creative entrepreneur

Love and Money Revolution

On top of my file cabinet in my office at Creative Magic Headquarters.

This week, instead of a new episode of Creative Dream TV, I am sharing this:

I did an hour-long interview with the Love and Money Revolution for their Holistic Business Radio.

Love! And Money!

I had so much fun doing this interview.

We talked about how we can use creativity to make things work magically better in our lives. We also talk about how to transform our (often sticky and hard) relationships with money into something that is way better.

It’s a great show!

>>> Click here to listen now.

(And use those facebook and twitter share buttons at the bottom of the interview! Share the magic!)

PS: The Creative With Money Online Playdate is happening SUPER SOON!

Past participants have called this ?A smashing success?, ?Life-changing? and ?So full of magic I?m still seeing stars and glitter!?

We’re playdating on OCTOBER 26. That’s next Friday.


Love and Money Revolution Read More »

I’m calling bullshit

There are all of these crazy ideas floating around there…

  • that your art is somehow more real if you’re not doing it for money, like money taints your process
  • that spiritual teachings should be given for free or else you’re some kind of scam artist
  • that creatives just aren’t good at business (and that the only way to get good at it is to use annoying, sleazy marketing and sales strategies)
  • that profound meaning and high profits can’t play nice together

…I could go on and on but I am getting annoyed.

What is especially insidious about this kind of bullshit is that it is masking the real problem.

All of these ideas point to –> that’s just how life is.

But the real problem is actually in the opposite direction.

All of these ideas keep you focused in the opposite direction of where the actual problem is.? So all of these ideas are also keeping you from ever finding the solution, because you’re looking in the exact wrong direction.

The right direction is, of course, to look inside you. <—

Believing that your art is somehow more real if you’re not doing it for money keeps you from having to explore that inner voice that doubts your worth.

As long as you don’t do *everything you can* to learn how to market yourself and sell your art, you keep yourself safe from ever experiencing the terror and heartbreak of putting yourself all the way out there and being rejected.? (This is the holding pattern that kept me stuck in Starving Artist Land for years, putting myself part of the way out there.)

Believing that your art is somehow more real if you’re not doing it for money also keeps you from ever doing your best work. It keeps you from discovering what your real art even is, because doing your art as your living forces you to find your creative edge.

Same goes for the belief that spiritual teachings get tainted when you charge for them.

For years I taught classes in spirituality and lead meditation groups and healing circles and did spiritual counseling, all for free or for a very low cost.

The work I do now, which is not free, is about 90X more powerful, effective, transformational (and fun!) than the work I was doing then.

Money is an amplifier and an activator.

Unfortunately, too many spiritual creatives are allowing their limiting beliefs to be amplified and activated by money, instead of allowing their purpose, spirit and creativity to be amplified by money.

Results of limiting beliefs being amplified + activated by money:

  • under-earning
  • over-working
  • feeling worn out
  • feeling resentful that you’re not doing what you want to do
  • not having the time/energy that your best work needs, because you’re doing other things to bring in the money to pay the bills

Results of purpose, spirit + creativity being amplified + activated by money:

  • trusting + experiencing that what you need is there when you need it
  • having the lifestyle that supports you in doing your best work
  • the indescribably delicious sense of satisfaction that comes from having your whole life be in alignment with your purpose

We need to shift our collective relationship with money.

It’s not about having millions in the bank.

It’s about being truly in alignment with your purpose, spirit and creativity.

When you bring creativity and play into the process – shifting your relationship with money does not have to be hard and painful and difficult.? I can show you exactly how to do this, step-by-step, in the Creative With Money Kit that you get inside the Creative Dream Circle.

I’m calling bullshit Read More »

Creative Dream TV: What if no one cares about what you have to offer?

Ohmygosh when you're worried that your thing isn't good enough, that you're not good enough, that if you put it out there no one will care - that makes it so hard to get started!

I have A LOT to say about this so let's get right to it:

PS:When you join the Creative Dream Circle - you also get my Creative BUSINESS Incubator.

It's got hours and hours of creative business videos, packed with tips, journaling prompts for uncovering your magic, unique approaches to success, resources and everything I've learned about how to grow a business with integrity and creativity and heart.

Creative Dream TV: What if no one cares about what you have to offer? Read More »

I am doing something Very Very Scary. ARgh!

I’ve been happily working away on my Amazing New Thing.? And I am shifting and re-arranging other parts of my business to give it the space it needs, and deserves.

And I am getting to the hard part… the part where I have to let go of what-is to make room for what-is-coming-in before it’s arrived.

We always want to wait until we have the new thing before we let go of the old thing.

And it just can’t work that way.

The whole point of letting go is to let. go. The point isn’t to hold. on. until the letting go becomes somehow easier.

It doesn’t just somehow get easier.? Things change when you change them.

You’ve got to activate courage and trust-in-your-inner-knowing.

So I’ve been standing at the edge of this pool for some time, working on that part.

A lot of my time spent standing at the edge of the pool I didn’t even realise I was standing at the edge of the pool!? But now that I realise it, it’s getting harder and harder to not do something about it.

Even though: OMG! Scary!

So here’s the deal: I want this Amazing New Thing I am doing to become the main part of my business.

This thing isn’t just amazing, it’s my Best Work Ever and It’s The Way That I Can Help Dreamers Grow Their Dreams, The Most.

But it’s different, really vastly different, from the work I do now (mostly one-on-one coaching, with classes sometimes).

It also, happily, costs way less than one-on-one coaching, so I can help more dreamers grow more dreams.

But that’s also the scary part, right now.

I have to let go of one-on-one coaching (eekk!) in order to create space to grow this new thing.

Coaching is where most of my income comes from, it’s how I support myself.

Letting go of the thing that supports me financially?? As a single girl with a brand new dream loft condo to pay for? Fucking terrifying!

But here’s the thing: my intuition does not lead me wrong.

So I know that this is the right thing to do.

But you know how I talk about baby steps and finding the safest way to do things?? Stopping coaching immediately is not a baby step and it’s not safe!

And I have commitments with my long-term clients that I absolutely want to keep! Not to mention: I love working with them!

I’m going to put the brakes on, and ease out of it and ease into the new thing.

Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath.

So: Last call for coaching.

If you want my help turning inner critics into allies or showing you how you can stop letting that thing stop you, or if want to pick my brain about anything to do with creative dreams, creative business, glitter eyeshadow – whatever.? Now’s your chance.

You can go directly to my coaching page and book a session, or a three month creative dream package.

I am doing something Very Very Scary. ARgh! Read More »

Finding the Right-Fit Support to Grow Your Dream

As my business has been growing, one question that I haven’t been able to figure out is what kind of support to get.

A few weeks back I took a Creative Business Retreat At The Beach.? The purpose of the retreat was to step back from everything, get a better view of where I’m at and where I’d like to be, to explore what it would mean to grow my business truer, deeper and sparklier (as opposed to just growing it “bigger”).

Part of the amazing-ness of a retreat is that it invokes intention and magic and intuition and SOLUTIONS as it shows you everything from this different perspective.

As you know, my retreat did not go as planned.

And it was in the unplanned chaos and working my way through it that I learned something really important about support and what kind/flavour/style of support really works for me.

It’s the kind of support I get from my mechanic.

He sees my car regularly.? He knows my car, he knows me.? When things go wrong he knows exactly what to do.? He already has all the info.

When I called him from the beach, stranded, with no keys, I didn’t have to go crawling around the car looking for the serial number or whatever it is they need to have new keys coded.

And I don’t have to worry about something going wrong with the car and not knowing what to do about it.? I’ve got someone who knows what to do about it.? He’s there when I need him.

I love knowing that.

It’s definitely the kind/flavour/style of support really works for me.

I filed that away under “Good To Know, But I’m Not Sure What That Means For My Business, Just Yet”.

And then last week I broke my website trying to move it to its lovely new home.

I emailed my friend Wendy Cholbi and was so glad she was willing to add this to her schedule and get on it right away.

Going from complete despair of having broken my website and not knowing how to fix it, or if fixing it was possible, to putting the whole thing into Wendy’s capable hands was such an incredible relief.

And then Wendy suggested her Website Tune-up program so she could tune-up a few things that she saw could use help, and then let her handle the ongoing maintenance and updating of my websites.


And this felt like exactly the kind/flavour/style of support that I learned works for me and that I would like to have in my business.

(So, thank you, me-from-then, for losing my keys at the Creative Business Retreat At The Beach which led me to clarity about what kind of support I want.)

So, Wendy now handles the maintenance for both of my websites.

Which is relief and delight and support and right-fit and Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

There are so many options out there.

Tech support, virtual assistants, marketing advisers, business coaches, etc, etc, etc, etc.

They all provide valuable services.

It’s really hard to know what is the right solution for you.? As far as I am concerned, the only way to go is to explore support itself, get a grasp on how support feels for you, what kind of support you want and how you want it.

Once you’re clear on how it’s going to feel to have it, you’ll be able to recognize that right-fit support when it shows up.

Finding the Right-Fit Support to Grow Your Dream Read More »

Photos, Magics + Lessons Learned in my first year as a Creative Entrepreneur.

I was a little nervous about doing a year-end-review-type-thing because 2011 was so magic I worried my head would explode if I brought all of these memories together at once.

But here I am.? With head intact.


I had just come back from an amazing week by the sea in La Jolla, California. Feeling refreshed and refueled and filled up and READY.

me on the beach in la jolla

I had just quit my part time job to do magic, creativity and love full time.

January 3, 2011 was the day I would have gone back to work after the holidays but instead that was the day I blew my previous record for most money earned in a day by announcing a sale on Creative Dream Coaching.

Nice way to start a new year!

Lesson Learned: Listen to your Creative Dream Fairy. Especially when she says “Now is the time, yes this will work. Do it!!”

My plan was to introduce the Creative Dream Incubator e-Course that month, as I had already been working on it for what felt like forever (starting several years ago with my in-person versions of the course).? But I realised early on that even with all of the preparations I’d done -it was not ready and I was not ready and I changed the date to March.

February + March:

I spent 6 weeks re-working the whole course and turning it into pure magic.? And then I welcomed the first Dreamers into the Incubator.

Manifestation. Magic. Miracles.

Lesson Learned: Honour your creative rhythm, listen to your intuition, trust your heart. Go slow when you need to go slow.? It’s ok to change the dates.
I want to stay here all day

I was starting to feel more comfortable in my new role as a full time creative entrepreneur and realised that I needed some new tools to do this new job properly.

First new tool: iPhone.? Shortly after I discovered and fell in love with Instagram.


April + May:

Creative Collaboration.

Participated in the Wish Studio’s WishBIG e-Camp and Jamie Ridler’s Sparkles (bring your creativity to life in 5 minutes a day!).

And I opened up the Creative Dream Incubator again.

My favourite tree, the Japanese plum tree in my back yard, bloomed.
Oh I love this tree.

One day I went for a fairy walk in this fairy park.

Fairy forest magic

On the way home, my Creative Dream Fairy tapped me on the shoulder and suggested I take a different route.

We drove past a construction site that caught my eye as my Creative Dream Fairy whispered “There it is. The Ultimate Creative Magic Headquarters.” but I was all “Dude! I already have a Creative Magic Headquarters that I love! And this is bound to be too expensive! And I can’t MOVE, not NOW!?”

June + July:

June was my biggest month income wise. Also the month I spent the least time “working” and the most time exploring my inner worlds.

Lesson Learned: Those 2 things are more directly related than I thought they could be.

I also made a promise to myself to go to the beach as often as possible over the summer.

Lesson Learned: Rejuvenation really is just as important as everything else.? Without it, I can’t do my best work.? The parts of me that say I have to “earn” R+R are just plain wrong.

And I created my Creative Genius Planning Sessions.

Monday morning Creative Genius planning session.

Creativity. Vision. Magic.

These have turned into my weekly dose of Creative Dream Jet Fuel.

I met with the developer of the Ultimate Creative Magic Headquarters. Sure enough, it was everything I wished my house was. A big open 2 story loft with 18′ ceilings, huge windows, heated polished concrete floors, a little park outside with a tiny bridge that leads to my door. I couldn’t have come up with a more perfect design myself.

I discussed selling my house with my Real Estate Agent and sure enough, my house could sell for more than the asking price on the condo.

Lesson Learned: You are more ready for the BIG dream than you know you are.

I ran my Creative Journal Magic e-Course in June and it was super popular, super magic and super fun.

I stopped selling my old Meditation Kits and started selling the new Magic Potions (follow the link for a free sample).

It's OK
There is creative magic in you.

I created a new kit called Dream Spark which was in the 21 Secrets Workshop at the Dirty Footprints Studio (and will be available as a kit in the Creative Magic Academy in January).

Somewhere in there I also re-designed the Create a Map That Leads to your Dream Creativity Kit.

It was already an amazing tool for bringing dreams to life but I made it about 14X more awesome.? I added a second workbook and?a series of 14 audio sessions, including guided meditations to activate your Creative Spirit, and help you attune to the subtle signals and synchronicities that the universe is serving up, to help your Dream come true (53.2 minutes in total, with lots of breather space in between for working on your map).

And I kept it the same price!? Magic!

Lesson Learned: I can accomplish so much more than I knew!

One of the funny things about being self employed is that I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my hair.

In July I started to really experiment.
Trying to pick my new haircolour. So many to choose from!
Pink hair in pink room.Purple hair.
More pink hair (starting to get used to it)Re-Bleaching.



I had a lot of meetings with the developer of the Ultimate Creative Magic Headquarters and finally in August we nailed down an agreement. Each time I spoke to him he had a different projected completion date.? My intuition said to sell my house right away.

And I discovered my house was not really market-ready. You know all those little things you just learn to live with?? They become very visible when you put your house on the market!

I hired a legion of helpers and my mom came over every day for a week and we whipped the house into shape. The house sold in under 2 weeks for a little over the asking price.
It's official!

And in the process I got rid of 1/2 of my things.? At the time it was kind of arduous to go through everything and haul so much stuff away but at this point I AM SO GRATEFUL TO ME FROM THEN FOR DOING ALL OF THAT.

Freedom. Flow. Simplicity.

And I created the Creative Magic Academy,? a whole new website for my creative courses, including private online space for classes, and a new affiliate program.

And I ran a session of the Rainbow~licious Creative Healing Circle (because, hello! I needed it! August was one busy month!)
Meanwhile, my amazing hollyhocks bloomed.
Hello hollyhock!  My hollyhock fence is in bloom. Yay!


I said goodbye to my dear sparkly house on Sept 1.

The shade of pink that makes me smile. (my bathroom wall)
Messy messy art table.
Bliss room.
Bliss room.
Bathroom door mural.
Happy kitchen.
Dressing room.
Beautiful day in my garden.

And I moved into a tent.

Yes, a tent. In my parent’s back yard.

My new home. I slept so great last night!

And I loved it. And I slept better than I’ve ever slept.

I did yoga under the stars before bed. I breathed fresh air all night long. I had a front row seat for thunderstorms while staying cozy warm with my giant pile of duvets and pillows.

Lesson Learned: Once again, listen to intuition no matter how crazy it sounds!

And, from my tent in my parent’s back yard, I ran a very special one-time-only session of the Creative Dream Incubator – the Creative Business Incubator.

It wasn’t just a course – it was a cross between a course and group coaching with me answering all questions in depth depth depth on video every week. We explored possibility and magic and being true to yourself while building a profitable business.

It was magic.

Lesson Learned: I love small, advanced, specialized courses and want to explore more ways of doing this kind of thing.

October + November:

I took my Creative Journal Magic e-Course and turned it into a kit. I did this for 2 reasons:

1. This is good good good awesomely good stuff! I wanted to make it more accessible for people don’t have to wait for the next course to start.
2. This is all the basic stuff. As I learned in September, I want my classes to be more advanced and specialized. Turning this class into a kit, it can be a prerequisite so I can focus on creating the advanced specialized classes.

Which is what I did next: Give Your Inner Critic a New Job

Advanced Specialized Creative Magics.

That classroom is still open and miracles are still happening and I am in love with it.

[Actually: I am in love with it pretty much sums up this year.]

At the end of October and beginning of November I was in Portland, Oregon for a life changing retreat/course with Havi Brooks.
Fall walk
The Grilled Cheese bus
In the playground
Creative superhero

I got back from Portland and spent a day working with Alexandra Franzen, brilliant wordsmith, to clarify my focus and re-write my website. Which is about a lot more than re-writing my website, of course.

It was about taking all of the things I have learned and transformed this year and pouring it into how I present myself and my work.

Lessons Learned: There are Brilliant People out there who can help. Let them. Take courses. Hire coaches and helper-people. It makes a big difference.


By late fall, I’d earned the money I wanted to earn this year with my business. So I was kind of free to try new things.

Like Free! Tele! Classes!

I was also free to just spend some quality time with me and work on ways of integrating everything I’d just learned in Portland.? That retreat with Havi really changed things for me.

I am certified and accredited in several different modalities of healing, transformation and manifestation.? I have attended a LOT of courses, workshops and retreats. And I have never seen anything that is anything like what Havi did.

It’s like it took everything I knew and put it into a snowglobe. In the snowglobe, everything I knew turned into glitter. Turn it upside down and shake it good. Put it back down and look! There is a tiny magic village in there that didn’t exist before.

That tiny magic village is made up of what I already knew. And it contains everything I do.

But it’s also totally different.? And totally new!

As I keep saying to my friends “This is the best thing I’ve ever learned!”? And it’s not because of what it is, it’s because of what it is inspiring me to do and how it is inspiring me to live, and to be.

Exciting Changes Ahead.

In December I opened registration for the January session of the Creative Dream Incubator (I only plan to run this once in 2012).

And I started creating a whole new structure for how I do my work. I’m taking a lot of Alexandra’s brilliant ideas and weaving them into the 2012 Creative Magic Academy Calendar.


Early in 2011 I was doing some online advertising. I haven’t done it in some time and don’t plan to do any advertising in 2012. I don’t want to focus on finding new people. I want to focus on making more magic.

Over the course of the year I kept experimenting with my Creativity 101 e-course. I plan to stop doing that. I love Creativity 101 and I love all of the emails I get about how much it has helped people. I want that material to stay free and available, and it is, right here. And I want to focus my creative energy on the more advanced magic stuff in my paid courses.

As part of that shift in Creativity 101, I brought my email list and blog subscriptions together. This is step 1. Step 2 starts in January with a shift in my blog.

I’ll still share my own stories and experiences but I’ll also have much more of a structure, with monthly themes and more teaching posts that go with our monthly tele-classes. This makes the blog a much bigger part of the Creative Magic Academy. That also plays into my desire to do more advanced magic stuff in my courses. If you’re reading the blog you’re getting the basics and when you sign for a class you’re ready for Big Magic.

I’m fooling around with my schedule and really listening to what I learned in June of this year when I made way more money by spending way more time working in my internal world, than in the external world. I’m building tools and creating practices that help with this, and at the same time putting together an Advanced Creative Dreaming/Creative Super Hero/Creative Badass course where I share these tools.


I love how many kits/courses I created this year. I’d be very happy to be as productive in 2012.

I love the relationships I’ve developed with my inner critics, inner fears and various sad scared selves. In 2011 I gave these relationships much more attention and love than I ever have before. I want to continue my creative practices that allows me to engage with all parts of me with love and gentleness and permission and space.

Creative Journaling The Big But

I love the way I have become comfortable sharing honestly and openly where I’m at. More openness and real true stories!

I love the way I made big, life-changing decisions based on: 1. intuitive guidance and 2. bringing myself into greater alignment and integrity with what I know to be important (creativity, magic, freedom, healing, transformation and possibility). Even when these decisions don’t seem “practical” (like selling my duplex and giving up my rental income) they are so right (practical is nowhere on my list of things that are important).

Early on my in 2011 I created a map leading to the income I wanted. I played with this map for a few months and eventually painted over everything with blue waves representing flow. I wrote on the waves “New Financial Plan = Trust”. I want to continue to place my trust in trust.

Working outside on beautiful days. Yes! More!
Best office ever

Oh yes. That's the ticket.

Creative Journaling is Magic. The more I do it the magic-er it gets.? So lots more Magic Creative Journaling for me in 2012.
Today's Journaling.

From today's blog post.

This year has been one heck of an amazing ride.

Thanks so much for being here with me.

I promise – next? year is going to be even better.

Thank you elephant. ( today's success card)

Your dream is just the right size.

Everyone secretly worries that their dream is too wacky, too bold, too ambitious, too expensive, too [insert fear-triggered, self-created obstacle here].

I?ve been studying & teaching the art of wish-fulfillment for fifteen years, and I?ve got the BEST news:

Everyone is wrong!

Unless your dream involves a pet unicorn, the ability to breathe underwater, or a new planet of your very own (and a moon to go with it), it IS possible.

And the best time to start making it REAL is right now.

Photos, Magics + Lessons Learned in my first year as a Creative Entrepreneur. Read More »

Me Who Rests vs Me Who Leaps Ahead

Every Monday morning I take my business out for coffee with this Creative Genius Planning Session tool that I made.

This tool has served me well.? Very well.

It means for the rest of the week I can just dive into what feels most inspiring in the moment.

Everything keeps flowing towards more of what I want and love because I have this Genius Plan.

But this Monday Morning was different.

This morning I was really short on energy.? I had one post-yoga bubble of sunshiny energy and then it just kind of faded away.? And by the time I got to the coffee shop for my Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session I needed a Very Large Latte just to get started.

monday morning creative genius planning session
Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session + Giant Latte

And here’s the thing.

This morning I’m in a low energy kind of space.? And it feels like I need some quiet time.

And the intuitive messages I am getting from my business are that it needs some space.? To just be.

But I have this thing I’m working on.

This thing I am totally excited about and inspired about.

This Thing I Want To Share With You, Like, Right Now.

I’m not good at holding things in.? Or waiting.? When I’m inspired – I leap.

So here I am at my Monday Morning Creative Genius Planning Session:

Inspired and wanting to leap

Also tired and wanting to rest.

This is a pretty common thing for me.

There is a part of me that is pretty much always excited about something and wanting to move forward with it.

There is a part of me that pays attention to and honours the natural cycle of life and wants to rest when it’s time to rest, play when it’s time to play and work when it’s time to work.

So here is what happened when these two parts collided this morning:

(MWR = me who rests.? MWLA = me who leaps ahead)

MWLA: I’m going to put this sparkly new exciting thing out there next week, so this week we have to do all of these things to get it ready.? Plus, of course, we want to re-write all of week four for the Creative Journal Magic e-Course.

MWR: Agreed on week four for the Creative Journal Magic e-Course.? Not a re-write but edit and make a lot of changes.? That’s really the only focus for this week.? That other thing – that has to wait.? Working on that now is not in keeping with the energy of where we’re all at this week.

MWLA: But I want to do it!

MWR: We all want to do it!? How about we do it one week later though?


MWR: What is really so bad about waiting?

MWLA: I hate waiting.? I hate resting.? I want to DO.? I made this amazing thing!? I want to share it!? OMG LET ME SHARE IT!!!!!

MWR: Yes but what about sharing it one week later?? What would actually happen if you waited one week?

MWLA: I’d have to rest this week.

MWR: And?

MWLA: Oh.? I guess I want to leap ahead because it’s more comfortable than slowing down and being present with what is.? Mmmmmmmmm.? Something here scares me.? And if I slow down it’s bound to catch up with me.

MWR: What do you think that could be?

MWLA: The usual stuff.? What if everything falls apart.? What if people don’t like me.? Blah blah blah.? I’m kind of tired of all that bullshit and I’d like to just carry on.

MWR: See, I think carrying on kind of magnifies everything.? Ignoring fears does not transform them.? It leaves them there, beneath the surface, where they can grow and wreak havoc.

MWLA: I know you’re right but I wish you weren’t.

MWR: Remember what happened earlier this month?

MWLA: Deliberately stopping and being with all of that annoying bullshit actually propelled us forward, closer into what we want.? I thought that was a one time thing, I didn’t agree to doing that all the time.

MWR: Not all the time. Only when it’s needed.

MWLA:? Arrrgh!? Do you know how annoying you are?? Only when it’s needed?? Who decides?

MWR: I think you can feel it too, that it is needed.? If it wasn’t you’d have the energy you need to go ahead and do what you want to do.? Also what about trusting in divine timing?? When has anything good ever come out of pushing ahead and doing things on your own terms instead of being in the flow?

MWLA: It could happen one of these times!? If I stop pushing.? OMG.? If I stop pushing and leaping ahead WE WILL STAGNATE.

MWR: So resting = stagnation?

MWLA: I guess not always.? But too much resting is definite stagnation.

MWR: Do you really think we are anywhere near stagnation?

MWLA: It’s just that I have all of these dreams and things I want and how will I ever get them all by resting?

MWR: How will you ever enjoy them all by not resting?

MWLA: You are so annoying!

MWR: I understand how important your creative dreams are to you.? They’re important for me too.

MWLA: We’re on the same page?? We want the same thing??? I always forget that part.? I always think you are like the grown up trying to keep me doing “The Right Thing” and keep me from having fun.

MWR: No. I don’t want to keep you from having fun.? And I don’t want to make you do stuff you don’t want to do.? But I do want to slow down and challenge your assumptions about constantly leaping ahead.? I want to be more rooted in purpose in a broader sense than you sometimes see.? We simply cannot always leap ahead just like we cannot always rest.? I have no interest in staying in the same place.? I have on interest in not making all of our dreams real.

MWLA: It’s like I’m the motor and you’re the steering wheel.

MWR: Yes!? I appreciate how your energy and enthusiasm propels us forward when that’s the right thing to do.

MWLA: And I appreciate how you’re looking out for the bigger picture and guiding us along.? We are doing amazing.? I’m sorry I make it so hard for you.? I’m just SO EXCITED, you know?

MWR: I do know.? And I’m excited too.

So it looks like I’m going to move slower than I want to this week.

It’s 11am.? Usually Monday mornings are full of action here in the Creative Magic Art Room.? But this Monday morning – all I can think about is taking a nap.

Me Who Rests vs Me Who Leaps Ahead Read More »


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here: