I‘ve hit a rough patch

I was hoping the hardest part of my divorce would be right right when he left, and then it would get easier in time. Of course life doesn’t work that way, there are ups and downs. Nothing is linear!

And a part of me is like - this isn’t about your creative dreams! Don’t write about it here! OMG don't be so embarrassing!

But the work of showing up for your creative dream practice DOES include how you navigate life’s challenges.

There is this tug-of-war between your current life and your dreams.

And sometimes current life takes over. Sometimes this is for really good reasons and sometimes this is for incredibly shitty reasons.

And the work is to keep figuring out - how do I practice my creative dreams, even here?

And remembering that creative dreaming as a practice includes so many things.. healing, creativity, courage, growth.

Lately I’ve had a TON of resistance to the conflicting feelings I have about my ex and our situation. The conflicts are just too big for me to carry - I don’t mean conflicts with him, I mean conflicts within me about my different feelings.

We did a call on Working With Conflicting Feelings because this isn’t unusual when it comes to dreams...

But I don’t want to do that.

I want for my conflicting feelings to just disappear on their own without me having to sit with them or work through anything....

Luckily, after sitting with this for a few minutes with my journal open, my desire to work THROUGH things outweighed this resistance to NOT work through anything.

I drew a little diagram of me and wrote all of my feelings where they are in my body. This helped me get a new perspective and find a little acceptance.

Then I laid down and breathed for a while. Which gave even more perspective and acceptance.

We don't have to SOLVE things, just making a little space to BE WITH them can help them dissipate enough that our creative dreams can win that tug-of-war.

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I‘ve hit a rough patch


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