I want to speak more to that metaphor from yesterday

Yesterday I did the Acclimating to your Dream practice.

In the meditation I remembered the sensation of climbing the hills in the woods last week. How beautiful and magical AND effort-full it was.

I did wish I could just step out of the cabin and be on the lake. It's not an easy path to get there - it's the kind of path that not everyone who can walk can actually take, between the steepness and the uneven terrain and the paths were not clearly marked. (I did get lost twice, like significantly lost, coming out of the woods far from where I meant to be. But I had my phone with cell coverage so I could find my way back once I was on the road)

It's kind of like the path to a dream - like WTF why isn't there just a nice, easy, obvious, paved road to go down?

But in the meditation I remembered how ENLIVENING it felt to climb that hill. I remembered really being in the moment and enjoying that part, not just seeing it as a means to an end. I remembered feeling like it was hilarious that I kept getting lost.

That's where I want to be with my dreams. Enjoying and feeling enlivened by the process, loving the little detours, not just waiting to "get there".

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