creative entrepreneur

I failed at ALL of my goals for 2019.

I did literally fail at ALL of my goals for 2019 and, upon reflection, this is a VERY GOOD THING.

I have a lot to say about how wholeheartedly and enthusiastically pursuing our goals can move us towards our dreams - regardless of it we reach the goals or not.

So.... as I shared yesterday, I failed at ALL my goals for 2019.

Last week I did a Circle of Reflection + Release in the Creative Dream Circle - we got together on Zoom to reflect on 2019, to explore and honour all the things we learned, all the ways we grew, and to release the things that we don't want to carry with us into 2020.

This call was difficult for me to do.

As a space-holder for this kind of work, my own practice becomes a part of the container... the call can't be a container for exploring things that I can't face myself. So i had to face some hard stuff...

All of my goals for this year crashed and burned by spring.

And as they crashed and burned they took some other things with them. My website was hacked multiple times and though I could recover the content from backups, by the end I couldn't re-build where I was, so I had to move everything AND my SEO was lost.

(SEO = Search Engine Optimization. 10 years of blogging and building my SEO meant that Google used to send me thousands of new people every month so I had new customers coming to me all the time without me working at finding them which is a total dream-come-true way to run a business. That's gone now.)

The company that I moved my website TO (Simplero) promised me that my SEO would improve in the move and instead it was completely trashed. For months I expected them to do the right thing and fix it while they just ignored it.

And then some other tech stuff went wrong and I was so focused on re-building while also continuing to do my work in the Creative Dream Circle - that I forgot all about my goals for 2019.

I had to sit with how painful and scary and embarrassing it was, to have ALL of my goals fail like this. But once I'd done that, and spent time grieving and offering love to the parts of me who felt wounded by this experience, I saw everything more clearly.

The crash, burn and destruction of so much of my work that happened this year was an opportunity to do things differently.

There are times when what you have needs to fall apart to make space for what you want.

Sometimes this is obvious. You've got to dump the crappy partner if you want to be able to find a good one.

Sometimes, like in this case, it's more subtle.

The day, last spring, when I saw that all this stuff I had spent so long building had all fallen apart, I was devastated. I still remember how that felt, feeling like it was all gone, and there was no more hope.

I felt like not only had I failed at my dreams but I'd failed every person I'd taught over the years

Because if I can't keep my dreams going then how is there any value in what I am teaching? Am I just leading people astray? It was very hard.

But I only stayed in that place for 1 day, because as I sat with those feelings and tried to bring light, comfort, love and safety to those parts of me who needed healing so badly -  I saw that none of it was true.

It wasn't gone. I hadn't failed. There was still oodles of hope.

And then I found the biggest truth: I built all of this. I can re-build it all better now.

When that idea came to me, it felt different. It felt true. It felt like a doorway and as I went through the doorway I saw that I had built everything in my business without knowing what I was doing!

I was trial-and-erroring my way long. I was following inspiration and doing creative experiments. And the results of all of that turned into the business I built.

Ten years of trial and error and inspiration and experiments have actually taught me a lot.

I DO know what I'm doing now, in some ways anyway. I certainly know TONS more than I knew 10 years ago.

And then I knew that I could re-build SO MUCH BETTER.

Then I knew that the falling apart was a gift because it created space for me to re-build.

None of this was easy. Dreams aren't easy.

Oh course, I was in a good position to have some parts of my business fall apart because other parts did not fall apart. I still have long-term Creative Dream Circle members and I even had wonderful new people finding us and joining - just not as many new people as I usually get.

So yes I made less money this year.

But I'm a saver, and I am in this for the long term, so I have savings put aside especially for helping me through any lean times that may come up. I know that of course there will be ups and downs in business so it just makes sense to save for the down times... though it was hard to actually USE some of this savings because that made me feel like I was failing again.

But now that I am through that part, I feel so grateful to have had that space to focus on re-building. To really explore how to make all better.

I mean - my own experience in my business: my schedule and routines and how I show up for the work and how I am supported in that. And also my customer's experience with my business. We do DEEP transformational work so it is SO easy to get caught up in resistance or tangled up in fears and doubts and just give up. How do I build an even sturdier container for their process of growth and healing?

These explorations gave me a whole new way of relating to my work and I am SO EXCITED about the changes I have made as a result.

Where I am now feels LIGHT YEARS away from the goals I had set for myself at the end of 2018.

Had I accomplished my original goals for 2019, I don't think I'd be in such a rich place with my dreams right now. Working with your dreams means tapping into something bigger than yourself.

That part of me who set goals for 2019 was ready to GROW! I am so grateful for everything she did because it did lead me to here.

Are you ready for some year-end reflecting?

My Creative Journal Prompts for the New Year are on my blog right here.

It's a LONG series of prompts for reflection back on 2019 and looking ahead to what you want to create in 2020.

I failed at ALL of my goals for 2019. Read More »

Watch now: Make Your (Business, Career, Personal) Dream Real

This class was so sweet! It was a real treat to teach with Jodie.

In this 37 minute class, we explore the 5 myths and 3 truths you need to understand to be able to make your dream real, and share 1 essential practice for breaking through obstacles and getting to your dream.

Watch it now:


What’s next?

  • Jodie has a free ‘Incredible You’ Guided Meditation that helps you to connect to the truth of you and your dream.
  • Jodie also offers 1 on 1 sessions to help you to go deeper to overcome those inner blocks that are holding you back from your dream so you can enjoy more success and fulfilment  without stressing out or burning out.
  • I send free emails to help you be more BRAVE with your dreams
  • And my amazing Dream Book: a totally new approach to journaling that helps you navigate the path with more COURAGE, POWER and EASE.

And those journal prompts we talk about in the class?

Here they are:

  • What’s your biggest takeaway from the class?
  • What are you avoiding?
  • What is your inner wisdom guiding you towards?
  • What does your true creative power need you to tap into right now?
  • What’s your next step? 

Watch now: Make Your (Business, Career, Personal) Dream Real Read More »

I set a big goal and it was a big flop

It's good to fail.

You already know this. The internet is full of memes about the magic of failing and yet... the truth is sometimes failing just feels like failure and it's a shitty feeling.

Last month I set a really big goal for myself. A goal that make me laugh it was so ridiculous.

It happened during the monthly alchemy + coaching call I lead in the Creative Dream Circle. I was really feeling the magic and this big, ridiculous goal just came to me.

And I said yes to it, with my whole heart.

It felt funny, it felt ridiculous, but it also felt inspiring.

So I really went after it....

And I failed spectacularly.

But I feel like a success because I spent the month PLAYING WITH this way of dreaming bigger and thinking bigger.

Sure, nothing changed for me in the outer world but working with this big goal for a month absolutely ROCKED my inner world.

It showed me more clearly where and how and why I hold back.

It showed me more clearly what I want next for my life.

I feel deeply changed by this experience.

And it inspired a whole new way of relating to my work, it inspired a whole new way of putting myself out there, which I am now excited to start working on.

Right now, I'm so glad I went for the big goal and failed. It put me on an amazing new path.

But of course there have been times in the past when I have set smaller, more reasonable goals, and I failed miserably and FELT LIKE a huge failure.

This is just the nature of dreaming.

You set a goal for yourself, you aim to move yourself in a specific direction, and then... well almost no one ends up exactly where they set out to be.

You end up where you end up.

And the important work is what happens next.

(This is also why it's important to put DATES on your goals, or else they just kind of fade away into oblivion)

The important work comes after you've set the goal and.. you end up where you end up.

If you process your feelings about where you ended up, you WILL find a gift in it. The gift could be clarity about what you REALLY want or a deeper understanding of where you hold back with your dreams or coming face to face with the thing in you that needs healing so you CAN move forward, it could be something entirely different.

But there is always a gift.

And when you process your feelings and receive that gift, then you can use the gift to set the next goal and move towards it.

It's this long term process of setting goals, then looking back on what happened with the goal, processing all of your feelings about that, listening to your inner wisdom about what to do next, and then setting the next goal.


It's a circle.

If you're just setting random goals and not looking back, reflecting, processing, connecting to inner wisdom and using all of this information to set the next goal then... you're not going to create any kind of momentum towards your dream.

You need to connect the circle. And then keep moving in it.... so it becomes a wheel.

You absolutely cannot fail as long as you stay engaged in this way.

It will take the time it takes, but you WILL get there if you stay on the path.

This is why I do a monthly call in the Creative Dream Circle.

We do alchemy work to connect more deeply with our intuition and dreams, reflect on last month's goals, process our feelings about what's happening, and use everything we learned to set a goal for the next month.

We do this *every month*

And each month we go deeper and deeper into it. (And yes everybody misses a month here and there, that's fine... as long as you keep coming back to it)

So THAT is why I could set this ridiculously HUGE goal, and fail spectacularly at it, and receive healing and inspiration from that experience instead of feeling like a failure.

That's why I am moving forward with more inspiration and clarity than I had before I failed at my goal.

You NEED to be able to fail in order to get your dream.

If every time you fail that knocks you off the path - you're not going to get there. If failure is knocking you off the path then you need more support for processing the failures.

Again - I can help you with this! The Creative Dream Circle is full of tools for working through this stuff.


I set a big goal and it was a big flop Read More »

The struggle is a part of it

the struggle is a part of it

Lately my Facebook feed is absolutely flooded with ads for online business training where each person is telling the same story.

  • I tried to build my dream business.
  • I struggled. And then I struggled some more.
  • I had $0.67 left in the bank.
  • And then I found the secret (!!!)
  • Then I made $1,000,000 in 6 months
  • Now - sign up for my free masterclass so I can share the secret with you so you don't have to struggle.

Guess what friends?! WE NEED THE STRUGGLE.

The struggle is a part of it.

Important things happen in the process of struggling with your dream.

As Joseph Campbell so eloquently said it: Where you stumble is where your treasure lies.

There are so many gifts to be found in being in the struggle.

This is where you grow. This is where you heal. This is where you uncover your superpowers!


Trying to avoid the struggle is stupid.

You don't need to avoid the struggle, you need to learn to work with it more deeply.

You need practices and tools that help you excavate the DEEP magic, lessons and growth that are at the core of the thing you struggle with the most.

That's why I do things differently in the Creative Dream Incubator.

I invite you to be on the path with me, to dig into the struggle and suck every bit of magic out of it that we can find.

Yes - I share my tools, but everyone uses them in their own unique way. One of the things that really delights me about the Creative Dream Circleis how I share an idea, and then the Circle members take it and run with it - each in their own unique direction.

We're in this together. But we're each on our own path.

YOUR intuition. YOUR ideas. YOUR magic. <--- These are the things you need to build your dream.

In the Creative Dream Circle, everyone is supported in creating their own unique path to their own unique dreams.

Now is the perfect time to join.

Our August Alchemy Class + Coaching Call is happening on August 27.

You do NOT have to attend live to get all the support you need! Just watch the recording after the call, and leave your thoughts, ideas, and questions in the comments and we'll discuss it there 🙂

This is the kind of support that grows even the most impossible of dreams.

>>> Join us here.

There is a new monthly payment option! You can be in the Circle getting all of the high quality support you need for only $33 USD.

The struggle is a part of it Read More »

Online marketing with creativity + integrity in the age of the “boss babe” sleaze-o-rama.

Online marketing with creativity + integrity in the age of the "boss babe" sleaze-o-rama.

Over the last 2 years, I have been working hard on re-thinking my work and creating a whole new framework for how I help creative people make their dreams real.

This kind of re-imagining takes a LOT of energy. So, for the last 2 years, I have had to pull back on other parts of my business. Most notably: marketing.

Whatever your dream is, there are some parts of it that you LOVE to work on and some parts that you don't love. And, whatever your dream is, your dream NEEDS YOU to take care of it, all parts of it, even the parts you don't like.

AND you can always bring the magic + love you feel for your dreams and use that energy to fuel the more annoying tasks that just need to get done.

So that's what I am trying to do now as I'm taking some time to focus on marketing.

Marketing itself isn't the problem.

Marketing is how you shine your light. It's how you share the message behind your work with the people who want to hear it.

Marketing is actually pretty fun and interesting. I mean you have total freedom to do it however you want. You can make artwork or videos or a podcast... you can create challenges or throw a party.

There is no limit to HOW you can put the word out there and get people excited about your work.

The problem is all of my internal reactions to marketing.

A few months ago I got a long, angry, ranty email from someone who signed up for my free class and then didn't even take the class, unsubscribed from my emails, and then a week later decided to respond to one of the emails I had sent before she unsubscribed.

She was upset her friend who had just become a life coach who seemed to care only about the money as she was trying to get a business started. She said she understood that she doesn't know anything about me or my work but now her whole view of the industry was changed.

She said she couldn't believe in her own dreams anymore.

This week I want to focus on developing and refining my marketing systems.

I have all sorts of ideas I am really excited about.

But then I think about the sleazy side of online marketing and I think about all the people who are just FED UP with being "sold to" and I worry about not getting too close to the gross stuff and "what if someone thinks I'm sleazy?"

And I get all tangled up and working on marking starts to SEEM very sticky and complicated.

Another problem I have is how marketing in the personal growth/life transformation has become so homogeneous.

How we have somehow developed "Standard Ways Everyone Is Supposed To Do Things".

I mean, if I see one more "boss babe" who looks like every other "boss base" with that exact same shade of pink branding that they all have trying to sell me my best life I WILL scream!

BUT then there is this other part of my brain that picks up on this, believe that "this is The Way To Do Business Online" and expects ME to fit in and is quickly judging all of my ideas as being "too different". 

And even though I know with 100% certainty that some of those boss babes are actually lying about their success and using "fake it till you make it" as a business strategy, this part of my brain believes that this is the way to run a successful business!

(This is actually deliberate - a lot of "persuasive marketing techniques" are downright manipulation)

The truth is, we have all the space in the world to do things our own way. Infinite creative possibilities.

So this is my mission right now:

Throw all this junk I am thinking/feeling about online marketing into one of those gold panning things and sift out the sleaze until I am left with little nuggets of goodness, the essence of marketing as the way that I shine the light and invite people into the world of the Creative Dream Incubator (which is a pretty amazing world to be a part of!).

And then use those nuggets IN MY UNIQUE WAY.

I don't have to melt them down to make the same ring everything else is making and then sell it in the same way everyone else is selling it.

I can make something else entirely.

We ALL have that freedom.

Wish me luck!

Online marketing with creativity + integrity in the age of the “boss babe” sleaze-o-rama. Read More »

Video: On Creative Self Care and how it helps you be more creative + productive

The Challenge is happening April 29 - May 3 2019, on Instagram.


The Creative Self-Care Challenge is sponsored by Upgrade Your Creative Engine. A Coaching Group for Generating Momentum for Artists, World-Changers and Dreamers. May 6-26.

If you're ready to really REV UP your creative power to generate the momentum you need to make your dreams real - this group is for you.

Find our more + save your spot here. (This happened in May 2019)

Video: On Creative Self Care and how it helps you be more creative + productive Read More »

How to be More Productive

how to be more productive

Practically speaking it's not that hard to be productive. You only need two things:

  1. A plan for how you're going to do what you want to do.
  2. To take step after step to implement the plan.

It's quite simple... in theory.

I'm meeting my mom for lunch today so I'll use this as an example for how to be more productive.

I'm going to make a plan and then implement it on time. This is what productivity is. My plan for this is so simple I don't even need to write it down but here goes:

  1. Change from my pyjamas into real clothes.
  2. Pack up my laptop and journals as I want to go to Starbucks after lunch to do some admin stuff.
  3. Get bundled up - it's cold out there!
  4. Get on my bike and go. I already know the route I want to take.
  5. Lock my bike outside the restaurant and go in.
  6. Have lunch with my mom!

I know my plan is solid because I've done this before. Once I get going I just keep going until I am done. I'm 100% sure that I won't just stop my bike halfway there and sit on the sidewalk and not finish my plan for getting to the restaurant.

But when it comes to being more productive about our creative dreams we DO tend to get off our bikes and sit on the sidewalk for no apparent reason.

Sometimes we never change out of our pyjamas. Or we go to the wrong restaurant.

We could even get on the wrong bike.

More often: we don't ever make a plan in the first place.

Using the example of me meeting my mom for lunch really illustrates how silly a lot of our productivity issues are. Why do we do this?

Because we think that being productive in service to our creative dreams is infinitely more complicated than me going to meet my mom for lunch.

We're wrong. It's not. I mean it's going to take longer, but the principles are the same:

You decide what you're going to do and then you do it.

Productivity is very straightforward. When it comes to our dreams, what makes it seem so complicated is our conscious and unconscious emotional reactions and patterns.

But it's not complicated.

If you want to be selling your art on Etsy, but instead of making art every night after work you're watching Netflix - well the problem is that you're watching Netflix instead of making art and learning how to use Etsy.

You're not following through.

You probably have reasons why you're watching Netflix instead of making art, but if you look closer these reasons are probably excuses that are masking a fear.

It's our fears that make it seem complicated. It's our self-doubt that leaves us wondering what to do, instead of just diving in.

It's our sad old stories about who we are and what is possible for us that tell us that it's easier to just put our dreams on hold.

So how do we push through all of this and actually be more productive?

There are thousands of productivity experts out there who will tell you that they have a system that will teach you how to be more productive. But here's the thing: you don't need to learn to be more productive.

There isn't any tool or technique that will magically change you into a more productive being.

You already have a natural creative flow which you can tap into to make amazing things happen.

You just need to learn how to manage that stuff that gets in the way of your productivity. (This is the stuff I help with you in Dream Book 😉

You can't be more productive until you've dealt with the stuff that stops you from being more productive.

The fear, self-doubt and sad old stories. This is the stuff that gets in the way. Your shadow.

This is the stuff that tells you you're not productive or you can't be more productive or you're a procrastinator or whatever.

Underneath all of that: you are a powerhouse of creative ideas and magic!

There is *so much magic* and possibility in you it can naturally power your creative productivity. You've just got to open up the flow.

How to be More Productive Read More »

The “anti-plan” plan. How to get things done when you can’t make a plan (or just don’t want to)

how to plan when you don't want to plan
Last week I wrote about how I tend to make detailed plans.

Detailed plans are usually necessary for me, since I have so many projects on the go at once, plus I have all of the regular tasks of running a business by myself. Having a thoughtful and organised plan helps me get more done with less effort - every time I sit down to work I don't waste time figuring out where I'm at and what really needs to be done, because it's all right there in my project management software.

But some projects don't need that kind of planning.

Some projects have so many unknowns that making a plan is kind of ridiculous. And sometimes you just don't feel like planning. But you still want to do move forward with your creative projects!

Introducing the anti-plan creative project plan.

This is the planning approach I use when I'm doing something I've never done before and have no clue how to make it happen so really can't make a plan.

First you ask yourself how much time you can devote to your project. An hour a week? Ten minutes a day? A day a month? Two evenings a week?

Doesn't matter how much or how little, just write down how much time you can (and will!) devote to your project.

If you use a daytimer then schedule this "creative project time" into it. If you don't use a daytimer write this down on a sheet of paper and leave it where you'll see it, to remind yourself of your commitment.

Or set up reminders on your phone - whatever is going to work for you so you don't forget that you're doing this.

Then: spend time with your project.

When you get to this time in your schedule while you have allocated to your creative project, work on your project:

  • If you're inspired to do something specific - do that. Don't worry about the finished project and how all the different parts will need to come together - just create forward movement by doing what you are inspired to do in the moment.
  • If you have a bunch of ideas of what you could do and aren't sure what to do to - list them then do the one that feels the easiest or most fun to start in the time you have allotted to it.

ALL that matters is that you're doing something.

But what if you're stuck?

Well, the aim is to spend time with your project.

Actually working on it is usually the ideal way to spend time with your project - but not always.

There are lots of other fun ways to spend time with your project, like:

  • Writing a love letter to it.
  • Creating a vision board (or page in your journal) of your completed project.
  • Writing about why you want to do this project and what you hope will change once you've done it.
  • Writing out all of the questions you have about the project.
  • Doing the practice that I teach in my free class to connect with the essence of your project or just meditating on your project
  • Visualize your completed project and really get into how you're going to feel while you're creating it.
  • Research! Find out how other people have made similar things happen.  Explore what all of your options are.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Your devotion to your project will turn into creative momentum if you keep showing up and hanging out with it. Spending time with your project, even when it's not "productive work time", is vital.

Working on a creative project is the same as any creative dream - there is this invisible process happening that is much larger and more important than the "real life physical work" part.

By spending time connecting with your project you keep yourself in this process.

It's through this invisible process that you stretch and grow into your project. You become the person who can make this happen through this process - you don't start out already as that person.

And you certainly can't WAIT to become that person first!

If you feel inspired to do something that means you're ready to begin this process NOW. You're ready. Go hang out with your project and see what happens...

And if you want to explore more about making your creative projects HAPPEN?

dream plan kit

I've got a full Dream Plan Kit including a 2 hour Creative Planning + Project Management class in the Creative Dream Circle.

The “anti-plan” plan. How to get things done when you can’t make a plan (or just don’t want to) Read More »

How to plan so you actually follow through – even on those days when you don’t feel like working.

How to plan so you actually follow through

Do any of these sound familiar?

I want to write a book, but I'm not sure where to start. Get an agent? Get a book deal? Write the thing? I don't know, and it makes me uncomfortable so I don't do anything.

(Books get written when writers write.)

I have a business plan for my creative business but, I don't know, I haven't done anything yet. I guess I'm not sure I know where to start, so I don't start.

(No one will find your creative work if you don't put it out there. Starting anywhere is better than not starting at all.)

I have this idea for a series of paintings I am CRAZY inspired about, but I can't seem to, like, get to work. I don't know, I just don't have time. How do you fit a really big creative project into your schedule anyway?

(You do the work by doing the work. There really is no way around that.  If all you have is ten minutes a day - then do ten minutes a day. That will certainly get you there faster than waiting for your "ideal conditions fantasy" which is never going to come true)

What's going on?

First: there is this creative tension between planning for what you want to create in the future and being present in your creative energy in the moment.

You want to direct where you are going by having clear intentions. But you don't want to become a slave to your to-do list.

I mean you're an artist! You want to be free and creative.

This creative tension is why so many creative types resist planning, but on some level I think we all know that when you resist structure, you sabotage your dream (follow the link for a video I did on that).

Second: your creative project is likely connected to a creative dream of yours.  So all the normal "OMG I HAVE A DREAM" stuff tends to come up, like: inner critics, limiting belief systems, comfort zones that are impossible to get out of, etc.

Whatever your personal issue with planning is - it's likely more about those two things than it is about planning itself.

Planning is simple. It seems complicated when something else is tangled up.

Usually facing that something else is so uncomfortable that we just say "Oh planning doesn't work for me, I'm too creative" and in doing that we shut the whole thing down.

So then you don't have to face the uncomfortable thing.

But you also don't get to move forward with your project. If you're willing to get uncomfortable in order to bring your creative projects to life, read on.

Here is how I handle it:

First, the completed project is my guiding light, the plan is NOT my guiding light. My plan is a map I draw of what I think the path to my completed project looks like.

But I keep in mind that I could be wrong.

Each time I take a step - my perspective changes and I know more about this project and what it needs.  So the steps that I map out before I even begin the work are just guesses.

I need to make these guesses to give myself some kind of idea of where I'm going and how to get there but I have to be willing and able to change the plan as I move along that path.  So I stay VERY flexible.

To keep my completed project as my guiding light, I connect with the essence of my project every day and find out what it needs.

This is similar to what I teach in my free class about learning how to connect with the essence of your dream. That process, done for 5-10 minutes a day, keeps the flow of inspiration, motivation and magic moving strong.

It's not a substitute for doing the work of course, but it helps make the work more possible on days when it feels impossible. That process is also how I get the intuitive ideas and information about what next steps to take to move my project forward. - and then I adjust my plan accordingly.

Staying flexible and able to adjust the plan is easier to do when you are super organised.

To organise my tasks, I group my work by different types.

For example, this is what is involved in most of my current projects: brainstorming planning writing: rough writing: editing/final copies admin prep: website, shopping cart, back-end stuff drawing/creating

(You will have different categories depending on the kind of creative work you do and how you like to group tasks together)

So when I talk about planning out the project, it means I have written out what needs to happen for each stage.

First I list everything I need to do. This includes writing out questions like "figure out how to do ____" and "research what is the best tool for  _____".

Don't let "not knowing" stop you! There is no reason to already know everything before you start - you learn as you go.

And then I give each task a deadline. Some tasks have to follow other tasks. Some tasks have natural deadlines. Some tasks I have to pick deadlines for (if I put a task without a deadline into my planning system that means I’ll never do it).

If it’s complicated I draw out a flowchart first to help me see how it will all fit together, then I put everything into Asana (I like Asana but use whatever you like!) with sub-tasks and due dates.

This part of creative planning is boring and annoying.

I do it anyway because when all of the details are scheduled I can relax.

And when I can relax, I make space for my creative genius to come out to play.

Some people can be totally relaxed without being organsised. That's great - except that those people tend to get stressed out at the next step - when they start dropping balls because they're not organised enough to move the project forward.

So - get organised.

It's MUCH more annoying and time consuming the first few times you do this.  Once you get used to organising your projects in this way it gets much faster to dump all of the details into some kind of project management software.

And be practical about how much work you can actually do.

I give myself lots of white space in my schedule. I set deadlines that don’t feel tight. I say no to a lot of opportunities in order to have lots of space for my own creative projects.

I put some of my projects on hold to give my attention to other projects. I do what I need to do to protect that white space.

I've also been working in this business full time for years so I have a good sense now of how long things will take me to do. When I started out I did NOT have that sense, and I consistently planned to finish work much faster than I was actually able to and then trying to keep up with my plans was a bit of a nightmare.

So I recommend being generous with your timing.

If your deadlines are too tight and something comes along and derails you (as life has a tendency to do) it's a lot harder to get back on track. Shit's going to happen, be committed to keep working the best you can anyway. It's the only way to get your project done.

One really cool thing about being super organised: you get to be super picky.

When I am uber-organised like this, that means I can pick and choose what I do on any given day. See, the deadlines are there to let me know when a task really needs to be done by, but, with lots of white space in my schedule, I tend to complete my tasks at least a few weeks before that.

This means I am free to choose each day what kind of task I want to do - so I get to work with where my creative energy actually is on my given day!

This is how you get more work done with less effort. This is also how you get to feel free and creative while staying organised and on track.

  • Some days I’m just in more of a brainstorming kind of space, I just want to drink lattes and explore in my journal.
  • Some days I feel like I am swimming in ideas and I want to organize them into groups.
  • Some days I want to take all the brainstorming and rough writing and put it together and edit it into something useful.
  • Some days I just want to drink tea and draw.

It really depends on where I’m at. Forcing myself to be somewhere I am not has never worked for me.

When my daily routine gives me lots of space to focus on the kind of work I want to do on a particular day - I don’t rebel against the tasks that I don’t like so much, like the admin stuff.

I do it cheerfully because I see how it’s supporting the rest of my work.

And because I’m spending most of the day doing what I feel like doing, so it’s no big deal to spend an hour doing something kind of tedious. And because I am still connected with the essence of my project every day, and deeply committed to getting the project done - I tend to gravitate towards wanting to do the things that most need doing.

(This is one of the magical side-effects of connecting with the essence of your project) Again - the key is being VERY organised while also staying VERY connected to the essence of your project.

I know - it's more complicated than this!

For one thing - your inner critics and (mostly unconscious) limiting patterns are going to influence both how you plan and how you implement your plans.

So doing the inner work is also necessary to keep your project moving forward.

And some projects have so many "unknowns" that there just isn't a way to make a plan.

I'm going to write about that in my next post - how to make a simple "anti-plan" that gets you moving forward anyway.

I mean - creative planning is SUCH a big topic.

If you want to explore this with me in more depth - get my DREAM PLAN KIT by joining Dream Book!

This includes a two hour class on creative planning + project management and a full dream plan kit for every part of the process - taking you from vague idea to final steps.

How to plan so you actually follow through – even on those days when you don’t feel like working. Read More »

Creative Planning: Why is it so hard sometimes?

Creative Planning: Why is it so hard sometimes?

You want a plan that makes you excited to bounce out of bed in the morning and get to work.

Or at the very least, you want to feel like you know what you’re doing. Which is a pretty small dream to have so why is it so illusive sometimes?

We tend to think if we can just get our shit together and come up with a good plan - then we can make our creative dreams real. But it's a lot more complicated than that.

Planning is where the invisible ethereal essence and vision of your dream coalesce with outer-world action and work and transform into a real, live, fully birthed creative project.

I mean that's kind of a big deal.

So even thought we've all failed at creative planning I think we should pat ourselves on the back just for stepping onto the field and giving it a shot.

This is brave work. And over the next few weeks I'm going to be blogging about creative planning in hopes of offering some insight and ideas to help you brave the many pitfalls of the creative planning process.

Starting at the beginning: Before you can make a workable plan you have to know WHY you want a plan. I mean I know this seems obvious, but give this a chance - really give this some thought.

  • I want to feel sure about how to make this happen.
  • I want to feel organized.
  • I want to feel confident that I know what to do.

Then, once you have some answers that feel true - dig deeper.

  • I want to feel sure about how to make this happen BECAUSE: I’m worried that it’s not going to work out. I need to see it all planned out in black and white before I am going to believe that I can really do this.
  • I want to feel organized BECAUSE: I feel so disorganized and like I just don’t know what to do or how to do it. When I think about this I feel chaotic and frustrated.
  • I want to feel confident that I know what to do BECAUSE: I don’t trust myself to follow through. I have tried and given up so many times before.

You need to work with the uncomfortable feeling that gets triggered when you dig deeper, otherwise those feelings will take over and sabotage your planning process without you even noticing.

You want to create a plan that is supportive of you, your creative process and the result you are looking for. To get there you need to do your planning from a place of deep alignment with your inner wisdom, your creative genius and the heart and soul of your creative project. Because otherwise you are unconsciously planning from your inner critics, un-helpful patterns and limiting beliefs. So you start by clearing out those feelings, first by naming them. Everyone wants to skip this step but it’s the most important step.

So - go do it.

Now. Ask yourself WHY you want to plan. And then dig deeper into your answers. And, as I said, I'll be writing about creative planning for the next few weeks so we can keep exploring this together.

Then, on Feb 7, 2017 I'm offering a special Creative Dream Coaching Circle on Creative Planning and Project Management.

Crystal clear clarity on where planning mishaps come from and what to do about them.

This class is now a part of my library of resources that you get in Dream Book.

Creative Planning: Why is it so hard sometimes? Read More »

Let’s lift each other up.


Helper-People Group Coaching is four weeks of live, weekly group coaching calls where we focus on the work of bringing your work to the world: making big plans, launching impossible projects, doing that thing you really want to be doing.

This can mean something different to everyone – I believe that all dreams, when brought to life, serve as a light for others to bring their dreams to life and in that way – all dreamers are helper-people.

You?ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we?ll dig in and make it happen.

It’s going to be similar to Creative Emergence, the free 30 day course on making magic happen that I did on my blog in September 2015… but with the added element of ACTION. ?In Creative Emergence the practice was to connect with the heart and soul of your dream and journal about it every day.

For this I’m going to ask you to connect with the heart and soul of your intention for what you want to create every day (or as often as you can) and also TAKE ACTION towards it every week.

What action you take will depend on you – each Monday on the call (if you attend live or listen to the recording) you’ll come up with your own homework assignment.

We’ll use our private?forum for sharing our homework assignments and tracking progress – and for anything else you want to talk about as you do this 🙂

The group energy will help you succeed

Even though each of you will be working on something different, being a part of a group of people who are all taking action helps bolster everyone’s efforts.

Knowing that other people are out there, pushing themselves (reasonable pushing – we won’t bulldoze over our comfort zones or anything) helps you push yourself to keep going when you may feel ready to give up.

Hearing other people talk about their process will inspire you – we learn so much from each other.

We can literally lift each other up into our dreams. ?It’s going to be magic.

Each call?will start with a short meditation for connecting with the heart and soul of your intention for what you want to create during this program.

Then we’ll explore together – you can:

  • come on the line to talk to me about where you’re at and get cheering/advice/coaching
  • type your question into the question box while listening to the webcast
  • leave your questions here in the forum ahead of time if you can’t be there live (have them here before Monday in order for me to answer them on the call)

So essentially we’re going to get together and talk about the work of bringing your work to life – every Monday for four weeks. ?It’s going to be awesome! ?We’ll learn from and be inspired by each other.

At the end of each call I’m going to ask you to think about your homework for that week. ?What ACTION do you want to take to bring this dream to life?

You’ll make the decision about your homework from a place of deep connection to both the heart and soul of your dream and you own intuition – so you’ll be moving in the right direction, at the right pace for you.

If you get stuck I’ll be there to help.

If you can be on any of the calls live – come on the line and I can coach you through your?stuck.

If you can’t make it to the calls live, you can work with the un-sticking station and then post your?questions in our forum and?I’ll address them on the next call.

We start Monday, February 8.

This is free for all Creative Dream Circle?members – click here to?read more and join the Circle.

Let’s lift each other up. Read More »

There is room for everyone. No one can steal your dream.

Last year I hosted?a free tele-summit. ?Every day for a week I had 2 coaching/teaching calls, and each call had a different guest-teacher – life?coaches, spiritual healers, teachers, artists.

During one of the calls, a woman came on the line to comment how amazing she thought it was that each and every guest was supportive and encouraging of me and my work, and I was supportive and encouraging of them and their work.

She could really feel the?love.

She was amazed that we were not competing with each other – that instead of fighting over potential clients we were working together and lifting each other up.

This is a pretty common fear for dreamers?and would-be dreamers: that there isn’t room for them.

That someone else is already doing the thing that you want to do.

And that because that other person got there first – it’s not there for you now. ?You’re just screwed so you may as well not even try.

But that’s not how it works. ?There is room for everyone.

And the only person who can steal your dream is you – by not giving it what it needs to grow.

See, I don’t see other coaches/teachers as competition – I see them as my colleagues + support system. ?Because we’re all in this together. ?We’re all trying to create a better world.

And no one understands what it takes to do what you want to do better than other people who are doing it too!

So when you band together with people who are doing what you want to do?you strengthen and grow everyone’s dreams – the more we support each other the more we all grow.

It’s not like McDonalds and Burger King both competing for the burger market.

I mean once you’ve had a burger you’re good until you’re hungry again. ?The burger satiates your hunger.

Really good coaching/inspiring/teaching?only grows your hunger for more.

I mean I am always taking classes and working with mentors to help me grow to the next level. ?The more I am helped by this work the more I want it.

Plus as I grow myself and my life the people around me notice this – and they want it too. ?So they sign up for classes and coaching too because they want what I have.?And so on, and so on.

It’s really not like McDonalds out there in the world of?competition. ?I mean McDonalds is actually harming it’s own customers – hardly a model for a stable healthy long-term business.

Of course they succeed because our society is sick.

And the life coaches and healers and teachers are working to change that. ?To create a new world. ?A healthy world.

It’s a totally different model.

And in this model, the more we support each other the more we all grow.

This is why I do helper-people group coaching. ?Because we are actually and literally stronger together.


For the last two years I?ve run this as a small coaching groups. ?In these groups I have helped people to:

  • Figure out how to start their helping business
  • Create marketing plans that feel good and inspiring?to implement
  • Narrow down their ideas and figure out where, exactly, to focus
  • Start blogging + vlogging (video blogging)
  • Find ways to factor self-care into their work day
  • Work on boundaries with clients?and customers
  • Find the courage to raise their prices
  • Decide if self employment is really for them or if there is a different way for them to help

This year I want to make it more accessible so I?m doing it as a bigger thing, free and open to everyone who is a member of the Creative?Dream Circle.

Starting this Monday, February 8 we’re going to gather together and help each other launch our projects out into the world.

These calls are for coaches, teachers, healers, therapists, artists – anyone who wants to put their projects/ideas/work out into the world.

You?ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we?ll dig in and make it happen.

I?m not going to promise that I can make the path easy or anything like that (I think it?s hard for a reason ? we?ll get into that on these calls).

But I can help shine a light on the hard parts and help you navigate them with more ease and grace.

I can offer guidance, encouragement and?ridiculous amounts of inspiration and motivation to take some big steps towards your dream this February.

We?ll focus on two areas: helping you get better at helping people (grow your self/skills) and helping you help more people (grow your work/business).

Again ? helping the helper-people group coaching is going to be free for all Creative Dream Circle members. ?So if you want to get in on these calls just join the Circle.


The calls will happen?February 8, 15, 22, 29 (Mondays at 11am Central).

All calls will be recorded. ?If you can?t be on the calls live you can email me your questions and listen to my answers on the recording and participate?in the online forum.

If you?ve got any questions about how this can help YOU, just send me an email using the contact form on this page.

Looking forward to this!

There is room for everyone. No one can steal your dream. Read More »

How to bring impossible projects to life

how to bring impossible projects to life

A few definitions to help explain what I'm saying here:

DREAM: A thing that calls/delights/inspires you. A thing you WANT.

PROJECT: A thing that you can do/create/work on to make your dream happen?- projects bring your dream into the physical world.

IMPOSSIBLE: The way all dreams feel when you're not giving them the love, time and attention they need.


Your dream is not impossible - you just don't see the way there yet.

So I wanted to design a deck of inspiration cards.

The logistics of this confounded me. Who prints them? What size could I make them in? How are they sold?

I imagined having a big box of decks in my loft and having to walk to the post office every day to mail off orders. I imagined that I wouldn't be making much money from these decks and having to spend all this time on them seemed like it would make it harder for me to do the work that I do get paid for.

It felt like there was no good way to do this.

But I still wanted it.

The dream of creating this deck of cards kept calling me no matter how much I tried to shut it up with "but it's impossible and I can't do it!".

I know you know the end of this story - I sorted out all of the logistics and I created a deck of cards.

You may even remember that it took many many months of working in it, including re-doing the artwork for the cards five times.

It was a long road and I was so happy to finally bring that project to life.

But the deck of cards I created last year is not the deck of cards I wanted to create.

When I tried to create the deck of cards I wanted to create, that deck told me that this other deck, the journaling cards, had to come first.

So I created this whole deck of journaling cards to lay the foundation for this other?deck of cards.

And you know what? I didn't know why.

I just know that when I connected with the essence of my project that it told me to make the other deck first, so I did.

Partnering with the essence of your project is the best way to bring it to life.

It's not the most logical way, that's for sure.

But it works.

And now that my first deck of cards is done, making the second deck, the one I really wanted to make, is much simpler.

I'm coming at this project from a totally different vantage point now.

Now I can see why I needed to do that deck before I could do this deck.

Your dream knows how to grow itself.  Your project is an aspect of your dream.

For about twelve years, putting on a creativity workshop was another impossible dream of mine.

I wanted to do it so badly but just didn't know how. I mean where would it be and who would come and who was I to think I had anything to offer people anyway?

I just couldn't imagine standing in front of a room of people and knowing what to do to help them find the magic in creativity the way I had found it for myself.

I didn't trust my skills as a teacher yet. Which is good because I didn't have any skills back then.

But I had the dream and the dream led me to learn what I needed to learn and grow in the ways I needed to grow in order to bring that first project to life: my first creativity workshop.

Twelve years later my first creativity workshop finally happened in my living room. Two of my friends were the participants and we had a blast.

From there I kept learning, exploring and growing.

My last in-person creativity workshop happened in a church all lit up with beautiful stained glass, with 70 participants and a really amazing live band.

And I did it all with baby steps.

When you are connected to the essence of your dream, and listening to it and letting it guide you then it's easier to know which baby step to take.

Then the baby steps all string up together to become something bigger - your dream come true.

(When you're not coming from that deep connection to your dream then the baby steps you take may not all build on each other in the same way)

So what's your impossible project?

  • An art show?
  • A new blog?
  • A new facet of your creative business?
  • Finding a steady stream of clients for your coaching practice?
  • Teaching a new class or creating your first class?
  • Figuring out how to market your work in a way that feels authentic and generous?

No matter what your impossible project is, the process for bringing it to life is the same.

Your dream knows how to grow itself.

Your desire to do this thing comes from your soul - it's an aspect of your purpose and creativity brought to life. It's why you're here.

So working on your project connects you to all of that.

Bringing my projects to life has led me to where I am now: I have been helping people make their dreams real, as my full time job, for just over five years.

Putting your projects out into this world is a vital part of changing the world.

Which is why I started doing helper-people group coaching, to help others navigate the path so more of these impossible projects can come to life.

Because each project brought to life acts as a light that lights the way for others to bring their projects to life.

It's beautiful how we can support each other in that way.

The next session of this group coaching is starting next week (Monday, February 9, 2016).

We're going to gather together and help each other launch our projects out into the world.

These calls are for coaches, teachers, healers, therapists, artists - anyone who wants to put their projects?out into the world.

It's going to be amazing.

You'll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we'll dig in and make it happen.

I'm not going to promise that I can make the path easy or anything like that (I think it's hard for a reason - we'll get into that on these calls).

But I can help shine a light on the hard parts and help you navigate them with more ease and grace.

I can offer guidance, encouragement and ridiculous amounts of inspiration and motivation to take some big steps towards your dream this February.

We'll focus on two areas: helping you get better at helping people (grow your self/skills) and helping you help more people (grow your work/business).

This will be free for all Creative Dream Circle members.

So if you want to join us in launching your project - just join the Circle.

The calls will happen February 8, 15, 22, 19 (Mondays at 11am Central).

All calls will be recorded.  If you can't be on the calls live you can email me your questions and listen to my answers on the recording and participate in the online forum.

If you've got any questions about how this can help YOU, just send me an email using the contact form on this page.

Looking forward to this!


How to bring impossible projects to life Read More »

Choosing to be a light in this world is no easy task. [free journaling + coloring page to help]


We all have fear and self-doubt.

We all have that that?”who do you think you are???!?” voice.

We’ve all got stuff happening inside of us that makes it hard to shine our light.

Plus?we live in a world that is not exactly receptive to light. ?So even if we felt ready, it’s still a difficult thing?to do.

In other words: there are good reasons why you are afraid to put yourself out there!

When I made the decision to live my dream I was told – more than once – that I would definitely fail.

I was told by well-meaning people who love me that “I hope you don’t do this – you have such a good job. ?You should keep it.”.

I had friends stop calling me?because they couldn’t deal with their jealousy as I became successful at living my dreams.

I also had way more failure than successes, when it came to putting my work out into the world. ?And even when I started having more and more successes the weight of those?failures stayed with me.

It’s not an easy path.

But at the same time I would not trade any of it for anything.

The hard stuff helped me grow into who I am today: sure of myself, trusting of my dreams and grounded in living in tune with them.

Well – more like how I handled the hard stuff helped me grow into who I am today.

Which is what I want to talk about: your secret superpower.

Walking your talk.

Which is about trusting your light so much that you just have to live your life by it – no matter how hard it is.

What would that look like for you?

Really, sit with that question.

Anywhere where where you don’t trust your light enough to live by it – you are compromised.

You do this when you don’t take the advice you give your clients.

You do this when you pretend something?doesn’t?matter when really it does.

You do this when you don’t speak up.

You do this when you don’t believe?in the magic?of your dreams.

You do this when you let other people (or “the market”) tell your art is?worth instead of deciding for yourself.

You do this when you follow “expert advice” to get you to where you want to be instead of using your unique light to light your unique?path.

You, being as you as “you” can be, shining your light as bright as you can, being un-compromised in living in integrity with your heart – that’s what makes you magnetic.

That’s what draws people to you.

That’s the energy that builds dreams.

So how can you make it easier for yourself to shine your light more brightly?

That’s another question to sit with.

Because I realllly want you to sit with both of these questions,?I made a guided jounal + coloring page to make it more fun to do.


Click here to download the full resolution pdf file.? If you just save the image above you won’t get the full file.

Stepping up and choosing to be a light in this world is no easy task.

That is why I started doing??helper-people group coaching? to help navigate this path.

For the last two years I?ve run this as a small coaching groups. ?In these groups I have helped people to:

  • Figure out how to start their helping business
  • Create marketing plans that feel good and inspiring?to implement
  • Narrow down their ideas and figure out where, exactly, to focus
  • Start blogging + vlogging (video blogging)
  • Find ways to factor self-care into their work day
  • Work on boundaries with clients?and customers
  • Find the courage to raise their prices
  • Decide if self employment is really for them or if there is a different way for them to help

This year I want to make it more accessible so I?m doing it as a bigger thing, free and open to everyone who is a member of the Creative?Dream Circle.

This February we?ll do a four special coaching calls for healers/coaches/artists/helpers to dive into the work of growing your work.

You?ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we?ll dig in and make it happen.

I?m not going to promise that I can make the path easy or anything like that (I think it?s hard for a reason ? we?ll get into that on these calls).

But I can help shine a light on the hard parts and help you navigate them with more ease and grace.

I can offer guidance, encouragement and?ridiculous amounts of inspiration and motivation to take some big steps towards your dream this February.

We?ll focus on two areas: helping you get better at helping people (grow your self/skills) and helping you help more people (grow your work/business).

Again ? helping the helper-people group coaching is going to be free for all Creative Dream Circle members. ?So if you want to get in on these calls just join the Circle.

If you?re unsure about spending the money ? then the first thing you?ll focus on in the coaching calls is to find a way to double your investment ? it will cost $147 to join so we?ll find a way for you to make a quick $294 helping other people.

(Also the next thing we?re doing in the Creative Dream Circle this year is my Creative?With Money class ? so if you join I?ll definitely be able to help you work through money blocks!)

The calls will happen?February 8, 15, 22, 19 (Mondays at 11am Central).

All calls will be recorded. ?If you can?t be on the calls live you can email me your questions and listen to my answers on the recording and participate?in the online forum.

If you?ve got any questions about how this can help YOU, just send me an email using the contact form on this page.

Looking forward to this!

Choosing to be a light in this world is no easy task. [free journaling + coloring page to help] Read More »

I want to help people help people.


If you feel that call to help people then you are “one of the helper-people”.

Life coaches, artists, healers, therapists, teachers. ?We have that passion to make a difference.

It’s a really beautiful thing.

It’s also a really stressful thing because figuring out how to help is tricky.

The big questions usually are:

  • How do I help? ?How much training do I need? Am I ready/good enough?
  • How do?I help others without depleting myself?
  • Can I really make a living helping others? ?Really? How?

And?these questions have?dozens of other questions living inside of them.

For those of us who are called to help, figuring out how to do it successfully?is some of the most difficult and rewarding work we ever do.

I have been helping people make their dreams real, as my full time job, for just over five years.

And I was doing it on the side while working in an office job for about 5 years before that (back when I used to believe that it would be impossible for me to make a good living doing this work).

And for ten?years before that I dreamed of helping people without having any clue how to do it. ?All I knew is that I wanted to help make this world a better place, somehow, using my creativity.

Helping people is something I have always been called to do.

But the call didn’t come with instructions.

So I spent a lot of time stumbling around trying to figure stuff out,?which was frustrating and painful and awful.

Which is why I started doing?”helper-people group coaching” to help others navigate this path.

For the last two years I’ve run this as a small coaching groups. ?In these groups I have helped people to:

  • Figure out how to start their helping business
  • Create marketing plans that feel good and inspiring?to implement
  • Narrow down their ideas and figure out where, exactly, to focus
  • Start blogging + vlogging (video blogging)
  • Find ways to factor self-care into their work day
  • Work on boundaries with clients?and customers
  • Find the courage to raise their prices
  • Decide if self employment is really for them or if there is a different way for them to help

This year I want to make it more accessible so I’m doing it as a bigger thing, free and open to everyone who is a member of the Creative?Dream Circle.

This February we’ll do a four special coaching calls for healers/coaches/artists/helpers to dive into the work of growing your work.

You’ll start with a specific intention for what you want to do/learn/figure out/manifest during the month and, together, we’ll dig in and make it happen.

I’m not going to promise that I can make the path easy or anything like that (I think it’s hard for a reason – we’ll get into that on these calls).

But I can help shine a light on the hard parts and help you navigate them with more ease and grace.

I can offer guidance, encouragement and?ridiculous amounts of inspiration and motivation to take some big steps towards your dream this February.

We’ll focus on two areas: helping you get better at helping people (grow your self/skills) and helping you help more people (grow your work/business).

Again – helping the helper-people group coaching is going to be free for all Creative Dream Circle members. ?So if you want to get in on these calls just join the Circle.

If you’re unsure about spending the money – then the first thing you’ll focus on in the coaching calls is to find a way to double your investment – it will cost $147 to join so we’ll find a way for you to make a quick $294 helping other people.

(Also the next thing we’re doing in the Creative Dream Circle this year is my Creative?With Money class – so if you join I’ll definitely be able to help you work through money blocks!)

The calls will happen?February 8, 15, 22, 19 (Mondays at 11am Central).

All calls will be recorded. ?If you can’t be on the calls live you can email me your questions and listen to my answers on the recording and participate?in the online forum.

If you’ve got any questions about how this can help YOU, just send me an email using the contact form on this page.

Looking forward to this!

I want to help people help people. Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: