Hi, I'm Andrea Schroeder. If you're ready to go after your NEXT LEVEL dreams, I'm here to help.

I'm the creator + founder of the Creative Dream Incubator. I live on Treaty 1 territory (Winnipeg, Canada) on the land of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene Peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Hello! I'm Andrea

Hey Dream Journaling

You’ve got a lot of magic in you.

And I’ve got a lot of tools, tips and practices to help you use it more effectively as FUEL for your DREAMS.

Sign up here for access to ALL of my free classes* to heal, grow and play your way into your wildest dreams:

*Included classes:

Your Next Steps: a journaling + meditation class for navigating your next steps with your dream.

Help! I’m Stuck!: a 4 day class for getting un-stuck and transforming your stuck energy into FUEL for your dream.

The Hard Parts Are Where The Magic Happens: 80 minute healing circle and inner work workshop

Soothe*Restore*Grow: 80 minute deep dive into healing pandemic overwhelm and growing into your wildest dreams for what’s next

Do you want to go after your ✨NEXT LEVEL dreams ✨ even if you have no clue how to make them happen?

Then you are in the right place!

Dream Book is my creative mastermind and dream play space for creating/playing/healing/growing your way into your dream.

Journal Prompt Cards for Dreamers

Journal Cards for Dreamers

72 richly illustrated cards: a new adventure every time you open your journal!

Journal Prompts

Journal Prompts!

Journal Prompts for all sorts of different situations - like finding your dream, facing fear, ect. Find them all here.

You Can Do This Guided Journal for your Impossible Projects

This is a guided journal for untangling doubts, freakouts, ambivalence, and getting ready to actually do your project! For real!

Build The Path By Walking Guided Journal for your Impossible Projects

This is a guided journal for taking steps, figuring it out as you go, and making remarkable progress on your project.

Get The Magic On Your Side Guided Journal for your Impossible Projects

This is a guided journal for navigating the inner work of getting your "Impossible Project" done.

(Inner Work = The Stuff That Makes The Outer Work Possible)


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
