Inner work makes the dream work. 

Today is Your Self Doubt Is Not Yours You Deserve To Believe In Yourself!

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Holy shit you guys. 

My classes are always energy workings. I do a lot of work with the energy before the actual event and the energy work ahead of the event is often difficult...

But this one has been absolutely batshit. 

Self doubt has been a lifelong companion for me and I can’t even put into words how much self doubt I have overcome to be where I am today and yet….

here it still is. 

And this next layer of it is just fierce. 

I used to think of self doubt as being… timid, mousy, afraid to speak up about anything. A heavy foggy thing holding me back.

But this self doubt that's showing up right now is none of those things.

It’s vicious and it’s an absolute warrior.

If I had a client share this experience with me I would congratulate them because this kind of total shift in how you experience a thing means you’ve come to the next level with it.

It’s a good thing!

Next level inner work doesn’t show up until you’re ready for it.

Of course you felt like you’ve dealt with your self doubt - you HAVE dealt with your self doubt, loads of it... 

AND here is this next level of the work, calling you in. 

I'm so excited to explore this with you.

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Inner work makes the dream work. 


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