[New Video] How Your Journal Can Change Your Life (and peek inside my 2015 art journal)

So you may have noticed that I believe that journals are actually magic.

And it’s easy to see how there is a certain magic to the creative process, it’s easy to get a taste of the healing power of creativity every time you make something…

But I am talking about going much deeper than that.

I sat down to record today’s video because I wanted to show you my journal from this year, to show you what 8 months of intentional transformative creative practice looks like.

But once I sat down with my journal I just started talking…?about how when I first started journaling I was really just documenting my life and using it as a place to complain about things. ?And then I started using it as a place to practice creative visualization and conscious manifestation… which was definitely more fun but didn’t actually change my life.

And then I share what happened to shift to where I am now with?my journals – where they actually help me literally change my life and create what I want in my world.

Watch it now:

This is the journal I was using while I was going the Grow Your Depth, Nurture Your Brilliance program. This is a self-guided year long study in advanced dreaming which is available inside the Creative Dream Circle.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
