Shit is hard right now. Let's figure out how to make things easier for you.
This is an undated eight week planner.
You can do all eight weeks consecutively or take your time - up to you.
Either way, this planner helps you make space to:
- look at self care from different perspectives to get new ideas for things to try
- experiment with new self care activities to figure out what you need NOW
- track your process along the way
Even if you were at at expert level of self care before the pandemic - the things you were doing then may not work now.
You've changed. Everyone around you has changed. And the world has changed.
This is the perfect time to re-visit what self care actually looks like for you.
Taking this time to think about self care from different perspectives and experiment with your new ideas will go a long way towards help you feel more grounded, calm, creative... or however it is you want to feel in your life.
Self care helps create the foundation for everything you want to create in your life.
Let's shake off the dust of these last few years and make space for new possibilities.
You may not know what kind of support you need at this point - I sure didn't, which is why I created this planner.
I needed to look at my self care practices from different perspectives, to find the things that are accessible now and work to help me feel the way I want to feel in my life.
The journal sheet and planner are actual pages from the Self Care Planner & Guided Journal.
Each week you get two two self care planning sheets:
- Self Care journal prompts that help you explore self from different perspectives and learn more about what will be helpful for you.
- A weekly planner with a self care mantra, a self care activity tracker and a space to make wishes.
(You get a different journal prompt and affirmation each week)
How it works:
This is a black & white PDF that you can print out, colour and customize to your heart's content. Includes:
- 8 weeks of weekly planners - with a different affirmation and drawing each week.
- 8 different self care journaling sheets.
After you've finished your first 8 weeks, you can re-print whatever pages you like best and keep using it.