Year of Dreams Free Coloring + Journaling Pages (day 4 of 5)

My big project for 2016 is The Year of Dreams Epic Playbook: Guided Journal + Coloring Book for Healing, Magic + Dreams Come True.

The playbook is?designed to?shift your energy and?spark new insights and self-realizations to help you grow into your biggest, brightest and dreamiest self… and to make it fun and inspiring?to keep at it so you can?take your creative dreaming and personal growth skills to the next level.

I’m so happy and grateful about this – to spend the year building the ultimate guided journal and coloring book for creating deep and lasting change is my ultimate dream job.


I’m celebrating by giving away a page a day all week!

From December 28 to January 1 I’ll be posting a new page here every day. ?Here’s today’s page:

Free guided journal and coloring pages

Click here to download the full resolution page – if you just save the image above you’ll get a too-small version.

Today’s page is journaling prompts to help you look at things from different perspectives.

Your dream wants you to grow.

In fact, your dream will demand that you grow in the process of bringing it to life.

So working on your own personal growth is a super effective way of growing your dream. ?And trying on new perspectives is a gentle and creative way of encouraging growth which is what you’ll be doing with this page.

There’s lots to color on this page to give you more time to sit with the questions. ?The deeper you can go with this the more you can learn about yourself.

This kind of self-inquiry can have pretty amazing results…

If you want to share a pic of your colored page on Instagram use the #yearofdreams hashtag so we can find you!

Then come back here tomorrow for the next page.

The Year of Dreams Epic Playbook: Guided Journal + Coloring Book for Healing, Magic + Dreams Come True year-long playbook starts on January 4.

Every week in 2016 you?ll get new heartfelt hand-drawn pages that make it easy and fun to stay with the process so you can take your creative dreaming and personal growth skills to the next level.

It’s designed to have enough new stuff coming at you to be inspiring and helpful and not so much stuff that it gets overwhelming.

This is the ultimate BFF for your dream – to cheer it on, help it grow and pick it back up when it falls down.

You can work through your playbook in 5-10 minute increments and changes will start to seep into your life. Or you can dive in and delight in the magic of it for hours and hours – your choice.

And if you?re ever too busy to play you can just ignore the emails until you?re ready to dive back in, knowing that more magic is always on its way to you.

More magic is always on its way to you!

The Year of Dreams?Epic Playbook: Guided Journal + Coloring Book for Healing, Magic + Dreams Come True?is only available inside the Creative Dream Circle.

As you may have guessed, it does take a bit more than a coloring book to make REAL magic in your life.

The coloring book makes it easier to stay in the process while the classes, tools and resources?in the Creative Dream Circle help you build the path that leads?to your dream come true.

Click here to read more + join the Creative Dream Circle.

The first part of the Year of Dreams Epic Playbook will land in the Circle on January 4, and then you?ll get three new playsheets delivered to your inbox every Monday for all of 2016.

Click here to read more + join the Creative Dream Circle.

Looking forward to making magic with you in 2016,


Get the free journal for Creative Dreaming here:
