Last week was full of stucks and flailing and resistance and more stucks.
I could see where I wanted to be, in terms of my routines and sense of structure, but I could not get there.
But I kept trying. That’s SO IMPORTANT in those hard times.
Rest, yes. Take breaks, yes. But also - show up for the hard times. Show up to be with the stucks and the resistance. Tend to all of the feelings that come up around them.
But I DID do one great thing last week: on Friday afternoon I planned out this week.
In all that flailing about how to get into the routines I want to have, one thing that felt clear is that planning the week before really works for me. So I did it.
Just a simple list: Things to focus on. Things I’d like to accomplish.
It feels REALLY GOOD to start this week from this place of having some clarity and not feeling like I need to figure out what to do.
And on Sunday I planned out Monday. I figured out what to wear, I wanted to walk (30 minutes) to a coffee shop so planned out the layers I’ll need to stay warm. I figured out what to bring (journal + laptop) and brought my list of things I wanted to do.
And when I got to the coffee shop, I started with journaling - just to journal. Nothing specific, no Dream Book. Just giving my thoughts and feelings space, which is how I used to start my days. I LOVE THIS.
I feel like I took a big step towards being IN the routines I want to be in.
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Note: This is a post about my daily practice with my Creative Dreams - in these posts I often link to the tools, courses and processes I use which are only available to Dream Book members. If you're not a member, find out more + join us here.