My Vision

This is how it feels:

A glowing pink heart with golden wings.

In a circle of wide, open sky.

Held by a ring of love.

With light rays shooting out beyond it.

So magic and amazing it glows.

This is my vision for my Creative Dream Circle and this is how it feels for me to hold the vision.

My vision: 200 Dreamers in the Circle.

200 dreamers who have all the tools they need for SUCCESSFUL Creative Dream Incubation.

200 dreamers who have all the SUPPORT they need for successful Creative Dream Incubation.

200 dreamers staying engaged in the process of activating their MAGIC.

200 dreamers DELIGHTING in the POWER of their creativity, spirit and purpose.

200 dreamers making a HUGE difference in the world as they are held in the magic in the circle.

I breathe this energy in and let it light the way.

In reading this post and meditating on the essence of my dream every morning I trust the path to unfold in front of me.

I trust the love I have for this vision to light the way for these 200 dreamers to find me.

I trust the passion I have for this vision to fuel the process of bringing it to life in perfect timing.

ps: If you are one of the 200 I’m looking for (yay!) you can join right here.


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