Joseph and I have Covid. I got the bivalent vaccine and he didn't, and he is much sicker than I am. But still, I am really worn out.
I do want to keep up with the daily posts just because I want to! But, of course, I may need to take a break. Luckily, when I am really "on" I tend to write a lot, so I have some posts ready to go for the next few days and then I'll see where I'm at. So I'm sharing this one about Alchemy Wheels which I wrote sometime last week and I DID start to work on them after writing this 🙂
And - the Marketing As A Creative + Spiritual Practice Call (inside Dream Book) is ON! I am really excited about our call today.
Last week my explorations led me to see: I need new Alchemy Wheels.
Alchemy Wheels are one of the practices I lean on the most for making changes that feel outside of my comfort zone. Many times I've felt super stuck and then realized Oh! I need new Alchemy Wheels! and it always feels magic, like out of no way a way was made.
It's one of the practices I RESIST the most. Precisely because of how clarifying and helpful it is.
You know we all teach the things I need the most. I created the Creative Dream Incubator because my dreams have always felt SO important me, like they've taken up a lot of space even long before I had any clue what to do with them AND my resistance and ambivalence has ALSO always taken up a lot of space.
I learned all of this because I had to. And I continue to need it. Again - it's like yoga. You don't stretch your back out once and then you're good for the rest of your life. AND the longer you practice, the more strong and flexible you get. The more you practice, the more you love AND NEED the practice.
So, that's why I am writing about the Alchemy Wheels today because I AM NOT DOING THEM. Is the embarrassment of saying I'd do a thing and then not doing it enough to get me to do it?
First I want to point out, the people who have been reading my daily posts since fall know this - I decided to start a new Dream Book this fall for my new dreams.
So far I have 2.5 pages.
Which means: I've been working on this for been several months and I have not completed the first WEEK of content from the Dream Book program.
Which is absolutely A SUCCESS.
I'm giving myself the time and space I need. This is perfect.
I have been doing the Dream Lab practice and other practices - it's not like I am not showing up for my dreams.
But the Dream Book itself is about creating a structure that brings CLARITY and MOMENTUM to your process.
And to truly do this you actually do need to let it take the time it takes.
So my resistance to doing these Alchemy Wheels (which are a thing you do at the end of the first month of content in the Dream Book program) IS partly my self doubt and fear and all that stuff that gets riled up with this work.
But it's MOSTLY about me doing this on MY timeline.
I've been unplugging from all of the ways our culture tells us to move fast and stay busy. So moving fast with my dreams doesn't feel right.
Finding my actual pace is a process.
This IS the work. Even though it looks like nothing is happening.
This IS THE WORK. Repeating that for the voices in me that are still feeling like I am moving too slow even though everything I just wrote feels so TRUE.
And yes, I am going to go START my Alchemy Wheels now. I am not going to use the cutouts (which you can print out and glue into your journal so you have the wheels there, with some ideas already on the, and keep filling them in) I want to do this old school. Drawing in my journal. Adding colour. Giving myself space to BE WITH this process of clarifying and defining my next moves.