Here's how the New Moon Intention Setting Ritual works:
You start by looking back.
Making space to be intentional with this process, you start with prompts to reflect on the last month, celebrate your wins, release what is ready to go so that it's not weighing you down on your next steps - most importantly - gather up the lessons.
By looking back before you look forward, you learn from your process. Setting intentions every month without reflection on how you are holding your intention in your day-to-day life will keep you moving in circles. This reflection process sets you up to make progress that you can build on, month after month.
Then you check in with your present.
Reflecting on what's been happening helps you root into where you are now, lessons learned, growth accounted for.
Working with intention is a GROWTH PRACTICE. So it will grow you which is lovely...
AND sometimes (often?) growth is disorienting. This check-in process helps orient you on your path so that you are setting the most useful and relevant intentions for the coming month.
And then you step into the future you want to create.
This is where the alchemy meditation process comes in, so you are setting intentions and making a plan for how to support yourself in HOLDING your intention - from the perspective of the version of you who has already done the thing.
At the end of your ritual you'll have three things:
✨ 1: A CLEAR, USEFUL and RELEVANT intention for the next month so you know what to focus on right now that leads you to where you want to be in the future.
A lot of intention-setting processes skip this part and that really dulls the potential power of your work. A lot of people are out there working with the WRONG intentions! This is a natural human thing, we don't know what we don't know, and if we don't take the time to learn from our own experience, we'll never see clearly enough to set the RIGHT intentions for us.
If you've worked with intentions and have found your results are kind of hit and miss - this is half of what you are missing. (The other half is the part on HOLDING intentions, which I talk about below).
✨ 2: A FELT SENSE in your body of how this intention feels for you, so you can come back to it any time you feel lost.
We all feel lost sometimes! Having this FELT SENSE of your intention is like having an inner compass that brings you back on track whenever you need it. This way instead of your intention being this thing outside of you that you're chasing after - you find it's actually inside you, it's something you are working on holding and growing towards.
✨ 3: And a plan for how you're going to HOLD the intention all month long - even on the busy days, even in the hard times.
This is the other thing that's usually missing in intention setting work. SETTING an intention is brave work, but it is the easiest part. HOLDING your intention over the course of the next month is where the deeper work happens.
The prompts in this part of the ritual guide you through the process of coming up with practices that help you stay on track - even when you feel stuck, even when you are busy or lost or everything feels impossible.
You do not need to hold your intentions perfectly all month!!! The way this ritual is set up, you'll do a better job with it than you would on your own - and then month after month you learn from your own process and get better and better at holding the intention and acting in alignment with it all month long. This is where the BIG magic happens.
Here's what's included in the New Moon Intention Setting Ritual Kit:
Printable New Moon Alchemy Ritual Journal
An adorably hand drawn journal that guides you through the meditations and journal prompts for your new moon ritual.
13 pages.
With meditations and time to reflect on the prompts, expect to spent 30-60 minutes with this.
You get both the full colour and black + white versions. (The black and white version has the cosmic background artwork removed so it's easier to print)
And just the prompts!
Some months you night prefer to do your ✨new moon ritual✨ in your journal or planner - you can use this to paste the prompts in there.
Plus e-mail reminders to do your New Moon Intention Setting Ritual - every month!
I'll send you an email every month to remind you that the new moon is coming and it's time to do your ritual. Astrologers say that 3 days before, and 3 days after we're in the "new moon vibes" so you have a whole week of time in which to find your perfect time for your ritual.
By repeating this ritual every month you will learn from your own process and refine your approach over time so it becomes easier to do the things you want to do.
Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership members! Don't buy this!
The New Moon Intention Setting Ritual kit is a part of our new moon calls! So you get this kit PLUS a live Zoom where we do this together every month - with loads of time for Q+A, coaching and celebrating each other's successes along the way. Get it here.
If you're not a part of the coaching membership - find out more + join us here.
Or get the New Moon Intention Setting kit below.
This is a printable journal.
You get the full colour and black + white versions that lead you through the whole New Moon Intention Setting Ritual - and the "just the prompts" version.