We are doing the 30 day journaling + meditation invitation for the month of August. An explanation of this project is here. I'll be posting an update here every day (M-F) for the month of August and I'm also doing short videos on Instagram to share things I am learning along the way.\
And check out the new Creative Dream Incubator RedBubble shop! THE MOST encouraging notebooks, zipper pouches, mugs, magnets, stickers + art prints.
What does it mean to be your most magnetic self?
You draw good things to you.
Magnetic implies: you draw in what you ARE. Which, in a world ruled by white supremacy and the patriarchy, goes off the rails pretty fast if it’s the only lens through which you look at the world.
The law of attraction is a spiritual law which operates uniformly, like the law of gravity - is what proponents of the law of attraction teach.
Let’s remember where our teaching about the law of attraction came from.
White settlers in North America, and colonialists in Europe, mostly men. Living in a world where the superiority of white men was taken as fact.
And, feeling superior to everyone, some of these men read the spiritual teachings from around the world and, from their wildly limited perspectives, took out the “gems” of each teaching and collaged them into their own philosophy: New Thought.
This was happening in a culture that didn’t see the difference between “cultural appreciation” and genocide. (And for the most part our culture STILL doesn’t see this)
It was the colonization of Indigenous spirituality. The cherry-picking of ideas, stripped of all context.
And it works for a lot of people. I found it helpful I became a teacher and counsellor in new thought movement.
But I was always looking to figure out: why doesn’t it work equally well for everyone?
This was 15 years ago. It was a time when I didn’t even see the lack of diversity in this community, which, had I see it then, would have given me some clues about why it didn’t work equality for everyone.
One thing that became apparent in my explorations at that time was - the people who avoid their feelings have difficulty manifesting what they really want. And then similarly - the people who get stuck in their feelings have difficulty too.
And so my work has always included emotional processing + intelligence as a big part of it. Over the years I have learned even more how important this is.
And today, with a much greater understanding trauma and external systems of oppression it’s super obvious why the law of attraction can’t work equally for everyone in this world.
And so, in my work with the Creative Dream Incubator, naming these things and the ways they dull our dreams has become an important part of my work. Because this is a part of the work of dismantling external systems of oppression and becoming trauma informed - with the goal that each generation has less trauma than the last, and so dreams become easier and easier for everyone.
Because I always believe that our dreams can save the world. They help show us who we are.
So how do we become more magnetic?
How do you BE a magnet for your dreams?
By engaging with them. By going deeper. By showing up consistently to show your dreams they can trust you. By making space for them to manifest in your life.
These are the things we do in Dream Book, with practices that make it easier to show up for all 3 aspect of this work: Dream Work, Inner Work, Outer Work.
Most of us are out of balance with at least one of these three paths, and so focusing on the one that you are weakest with can make a big difference. Also having practices that make it easier to engage with each of these paths makes a huge difference. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel each time.
How do you FEEL more magnetic?
Argh. Well. Bring this question into your body. What’s your honest reaction to it?
Whatever it is, explore it. That will help find your answer.
Unprocessed feelings are usually in the way of FEELING magnetic. And as long as we are alive, life just keeps giving us more feelings to process!
This is why I teach HAVING A PRACTICE for this work.
Having a consistent safe space for doing this work is a must.
Having INVITING tools is a must.
Having space to be where you are and feel how you feel and not make that wrong, is a must.
Giving yourself time and space and support to grow into your most creative and expansive self is a must.
(This is what we do in Dream Book, you are always welcome to join)