daily practice

In the beginning it’s like this…

When you look to where you want to be, there is no path.

Just an impossible chasm and no way to cross it.

This is how dreams begin.

When you're not engaging with your dreams it easy for them to feel impossible.

Once you are engaged, the magic happens and possibilities begin to emerge.

How do you engage with a thing that feels impossible?




I am writing a book/journal about how we need to PRACTICE our creative dreams. Which includes practicing the healing and growth and creativity that gets us there. And then how once we have a practice, that practice becomes a CONTAINER for healing, growth, creativity and magic. Once we have a practice, that practices helps us access everything we need.

When I say I've been writing a book - I mean by hand, drawing each page. It's a slow process but I am having so much fun. As I do this, I'll be sharing posts on Instagram and here on my blog. This is the first one.

In the beginning it’s like this… Read More »

How Nanowrimo Changed My Life

How Nanowrimo Changed My Life

This year I attempted Nanowrimo for the first time (which is challenge where you write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November).? In fact, this was my first attempt at any kind of fiction writing.

I don’t have any logical explanation for why I decided to do this.? I have learned that it’s best to follow these kinds of inner callings, so when I got the call I followed it.

With no clue or experience in fiction writing, I didn’t go into this with the hopes that I would end up with a brilliant novel.

I went into this thinking there would be something for me in the process of showing up every day to do something that I don’t actually know how to do.

And there was.

The first 5 days or so I played with it.? I showed up every day and took my characters on the kinds of adventures I thought I wanted to take them on and it started to feel more and more meaningless and stupid.

I didn’t know what I was doing. I was embarrassed about what I was writing.? My inner critics came out to play and it started to get really hard.

And then I had a heartbreakingly bad day. This was unrelated to Nanowrimo but I decided to use my writing time to work through it.? So I used the story to explore what was happening me, like the way that I write my Tiny Fairy Tales, only not in a tiny way.

From that day on, I used my daily writing practice to write myself deeper into my inner process.

Working with whatever I was facing on that day, I turned my own transformative work into an ongoing story.? By looping the tiny stories together and writing out the bigger, ongoing story I found I started telling a deeper story.

The stories led me to a new depth of how I want to express my work, which led me to what I REALLY want to write: a guidebook on the mechanics of inner and outer transformation.

You may have noticed I changed the header on my website recently.? These stories led me there, to: Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance which is the name of this guidebook I’m working on now.

More in-depth and thorough than anything I have ever seen out there about how inner and outer transformation actually works, I want this guidebook to be the basis of what we do next year in the Creative Dream Circle which will be less about teaching classes and more about creating space for you to go deeper into your own depths.

Plus, I’ll use a lot of the stories from my Nanowrimo novel to illustrate how the process of transformation works, so it feels like a lot of the guidebook is already written.

And beyond that, establishing a practice of meeting myself, and then staying there for at least 1,667 words, was so helpful I’m going to keep doing it.

In my classes I’m often asking people to spend more time with a question than they think they need to.? This is a super helpful practice, because just sitting with it works to melt (some of) our resistance.? And being engaged in a regular practice helps hold space to go deeper into ourselves.

Right now, I’m sitting at 44,369 words written this month for my novel, and 4,718 words written for the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance guidebook.? And I’m happy to keep going.

How Nanowrimo Changed My Life Read More »

Creative Dream TV: For Those Days When You Don’t Feel Like Showing Up


The secret to making ANY dream real is in showing up every day: daily practice.

But, inevitably, some days you’re going to want a day off.? You’re going to think that you “deserve a break”… but actually that’s bullshit.? I explain more in this video:



Creative Dream TV: For Those Days When You Don’t Feel Like Showing Up Read More »

If you’re not showing up every day, how can you expect your dream to?

show up every day

So here I am, showing up with my art journal for my creative dream practice this morning, even though I didn’t want to.? Even though doubt built a stronghold in my stomach overnight.? Even though I’m tired.? Even though I’m not sure what my next move is.

My dream is a radiant ball of light.

My doubt is a rough block of concrete.

I’m giving them both space in my art journal.

Exploring possibilities.

Doing my best to ground myself in my truth.

Last week, my Daily Practice was a bliss-generator.

This week it’s a container that is keeping me from falling.

Because I stayed in it last week, this week it can hold me.

Daily Practice matters so much for dream-growing.

It’s like your life-line to your dream.? If you’re not showing up, how can you expect your dream to?

If you’re not showing up every day, how can you expect your dream to? Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: