Update 39: The Dragon


This week’s update is a little different than usual. First because big things happened in my inner relationship with my dream.? Second because I recorded 21 videos for the new Mandala Class and now I’m editing them all, which is more computer time than I am used to, so I need to keep this short to give myself a technology break.

Earlier this week when meeting with the heart and soul of my dream (this is in my free Give Your Dream Wings class, and I go more in-depth about how to connect with the heart and soul of your dream in Module Two of the Creative Dream Incubator, in the Creative Dream Circle) the heart and soul of my dream came to me in a totally new way.

It was a bird.

A big bird, in a small cage.

I spent a few days bringing the bird into the Un-Sticking Station in the Creative Dream Circle (where we use intuitive healing to un-stick ANYTHING that feels stuck) and learned all about the bird and the cage and what qualities I would need to dissolve the cage (creativity, love and possibility).

Once I dissolved the cage, the bird turned into a dragon.

A POWERFUL dragon who has SO MANY dreams and ideas and oozes inspiration and BIG-ness.

At first working with the dragon felt intimidating and I wanted to cry about how inept I felt around the dragon and how I don’t know how to even make space for it.? I started journaling out the dragon’s story (in my crazy amazing Japanese Album Moleskine)

And it made me feel not good enough.

So I went back to the Un-Sticking Station and worked with my not good enough feelings.

And the not ready feelings.

And the don’t know how feelings.

And then I quickly fell in love with the dragon.

It’s definitely here because I’m ready for some big new stuff and the dragon and I are working on some pretty awesome new plans.

Right now my next steps are all about spending time with the dragon, recording the dragon’s story (and learning the dragon’s story while I do this) and getting better at letting the dragon tell me how to do things.


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
