daily practice

My dream is a ball of light in a chrysalis. And how would Sinead O’Connor run the Creative Dream Incubator?

It feels like there is so much happening INSIDE that there is no space for anything to happen on the OUTSIDE.

I did a Dream Meeting and got this:

My dream is a chrysalis in a ball of light.

I spelled chrysalis wrong and I just want to say - spelling and grammar are COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT in journaling. Trying to follow those kinds of external rules can pull you out of listening to your inner voice, you just need to understand what you wrote, it doesn't need to win a spelling competition.

It feels beautiful and hopeful and SO FUCKING VAGUE.

I want more clarity but it's just not here.

Trying to accept both the frustration for more clarity and the fact that now is not the time for clarity.

Exploring your Post-Pandemic self is tomorrow!

This is for Dream Book members only - get the call details here.


Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class (it's staying there so you can go through the prompts in your own time)

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

My dream is a ball of light in a chrysalis. And how would Sinead O’Connor run the Creative Dream Incubator? Read More »

The magic of NOT conforming to dominant culture

I'm trying to think of a delicate way to say this but maybe it just needs to be said awkwardly:

We're too judgy!!!

We have a really fucked up "standard" for how we think things, and people, should be.

This is wayyyyy worse in the holistic wellness/new age/life your best life communities than it is elsewhere, but it's everywhere.

Positive is better than negative.

Confidence is better than doubt.

Healthy is better than sick or disabled.

High energy is better than tired.


Pushing yourself to always be positive and productive can lead to greater success in capitalism but allowing yourself to BE who you ARE helps you have WHOLENESS.

It gives your magic.

And yes - I'm talking about how we apply these things to ourselves but of course this is a mirror for the culture we live in and the ways that people who don't or can't conform are treated.

There is magic in allowing the diversity of human experience.

Out in the world - it would actually change everything if we valued ALL people equally, and made space for ALL ideas. A world that works for everyone!

Inside ourselves - it would actually change everything if we valued ALL of our thoughts and feelings, and made space to feel and acknowledge them because that would totally change the ideas we'd have about how to navigate our path.

I see it all the time in Dream Book. We start with an uncomfortable feeling, and it's like "no this isn't how I want to feel, this isn't how I want things to be" but by being with that feeling and allowing our actual experience, we see a totally new way to proceed.

And it feels like magic every time but I think that's just because our culture is TRASH so we've become accustomed to TRASH.

It's not magic - it's how being alive actually is when we allow all aspects of ourselves.

This shoving feelings down, denying our desires, trying to conform to capitalist, colonialist, white supremacist culture - that's not healthy for anyone.

This is sparked from our Co-Dreaming call yesterday about How EASY can it be?

About all the different responses:

  • I could get support so that I can DO THE THING!!
  • I could rest.
  • I could make more space for my feelings.
  • I could trust what's already here rather than look at how to create more...

And how beautiful it was to be in a space where everyone's ideas were given space. We weren't looking for THE ONE RIGHT WAY for everyone to make things easier. We were making space for our own truth, sharing our truth, and being inspired and encouraged by each other.

I noticed how the vibe is soooo different from a lot of the Wellness/New Age/Live Your Best Life communities where this is this PRESSURE to find and do THE RIGHT THINGS.

Where you get judged, usually in subtle ways but not always, for "being negative" or being poor or disabled or fat or sick.

Where the idea is that you're doing it wrong if you're not manifesting a life that looks like what dominant culture says your life should look like: productive, successful, organized, cheerful.

I feel sorry for the people who are still in all of that.

And I feel so grateful for everyone who is doing this work with me.

If you didn't see it - watch yesterday's Co-Dreaming call here.

Exploring your Post-Pandemic self is Thursday!

A deep dive into exploring what's changed and what wants to change now.

This is for Dream Book members only - get the call details here.


Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class (it's staying there so you can go through the prompts in your own time)

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

The magic of NOT conforming to dominant culture Read More »

Meditation + Journaling Class: How Easy Can It Be?

I'll be doing these live Co-Dreaming calls every Monday until Aug 28.

Watching these videos all summer WILL get you seeing, and feeling, your dreams in new ways.

The replays will all be here on my blog. If you want to attend live, register here to get the Zoom details.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Meditation + Journaling Class: How Easy Can It Be? Read More »

I did it! Starting the new Dream Book

Yesterday I sat with what felt like heavy resistance, and just took one tiny step at a time, and got the first few pages of a brand new Dream Book set up.

I didn’t actually do that much, but it felt like a lot because of all of the resistance I had.

And - I didn’t actually do that much, but today when I sat down to my creative dream practice - I had a whole new Dream Book to play in!

I had a container to explore my new dreams!!

Which is vital because exploring new dreams is nebulous and vulnerable and awkward so it’s soooo easy for resistance to creep in and then take over.

So today I opened up my brand new container. And it felt empty but I had cut + pasted enough of the Dream Book printables that I had places to start. I had prompts and processes to work with and….

I saw the thing I’d been dancing around in my journaling and meditation for the last few weeks.

I have been in a shift from:

“I want to create my life as this amazing thing, to have my outer life reflect what I feel in my inner life - reflect my values and preferences.”


"Life IS this amazing thing! I just want to enjoy it”

Which doesn’t mean I think one of these approaches is better than the other one. And it doesn’t mean I think this is a permanent shift! We are alive and growing and so are our dreams, always.

I’m just noticing a shift in my own preference, a shift in what I feel called towards right now.

And I’d been feeling that shift for a while but only saw parts of it, like I know I want something to change but I don’t know what. And now I know what.

It can be so uncomfortable to sit with our dreams, to keep practicing creative dreaming, in the times when we don’t know exactly what our dreams are. It brings up so many uncomfortable feelings that we want to give up.

But we can’t find our way through by not showing up for the journey, you know?

I had so much fun this morning, journaling and exploring in my Dream Book. I have been journaling lately, but this morning it's like I was REALLY journaling, fully in it.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class (it's staying there so you can go through the prompts in your own time)

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

I did it! Starting the new Dream Book Read More »

Step by Step: Working through resistance and starting a new Dream Book

I’m starting over with Dream Book. Fresh new book. Re-doing all the pages.

I’ve always wished I could combine my planner with my Dream Book but that felt complicated… but during the Structure Habits Routines prompts I saw a way to do that. At least for the next 5 month until the end of the year, I can experiment with this.


To re-start. To really sit with…. what do I want? Why do I want it? How will I feel when I have it?

I know these are the questions I sit with every week in the Dream Status Reports, but it feels different to start over and answer them FRESH, not working from what I already have figured out,

My dream is being the writer + artist I want to be.

(Of course I already am this. And of course there are still so many ways I want to do this.)

The heart of this doesn’t change, but some of the specifics of what this looks and feels like for me are changing. I do need a new Dream Page for this.

And, even though I have been doing this work so for long, it still feels sooooo vulnerable.

Like, I can’t believe all the ways my mind is trying to run from this.

So, let’s explore the resistance then.

Hey resistance, can we talk!

Sure! I mean no. Let’s go to the store and get milk and make coffee. 

Well, yeah I want to do that but I also really want to do this!! It feels like you are putting this off to go to that.

No I’m not. We’re sleepy! Some fresh air and coffee would really hit the spot!!!

OK, if I agree to go that, when we get back, you agree to work with me and start the new Dream Book?

Ugh. Well…. yeah ok. 



OK I am back. With coffee.

That little bit of fresh air and 1 cup of coffee have not magically transformed into a person who feels ready to do this. 

But I am showing up. But before I can start the Dream Book I need to set up the actual book...

First - the paper. I have this ultra heavy weight paper I used for my planner. I have to remember where I put that when I re-arranged my space….

Found it. Or rather, found ONE SHEET of it, with my other printer paper. Did I use it all? Put it in a special place?

NOT LETTING THIS STOP ME, going ahead with regular printer paper…

Hole punched… (I use the happy planner punch which can only punch a few sheets at a time, so this is a bit of an effort) (My planner is disc bound, so I can move and add pages very easily though, once properly punched) 

Removing the first 6 months of this year from my planner…

Arrrgh it all comes to a screeching halt.

Looking back through my planner there are so many pages I love! I want to take pics! I want to save this! I always add my planners to my stack of finished journals, I don’t want to rip this year apart.

WOW. OK. I did not anticipate this.

But actually there is room to add a bunch of pages, and if I run out of space in a few months I’ll figure that out then. I could always switch out the discs for bigger ones.

Added the new blank pages to the front of the planner….

Well holy fuck!!! Here is the rest of the heavy paper I was looking for!!!! I had already hole punched in and put it in here to use for journaling.



I want to laugh and cry.

Adding my thinner paper to the thick paper at the front of my planner…

I made 2 quick messy tabs - a rectangle of cardstock folded over, glued on, with “dream book” on one and “planner” on the other. Making nice tabs would be a fun creative project, but not today! It doesn’t have to be pretty! Let’s just do this!

Now I’m in the Dream Book classroom, going through the main checklist. Printing out the Dream Page, Dream Self Page (which includes the Project page) and Un-Sticking Station Page cutouts.

There is a printable for the Table of Contents, but I like to make my own.

Whew!!!! I DID IT.

I mean I haven’t done anything in my Dream Book yet, but I got ready to do it! So many little steps and so far my resistance hasn’t gotten in the way.

It’s just happily sipping coffee, watching me take all these steps.

Sitting here, holding this dream book/planner hybrid in my hands. Tons of blank paper to re-start everything about my Dream Book, the cutouts to get me started, my scissors and glue stick nearby, this feels amazing.

One more thing - the Year of Dreams 2023 planner had 1 page at the beginning with an incubator to put your BIGGEST dream for 2023 in it. I had put my income goal. This is no longer my biggest dream, or a dream at all, so I tore it up which was very satisfying.

AND making it in the first place, claiming the income I want for the year, that felt satisfying at the time too.

Nothing we do in this work has to stay true/relevant FOREVER.

We are alive! We get to grow and our priorities will enviably change as we do.

(There is this video on starting a new journal in Dream Book - when you have pages you are still working with in the old journal. What I'm doing now is re-starting completely, taking nothing with me for a fresh start. I've never done it this way before, but right now I am really feeling like I need a fresh start with everything.)

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class (it's staying there so you can go through the prompts in your own time)

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

Step by Step: Working through resistance and starting a new Dream Book Read More »

Implementation is not instant

Last week we did Structure Routines Habits. It feels like such a whirlwind!

It was just a few questions each day to explore this from different angles, but it feels like a lot got stirred up and I’m not quite sure where I am with it all.

I mean I have a lot of VERY GOOD IDEAS for things to do, and more clarity than every about what I want this to look like, and I even tapped into the feeling of how I want to feel in these routines and habits and how supportive the structure will feel.


Here I am. Waking up foggy. Like I am still my old self, but I see the path to my new self but I’m like… can I trust it? Do I want to just take a nap instead? Do I really want this?

There is such a sense of SAFETY and COMFORT to be found in hiding in old routines.

Even after we outgrown them! Even when we KNOW we want the new routines.


How do I bring this safety and comfort with me into the new things I want to be doing?

That’s the question to sit with today.

My new routine/habit ideas don’t feel unsafe in any way, it’s just… that “BUT THIS IS ALL NEW” feeling that feels unsafe.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class (it's staying there so you can go through the prompts in your own time)

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

Implementation is not instant Read More »

Meditation + Journaling Class: You Are The Bridge Between Where You Are And Where You Want To Be

I'll be doing these live Co-Dreaming calls every Monday until Aug 28.

Watching these videos all summer WILL get you seeing, and feeling, your dreams in new ways.

The replays will all be on my blog. If you want to attend live, register here to get the Zoom details.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Meditation + Journaling Class: You Are The Bridge Between Where You Are And Where You Want To Be Read More »

Journaling: changing paths, resistance, structure

My plan this week was to draw my dream meetings every day. This is a practice I really want to get into. It feels soothing and restorative to do but also expansive and growth-inducing, as I continue to do it over time. I do go in and out of doing this as a regular practice…

After feeling so much enthusiasm for getting into this ALL WEEK this week, here I am on Wednesday not feeling it.

One thing about a creative dream practice that makes it so difficult to navigate, is that we do need to listen to our inner nudges.

I mean - is this resistance? Do I need to just follow through and do the thing and I will I be glad if I do that? Or is this information, telling me that there is somewhere else to focus, something else that I need?  

With time, we get better at knowing the difference between resistance and an intuitive-guided change of direction. For me it’s how it FEELS in my body.

And this feels right.

Like this is a day for writing, for processing. This is what I need right now. The dream meeting drawing practice moves me into a different space.

Things are changing so fast. It feels like it anyway, after moving at a glacial speed for so long.

I am picking up the pieces of all the things that fell apart in the pandemic - specifically as they relate to my routines, habits and systems around my work life.

I am shifting from “I am just doing the best I can do keep going while the ground beneath me feels unstable” to “Oh wow there is so much magic and medicine in this unstable place what if I explore this?” to “OK this is who and how I want to be now, moving forward”.

I am gathering up the gifts and learnings and I know what I want to do with them and I even feel like I know how I want to do this.

This week we are exploring structure, habits + routines in Dream Book and I am LOVING IT.

I am seeing the places where I always approached this as a tool for productivity and, underneath that, fuelled by a desire to prove worthiness.

I am delighting in how those places don’t fit anymore.

As much as I am SO HAPPY on the days when I get more pages done for the guided journal I am hand writing/drawing… I love watching this project come to life but it’s not the productivity that matters to me now. I am not looking for the way to do this as fast as possible. 

I am not doing all the creative self care practices in order to wring out every bit of creativity and productivity from myself.

I want structure to help me feel how I want to feel. Free. Expansive. Delighted.

I want structure as in SUPPORT. Ways that make it easier to be nourished - physically, emotionally, mentally, creatively, spiritually.

I want structure that makes it easier. Like the example I always use for containers and Dream Book… if you have a ton of sugar, flour, etc. just loose in your kitchen that’s just a mess, you can’t do anything with it. But if you have them in containers you can use them to make a fantastic treat.

And I am finding my way into these structures and routines! I am noticing what I need and finding ways to incorporate those things.

I am giving myself space for this to take the time it takes.

But/and/also it’s like each little new thing I find adds SO MUCH. They don’t add up, there is multiplication of magic happening with each new element being added.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with. Or go to the Structure Habits Routines class.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

Journaling: changing paths, resistance, structure Read More »

Giving my dream space to incubate

This week I am drawing my Dream Meetings. I feel really excited about this new practice - I mean not a new practice, but a new commitment to do in this way, by drawing it out.

And I'm sharing them here to invite you to do this too - if you're in Dream Book use the Dream Lab, if not just sit with your dream for 5-10 minutes as a daily practice just to see where it leads.

I don't know where this is going for me, but I feel excited to keep taking little steps with this to see where it leads.

My dream is this thing deep inside of me that is changing.

It feels like the external complements of the dream I had been working with are fading away, and this new energy is there and I don't know what it all means right now but it feels really good to give it space.

I was thinking about how when we are more externally guided, like most people, there is always a next goal, always a thing to be looking towards.

But when you listen to your inner wisdom for guidance for how to move through life, there will be times of no answers, no goals. Times of rest and renewal and letting things incubate and grow.

I am doing a lot right now in terms of other work, re-building systems and structure, I am doing and creating, making space for this dream work practice of being with an incubating dream feels so healing.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are or use the Dream Lab which is what I am using for my dream meeting drawings.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

Giving my dream space to incubate Read More »

A haphazard meeting with my dream

This week I am drawing my Dream Meetings.

My first dream meeting, my dream was a flat pancake and I felt... deflated.

At the same time, I was just really feeling the magic of journaling.

Then I went for my bike ride to the park, had some coffee, called my dream back in and now it's like...

I have opened a can of worms.

My dream is not actually my dream. The thing I've been thinking of as the biggest element of "my dream" is not actually my dream. It's a thing I want, but my DREAM...

My dream is different from what I thought.

Things are shifting.

The "new" dream meeting was me floating in the magic of being in congruence with myself.

Drawing this felt like a healing.

I am so excited to see what happens tomorrow.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

A haphazard meeting with my dream Read More »

Creative Dream Check In And Intention Setting: Journaling + Meditation Class

I'll be doing these live Co-Dreaming calls every Monday until Aug 28.

Watching these videos all summer WILL get you seeing, and feeling, your dreams in new ways.

The replays will all be on my blog. If you want to attend live, register here to get the Zoom details.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Creative Dream Check In And Intention Setting: Journaling + Meditation Class Read More »

The magic of figuring out what I need

Yesterday, which started as a cyclone of uncomfortable feelings, ended up being amazing. I got EIGHT PAGES DONE in the Creative Dream Journal I am working on. EIGHT!!! I think four was my record in one day before this, it's been very slow going.

(I mean - hand writing the pages, and doing the art, which includes editing my ideas, shifting things around, etc)

And when I look at the pages - my heart just beams. I am so happy with this, I get that "this is what I am here to do" feeling.

Those big uncomfortable feelings do get dredged up when we work with our dreams.

Tending to them is a part of the work, otherwise you can't make any moves that would dredge the feelings up, and you end up caged in by the avoidance of the discomfort.

(Though a part of me is thinking: DISCOMFORT?!?! That's a very tame way to describe how it feels. It's agonizing and of course we want to avoid it!!!)

Yesterday a little discussion started in our Dream Book forum about STRUCTURE.

It's something I am working on in my practice, and since a few people were also into exploring it - we're going to do that together next week. (I'll share about it in the daily posts with prompts and ideas and we'll explore together in the forum - how do we help each other create and maintain the structure we need to show up in the ways we want to show up?)

There are so many practical physical aspects of structure. And then there are all of the inner aspects. It's all a lot to sort through.

I had a big breakthrough about a really practical aspect of: how do I make it easier to show up consistently?

I like to work in coffee shops, and at a particular park near me. Technically, the park is a bar patio in a park, but there's a coffee shop and bakery open in the morning and hardly anyone there, it's perfect.

One thing is that I am very picky about WHERE I go, which is partly because I am a sensitive person and the vibes need to be right but also, and I can't believe I just noticed how important this is - I need a TALL table and stool.

With a tall table and stool, I can journal, write and draw for hours.

Sitting at a lower table, eww no I can't.

This spring, when the snow melted and the park people put the tables and chairs out on the patio at the park I like - initially they put cafe tables and chairs under the trees I like to sit under and I saw that and thought "my whole summer is ruined".  Like, I just can't sit at a lower table. I was so relieved when they re-arranged and put the tall tables and bar stools under "my trees".

Anyway, with all of this.... why did it not occur to me that my desk and chair at home are essentially what I think of as "low tables" in coffee shops and never sit at?

Like, I need a standing desk and a stool! This makes my body feel good sitting at the table and encourages me to show up in the ways I want to. I want to be a person who does TONS of art and journaling. Having the right physical set up for this is one form of structure.

So yesterday I ordered an adjustable standing desk. And I saw a stool I like I'm going to check out at Ikea this weekend.

And I feel SO EXCITED.

SO MAGICAL to notice this, and be able to do something about it.

PS: The July New Moon intention setting and coaching call is on Friday! Get the call details here.


Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

Get your next Dream Book lesson.

Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

The magic of figuring out what I need Read More »

The cyclone of uncomfortable feelings

I am upset this morning. Really upset.

I’m going to try to use the Un-Sticking Station to help myself feel better.

Hey, upset feeling, can we talk?

Upset feeling is a cyclone. Spinning behind my forehead, in my jaw. I start crying.

I’d like to help you.

Cyclone pauses. How?  I thought I would have to just blow and blown until I got winded.

I think we have other options. It’s hard for me to have you cycling around inside me. How is it for you?

I feel completely out of control. This isn’t what I want.

OK. Ummm, I don’t know how to slow down a cyclone. I would like to offer you love, how can I do that? How do you want to be loved?

Cyclone starts crying. I don’t think anyone has ever tried to love me. I don’t know how to be loved.

OK, I am going to hung you then.

I imagine that I am hugging the cyclone. I start crying for this part of me who doesn’t know how to be loved.

Cyclone, I love you. Can you feel that? I feel for you, spinning out of control and not knowing how to stop, not knowing how to get what you want. You are precious and lovable.

The cyclone stops (!)

Now it’s a worm.

This feels like progress… but then the worm is just lying there. Like going from being stuck in a flight response to being stuck in a frozen response.

I offer the worm love through warming… I put a blanket on it, I bring in a fireplace and light it, I make a cozy little den. I put out some plates of snacks and a pot of tea.

I pet the worm, now it’s the size of my cat. I sit down beside it.

I don’t think I am frozen, I am resting.

Oh. That’s good.

How do you feel?

Well, like a cyclone has gone through me, I guess. I feel like my edges are frayed. My head hurts a little.

What do you want?

I want to make a drink, get on my bike, and go to the park with my tablet and draw and write and listen to music. I just worry I am too sensitive for the world right now.  I am still crying a little, so…

You feel stuck?


What if there is no rush? What if you work towards that plan?

Oh wow that feels like relief.

What would you do, to help yourself get ready to do what you want?

Ice pack on my eyes. Meditation. Have breakfast. I can see myself feeling better then.

OK then let’s do it!

Cyclone/worm - thank you, I love that I started out trying to help you and then you ended up helping me. This is beautiful.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

Come to the forum to share your thoughts or start a conversation about whatever you're working with.

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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

The cyclone of uncomfortable feelings Read More »

Why has structure been so difficult for me since the pandemic?

Last week in my dream status report my dream pointed to me needing to explore structure. Then during our Monday meditation, again, structure.

Yesterday my dream said: Have more fun! Having more structure will help you have more fun!

And that's true, structure helps me feel less overwhelmed in general. Good structure also helps me do more with less effort. So let's explore...

It's hard to think about structure and not think about 2020 swooping in and destroying all of the structure I had.

It's hard to think back to the details of that, because it feels so uncomfortable, but at the same time I do feel happy where I am as my 2023 self, who wouldn't exist in this way if 2020 hadn't gone the way it did. So it's like all these conflicting feelings come up as I think back to then.

And I think that's why I've just "kind of muddled through" and not gotten really specific and intention about how I want to re-create structure now, because just thinking about it sparks so many conflicted feelings which feels overwhelming.

For some reason, probably the magic of time is a big part of it, having conflicting feelings about this feels ok this morning.

Do I want to try and re-build the structure I had, as well as I can, making adjustments for the ways I have changed?

Or do I want to focus on where I am now, and build something totally new?

So interesting!

I definitely want to build something new.

AND I definitely don't want to leave behind all the things I learned - pre-pandemic, I had spent YEARS working on  creating the routines and habits that would serve me the best.

Ummmm, sitting with these conflicting thoughts, making space for the feelings that come out each one, the answer starts to feel really obvious.

List the things that were working for me in 2019.

For each one of these, write about how my 2023 self would do this.

early wake up

bike ride or walk (I already know where I am going when I wake up, I am usually packed, so I just get up and get going)

long morning in a coffee shop: journaling for the first hour, then laptop productivity time

everything I am doing planned is out in project management app

Monday morning is about planning for the week and checking in with all projects. I had lots of lists.

the details of my admin tasks were mapped out more clearly

Hmmmm, this is weird.

This is mostly stuff I am still doing. I mean, not the LONG mornings in coffee shops and not the same "productivity time". I have fewer lists, etc, but in a general, slower sense, I am doing these things.

Why has it felt like I have NONE of the structure I used to have?

(sitting with this)

Oh. It's my RELATIONSHIP to structure.

It just hit me.

The way an external event came in and destroyed all the structure I had. I still feel in a bit of a freeze response about that.

I'm going to stop here for today and let this sink in a little.

Come dream with us
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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.

Why has structure been so difficult for me since the pandemic? Read More »

Creative Dream Check In And Intention Setting: Journaling + Meditation Class

I'll be doing these live Co-Dreaming calls every Monday until Aug 28.

Watching these videos all summer WILL get you seeing, and feeling, your dreams in new ways.

The replays will all be on my blog. If you want to attend live, register here to get the Zoom details.

Come dream with us
Dream Book members:

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Go the Library of Creative Dream Alchemy to find a practice that fits for where you are.

Check out the calendar of upcoming calls.

Creative Dream Check In And Intention Setting: Journaling + Meditation Class Read More »


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