I can’t take this step today

Some of the steps towards a dream are boring and some are scary. Sometimes you need to be your BRAVEST and MOST ALIGNED SELF to take a step, and sometimes, that step comes along on a way when you are not that version of you. Not even close. That’s where I am today.

So. What am I going to do?

I feel upset that I can’t do the thing I want to do but when I look at it, my head hurts. I am so far away from the version of me who can do it.

Can I accept that I feel upset about not being able to do it AND accept that I feel really really off today? Like the opposite of brave and aligned?

Those two feelings are conflicting a bit. The uncomfortable feeling and then the resistance to the uncomfortable feeling.

In this moment, all I know is that pushing myself is not the answer.

If I can’t seem to access any other answers, can I try to access another question?

It comes to mind immediately: What do I need?

I wrote this a few weeks ago.

Coming back to it today I am thinking of how the step that’s in front of us is not always the step we want to take.

I had an Outer Work step I had WANTED to take on that day, but the actual step that was in front of me to take was Inner Work.

My taking THAT step, and doing the Inner Work that was in front of me to do, I brought myself closer to being able to take the Outer Work step that I wanted to take.

We do tend to want to focus on certain steps, and totally ignore/avoid others but the path only works if we take ALL the steps.

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I can\'t take this step today


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