Sending love to my fear

I have a plan for what I want to do next.

It feels really solid. I am considering the things that have not been working, I looked into WHY those things are not working, and came up with ideas for addressing that.

It feels like the kind of plan where - I have taken a lot of steps, many of which have not gotten me the results I wanted, but I have taken SO MANY steps that I have learned so much from those steps - and now I am applying all of that into making a different plan.

I feel really good about it.

Or, I DID feel really good about it until I felt totally panicked.

Suddenly my brain was flooded with the reasons why this is bound to fail.

And I felt stressed, pressured, helpless, discouraged and sad.

It was a lot, and I wasn’t able to instantly use the Un-Sticking Station to turn it around.

So I focused on self care. Taking care of upset self in the moment AND looking at “what can I do to make tomorrow a better day?”

That was yesterday. And today is a little better.

I’m sitting with my fear, offering it love. It feels calmer though still present, I had hoped it would just kind of dissolve in the love.

How do we do this together?

The part of me who is excited about this plan and the part of me who is afraid.

My eyes land on the tarot card on my desk. Yesterday I had picked a card to help me get started with this plan this week and I got 8 of pentacles. It’s saying KEEP GOING.

I think that’s the answer. Keep going… with both. Take steps, implement the plan AND keep meeting the fears/anxiety that comes up.

And suddenly I remember… this only happens EVERY TIME I start with something new.

The moment where the rubber really meets the road, all the fears and doubts get stirred up and I feel like I don’t know what I am doing.

So - go slow, self care, soothing fears AND taking little steps. As long as I keep showing up, I’ll find creative flow again…

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Sending love to my fear


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