Following your creative instinct to get unstuck

Continued from yesterday with the frustration and pain of not feeling as creatively engaged as I would like to be. Being in that space between having LOADS of inspiration but not loads of energy to act on everything as fast as I would like to.

This morning I was feeling the same way. On top of that, I had a massage scheduled at the end of the day, and it's raining, and forecast to rain all day.

One of my procrastinated upon creative projects is rain pants. The fabric I have for them is SO cozy warm, fleece on the inside with a water-and-wind-proof outside. Perfect for riding my bike on a cold rainy day and not being soaked. (I did make a fantastic rain coat out of this same fabric, but because of how my thighs are moving when cycling, my legs get wet no matter what)

I use the car co-op and was about to book a car when I thought about driving home from there in rush hour, in the rain and that felt very UGH. I felt the same way about the bus.

And I didn't want to think about any of this, I wanted to think about the things I wanted to do today.

But instead, I decided to just MAKE THE PANTS.

I have a degree in fashion design and a lot of sewing experience. I knew I could have these done within an hour, since it's just an elastic waist and I didn't plan on finishing the seams anyway.

So I just did it.

And then I put my rain pants on and I FELT SO FUCKING FREE.

Not just free as in... I can take my bike to get a massage in the rain and not be all wet. Even though I can.

But free as in.... I can create anything I want.

I felt creative energy flowing. I felt happy. I felt unstuck.

And then I used that energy to focus on the things that I had wanted to do.

I feel like MAKE SOMETHING. ANYTHING. Is a good un-sticking tool.

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