Money and dreams are often at odds with each other so working on your inner relationship with money is a part of bringing a lot of dreams to life.
Here's how the Creative Dream Incubator can help:
This is a part of the Map of the Creative Dream Circle. The linked content will only be accessible to Circle members.
The Creative With Money class is a combination of a healing session and a creative playdate with the heart and soul of money. Plus there are lots of extra videos about how to take what you learn during the class into your ongoing relationship with money. As you learn more about your money blocks in the Creative With Money class, you can use the Un-Sticking Station to work through them.
The Abundance Activator meditation is a short burst of positive abundance energy anytime you need it.
You are more powerful than money. Doing Dream Book as a regular practice will help you tap into that inner power.
When things are really rough and it feels like you would need a miracle - use the PROJECT MIRACLE program - a 30 day deep dive into calling in the miracle you need now.
Your membership give you access to ALL of my classes - the Netflix of Creative Dreams!
They are all listed on your personal dashboard which shows you how much of each class you have completed (that feature only works if you are using the check boxes to check off your progress as you work through the lessons).
This map, which is really an index, helps you find a class based on what you want to explore and gives some tips + ideas for different ways of working with the material depending on what you want to do.
If you have NO TIME FOR THIS: Check out Quick + Simple Ways to Connect With Your Dream
If you are TOO OVERWHELMED FOR THIS: Check out Space-Making: For When You're Too Overwhelmed To Begin