Life is on my side

This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: Life is on my side

Use the meditation for the weekly mantras to dig in deeper to the mantra, or put your hands on your heart and take five deep slow breaths and repeat to yourself:

Life is on my side.

Notice where this lands in your body, what thoughts and feelings get sparked.

There is no right or wrong way to react. But your actual thoughts and feelings can tell you something about what you need right now.

How it lands for me: first a spark of discomfort and then my body opens up and accepts this deep unconditional support.

The discomfort is that I don't think we can think about this without the lens of privilege and intersectionality. When I say LIFE I mean THE UNIVERSE which is a mystery. But when we think LIFE we often think of THE WORLD and the culture we live in and that life is only on your side to the extent that you conform to dominant culture.

Like: are you white, male, straight, cis, never been sick a day in your life, will never be disabled and were born into a nice family that had a lot of generational wealth? Then sure it's easy to say that life is on your side because it IS.

As a straight white cis woman who has been lucky about her health until perimenopause although is likely neurodivergent and masking has taken a LOT of energy of the years, who wasn't born into a lot of money but did have a stable home life in my childhood, life is on my side in ways that it's not for a lot of other people. And I want to be aware of that and use my privilege mindfully.

And that's not what this is.

LIFE as in the universe is on your side because it is you.

That's how this feels.

I don't have words for any of this, it's not cognitive.

But it feels like freedom.

And it feels like... life is so POWERFUL and dominant culture and all the obstacles it puts between us and our dreams feel so tiny and powerless in comparison.

And I can draw on that power.

I am alive and I am a part of life. Life wants me to grow, life is always cheering for life.

If you want to work on this with me:

If Life is on my side feels good and encouraging, hold it with you today. Look at problems, questions, stucks and obstacles through this lens and see what ideas it brings.

If it brings up some discomfort - that’s your stuff to work on today. To do that work, in the Creative Dream Incubator Coaching Membership we’ve got the un-sticking station and the library of inner work practices. If you’re not sure what practice to use, you can email me, or post in our forum, let me know what’s going on and I will make some suggestions for tools you can use.

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Life is on my side


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