I am a dream magnet

This is the mantra I got in this week’s Dream Book journaling + alchemy kit: I am a dream magnet.

I did the guided meditation that goes with it.

I'm noticing all these uncomfortable feelings I have, step-parenting was always this complicated thing, but step-parenting while getting divorced is very WTF. Breathing deep, letting my feelings be what they are. Thinking about why I am doing this... I remember when I used to FEEL like a dream magnet more often. I want that back.

Ok I LOVE the part where I am radiant with the light of my inner knowing. I'm leaning against a pile of pillows, so comfy, and this feels so expansive.

HOLDING the mantra feels so good, like a healing in my heart. It makes me more aware of the things that have making everything hard: I haven't fully recovered (in terms of cognitive function or mental health) from the overwhelm from the start of the pandemic, then there's perimenopause which is WTF, then there is getting a freaking divorce and re-arranging whole life and future with all this grief, then the financial stress of living alone during inflation, when my mortgaged renewed at the current rate, and condo fees went up along with everything else.

Yeah, no wonder I am overwhelmed...


I AM a dream magnet. I've got this. (DREAMS not just as in the big life changes but also: healing, feeling good, enjoying my daily routines, etc.)

This mantra is an invitation to trust the process of life.

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I am a dream magnet


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