Tuesday, November 26, 1PM, Central (North American Time)


If you’re not already on my email list, sign up here:

[FREE Tele-Class] Who’s Talking To Me? How to tell Fear from Intuition Read More »

Creative Journaling: Do I have To Do It Every Day?

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals? post.? Dreamtastic is an ongoing (free!) e-course about using your journal as a tool for transformation, healing and dream-growing.

Today’s question:

Does journaling at the same time daily work better? Is it OK to journal only a few times per week?

There are NO rules to Creative Dream Journaling.? Or, well, there is one rule: do what feels right for YOU.

Remember that Creative Dream Journaling is about being engaged in the inner process of bringing your dream to life, so the more you do it, the more helpful it’s going to be.

But, since this is an inner process – approach is everything.

If your inner drill Sargent is forcing you to do this every day, you may have a hard time finding the magic in it.

And if you’re doing it when you’re truly inspired this can be a deeply helpful and transformative process even if you aren’t making time for it every day.

If you’re having a hard time making time for your Creative Dream Journal practice, explore why.

Or you can explore this in more depth.

Usually rules like this “If I don’t do this every day that means I’m not doing it right and I failed” do not come from your creative genius – they come from your inner critics disguised as your inner perfectionist.

It’s saying if you can’t do it perfectly you’re better off not doing it at all.

That’s not true.

Ten minutes of truly enjoying playing in your journal, once a month, is FAR better than holding yourself to some bullshit standard of perfection.

And here’s the magic part:

Just thinking about all of this counts as your practice.

Being in resistance to doing it counts as your practice.

It’s all a part of it.

I got the sweetest email last week, from a woman who has been receiving my emails for three months and hasn’t done anything with them.

She was feeling kind of guilty, like she should be DOING SOMETHING with this fabulous information + inspiration I was sending out.? She felt overwhelmed and like maybe she was sabotaging herself…

And then one day she sat down and this just came out:

Creative Journaling

And she said:

Today this came from within me… no planning, no reason it simply came forth and it felt amazing.? So thank you, the seeds you’ve planted are sprouting and as a keen gardener I am going to learn all I can to support this dream within me.

Those three months of resistance were a part of the process.

Those three months were important!? That was the incubation period.? That’s what it took to get to that place of spontaneous creativity and connecting with her dream.

You may need three months or two days or ten years.

Because this is inner work, we simply can’t apply outer rules to it.

So when you’re wondering how often to journal – look inside for the answer.

Creative Journaling: Do I have To Do It Every Day? Read More »

The woman who is a goddess who is a galaxy

A lot of what I teach is about getting to know the heart and soul of your dream, which is perfect and whole and complete and real right here right now, because developing this inner relationship with your dream opens up whole new worlds of possibility.

A dream is really anything you want to do.? Anything you feel inspired about.? Anything you wish you had.

I have a gazillion dreams.? Each one of them is a real, live thing – energetically.? Each one of them has a heart and a soul and a personality.

These energy beings hold the blueprints for the perfect unfolding of the dream here on earth.? Working with them makes everything a gazillion percent easier.

So, I get to know the heart and soul of EVERYTHING that I want to do.


Right now there are a whole bunch of things I want to do in my business.? Each one is it’s own dream, but the dreams play together in the playground of my business.

The biggest one is: creating smooth systems that incorporate all the things I want to do.

I used to see smooth systems as a roller-coaster type thing – a support structure that created the conditions for the adventure of being on the roller coaster.

And that worked, while it worked.? Now I’ve got too many moving parts.? It’s like my little roller coaster cart is so full of toys that there’s no room to play with them!

Dreams grow and evolve just like we do.

Now smooth systems is woman who is a goddess who is a galaxy.

There are planets and moons.? Milky ways.? Stars and sparkle.

And there is the endless dance and flow.? Each element doing its own dance and then this infinite kaleidoscope of a pattern coming out of the interactions between everything.

Freedom and flow and gravity and pull.? Creativity and magic.

Beauty.? The universe of my business.

The woman who is a goddess who is a galaxy sits at the center of this (which is everywhere) and sings silently with delight.? All of the motion of the dance comes from the silent song in her heart.

Once in a while she brings a new planet to life, on her finger, and then flicks it out into her galaxy where it finds it’s perfect place to dance it’s perfect dance.

She sees all the secret invisible ways that all things are connected.

She holds it all in harmony.? In her silent song.

I’m getting to know her and learning how to work with her and with the ever-changing rhythms of the galaxy.

She says they’re not changing at all!? She says that everything has it’s own rhythm.? I need to see the individual dances and be present with the individual dances and PLAY with the individual dances and stop worrying about the larger dance that they all dance together.

She says that what I’ve been trying to do is CONTROL the larger dance and that’s not how it works and that’s why I’ve been getting stuck.

This makes me nervous. I want the larger dance to look and be and feel a certain way.

She says – it’s time to take off the training wheels, sweetie.

And I get this flash of – I don’t know, something.? Seeing a new perspective. Internal transformation.

If I am controlling the larger dance I am LIMITING the larger dance in the name of “feeling safe” which is bullshit anyway.



Ha! I sat down here to write (I am in a coffee shop and forgot my little travel journal bag with pens, so I couldn’t put this in my journal like I usually would so I thought – why not put it here then?) out a meeting/plan to figure out how to get this larger dance dancing the way I want it to.

What I got instead feels like an invitation to JOY and DELIGHT and POSSIBILITY and PLAY.

I’m watching the obstacles crumble and a sparkling new path emerge.

Suddenly everything feels easy and clear.? Dancing with the individual dances seems so obvious now.

Trying to control the infinite kaleidoscope of a pattern coming out of the interactions between everything seems ridiculous now!?

No wonder I kept getting all overwhelmed trying to do what felt a huge huge huge huge impossible job. ?Because that was never my job to do.

This is the kind of sparkling transformation/shift/healing you can expect during next week’s Treasure-Mapping Tele-Circle.? I highly highly recommend it!

The woman who is a goddess who is a galaxy Read More »

Calling all dreamers!

Working with dreams isn’t something you do, and then you’re done.

It’s a way of life. The best way, if you ask me.

At the heart of every dream is the desire to simply be who you are.

To live in a way that feels true for you.

Not dreaming big and bold just for the sake of dreaming big and bold, but not compromising or playing small either.

It?s about connecting to your heart, your soul, your purpose and your power.

And what the world needs right now are more people who are connected to their heart, soul, purpose and power.

THIS is why I’ve spent the last two years filling the Creative Dream Circle with magic potions and secret shortcuts that help you bring your dreams to life with way more ease and joy than you think is possible, plus tools for approaching dreams (and life) in a creatively play-filled, spiritually grounded way.

And this is why I’ve made the Creative Dream Circle more affordable than ever at $100 for a whole YEAR of magic!

The Circle includes crazy-amazing tools and resources like:

Un-Sticking Station

Un-Sticking Station: From inner critics to outer critics, from moments of doubt to facing the GIANT boulders in your path. This is where you detangle the tangles, transform the obstacles, smooth out the path and get the heck out of cranky town.

How amazing is it to have a place you can go to to get un-stuck?? The Un-sticking station un-sticks the stuck and gets you back in the flow in no time.? (This alone is well worth the cost of the Circle)

Creative Genius Mojo Dojo

Creative Genius Mojo Dojo: D?j? is a Japanese term which means place of the way.

This is the place of the way of living from your Creative Genius.? Your Creative Genius is bigger than any obstacle, and contains within it everything you need to make your biggest dreams real.? Living from your genius is a total game-changer.

The Mojo Dojo is full of tools and processes to activate + nurture your Creative Genius to make your whole world more sparkly and amazing.

Creative Genius Planning Sessions

Creative Genius Planning Sessions: Unleash your Creative Genius with a playful, creative process that is so fun you?ll want to do it every week.

And powerful enough to keep you in your creative flow no matter what the universe throws your way.

Crazy-Smart Wisdom Council

Crazy-Smart Wisdom Council: To bring a dream to life, you need a lot more than good advice.? You need crazy smart wisdom. We?ve got you covered.

Bring any and all questions to the Council and you?ll have crazy-smart answers in no time.

You’ll also get access to my gigantic library-o-magic. Videos. MP3s. Hours and hours of amazing ideas – none of this is available on my blog or in my kits and courses.The Library contains everything I know about being a Creative Badass (AKA: creating your life the way you want it – not living by anyone else’s rules).
It includes:


* The Creative Business Incubator (an in-depth course in the art of turning your Creative Dream into a sustainable business)
* The Abundance Activator
* The Visibility Tele-Circle
* How Meeting Your Fears with Creativity and Love Means You Never Have To Stay Stuck Tele-class
* Daily Practice for Activating your Superpowers
* Long, in-depth videos on topics like: Sovereignty, Self-Care, Desire, Enoughness, Superpowers (and more!)
* What to do when the Comparison Monster strikes
* Creating Containers + Structures that Nourish and Grown your Dreams
* Energy Clearing
* Success Meditation
* A huuuge section on What To Do When Things Are Hard

… and lots more! The Advanced Creative Badassery Resource Library keeps growing all the time.

Once you’re in the Circle, you can even suggest what topics we’ll explore next!

Dream Journal

When you join the Circle you?ll get your very own online dream journal.

This is your space in the Creative Dream Circle to document your process as you play with all of this amazing stuff. You can keep a written journal or a photo journal, or both.

This is where you can invite in support + encouragement from other circle members and let us cheer you on!


And you get BIIIIIG discounts on the Virtual Playdates!? (Also known as: How To How To Fill Your Life With So Much Magic It Actually Sparkles.)

Virtual playdates offer deep creative soul support for people who are ready to make the magic happen ? and do ?impossible? things, with ease & joy. Treasure-mapping. Magic Tele-Circles.? Creative Dream Retreats + Strategy Sessions.? Crazy-good times.

This is not like anything you?ve done before ? these events unleash serious magic.? You can expect something amazing to happen every time.? The calendar of upcoming events is right here.

If you attend events even somewhat regularly, the annual Circle membership will quickly pay for itself.? Plus you’ll be in the magic.

SO?? Are YOU one of the dreamers I’m looking for?

Imagine what you can do with a whole year of Creative Dream Support.

Plus, if you join the Circle by Nov 11, you’ll get a FREE ticket to the Nov 12 Treasure Mapping Playdate.

Click here to read all about the Creative Dream Circle and join today.

I can’t wait to welcome you and your dreams into the Circle!


Calling all dreamers! Read More »

[Dreamtastic Creative Journals] When something is in the way between you and your Dream

Creative Journaling Course

Inspiring videos, helpful tools + a heartfelt invitation to share your journey with us.

Today’s post is a Dreamtastic Creative Journals post.? I’m sharing what I’ve got going on my in Creative Dream Journal and I want to encourage you to share your photos and stories, too.

So if you?re playing along in your journal, share your photos and/or blog posts on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter using the #creativedreamincubator hash tag so we can easily find YOU!


I’ve been cranky and frustrated with the construction/repair work in the Dream Loft – the noise and the mess and the workmen coming and going and how hard it’s been for me to focus on my work.

I heard myself tell myself that I’ll get back in touch with my creative spirit after this work is all done.

This is something we do, all the time!

We put off our dreams.

We think that we have to wait for things to change BEFORE we can do what we want to do.

But when you treat your dreams like they’re not important, it’s not hard to figure out why they don’t come true.? Would you want to go live with someone who thinks you don’t matter?

So that’s what this week’s Dreamtastic Creative Journals video is all about.? Figuring how to create tiny openings for your dreams and your creativity and your joy and your magic, even in the times when that feels impossible.


[Dreamtastic Creative Journals] When something is in the way between you and your Dream Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: